Kyusho Setup Pressure Points
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Kyusho One Inch Punch: One of the great martial arts demonstrations is Bruce Lee’s One Inch Punch. It was never intended as a combat or self defense move, just to show that size did not matter when it came to power. The funny thing is, the man who asked George Dillman to investigate pressure points, used some pressure point principles in what we can also refer to as the Kyusho One Inch Punch.
Now the haters are going to scream foul, but this is what they do best. So upset them more I will and as always just ignore them!
Bruce spent a long time perfecting this technique. He actually had a machine he devised to help build up wrist strength to do this! But, a novice Kyusho practitioner with a little training can also get a GREAT result. How does it work?
Bruce has a big style to the demonstration which is cool, but he is actually using a striking action with this technique called grasping. This type of striking action is used against the water element. Now, Bruce also strikes to the center-line of the body, which is also best attacked with a grasping striking action. So do this with your Uke, grasping and striking in a downward motion with 2 Way Action, and you will get a result the first time out.
Below is a video from many years ago I had forgotten about talking and shows how Kyusho Jitsu and the Principles of Kyusho Jitsu are linked to the One Inch Punch.
Now, I mean absolutely no disrespect to Bruce Lee and his art, or those who train in this system today. However, Bruce had a way of seeing things in other arts and then incorporating them into what he did if he saw value.
Now I question when Bruce began to demonstrate the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch, or as I refer to it the Kyusho One Inch Punch, if he had combat in mind.
However, I can see a great application for this in a Close quarters situation, and therefore believe that pursuing this knowledge more is essential and worthwhile.
Thank you for reading about the Kyusho One Inch Punch.
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Natural Laws of Self Defense
Do you want to learn the science of the Neurological Pressure Point Knockout? Then take a look at the link below! Don't wait!
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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.
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Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183
Pressure Point Knockouts are a controversial subject, but they should not be controversial at all. The issue is that they have been poorly explained over the years, and this is why the controversy. So today I will explain exactly what we are dealing with. I call this Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction because it is the use of pressure points to cause a brain dysfunction.
First let me explain the term brain dysfunction. A brain dysfunction is anytime the brain stops reacting to the world in a "normal" manner. This can be caused by many different things. It can be a minor problem or something very serious like a brain tumor. Mental disorders are also brain dysfunctions.
Drinking alcohol, smoking pot or using any kind of drug causes a brain dysfunction to one degree or another. Pain killers as an example interfere with the pain receptors in the body, blocking pain. This is also a dysfunction to some degree.
When we strike a pressure point we are looking to by disrupting the flow of electricity at a nerve to cause a dysfunction or for the purpose of the article a pressure point brain dysfunction. This can be anything from pain to unconsciousness.
What people see when they watch a pressure point knockout is not what they are expecting. They get an image in their minds like that of a boxing or MMA fight in which one of the combatants is completely unconscious.
Now despite the rather barbaric enjoyment of the fans this is always a highly dangerous situation. These kinds of knockouts while neurological and certainly a brain dysfunction are also linked in with brain damage and/or concussion. And this can be deadly! This is why caution must also be used with Kyusho Jitsu knockouts as they can be very dangerous.
When training to do neurological pressure point knockout we must be very cautious of the health of our Uki or training partner. No one needs a concussion! Therefore we are looking for signs of brain dysfunction to judge our results. This can be dizziness, loss of balance, speech slurring, dilated pupils and the list goes on and on.
Sometimes if the pressure point has been activated correctly we will get complete unconsciousness. Most of the time this is achieved by those who have trained the longest in Kyusho Jitsu and have the most refined knowledge.
When you strike a pressure point, and what is a pressure points,[?]"A pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve ends or terminates, where it branches off like in a "Y" formation or crosses another nerve," it will cause a compression of the nerve which results in great pain. Or in the case of certain pressure points an over loading and reaction from the central nervous system and/or brain dysfunction.
And with 361 plus pressure points on the body, [see Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy] there is a lot of opportunity for attack. However there is opportunity only for those who sincerely do the work and study!
I hope this article on Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction helps you to get a better understanding of what neurological pressure point knockouts are about.
As an example in a "bad situation" I target GB-20 with a strike and cause the attacker to drop to his knees dizzy, I have the time I need to escape the bad situation as he or she recovers from the strike.
One of the things to always remember also is self defense is complicated. it is not a fight like 2 idiots in a bar. And it is NOT COMBAT. By definition combat is WAR, and that is kill or be killed mentality!
Self Defense is about survival, which is the only victory! Check out our Humane Pressure Point Tactics Courses if you have an extra moment. I am sure you will find the information interesting. Plus get a free video lesson too!
I hope I made this understanding of pressure point brain dysfunction clear for you. I hope you enjoyed reading about Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction.
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Complete Certification Course in Knockout Resuscitation and Uki Care
Massive Pressure Point Knockout Course from beginners to master level. Featuring 144 different videos with detailed knockout examples and explanations.
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season: I have entered the Winter Season of life. Martial Arts training is a life long journey. When I was a kid it was spoken as to the fact that training was an equalizer for a larger and stronger attacker. Today the thought process is very different. Why is that? Because "old knowledge" is often times not taught and people are obsessed with "working out" over real training. That is what the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season is about. The time of life when you really understand what has been missing from your training and work to fix it.
Life is broken into seasons. And Kyusho Jitsu teaches at high levels about the seasons of life. And the truth is as you grow older, the more you need the missing information that is hidden in every martial art.
Often times aging Martial Artists are not a pretty sight to see. Many put on vast amounts of weight, and are then ridiculed for it, which is funny because it is often the kettle calling the pot black. And the harder you train in youth the more like you will have weight issues later in life.
And the harder you trained, often the more sever the issues later. Injuries catch up with you, for some arthritis sets in. Physically we change, but in our hearts we remain young.
This is what we all hope, to grow old and have a little grace with it. Maybe some wisdom. Wisdom will tell you that it is perhaps time to control the ego, relax and enjoy life. I know that is what I have done here in my life. I am not taking it “easy” but I have made life simpler.
Today the face of martial arts is very different. Sport is now the BIG fad, and yes it is a fad.
The fad will last, but personally I see little to no value in it. But hey that is just me, it does not mean I am right or I am wrong. However, what concerns me is the attitude of some, is that they will never age, or have the concerns that we as we approach the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season have.
And I am not expecting to see much wisdom from this generation. And as time goes on I know wisdom will be lacking.
What exactly do I mean? People today, martial artists today do not see the long term consequences or karma of their actions. I remember kicking like this in the image below. But today my hips hate me for it.
Are you aware that there is a part of the human brain that does not stop its development until the age of 21 on average? This is the part that understands the consequences of actions. This is why so many teenagers smoke, take drugs, have unprotected sex, drive to fast, and live life on the edge.
Today I think perhaps for some the brain never matures. However, there comes a time when you need to understand the body, and protect it and your loved ones. Self Defense becomes the focus, not winning a trophy. and Kyusho Jitsu once perused, training and mastered because a game changer.
It is the equalizer great men like Bruce Lee spoke of! Did you know Bruce Lee was responsible for George Dillman looking into Kyusho Jitsu?
I am fast approaching what I call the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season. While I get a lot of "natural exercise" I never go to a gym, or do the things people "believe" they need to do today. And let's be honest, washboard abs are only for narcissistic reasons. They have no application in life and this is not a natural state for most.
The art and science of pressure point self defense helps to take the focus off a fitness level that cannot be maintained. And it cannot be maintained! In fact it is this that is the most probable cause of Bruce Lee's death. He was obsessed with fitness training and gave no consideration to his bodies recovery.
Martial Art self defense training along site of Kyusho Jitsu helps to compensate for injury and illness to the body by teaching you to be more effective in self defense, and not egotistical about it.
You learn to be confident and calm in the face of danger. And to do what needs to be done quickly and effectively and then get the hell out of dodge! Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season is not to be feared by embraced!
There are many who will disagree with me and that is fine! We will see what happens when winter arrives for them too!!
Now I am not talking about the Kyusho Jitsu naysayers. I NEVER look for advice from those what have failed in life because they are too lazy to do the work!
And that is 90% of today's population!
For me winter will arrived on January 1st 2020. I am also going to link an article here to what some refer to incorrectly as an Old Man's Martial Art. Thank you for reading the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season.
As time passes and it passes quick we all end up needing a cane. The walking cane is hands down the very best self defense tool available. And you can take it anywhere without restrictions. Learn more now!
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How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
What are the most Important Kyusho Pressure Points? Now the reason I say Kyusho Pressure Points is to make sure that I am differentiating between Kyusho and Acupuncture. Now the very best reference you can have for the most important Kyusho Pressure Points is my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. It is called the Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu for a reason.
The deeper your understanding of the function of the different pressure points the better you will do with your study. There are many things to consider like correct angle and direction, which relates directly to your root art. Then we must consider at least the first five Principles of Kyusho Jitsu. [There are 15 total]
This would be Principles like the Cycle of Destruction, and Attack Along the Meridian. And that all relates to the 5 Element Theory.
The following are the pressure points that I feel everyone should be considering adding to their self defense system. This is the place to focus at the beginning. If an article exists on this blog with reference to any of these pressure points I will reference with a link. As I write articles on the pressure points not linked I will add them.
This list below is in a nutshell the most Important Kyusho Pressure Points. However I am sure you could discover more yourself. They are now all linked to specific articles. Perhaps save this page as a reference.
This is far from an exhaustive list! And to be honest there are many I have left out!
How did I come up with these over other pressure points? Well the list is directly related to my root art of Hapkido.
You should decide which pressure points to train with first based on the movements you have internalized.
After that base is done, then it is easy to add more pressure points to your current self defense system and then add more pressure points. Knowing these pressure points is essential for anyone in the martial arts. The time has come to leave the haters and pressure point / Kyusho failures behind!
Thank you for reading Important Kyusho Pressure Points.
Checkout the great price too!
Beginners and advanced Course in the eclectic version of Hapkido founded by Grand Master Art Mason
How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?
Thank you for reading this article called Important Kyusho Pressure Points. If you enjoyed it, found value in it please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell below.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
What is the Kyusho 5 Element Hand? Today I will jump into a detailed look at the elements within the hand, and how to take advantage of these elements in the science of pressure point self defense Kyusho Jitsu. And this information is directly link to the importance of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory.
This is also something that many instructors do not teach and often times guard it as being "Secret" Or maybe they just don't know.
The picture above is not completely accurate. However it will do. Remember there is no absolute in anything! And this applies to the elements of the body. The hands are "predominantly" fire and metal, however they do contain traces of all the elements.
You will also notice that they are using the Kyusho Jitsu Colour Principle, but the mix is healing and destructive which is odd.
It appears in the image that the entire finger is, as an example with the metal or ring finger, to be entirely metal. This is not true. The element change begins at the knuckle and grows more and more as it reaches the finger tip. Therefore the "tip" of the ring finger is more "metal" than any other part of the finger.
This is why the "middle" finger is so effective to use as a fire finger.
Before we really get into this lets talk about using the finger tips as a weapon. Now you certain can condition your fingers with "iron palm" training to be used as weapon. But you can also attack a pressure point, depending on the pressure point with a pressing action.
Not all pressure points are "press" points. However Pressure Point LI-10 is a great example of being both a press and strike pressure point. Which finger would work best? The "middle" or Pericardium Finger, because you are following the Cycle of Destruction. Try this with a partner! You will see that the middle finger will cause the most pain!
Experiment with all of these. You will see very predictable results using the Kyusho 5 Element Hand!
But there is something that few people know about all of this. The "secret" aspect! Now I could be wrong, because I have met many Kyusho Jitsu students who are aware of the above information. But thus far no one other than those I have taught about the "secret" method, which was taught to me by Grand Master Steve Stewart.
I hope you can see the "POWER" of the Kyusho 5 Element Hand from the above text and especially this video!
My question today, is this new information to you or have you hear of this before? Thank you for reading the Kyusho 5 Element Hand?
Now the Kyusho 5 Element Hand has a direct and great important in performing effective pressure point knockouts. And its use in featured in my Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu Course.
If you are interested in learning this skill, or improving your present level follow the link and learn more about my 100 Plus Pressure Point Knockout Video Course.
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Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!
Have you hear about the advanced striking hands often times referred to a the "Ji Hand of Bubishi?" Click the button below to learn more. Special Low Price for a limited time!
How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?
Thank you for taking time for reading Kyusho 5 Element Hand. You can subscribe to our new article using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
Effective Pressure Point Strikes. I get a dozen different questions on Kyusho Jitsu on a daily basis. Oftentimes more. Today in the article I want to discuss some of these questions. The reason is because I have noticed that many are asking the wrong questions. in the article Effective Pressure Point Strikes I am hoping to give you some understanding on the importance of questions and asking the right ones.
I was doing a live stream yesterday on Facebook about addiction in society today. I was asked a question that was off topic, therefore I did not answer it. However I will address it here, because I am a pressure point teacher, and view everything in martial arts from this prospective.
"Is a hammer fist effective," was the question. This is what I have to called a bad question. Now this person does like to ask me questions like this in hopes we can debate the answers. However I have no interest or time for these kinds of things.
Here is a classic example of a hammer fist strike taught in self defense classes. While reasonably effective there is a much better solutions with only a minor change of targeting.
Striking Extraordinary Pressure Point M-HN-9 would fall much more into the area of effective pressure point strikes.
But to answer the question, if I hit someone in the forehead with a hammer will that be effective? Certainly especially if they stand there and allow me to do it. But what if I miss? The hammer will affect my balance and allow for an easy counter strike.
With regard to the "hammer fist" there would need to be much more information. What is your target? Are you following the laws of Yin/Yang. Who is the attacker, what is your body position. How long have to trained the "hammer fist" as a tool? What was the attack you are looking to counter? What are you targeting with this strike?
Therefore what are Effective Pressure Point Strikes? Could a hammer fist fit this category?
But replying to this persons question there is the only one answer I can give. "How effective are YOU because of YOUR training?" A "hammer fist" is only as effective as the martial artist using it! Are you and your training effective?
I see it written all the time. There are no effective pressure point strikes. And again this has nothing to do with pressure points. If you strike a pressure point and get no result it is not because striking pressure points is not effective. The fact is YOUR training is not effective.
You want to get a result from Kyusho Jitsu you must train the principles of Kyusho Jitsu and not just for a short time either! There are no quick fixes and no instant result! No matter how many mental ill ideologues try to tell you otherwise today.
As the old Spanish saying goes "dar tiempo al tiempo" or in English you must "give time to time."
Therefore a much better question and a complete question would have been "would a hammer fist to LU-01 be effective?"
And the answer would be given the correct opportunity and access to LU-01 a hammer fist would be a very effect tool.
Then your training over time could evolve to incorporate this scenario. This would fall into the realm of effective pressure point strikes.
Asking and learning to ask better questions is how people learn. You cannot learn while you are attempting to ask a question to engage in debate.
And especially if the question is vague and really has no answer.
Today I had a great question asked of me which was: "How do I explain to someone why we train classical systems in the beginning and move into more natural movements for the advanced practitioner."
Asking good questions gives you good answers. Asking GREAT questions give you great answers and martial arts training is learning to go from fair to good to great!
What kind of questions are you asking?
If you are not asking any questions success comes very hard. Martial Arts Training is about Body-Mind and Spirit.
And if you do not ask question then you will never begin to master the mind, or the mental aspects of training.
Plus if you are new to the pressure point world start with one of my FREE Kyusho Courses linked HERE. Thank you for reading Effective Pressure Point Strikes!
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I hope you enjoyed this article on Effective Pressure Point Strikes. If you did consider subscribing to notification using the Red Bell in the corner.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy. OK everyone before you bring out the cross and nails and call me misogynistic let me explain the title first! Back about a month ago I wrote an article called Understanding Kyusho Yin-Yang Theory. You can read that article here if you missed it! Today let's take a look at Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy.
However my plan today is to look at the black half of the Yin-Yang symbol a little more closely.
Today the focus in on Yin or female energy. I will be writing a subsequent article on male energy another time. And YES there is a difference thus we are discussing Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy.
The idea behind the Yin-Yang symbol is to show life as a whole. It is not meant to show division. Each side has part of the other half within it, thus making in a "whole." This is NOT opposites attracting, there are no opposites. They are just part of one whole.
I hope I am making this clear. It is a challenging subject to write about!
Now when people do battle, most of the times it is men. Now before anyone get touchy this is just statistical fact. More males are involved in violence because they tend to be more aggressive. This is not always the case, but on average is true.
There are more men in prison for the same reasons. Women in prison are often not for the reasons of "violent crime" but other crimes. Men are by nature more aggressive and women are by nature more agreeable. With the exception of the extremes. The science has been on this for a long time and have not been disprove.
When men decide to do battle it is "like energy" against "like energy." This is one of the reasons that fights can go on a while. The two combatants will feed off each others energy. Just look at a MMA fight!
But what happens when you complete an energy cycle? Watch this video below. This was from a class I did years ago on Yin-Yang Energies. The ultimate demonstration of Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy!
This is interesting right?
And I have never had an occasion I cannot replicate this effect! Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy, when added yields an remarkable result! Now, you are not going to likely ask your wife of girlfriend to come and help you in a fight.
But is shows the POWER of energies and the addition of female to male energy. And also, you can alter this with your mind! Now if you are interested I have a really cool video from a previous course. You can read more about it right here!
Even this symbol has power! Print out one just like this one. This same setup.
Put it on your Uki's body and hit them with maybe 40% force on the stomach muscles. The turn the symbol upside down and do it again!
The result will shock you!
This article will certainly not be popular with the narrative today that there is no difference in the male and female of the species. However "feelings" and facts rarely have anything to do with each other.
Recently I did a webinar on the principle of Yin and Yang.
You can watch below or bookmark it for a later date. Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy..
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Follow the link below to develop a strong understanding of the Kyusho Jitsu Novice Principle of Yin/Yang! And a GREAT Price for the Dystopian times we live in!!
I hope you enjoyed this article on Kyusho Jitsu Female Energy! Please consider subscribing to notification to learn about new articles and updates using the Red Bell below.
Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
Today the Top 5 Ways or Tips to Master Kyusho Jitsu. The mind works in a certain way regardless of what you might think.
You may be getting a good result now with your training, or a poor result.
But if you follow this Top 5 Ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu your rate of retention and effectiveness will sore!
This one might seem to be very obvious, but you would be surprised how many people do not get it. You MUST DO THE TRAINING. Your years of experience in your root art have great value.
But no matter how long you have trained you cannot simply read a book, or watch a video and think you "understand it."
Experience can shorten the path, but not eliminate it. And to be very honest I have seen a lot of bad Kyusho out there.
Copious Notes. You need to keep copious, detailed notes on everything! The memory system works by association.
On average a person who watches a video or reads a book chapter on a any subject will retain less than 20% of the information after 1 hour.
Re-reading or watching something a second time does not dramatically increase retention. It helps. But taking notes can increase your retention up to 80% on the first pass. And the neater the notes, done in cursive writing works far better then printing.
And typing into a laptop does nothing at all for retention. There is some about the act of writing that is the best possible way.
Attend seminars. Seminars are interesting and educational opportunities you do not want to miss.
The assembly of other martial arts students does something for the brains ability to absorb materials. Some of the Kyusho Jitsu legends became great by following Grand Master Dillman around the country attending his seminars.
But DO NOT FORGET the 2nd Tip! You must take notes at the seminars!
Networking. Social Media for most people today is their master!
You can see it very plain of you look at how much time your friends spend on Facebook. However, when used correctly Social media is a great servant!
Networking with like minded people can make a dramatic difference in the effectiveness of your training. And this is one of the most important tips that I can give.
However today this can be a challenge.
This one may surprise you. And it can vary somewhat from student to student. Keep your training personal and do not spend a lot of time trying to sell what you are doing to friends or family.
If you are involved in Kyusho because of your root art instructor, that is great! But if you are pursuing this alone you are best to keep it quiet!
People love to squash others ambitions and dreams. Why? Because the are envious, and lazy themselves. You do not need the "good opinions" of others. This applies to pretty much anything you do,
I hope you got some good advice here in this article.
These are actually excerpts from my new eBook coming in September 2019.
The book is called 101 ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu. And yes there are at least 101 ways!
You can read more about this new book from this LINK. And also thank ou for reading this article on Master Kyusho Jitsu.
Please use this form to submit any questions.
The very best in distance learning in the science of pressure point self defense comes from my Kyusho Home Study Course.
This is a complete, all inclusive course that includes your grading fees if you chose to get your rank! Don't miss the special price for economic hard times.
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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
What am I referring to when I say Kyusho Setup Pressure Points? Today I will jump into a some of pressure points that when activated help to accomplish a specific result in the science of pressure point self defense. And results are what this is all about.
One of the reasons that Kyusho Setup Pressure Points are so important is because once activated a meridian will remain active for up to 20 minutes.
This can be of tremendous importance in self defense! Because you need to consider the control of the escalation levels of an attack. Therefore as an example, from a Level One scenario, covered in my Humane Pressure Point Tactics Courses, this leads to an easy activation of arm pressure points.
There are many points that are good for setup. The best place to start is with ones that are easy to access. The most inconspicuous place to practice is on the hand and wrist. So have TW-3 and PC-6 easily available. And these are awesome Kyusho setup points.
Below is a short video that will give you an example how the body can react when the points are used.
Just how important are these? Well in a low escalation situation you can activated either with a handshake. And the best, which is PC-06 is also a Special Alarm Point that causes a weakness in the chest.
Pretty cool eh?
Today, as a gift I am going to offer you a copy of this video [extended version] as a gift. I think this is better than just doing articles on different pressure points. This way you can have these on your hard drive or phone for easy reference.
If you click the button below a popup will appear. Enter your name and email address, and then confirm your email address by clicking the link sent to your inbox. Then I can send you the videos for download right away! Kyusho Setup Pressure Points is an important learn! Grab you copy now
In conclusion there is so very much to learn in the science of pressure point self defense.
I work very hard to feed you as much information as is possible to help you out.
Are you familiar with Kyusho Setup Pressure Points? Do you have a favorite? There are so many that I cannot possibly list hem all! Which is your favorite? Thank you for taking time to read Kyusho Setup Pressure Points.
Use the form below to ask.
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All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.
Creating and Sustaining Balance
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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!
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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason
I hope you are not buying that headline? Really I can’t believe I saw this ad again, “Easily Defeat Any Attacker!” The ad was specifically targeted at saying that you don’t need to learn to fight to knockout anyone who is attacking you.
And I know they are referencing pressure point strikes, even if they call them something else. I should order the course for fun!
So why am I writing about this? Because in today's world there is a very dangerous belief that somehow you can be guaranteed an OUTCOME. Therefore is simply just a lie!
And there are people out there in the world who can defend themselves or fight without training. I was one of the them. When I was a teenager I just loved to fight. I never lost. But that was something about me internally, my psychology, and not everyone is this way. Therefore the claim of defeating or knocking out any attacker is totally bogus. Most of all it is a reckless and dangerous statement.
And I am often shocked how many times I see these kinds of claims. EX military people selling what they know. Personally I question everything including their claims. However an important note to make, "COMBAT" is not self defense. Most of all the entire concept is different. And in combat you train to KILL or BE KILLED. On the street you training to survive! Escape with your life in tact.
First of all to easily defeat any attacker or successfully knockout any attacker is very possible. But without serious training, in a solid root art the odds are almost zero.
And in a video from this ad they have someone fending off the attacker with a chair. Cool, but if the attacker is unarmed, and you crash the chair across his or her head, that is not self defense under the law. Most important is you cannot have a weapon unless they do! It is critical in self defense to understand the rules and apply them well.
There are also many serious misconceptions when it comes to knife defense and gun defense. Linked are important articles I do suggest reading.
Thus to increase your odds of successfully defending yourself there are things or “tools” you need. Here is a basic list of those self defense tools.
2. The science of pressure point self defense, called Kyusho Jitsu will enhance the abilities you have developed from your root art. This is critical in order to cut down of the conflict time. The longer the defense goes the more likely you are too lose.
The phrase coined by Grand Master Dillman, "one second fighting" is the ultimate goal. It is a great goal! It is also possible because of Kyusho Jitsu to be obtained.
One of the best ways to end any attack is with a knockout. And Impact alone with not guarantee a knockout! Now I do not talk from anything here other than personal experience. Therefore I am not someone who read a book and makes claims like so many today. However I did write a book on the subject.
Kyusho Jitsu is not a "magic pill." It will however make the self defense aspects of your martial art style more effective. And this is what is needed! Making every counter strike that lands more effective! If you are new to Kyusho Jitsu follow this LINK and get started FREE .
This is not about how to easily defeat any attacker. This makes it sound like you are playing a game. Self Defense is about surviving the threat.
Do not get sucked in my these kinds of claims of becoming a super fighter.
You need a self defense course or information that builds from the ground up. Dealing with "escalation levels" and counter measure that put your safety first!
And of course understanding how the law works to make sure you do not get attacked and end up being the one in JAIL. Thank you for reading Easily Defeat Any Attacker!
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This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.
Thank you for taking time to read this article called Easily Defeat Any Attacker!. In this time is very important information. And today in the Western Culture lying has become virtuous. Please checkout my article Fall of the West. However when it comes to "Easily Defeat Any Attacker!" these claims made by these alleged martial artists with their guarantees is gross negligence.
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