What are Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points? Before I go into some details here first let's lay the ground work in case all of this science of pressure point self defense is new to you.
First I will define what a pressure point is. A pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve comes to an end, where nerves cross over each other, and where a nerve branches off.
There are 309 standard pressure points on the human body, plus 52 more points on the "vessels" which brings the total to 361. Now this is ONLY looking at one side of body however with reference to the meridian pressure points.
These pressure points have specific characteristics that are associated to the meridian they lie upon, the element of the meridian.
And the polarity of the related organ of the body. Here is a link to an article on Pressure Point Basics which will help you if you need more information!
What are Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points?
These are essentially pressure points that were discovered after the mapping of the original 361. They are found in many different places on the body. These Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points also have no direct relationship to any meridians or elements.

In this bad editing job I did here on this picture I give you Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points MUE-28. The pressure point is located in very close proximity to the Heart Meridian and therefore in the case will take on the characteristics of the Heart Meridian.
When struck across the arm, with 2 way action it releases the wrist.
The use of Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points does vary from point to point. Plus not all of them have any real application in Kyusho Jitsu. That being said I will give you a breakdown of some of the more useful ones.
And I should warn you, this is not novice material!
Extraordinary Pressure Points Summary

Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points Listing and Locations
1. M-HN-3 - Glabella area or the area between the eyebrows and nose
2. M-HN-9 - Beside the nose.
3. M-HN-14 - Bridge of the Nose
4. M-HN-19 – Located on the lateral corner of the chin
5. M-CA-23 - Umbilicus Triangle
6. M-CA-18 - Lateral Pelvis
7. M-UE-24 - Between the 2 and 3rd metacarpal
8. M-EU-26 - Hollow of the elbow
9. M-EU-48 - Anterior Shoulder area
10. M-UE-27 – Above the knee

Now I am not today going to go into details about the functionality of each of the Extraordinary Pressure Points. This is all very advanced information.
However understanding their existence, and their basic use is important.
Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points in Conclusion

Extraordinary Pressure Points have a very important function in Dim Mak because they upset the natural blood and energy balances of the body.
Keeping all of this kind of information in balance, able to reference is a difficult task. There are a lot of other very "special pressure points" each with very important and different affects on the body.
Have you had an experience with extraordinary pressure points? Do you have any questions? Thank you for taking time to read this article on Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points.
Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!
Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy
This information above is just a small example of what you will find in my new book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy! If you would like to see a quick excerpt from the book click on the link below! This is about Pressure Point St-09!

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide
Kyusho Learning From A to Z
How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu
Advanced Kosho Core Concepts
Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

36 Dim Mak Vital Points Video Course
Discover the Secret Vital Points
Of the fabled "Touch of Death."
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