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Category Archives for Pressure Points

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

* Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

Today I am going to give you a detailed explanation on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels and exactly how they work, plus how you can exploit these in a self defense situation. So lets get started!

There are 2 Vessels on the body that run center-line on the front and the back. The 1st is the Conception Vessel running the front of the body. And the  2nd is the Governor Vessel running the back of the body. 

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels - Conception

The Conception Vessel run up the front of the body from the lower pelvis to the
underside of the tongue.

Conception Vessel is the principle source of all YIN energy in the body. 

There are 24 Pressure Points on the Conception Vessel with many of them being Alarm Points and very dangerous to strike. 

Pressure Point CO-01 lies on the "north" side of the anus while the person is lying on their back. Pressure Point CO-24 lies at the bottom lip on the side of the mouth.

All pressure points on Conception Vessel have a negative affect on the body when attacked.

However when it comes to Kyusho Jitsu Vessels, the Alarm Points are the most dangerous.

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

You can find a detailed account of all pressure points on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels and the 12 Meridians from my book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

Kyusho Jitsu Vessel - The Governor Vessel

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

The Governor Vessel is located on the back of the body running from the "south" side of the anus while the person is lying on their back, which is GV-01 over the head to inside the mouth.

Governor Vessel concludes at the palette of the mouth with GV-28.

The Governor Vessel is also the primary source of all YANG energy in the body.

Together these Kyusho Jitsu Vessels feed the flow of Chi Energy to the 12 Meridians.

Vessel Breakdown of Functionality

I want to look at this part of the system comparing, the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels to the 240 VOLT power service coming into your house (for those of you in the America’s).

Electricity comes into your service box at 240 volts and is then divided or split into 2 – 120 volt services. These services MUST be balanced with similar loads on each side. The Same is true of the body and Chi.

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

The meridian system is the same way. Yin (negative) energy off Conception, and Yang energy off the Governing vessel.  Both energies are mixed together, and then split into the different sides of the body.

This is the basic "western" explanation of the purpose and way the vessels function distributing Chi energy.

Dangers of the Vessels

When it comes to self defense attacking the pressure points on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels will yield you a strong result. Many of these pressure points  when used in conjunction with other pressure points can also be deadly. 

However the body does protect the center-line. This is an instinct, the same as how the brain will protect the eyes. This means once again you cannot just stand and FIGHT. You need to move, and move on angles. 

Moving on angles opens up these pressure points, front and back to successful attack. Read more about Kosho Ryu, Octagon Movement here. 

In Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels Conclusion

I hope you can see from this article how powerful this knowledge is. 

A properly timed strike to a pressure point on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels can cause a disruption of the either the Yin or Yang energy of the body, thus shutting down the meridian systems and their related organs.

Thus ending any attack.

Alarm Points are even more effective! The pressure points of the Governor Vessel also have very special purposes. Discussed in Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

Do you have any questions on this articles? Thank you for reading about Kyusho Jitsu Vessels. If you enjoyed this information please share with your friends too! 

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Thank you for taking time today to read about the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels. If you found value in the information please consider subscribing to my blog with the Red Bell below.

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point GB-25. How to use the Rabbit Punch?

Pressure Point GB-25

As I continue with the series on important pressure points for self defense I am going to look at Pressure Point GB-25 [Gall Bladder Meridian]. Aside from being an excellent pressure point to end an attack GB-25 is also an Alarm Point. More on this below.

Pressure Point GB-25 - Location & Effect

Below is a partial excerpt from my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Pressure Point GB-25 is located on the lateral sides of the abdomen, on the lower border of the free end of the twelfth rib.

This is another very dangerous pressure point due to its proximity to the Kidneys.  Striking this pressure point can have an even more profound effect on the Kidney's than actually striking the Kidney's themselves.

A medium strike can cause a knockout, and a more sever strike can cause Kidney failure. With a sever strike death can result due to Kidney failure. Pressure Point GB-25 will not produce an electrically shock response like some pressure points will. 

The result is crippling pain and the inability to overcome the pain in a short time. 

Pressure Point GB-25 is an Alarm Point

Alarm Points are one of the most important understanding in all of the science of pressure point self defense we call Kyusho Jitsu.

Now, Alarm Points of which there are 12 on the body relate directly to the organ they represent themselves. 

So in other words a strike to pressure point GB-25 has a direct and negative affect on the functioning of the Kidneys themselves.

Pressure Point GB-25

Striking an Alarm Point will also active the meridian they represent bilaterally at a high level.

So in this case the Kidney Meridian is activated bilaterally, as well as Triple warmer bilaterally. Plus Gall Bladder on the side of the strike.

 Therefore in this case you would have both Water, Fire  and Wood elements in the Cycle of Destruction, which then striking a metal meridian pressure point would yield a very strong result. 

This is assuming the attacker was not render unable to continue from the initial strike to GB-25. 

In Conclusion

Pressure Point GB-25 CONCLUSION

The more you know about the Pressure Points you are striking the better effect you will have,

Knowledge when applied like in Kyusho Jitsu Study is very powerful! 

GB-25 is an excellent pressure point for self defense purposes as it is very easy to access under a grappling situation. As an great example is a front choke, 

Now as I have said on many different occasions the more you know about the pressure points you are looking to strike, things like the principles and specifications the better you will do on the street.  Applied knowledge is so very powerful.

With that in mind I have a couple of excellent resources you will want to checkout. The first is my Kyusho Jitsu Reference eBook called Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. In this book I breakdown every pressure point on the body. Including Alarm Points, Associated Alarm Points and Special Alarm Points. And I also include the Extraordinary Pressure Points.

The second suggestion is the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu that is designed to allow you to access information on all things Kyusho Jitsu right from your phone.  Learn more here.

So what is your experience level in Kyusho Jitsu? Do you have any experience with Pressure Point GB-25? Thank you for taking time to read this article on Pressure Point GB-25.

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Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

If you are serious about the study of the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu this is the most important eBook you will ever own.

Referencing all 361 pressure points on the body, their location and effects. Plus "extraordinary, Alarm and Special Purpose" Pressure Points.

The MOST Important Kyusho Book!

All New Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy eBook

Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Encyclopedia of Kyusho

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Thank you for taking the time to read Pressure Point GB-25! Please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Guide to Easy Pressure Point Knockout for Beginners

Easy Pressure Point Knockout

Easy Pressure Point Knockout: The other day I received a “Chat” request here from someone asking if I would write a detailed article on pressure point knockouts. So today I am going to go into great detail on a specific Easy Pressure Point Knockout you can do right away. 

The video below is of a knockout done from a Yellow Belt techniques in my system of Hapkido's roots. The result is a slap to the Gall Bladder Cluster, GB-13, 14, & 15.

I give a detailed explanation of what I am going, and then show the same knockout from a previous time. 

I did not knock out the Uke in this demonstration, as he had not been feeling well. After, I will go into more details for you.

Easy Pressure Point Knockout

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - Gall Bladder Cluster

This is an excellent knockout for beginners as the odds of doing any permanent damage is very, very low! 

In this knockout, I am not using any advanced principle at all. No stances, no sounds, no colour, just the Cycle of Destruction

Let's break it down now!

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - The Wrist Grab

The easiest method of any neurological pressure point knockout is when there is already body contact, like a wrist grab. This creates an electrical connect between the 2 people and makes the job much easier. And for this easy pressure point knockout, this is the perfect setup.

When someone grabs your wrist, you have a mix of fire and metal. But fire is winning because there is so much of it! Always remember, we have 4 Fire Meridians

The Uke is grabbing my right hand with his left. In real life, this is to set up a strike with the right hand. Which is why I will move in the Octagon to the outside. I use my left hand to steady and restrain his right hand, preventing him from letting go while I move to the 90-degree angle.

This is also very valuable when looking to access pressure points! [Moving to the 90 with Octagon angles]

Note, I am using my LONG fire fingers doing this! Adding more “gasoline” to his already burning fire. 

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - At the Octagon Angle

easy pressure point knockout

Once I move in the Octagon to the 90 degree and while during the movement, rolling my hand downward leading with my thumb, I stretch the tendons of the arm, and elongate the Yin meridians.

This will cause the energy flow in the meridians to change, and the fact this brings the Uke to their tip toes alters the body mechanics of the situation.

Plus, the brain, from an unconscious process is wondering what is going on! 

Next I tapped the Uke at TW-11 with my elbow top causing a fire to fire activation of Triple Warmer, after activating Heart and possibly Pericardium when I grabbed his wrist. 

So in the Cycle of Destruction, what do I have thus far? The obvious is fire and metal. I have the Heart Meridian, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer and perhaps Pericardium. But do you realize I also have water? When you take a step, and break KD-01 from ground, you create water. 

So I have 3 of 5 of the Cycle of Destruction!

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - The Gall Bladder Cluster

Finally I am going to attack with an open hand the Gall Bladder Cluster, which are pressure points GB-13, GB-14 and GB-15. And of course, this is wood in the Cycle of Destruction, of which I now have 4 elements! More than enough for a knockout. 

When I hit these pressure points, I will do so with an open hand, giving me fire and metal to wood, with a clockwise “Chopping” action, plus, of course, 2 Way Action

At the very least I have done correctly with all of the above and “intent” the results will be excellent.

Easy Pressure Point Knockout in Conclusion

easy pressure point knockout CONCLUSION

Now you have a recipe for an effortless pressure point knockout you can do in your Dojo.

Now please remember to be cautious, always have someone spot and catch your Uke. 

I see far too often people being irresponsible and allowing the Uke to free fall. This is dangerous and reckless. If the Uke is injured, it is also GROSS Negligence! Thank you for taking time to read about Easy Pressure Point Knockout.

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Understanding Knockouts

Checkout the new low price on my eBook Understanding Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts. This is an excellent resource to learn about the world of the Pressure Point Knockout. Get your copy now! And don't miss the NEW Updated Edition now online.

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point SI-16. How to end an attack

Pressure Point SI-16

Pressure Point SI-16: I would be remiss if after writing articles on Pressure Points ST-09,10 and LI-18 not to include an article on Pressure Point SI-16. They are all located in close proximity to each other, and therefore you are like to target all of them depending on the tool used to attack. And SI-16 is a VERY dangerous pressure point.

Pressure Point Si-16 - Location

Below is an excerpt from Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. This will deal exclusively with Pressure Point SI-16. 

Pressure Point SI-16 is in the lateral aspect of the neck, on the posterior border of the Sternocleidomastoideus muscle [Below], posterior to CO-18, 3.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence.

Pressure Point SI-16 The Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle

Striking this pressure point will often cause the person to laugh, however the possible resulting damage is nothing to laugh at! If struck on the left side of the body hard enough it can stop the Heart resulting in death.

A lighter strike can cause Heart issues in anyone with a disposition to Heart problems. Sometimes this pressure point is used in knockout demonstrations, but this is fool-hearty as death can result.

Save this pressure point for life and death situations! You can learn more about Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy here.

Pressure Point SI-16 - Effects of Results

As mentioned above if you are targeting SI-16 you will likely also hit LI-18 and / or ST-09 and ST-10. All of these are DEADLY Pressure Points with serious consequences for the attacker. In self defense people will often teach to attack the "throat." This is honestly most of the time ineffective. 

Why? Because the brain will instinctively drop the chin to protect the throat. But it will not do anything to protect this groups of pressure points. This makes them excellent Self Defense targets. A solid strike, with the correct angle and direction will end the attack immediately. I am sure you can now see that Pressure Point SI-16 is an important and powerful pressure point to add to your training.

Pressure Point SI-16 in Conclusion

Pressure Point SI-16 Conclusion

The more you understand about the potential pressure points you may wish to target the better your results will be.  

And these pressure points on the neck are good solid, easy to train targets. 

Thank you for taking time to read this article on Pressure Point SI-16. This is part of a series of articles on this blog about specific pressure points.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu

Kyusho Pressure Points Anatomy

There are 361 Pressure Points on the Human body. There are also "extraordinary" pressure points, Alarm Points and Special purpose pressure points. This book cover them all! This is a must have for any serious student of the science of Pressure Point Self Defense called Kyusho Jitsu.

Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Ultimate Reference for all things Kyusho

Thank you for taking a few moments from your day to read this article on Pressure Point SI-16. If you enjoyed it please consider subscribing to notification via the red bell.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Learn How to Access Pressure Points

Access Pressure Points

How do you access pressure points? I know you have heard that "pressure points don't work." Spoken by ever pretend "self defense guru" across time. So what they are saying is that hitting or striking the human body does not work? 

"You can't access pressure points on the street!" Another mantra of the clueless and lazy. So you can't hit the side of the jaw or face? You need to seriously look at your training dude! It is not pressure points that are a failure, YOU ARE!

"Pressure Points require fine motor skills and only gross motor skills work." Another training failure!

So you cannot palm heal the "temple" [TW-23] area? And forget getting a firearm as shooting is 100% fine motor skills! So is Krav Maga, BJJ and damn near all the martial arts touted as being "street ready." Funny how the haters are so uneducated in Kyusho Jitsu, but can talk like they have spent more than 2 hours learning.

But I am sure you get my point, so let's get on with the article.

Access Pressure Points

The first problem with people wishing to learn and excel at the science of pressure point self defense is often times their "self defense" skills can be low. Or they are relatively new to the entire martial art world and really do not understand movement as of yet. At first most martial arts teach linear movement, and they do so for a reason. But this needs to evolve into angular movement.

Access Pressure Points - Linear Movement

When someone first begins in the martial arts they are taught "linear" movement. Someone will step forward and punch, the student will step back, block and then follow with a punch. Now this is DEAD WRONGbut we teach it that way for a reason.

You must first "break" the student of the things they think they know! Deprogram and reprogram.

And this method works! But it does take time. But then so does anything worthwhile. Pressure Point strikes here are very hard to do. Thus the failure I speak of above. 

Kyusho Jitsu Factor - stance

Access Pressure Points - Circular Movement

Access Pressure Points Circular Motion

Next comes "circular" movement. However this while worthwhile learning is still very ineffective. Circular motion is what works in a ring. The person who controls the ring wins the fight. But on the street is is not effective at all. 

An attacker will not follow the lead, they will close the gap in a linear fashion and attack with all they have. If they are carrying a weapon like a knife you can watch yourself bleed after the cutting begins. If you stand and fight you may have a 10% chance of success. But ONLY if you are well enough trained. 

It is very hard to access pressure points or counter attack effective while doing this. Especially if you cannot get control of the attackers movement, and this is the purpose of this circular movement. 

Access Pressure Points - Angular Movement

The only answer is angular movement. When the assault happens you move first, to an angle and counter from there. The "ideal" is simple, but 99% of martial artists I have found do not know anything of this, or can do this naturally. Therefore, without this motion an attack becomes chance and skill against skill. 

When someone attacks you they are committed! If they are standing jabbing at you they are not serious. They are playing looking for a fight.

This guy is a douche-bag, walk away. As Bruce Lee said in Enter the Dragon, "don't waste yourself."

Access Pressure Points via the Octagon

A committed attack happens very fast. The first line of defense is to move on an angle in the OCTAGON, then counter before the assailant regroups and moves again. 

When you move in the Octagon after the attack, pressure points present themselves like a smorgasbord. At this point things become very simple. takes time and serious training to get to this point!

And this angular movement opens up the most deadly of the pressure points and allows time to attack them. 

Access Pressure Points in Conclusion

Access Pressure Points Conclusion

Movement is everything in self defense, martial arts and the science of pressure point self defense.

How to access pressure points? Like all things in life there is a path. I know Octagon Theories work because I have had to use them in real life. And the knowledge was there when I needed it most! 

Thank you for taking time from your day to read Access Pressure Points. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

Thank you for reading Access Pressure Points. If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point LI-20. What makes this meridian important?

* Pressure Point LI-20 [Large Intestine]

Pressure Point LI-20: It has been a while since I last featured a pressure point in an article. So today I am going to have a look at a favorite, that is Pressure Point LI-20 [Large Intestine]. Why do I like this one? Because it is a powerful pressure point of the face, that yields some excellent results if you access it correctly. So lets have a look!

Pressure Point LI-20 [Large Intestine] - Location

Pressure Point LI-20 is located in the nasolabial groove, at the level of the midpoint of the lateral border of the ala nasal in the quadratus labii superior muscle, in its deep position at the border of the aperture piriformis.

Pressure Point LI-20 [Large Intestine]

Pressure Point LI-20 - Effect

I have done several knockouts using this pressure point as the result is very consistent. This is not a dangerous pressure point, but because the meridian crosses the body (the only meridian to cross the body) the brain becomes very confused because of the strike. Pressing is also very painful! Especially if done while supporting the back of the head sealing at GB-20 or BL-10. The activation is in and down with 2 Way Action.

Sealing causes a disruption of energy where the energy remains in the head, mid skull. This bouncing effect causes an increase in pain. Leverage can also be applied in this situation to increase effectiveness as well. This is the body mechanics element of the activation of the pressure point. 

LI-20 is not a nerve pressure point like ST-05 is. This is an energy transfer pressure point. However it is in very close proximity to an excellent nerve pressure point is Extraordinary Pressure Points M-Hn-9.

However Pressure Point LI-20 is an excellent knockout pressure point because it crosses the center of the body. Anytime mid-line is cross this causes an issue or dysfunction in the brain which will cause confusion and a reboot if there is enough confusion. 

Below is a video of a Pressure Point LI-20 knockout I did a while back.

You can demonstrate the effect of a cross body condition by having the Uki with their hands at their sides. Strike a pressure point like ST-05 lightly.

Then have the Uki cross body with one hand, but the hand not touching the body. Then tap ST-05 once again.

You will see a dramatic increase in affect. 

Pressure Point LI-20 [Large Intestine]

This is caused by the "corpus callosum" and the fact that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vica-versa. 

Pressure Point LI-20 in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In a grappling position this can be a wonderfully effective pressure point if you can keep your cool and access it.

But that is why we are training right?

In the knockout above, LI-20 would not be my choice of pressure points. However in that class I was teaching theories. 

These theories are an important learning tool in the science of pressure point self defense Kyusho Jitsu. This is because these teaching open the mind to see the possibilities available to it. This is how unconscious movement is created. 

Have you had any experience with Pressure Point LI-20? Or have you experimented with cross body movement? Thank you for reading this article in Pressure Point LI-20.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Conception 17. What makes this Alarm Point dangerous?

Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Tips

Pressure Point Conception 17: For the last few months I have been doing articles on the various pressure points on the body. Today we will have a look at one of the pressure points that lies on a vessel. That is Pressure Point Conception 17. This is a HIGHLY Dangerous Pressure Point and should not be "played" with.

Pressure Point Conception 17 - Location 

The pressure point CV-17 is on the mid-line of the sternum, between the nipples, level with the 4th intercostal space. Pressure Point CV-17 lies on a VESSEL of which there are 2 on the body. This one being called Conception and the second being Governor. The Conception Vessel is the primary source of all YIN energy in the body.

 While Governor Vessel is the primary source of all YANG energy in the body.

Both Vessels run up the center-line of the body with their origins in the groin area. Both flow up towards the head and come together in the mouth. This flow of energy is referred to as the "minor microcosmic orbit."

Pressure Point Conception 17 - Alarm Point CV-17

Pressure Point Conception 17 is also an Alarm Point. A Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Point is a special purpose pressure point on the body that has a direct relationship to the organ in which it represents. In this case CV-17 is the Alarm Point for Pericardium sometime referred to as "heart 2".

Pericardium is a "sac" that surrounds and protects the heart. It is a working part of the heart. You can read about the pericardial sac here

Pressure Point Conception 17

Being an Alarm Point in this case and its relationship to the heart also makes Pressure Point Conception 17 a very important Dim Mak Pressure Points as it can be used for delayed death touch.

Pressure Point Conception 17 - Effects

As I have stated this is a VERY dangerous pressure points. The first reason is that the sternum can be broke very easily! Death can result from this breakage. This has happened many times in situations like car accidents.

Striking this pressure point will cause an activation of the pericardium meridian bi-laterally on the body. And it will also cause a bilateral activation of all the rest of the Yin Meridians as well. A hard strike can cause the heart beat to be disrupted, which in someone with a heart issues could be deadly. A solid strike can cause cardiac arrest.

Hitting Pressure Point Conception 17 is a certain manner, in which I will not discuss here, can also cause a change in the functioning of the heart itself with the potential of damage to the nervous system feeding the heart. An energy strike can also damage the arteries in the area with the potential for an aneurysm to occur. 

Pressure Point Conception 17 in Conclusion

Pressure Point Conception 17

I cannot overstate how dangerous this pressure point is. It can be used for setup for many different Kyusho Jitsu situations however it can only be touched lightly for this purpose as physical damage to the area can happen very easily. 

You can read more about Pressure Point Conception 17 and every other pressure point on the body from my boo Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.  Are there any other pressure points you would like me to write about here?

Thank you for reading the article on Pressure Point Conception 17.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

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( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Encyclopedia of Kyusho

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Thank for for taking a moment from your day to read this article on Pressure Point Conception 17. It is appreciated. Please subscribe to this blog with the Red Bell at the bottom. 

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

What Makes a Pressure Point Deadly?

* What Makes a Pressure Point Deadly?

What makes a Pressure Point Deadly? I have been for several months now doing extensive articles on different pressure points for self defense on the body. But today I want to answer a specific question with this article. the question is "what makes a Pressure Point Deadly?" How can someone be killed with a pressure point strike.

So let's jump deep into this topic today!

What Makes a Pressure Point Deadly - The Points

I am not going to focus on specific pressure points in the article. I wrote an article back a little while ago called the Top 5 Deadly Pressure Points.  There is nothing mystical about pressure points. They are very simply a place on the body where a nerve ends, crosses over another nerve, or branches off like a "Y." 

However because of the anatomy of the area, some pressure points are very dangerous, even deadly, while others have little to no effect at all! Today I will be explaining why certain pressure points are deadly, and the reasons why they are. This will also help you to learn to "map out" the body and know in advance that perhaps the pressure point in question might result in death. 

Where is the pressure point located?

This is the first element we need to talk about to address this question, what makes a pressure point deadly. 

We can first divide the body into 3 different categories or areas.  

1) The Head: 

* Dim Mak Pressure Point BL-10

Obviously ANY strike to the head has the potential to cause death. And this is because of the possibility of brain damage due to concussion, hemorrhaging etc. Depending on the part of the head the chances will vary greatly.  

Many of the initial BLADDER pressure points are very dangerous because they fall in an area of the skull that can be damaged with little impact! In these cases death is not so much related to the pressure point as it is to the strength of the skull itself.

That being said there are pressure points like BL-10 that can cause serious injury and death because of the pressure points association to the nerve, and the functioning of the nerve and related organs. 

One possible affect is the shutdown of the muscles in the area that protect the brain stem and the integrity of the skull to the spine. This is what makes a Pressure Point Deadly.

An energy strike will have other effects like those explained here

2) The Chest & Abdomen:

Naturally when we discuss the chest area we immediately think of the heart and lungs. And the rib-cage which protects them. However here we have a host of nerves and pressure points that have a direct relationship to different arteries and vessels, as well as the organs themselves. 

As an example we can look at one pressure point that everyone is curious about. This is Spleen 21. I consider this one to be the most dangerous pressure point on the body because it servers many different special functions. 

But let's look at it purely based on the question, "what makes a pressure point deadly?"

*Deadly Pressure Point SP-12

"As you can see from the above diagram SP-21 is located on the ribs, about center of the bicep with the arms hanging. The exact location is on the lateral aspect of the chest, on the mid-axillary line, in the 6th intercostal space. An intercostal space is the "meat" between the ribs which is a hotbed for nerves!"

SP-21 is also located at the weakest point on the rib cage. A break in the ribs can of course puncture the lungs, which if not treated immediately will result in death. On the left side of the body a badly broke rib can also damage the heart or the "aorta."

Spleen 21 also has a direct tie into the Vegas Nerve, which is also referred to as the heart nerve and can therefore affect the functioning of the heart itself. This can result in a drop in blood pressure, irregular heart beats or cardiac arrest. 

If you hit outside the area of activation the result will not be as serious to the ribs themselves and will not affect the nerve.  The more accurate the more devastating the results. Can you see What makes a Pressure Point Deadly?

3) The Arms and Legs

* Pressure Point LI-10

The final area of interest is the arms and legs. For this example we will look at Pericardium 2 which is located  2 cun below the end of the anterior axillary fold, between the two heads of the biceps brachii muscle.

Aside from tremendous and crippling pain when struck because of the radial nerve breakage or the "humerus bone" can result in damage to the artery and death resulting from bleed-out internally. 

From a purely Kyusho Jitsu or Dim Mak standpoint this pressure point is less dangerous than the ones above. However if used in conjunction with as an example LU-03 has a direct effect on the heart. There are other much more dangerous arm and leg pressure points Like LU-05, and SP-11. I am sure by now you can see What makes a Pressure Point Deadly.

What makes a Pressure Point Deadly in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

As you can tell What makes a Pressure Point Deadly is a deep and complex topic.

Kyusho Jitsu study requires perseverance, vigilance and HARD WORK. Then you will be able to get a real result!

And you need to realize that results come with time!

How long have you either been studying or interested in the study of the science of pressure point self defense? Is there anything I can do to help you? Leave a comment HERE.

And since today I am updating this post I am going to leave you with a video from a Kyusho Club Webinar on Deadly Pressure Points. Enjoy!

Thank you fr taking time to read this article on What makes a Pressure Point Deadly.

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* Deadly Pressure Points for Self Defense

Deadly Pressure Points for Self Defense

On July 1st 2019 I released my new eBook called "Deadly Pressure Points for Self Defense." This book is for anyone concerned about high escalation self defense situations. For more information please click the button below.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

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Thank you for taking a moment from you day to read this article on What makes a Pressure Point Deadly. What makes a Pressure Point Deadly is very powerful information!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point LI-10 How to disable the arm for street defense

* Pressure Point LI-10

When it come to self defense the arms are critical. Often times people will think only of the head and perhaps doing a knockout. However the arms are always the first part of the attacker to present themselves. This makes Pressure Point LI-10 [Large Intestine 10] of utmost importance. So let us discover this pressure point gem!

Pressure Point LI-10 - Location & Effect

Excerpts from Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

"One of the most popular and pressure points to access. Pressure Point LI-10 is located 2 cun below LI-11 on the radial aspect of the radius, in the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles. Located on the Large Intestine Meridian.

* Pressure Point LI-10

This pressure point can have a huge effect on the body. A strike straight down and through will paralyze the arm, and in some cases can potentially stop the Heart.

Striking upward causes a shock wave to rise up the arm into the upper body. It will cause a knock out if struck hard enough. When used with ST-09 it has the potential for a deathblow!

This pressure point will affect the entire Large Intestine Meridian, especially around the arm, neck and face.

Hence the reason that ST-09 works really well with this pressure point.

Again, when struck slightly upwards, the lower body will lose Chi and cause nausea.

I have personally seen instances of diarrhea that can last for many days if untreated."

Here is a short video with some information on application of Pressure Point LI-10

In the video I mention our Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook which you access here

Pressure Point LI-10 in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

This is a very useful pressure point when it comes to hands on self defense. Pressure Point LI-10 also has its healing aspect when it comes to Lung Resuscitation also!While i can be dangerous, like all pressure points have the potential to be. This is a still a must learn for all martial artists interested in self defense

Have you ever experienced a HARD strike to this pressure point? I know I have. This one works on everyone I have ever tried to use it on. What is your experience with pressure point LI-10? 

Thank you for taking time to read about Pressure Point LI-10.

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10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

One of the most common questions I am asked everyday is which pressure points are best to study for use in a self defense situation.

This video course will give you everything you need to master the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense. 

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for reading Pressure Point LI-10! If you enjoyed the article please consider subscribing using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

What are Kyusho Special Alarm Points?

Kyusho Special Alarm Points

What are Kyusho Special Alarm Points? Today I am going to get into this rather advanced subject. And it is also a subject often ignored by most Kyusho Jitsu students and instructors alike. However this is one of the most powerful "understandings" in the science of pressure point self defense. 

But first lets lay some ground work.

Kyusho Special Alarm Points - Types of Alarm Points

There are 3 different types of Alarm Points on the body. These are as follows 

1) Kyusho Standard or Front Alarm Points - These Alarm Points are located on the front of the body, with one more or less at the side [GB-25].

There is an Alarm Point for each organ on the body. These pressure points have a special and direct relationship with the organ they represent/govern. 

Kyusho Special Alarm Points

Attacking an Alarm Point can in theory affect the "health" of the organ. Especially if there are health issues for the person in question.

Kyusho Special Alarm Points

2) Kyusho Associated Alarm Points - These are located on the back of the body, along the Bladder meridian on the right side ONLY. These points are far more dangerous, and also harder to reach. 

Kyusho Associated Alarm Points have a direct relationship to the neurological aspect of the organ in question.  A proper strike can shut down the nervous system to the organ and cause failure.  These pressure points while on the Bladder Meridian are marked by their location on the spinal column. 

3) Kyusho Special Alarm Points - These are pressure points on the body that have an underlying function that is not always apparent to the practitioner. These Kyusho Jitsu Special Alarm Points are what we will discuss here.

Kyusho Special Alarm Points

Special Alarm Points when activated affect different meridians bilaterally but also the related organs and energy sources. Here is a list of some of the most useful of the Kyusho Jitsu Special Alarm Points.

  1. LI-06 – Activates Liver and Gall Bladder bilaterally as well as affects both organs
  2. GB-21 – Activates Gall Bladder and Triple Warmer bilaterally as well as affects the
    organs Gall Bladder and the Endocrine Systems
  3. SP-21 – Affects the entire chest and back area of the upper body as well as cause an imbalance between the Qi and Blood sides of the body. Here is more on SP-21
  4. PC-06 - Weakens the area of the chest on the body making it less resistant to strikes.

Now let's look deeper at Kyusho Special Alarm Points.

Kyusho Special Alarm Points - PC-06

Kyusho Special Alarm Points PC-06

PC-06 is located on the wrist, just above the joint.  This is one of my favorite of all the Kyusho Jitsu Special Alarm Points because it is readily accessible.

To see the affect strike your partner with about a 25-30% force on the sternum. Next press on the pressure point PC-06 and redo the strike with the same of less force.

You will find a profound increase in the affect.

The increase in affect is because PC-06 weakens the chest while it is being activated. The affect will stop as soon as the pressure point is release. I have replicated this on everyone I have worked with!

PC-06 also tends to increase pain when related to any kind of joint manipulation. Having your partner in as an example a finger lock and then pressing on PC-06 will increase the pain of the lock dramatically! 

Special Alarm Point are also tied into many other different kinds of "special function" pressure points like the following.

Kyusho Special Alarm Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

I hope from this article you can see the power of Kyusho Special Alarm Points.

You will also notice that I am referencing other articles on this blog for different pressure points so you will have as much information as possible!

There are 361 standard pressure points on the human body, each with their own specific characteristics!  And as you can see the study of the science of pressure point self defense is very deep! These pressure points are all referenced from my new book called Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. I will give you more information on this below! And you may wish to checkout the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu. This is your "mobile" solution to Kyusho Jitsu study and reference.

So before you read this article where you aware of Special Alarm Points? And also thank you for reading this article on Kyusho Special Alarm Points.

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Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Learn More about Alarm Points!

Video course about Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points. Follow the link to learn more. One of the most important principle in the science of pressure point self defense!

Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

There is a lot to learn isn't there? And YES all the types of pressure points discussed above, aside from links here are discussed in my new book!

And right now you can grab a FREE "Sneak Peak" of this book by filling out your name and email address below! Remember to CONFIRM your email address!

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

Thank you for Reading Kyusho Special Alarm Points!

I very much appreciated you taking the time to read this article on Kyusho Special Alarm Points! Please join us by subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
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GM Art Mason
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