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Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu.

Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu.

Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu. In a world where time is often squandered, finding purpose can be a daunting challenge. Many people drift through life without a clear sense of direction, spending countless hours in activities that bring no real fulfillment.

One person close to me epitomizes this struggle. She would sleep for 16 hours a day if given the chance, a clear sign of a life lacking meaning. But what exactly is the meaning? It's the reason to get up in the morning, the driving force behind our actions. 

This can manifest as the responsibilities of raising children, the satisfaction of a career, or the pursuit of personal passions.

Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu.

In my efforts to inspire her, I've seen temporary sparks of motivation, but old habits die hard. True change is something one must deeply desire, and it often requires taking significant risks. Reflecting on my life, I remember a pivotal moment during the summer of 1997. It was a Saturday night, around 3:00 am, and I was watching “The X-Files” on VHS. A sudden realization hit me: “Is this all there is?” By the end of that year, I had transformed my life completely. I divorced my wife and embarked on a journey of profound change. Today, as I sit in my office in Romania at 2:30 am, I can confidently say that my life is filled with purpose

These transformative changes were largely influenced by my martial arts training, and with Kyusho Jitsu. Martial arts became more than just a physical activity; it became a lifelong passion. The study of martial arts is a continuous path of learning and self-discovery. It teaches resilience, discipline, and the ability to face challenges head-on. Through martial arts, I have learned to embrace the unknown and prepare for whatever the future holds. If life knocks me down, I get back up and keep moving forward. This unwavering determination is the essence of meaning and purpose in life.

Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu.

While I am not a musician, I often find inspiration in music. Currently, I am listening to Irina Baianț, a talented performer whose live renditions of “De-ar fi să vii” and “Iartă” are truly captivating. These songs were originally performed by Mihaela Runceanu, a Romanian legend tragically murdered in her sleep by a friend. Thanks to modern technology, Irina can perform a duet with Mihaela using old TV recordings from decades ago. This beautiful and inspirational performance is a testament to the enduring power of music.

Both Irina and Mihaela found immense meaning and passion in their music careers. Music provided them with a sense of purpose, much like martial arts has done for me. Irina's career was inspired by the works of Mihaela, illustrating how one person's passion can ignite a spark in another. This leads to the question: what inspires you?

Finding meaning in life is a deeply personal journey. It requires introspection, courage, and a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone. Whether it's through martial arts, music, or another passion, the pursuit of purpose is what gives life its richness and depth. It provides the motivation to rise each day with a sense of direction and determination.

Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu in conclusion

Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu. CONCLUSION

As I continue to inspire and be inspired, I encourage others to seek their sources of meaning.

Embrace the challenges, learn from the experiences, and never stop striving for growth. Your journey towards finding purpose may be difficult, but it is undoubtedly worthwhile.


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Thank you for taking the time to read Finding Meaning in Life with Kyusho Jitsu. And may your day be filled with discovery and inspiration. If you enjoyed this article, you can subscribe using the “Red Bell” in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory: How to develop Cognitive Strength Through Martial Arts

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory: How to develop Cognitive Strength Through Martial Arts. Kyusho Jitsu, the art of targeting pressure points, is not only a potent form of self-defense but also an excellent exercise for the mind. This martial art requires extensive memorization of pressure points, body mechanics, and intricate techniques, making it a formidable tool for enhancing memory skills. In this article, we will explore how Kyusho Jitsu can help build memory, delve into the mechanics of human memory, and discuss the broader cognitive benefits that this discipline offers. Now let us take a more profound look at Kyusho Jitsu and Memory.

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory — The Basics of Kyusho Jitsu

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory: Kyusho Jitsu, rooted in ancient martial traditions, focuses on striking specific pressure points on the body to incapacitate an opponent. These points, often corresponding to vital nerve clusters or blood vessels, require precise knowledge and application. Practitioners must memorize the locations, functions, and effects of numerous points, along with the appropriate techniques to activate them.

How Human Memory Works

To understand how Kyusho Jitsu can enhance memory, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of human memory. Memory is typically divided into three stages:

1. Encoding: This is the process of converting sensory input into a form that can be stored in the brain. It involves paying attention to information and creating a mental representation.

2. Storage: Information is stored in the brain through neural connections. Memory storage can be short-term or long-term. Short-term memory holds information temporarily, while long-term memory retains information over extended periods.

3. Retrieval: This is the ability to access stored information when needed. Effective retrieval depends on how well information was encoded and stored.

Memory can also be categorized into different types, including:
  • Sensory Memory: Brief storage of sensory information (e.g., sights, sounds).
  • Short-Term Memory: Holds information for a short duration (e.g., a phone number you just heard).
  • Long-Term Memory: Stores information for long periods (e.g., knowledge of pressure points in Kyusho Jitsu).

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory Enhancement

Kyusho Jitsu’s intensive memorization requirements can significantly boost cognitive functions, especially memory. Here’s how:

1. Repetition and Practice: Memorizing pressure points and techniques requires repeated practice, which strengthens neural connections and improves memory retention.

2. Visualization: Kyusho Jitsu practitioners often use visualization techniques to remember the location of pressure points and the movements required. Visualization activates multiple areas of the brain, enhancing memory encoding and retrieval.

3. Association: Learning Kyusho Jitsu involves associating pressure points with specific outcomes (e.g., pain, immobilization). This associative learning helps in creating strong memory cues, making it easier to recall information.

4. Active Engagement: The active and physical nature of Kyusho Jitsu keeps practitioners engaged, which is crucial for effective memory encoding. Physical activity has also been shown to enhance cognitive functions and memory.

Are you seeing the connections between Kyusho Jitsu and Memory?

Additional Cognitive Benefits of Kyusho Jitsu

Apart from memory enhancement, Kyusho Jitsu offers several other cognitive benefits:

1. Improved Focus and Concentration: Training in Kyusho Jitsu requires intense focus and concentration, skills that are transferable to other areas of life.

2. Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills: Practitioners must think critically and adapt techniques to different situations, thereby sharpening their problem-solving abilities.

3. Increased Mindfulness: The practice promotes mindfulness and body awareness, leading to better mental clarity and stress reduction.

4. Boosted Confidence: Mastery of complex techniques and the ability to defend oneself boosts self-confidence, which positively impacts overall mental health.

5. Discipline and Patience: The dedication required to master Kyusho Jitsu instills discipline and patience, qualities that are beneficial in all walks of life.

Practical Steps to Integrate Kyusho Jitsu into Your Life

To reap the cognitive benefits of Kyusho Jitsu, consider the following steps:

1. Find a Qualified Instructor: Seek a reputable instructor who can guide you through the intricacies of Kyusho Jitsu.

2. Regular Practice: Consistent practice is key to memory enhancement. Dedicate regular time to training and reviewing techniques.

3. Use Memory Aids: Utilize memory aids such as diagrams, flashcards, and mnemonic devices to reinforce learning.

4. Stay Physically Active: Complement your Kyusho Jitsu training with other forms of physical activity to boost overall cognitive function.

5. Engage in Mental Exercises: Incorporate mental exercises such as puzzles and brain games to further enhance memory and cognitive skills. When you see how Kyusho Jitsu and Memory relate to each other, this should help inspire your study.

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu and Memory: How to develop Cognitive Strength CONCLUSION

Kyusho Jitsu is much more than a martial art; it is a powerful tool for cognitive development.

The rigorous memorization and mental discipline required in Kyusho Jitsu training can significantly enhance memory, focus, and problem-solving skills.

By integrating Kyusho Jitsu into your life, you not only become proficient in a formidable self-defense technique but also strengthen your mind, leading to numerous benefits in daily life. Embrace the journey of Kyusho Jitsu and unlock the full potential of your memory and cognitive abilities.


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Pathway to Kyusho Jitsu Mastery

Pathway to Kyusho Jitsu Mastery

This comprehensive guide is meticulously crafted to provide martial artists, from beginners to seasoned practitioners, with a structured pathway to mastery over 8 years. Follow the link below to read more and get your FREE eBook.

Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu and Memory: How to develop Cognitive Strength. If you enjoyed this article, please consider reading all the articles here at the Kyusho Jitsu World Blog. Furthermore, please consider subscribing to new articles I post using the Red Bell in the bottom-left corner of the page. 

Have a wonderful day.

Yours in the arts,

Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Evolution of thought and Kyusho Jitsu. How to develop power in thought.

Kyusho Jitsu and the evolution of thought

Evolution of thought and Kyusho Jitsu. I wanted to share some thoughts on a topic that has been on my mind lately — the evolution of thought, and how the study of martial arts can provide insight into this important concept. As a lifelong martial artist, I have over 40 years of experience teaching Kosho Ryu, Hapkido, Kyusho Jitsu and Tae Kwon Do.

 I have come to appreciate the deep connection between the physical practice of martial arts and the development of the mind. The dedicated study of martial arts is not just about learning techniques for self-defense or sport, but a holistic journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

The Importance of Evolutionary Thinking

At its core, evolutionary thinking, is about recognizing that everything in the world is constantly changing and adapting over time. This applies not only to biological evolution, but also to the evolution of ideas, cultures, and ways of thinking. By embracing an evolutionary mindset, we open ourselves up to new possibilities and a greater understanding of the world around us.

In martial arts, we see this evolutionary process, at work in the development of different styles and techniques over centuries. Each generation of practitioners builds upon the knowledge of their predecessors, adapting and refining their art to suit the needs of their time and place. This spirit of continuous improvement and innovation is what allows martial arts to remain relevant and effective in a changing world. Kyusho Jitsu is a great example of this. 

Benefits at All Levels

The benefits of evolutionary thinking extend far beyond the martial arts dojo. By cultivating a mindset of growth and adaptation, we become more resilient in the face of challenges and more open to new ideas and perspectives. This flexibility of thought is essential for success in all areas of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors.

At the individual level, evolutionary thinking encourages us to embrace a growth mindset and to view challenges as opportunities for learning and development. Rather than being fixed in our ways, we can approach life with a sense of curiosity and a willingness to adapt and evolve.

At the societal level, evolutionary thinking helps us to understand the complex systems and processes that shape our world. By recognizing that change is inevitable and that progress often happens incrementally over time, we can work towards creating a better future for all.

Evolution of thought and Kyusho Jitsu in conclusion

evolution of thought CONCLUSION

The study of martial arts provides a powerful lens through which to understand the importance of evolutionary thinking.

By embracing change, adaptation, and continuous improvement, we can unlock our full potential as individuals and as a society.

I encourage all of you, whether you are martial artists or not, to cultivate an evolutionary mindset in your lives. Look at the history of your teacher and find out as much about his or her journey as possible. They is gold in doing this.

Embrace the challenges and opportunities that come your way, and never stop learning and growing. I hope you have enjoyed reading Evolution of thought and Kyusho Jitsu.


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* Kyusho Jitsu Zoom Study Groups

Kyusho Jitsu Via Zoom Conferencing

Are you interested in a Profound understanding of the art of Kyusho Jitsu?

Follow the link below and learn about my Kyusho Jitsu Study Groups via Zoom Conferencing. 

Thank you very much for visiting this blog at Kyusho Jitsu World. I hope you found this article to be of value to you. Furthermore, please consider subscribing to new articles I write here by using the Red Bell in the bottom-left corner. 

Have a wonderful day.

Yours in the arts,

Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

The Decline of Attention Spans and How Kyusho Jitsu Can Enhance Focus and Critical Thinking

Decline of Attention Spans

The Decline of Attention Spans and How Kyusho Jitsu Can Enhance Focus and Critical Thinking. In today’s fast-paced, digitally driven world, our ability to focus and maintain attention has drastically declined.

Over the past century, the average attention span has shrunk significantly, influenced by the constant barrage of information and the instant gratification culture fostered by social media. This Decline of Attention Spans has profound implications for our cognitive abilities, mental health, and overall well-being.

The Alarming Decline of Attention Spans

Studies have shown that the average human attention span has dropped from 12 seconds in the year 2000 to just 8 seconds recently. This startling decline is often compared to the attention span of a goldfish, which is around 9 seconds. Fifty years ago, people were more accustomed to engaging in activities that required sustained attention, such as reading books, attending lengthy performances, or engaging in extended conversations. The shift towards shorter forms of entertainment and information consumption has been driven by advancements in technology and changes in lifestyle. Thus, the Decline of Attention Spans in the population.

The Impact of Digital Distractions

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok provide quick, easily digestible content. Users scroll through vast amounts of information, frequently spending only a few seconds on each post. Frequent notifications and alerts from social media apps create a culture of constant interruption, making it difficult to concentrate on a single task for an extended period. This fragmentation of attention, coupled with the dopamine response triggered by social media use, conditions users to seek quick hits of gratification, reducing their capacity for sustained focus.

Kyusho Jitsu: A Solution to Modern Attention Challenges

Kyusho Jitsu, the nuanced art of pressure point self-defense, offers a powerful remedy to this modern challenge. By practicing Kyusho Jitsu, you can counteract the negative effects of our digital age and reclaim your focus, attention, and critical thinking skills. Overcoming the Decline of Attention Spans in the world today.

Enhancing Focus and Attention

  1. Mind-Body Connection: Kyusho Jitsu training requires intense focus on precise movements and the understanding of pressure points. This practice enhances the mind-body connection, training you to concentrate on single tasks for extended periods, thus countering the fragmented attention caused by digital distractions.
  2. Discipline and Routine: The structured routines and repetitive practice inherent in Kyusho Jitsu build discipline and the ability to maintain focus on long-term goals. This discipline is transferable to other areas of life, helping you stay concentrated on tasks that require sustained effort.

Improving Critical Thinking and Cognitive Function

  • Learning Complex Techniques: Kyusho Jitsu involves mastering complex sequences of movements and understanding the intricate interactions of pressure points. This stimulates cognitive functions such as memory, coordination, and spatial awareness, enhancing cognitive flexibility and the ability to focus on multiple aspects of a task simultaneously.
  • Strategic Thinking: Anticipating an opponent’s moves and planning effective counteractions in Kyusho Jitsu promotes critical thinking and mental agility. Engaging in these strategic aspects sharpens cognitive skills and improves your ability to focus on planning and execution.

Reducing Stress and Enhancing Mental Clarity

  • Physical Activity: Regular physical activity through Kyusho Jitsu training releases endorphins, reducing stress and improving mood. This natural stress relief provides a healthy outlet, reducing mental strain and enhancing focus.
  • Breathing Techniques and Meditation: Kyusho Jitsu incorporates breathing exercises and meditation, which calm the mind and enhance mental clarity. These practices promote relaxation and mental resilience, making it easier to manage anxiety and maintain focus in a high-stimulus environment.

Building Patience and Emotional Regulation

  • Progress through Practice: Kyusho Jitsu teaches that progress comes through consistent practice and perseverance. This fosters patience and the ability to work towards long-term goals, countering the instant gratification culture of social media.
  • Emotional Discipline: Kyusho Jitsu training encourages practitioners to stay calm and composed under pressure, fostering emotional discipline and reducing impulsivity. This improves decision-making and reduces reactive behaviors, promoting a thoughtful and focused approach to life.

Decline of Attention Spans in Conclusion

Decline of Attention Spans in  CONCLUSION

Amidst the rapid decline in attention spans, it’s crucial to develop skills that foster sustained focus and critical thinking.

Kyusho Jitsu provides a holistic approach to enhancing these vital abilities, helping you navigate modern challenges with clarity and purpose. 

By committing to this practice, you can develop a stronger, more resilient mind, capable of sustained attention and in-depth engagement. Experience the transformative power of Kyusho Jitsu. Join our study groups today and take the first step towards a more focused, attentive, and thoughtful life.

Thank you for reading the Decline of Attention Spans.


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If you enjoyed this article on The Decline of Attention Spans, please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell in the bottom left-hand corner of your scree. If you wish to study Kyusho Jitsu in a dedicated and motivation way, please look at my Kyusho Jitsu Study Groups via Zoom Conferencing.

Yours in the arts,

Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom: When the old meets the new.

Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom

Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom. As martial artists, we are often creatures of habit, deeply rooted in tradition. This steadfast dedication is both a strength and a potential limitation, especially when it comes to adopting new methods of learning and teaching.

Kyusho Jitsu, the intricate art of pressure point self-defense, is no exception. Many believe that in-person instruction is the only effective way to learn, but the world has changed dramatically since 2020, urging us to rethink our approaches.

The Evolution of Martial Arts Instruction

The global upheavals of 2020 led to significant changes in the way we live and work. Many dojos, unable to sustain themselves financially, have closed their doors. This shift has accelerated the need to adapt and find new ways to continue our training and teaching. In my view, the era of the traditional commercial dojo may be fading, making way for innovative methods of instruction that leverage modern technology.

The Benefits of Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom

Kyusho Jitsu, with its focus on pressure points, is a discipline that can be effectively taught remotely. Here’s why Zoom conferencing is an excellent platform for learning this sophisticated martial art:

1. Interactive Learning: Unlike downloadable videos, Zoom allows for real-time interaction. This immediate feedback is crucial for understanding the precise application of pressure points, ensuring that students can ask questions and receive guidance instantly.

2. Accessibility: Zoom classes break geographical barriers, allowing students from all over the world to learn from experienced instructors without the need for travel. This broadens the reach of Kyusho Jitsu, making it accessible to a global audience.

3. Flexibility: With Zoom, classes can be scheduled at times that are convenient for both instructors and students. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those with busy lifestyles or varying time zones.

4. Cost-Effective: Virtual classes eliminate many of the costs associated with maintaining a physical dojo, such as rent and utilities. These savings can be passed on to students, making high-quality instruction more affordable.

Embracing the Future of Martial Arts Instruction

“Back in the day,” I taught numerous Kyusho Jitsu study groups in my dojo, catering to both novice and advanced students. When I moved away from Canada, I paused these in-person sessions. However, the essence of Kyusho Jitsu, which combines intellectual understanding with martial arts movement, remains highly teachable through virtual means.

By Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom, we can maintain the integrity of the art while embracing the benefits of modern technology. This approach preserves the tradition and enhances it, providing a dynamic and interactive learning experience that can adapt to the challenges of our times.

Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom in conclusion

Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom in CONCLUSION

While tradition is a cornerstone of martial arts, it should not become a barrier to progress. The world has changed, and so must we.

By integrating Zoom conferencing into our teaching methods, we can ensure that the art of Kyusho Jitsu continues to thrive, reaching new heights and inspiring a new generation of martial artists.

Thank you for reading Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom.


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I hope you enjoyed this article called Teaching Kyusho Jitsu via Zoom. You can learn about my Kyusho Zoom Classes from this link. If you enjoyed this article, please consider subscribing to new articles via the “Red Bell” in the bottom-left corner of your screen. 

Yours in the arts,

Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

How to Learn High Level Kyusho Jitsu

How to Learn High Level Kyusho Jitsu

How to Learn High Level Kyusho Jitsu. Kyusho Jitsu, the sophisticated science of pressure points, presents a complex field of study that often challenges even the most dedicated learners.

As the theories and principles evolve, they require continual adaptation and more profound understanding.

Just when one might think they have mastered a concept, new layers are revealed, adding to the complexity of the discipline.

Successful students of Kyusho Jitsu adhere to specific rules and disciplines that facilitate effective learning. Merely attempting to cram the information proves ineffective. Instead, mastering this art demands a methodical and disciplined approach, embracing both the evolving nature of the knowledge and the patience required to absorb and apply these advanced concepts effectively.

How to Learn High Level Kyusho Jitsu

  1. Get the Big Picture. Start by understanding the broad aspects of what you're learning. Knowing the general scope can help pinpoint what specific knowledge is needed [].
  2. Define Scope and Success. Narrow down the learning focus based on your objectives and define what success will look like to streamline your efforts []. This will help tremendously learning High Level Kyusho Jitsu. 
  3. Set Goals. Establish clear, measurable, and achievable goals to guide your learning process of High Level Kyusho Jitsu and keep you motivated [].
  4. Select Resources. Choose various resources such as books, articles, and videos to avoid reliance on a single source and to gain diverse perspectives [].
  5. Develop a Learning Plan. Create a structured plan that outlines what to learn about High Level Kyusho Jitsu and in which order, akin to a book's table of contents [].
  6. Manage Your Time. Efficiently allocate your time to balance study and personal activities, ensuring you maintain a healthy learning rhythm [].
  7. Engage Actively with Material. Interact with learning materials through note-taking and asking questions to deepen your understanding and retention [].
  8. Apply Knowledge Practically. Use what you've learned in practical settings to reinforce knowledge and uncover gaps [].
  9. Evaluate and Adapt. Regularly assess your progress towards learning goals and adjust your strategies as necessary [].
  10. Teach Others. Share your knowledge of High Level Kyusho Jitsu with others; teaching is a powerful method to consolidate your learning and discover areas needing clarification [].

How to Learn High Level Kyusho Jitsu

Effective time management strategies can significantly enhance learning outcomes, making the process both efficient and enjoyable. Here are some strategies tailored especially for learners like yourself who are engaged in complex and evolving subjects such as martial arts and the intricate science of High Level Kyusho Jitsu:

1. Set Clear Goals: Break your learning objectives into specific, manageable goals. This could mean setting daily, weekly, or monthly targets, such as mastering a particular technique or principle.

2. Create a Structured Schedule: Allocate specific times of the day for study and practice. Consistency is key in developing proficiency, so try to adhere to your schedule as closely as possible.

3. Prioritize Tasks: Identify the most critical learning areas and tackle those first. This is particularly useful when preparing for a training session or an upcoming test.

4. Use the Pomodoro Technique: Work in blocks of time (typically 25 minutes), followed by a 5-minute break. After four of these sessions, take a longer break of 15–30 minutes. This technique helps maintain concentration and staves off fatigue.

5. Integrate Active Learning: Engage actively with the material through practice, teaching others, or applying the techniques in a realistic scenario. Active learning helps reinforce new information and skills, making them more memorable.

6. Leverage Technology: Utilize digital tools and apps designed for time management, such as calendars, reminder apps, and task managers. These can help you keep track of your learning schedule and to-dos.

7. Review Regularly: Set aside time for review sessions to go over what you’ve learned. This enhances long-term retention and ensures you maintain a high level of readiness for practical application.

8. Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adjust your learning plan as needed. Flexibility is essential, especially when progressing through complex subjects that might require more time to understand deeply or less time if you're advancing quickly.

9. Rest and Recharge: Ensure you get enough rest and allow time for other interests and activities. Balancing study with relaxation and fun is crucial for mental health and sustained learning.

10. Reflect on Your Progress: Regularly assess what you’ve learned and how you can improve your strategies. Reflection is a powerful tool for self-improvement and can help you make more effective use of your time.

By implementing these strategies, you can maximize your learning potential, making your study of Kyusho Jitsu more structured and productive.

How does teaching others High Level Kyusho Jitsu help consolidate learning?

Teaching others High Level Kyusho Jitsu, or any complex discipline, is an excellent way to deepen and consolidate your understanding and skills. Here are some of the key ways that teaching benefits the instructor:

1. Clarification of Knowledge: Teaching requires you to break down complex concepts into understandable chunks. This process forces you to think about the material more deeply and critically, helping to clarify and solidify your understanding.

2. Identification of Knowledge Gaps: When you teach, you often encounter questions or situations that challenge your existing knowledge. This can highlight areas where your understanding is incomplete, prompting further study and exploration.

3. Enhanced Retention: The act of explaining and demonstrating concepts helps reinforce your memory and understanding of the subject. Educational research suggests that teaching others can significantly boost retention and recall.

4. Skill Refinement: Teaching Kyusho Jitsu involves demonstrating techniques, which allows you to practice and refine your skills continuously. This constant practice can lead to improvements in both your technical abilities and your ability to communicate effectively.

5. Development of Critical Thinking: As you teach, you must adapt your explanations and demonstrations to suit different learning styles and needs. This adaptability encourages critical thinking and problem-solving, enhancing your capacity to apply Kyusho Jitsu principles in varied contexts.

6. Feedback and Reflection: Teaching provides immediate feedback, both from your students and through self-assessment, on how effectively you are conveying the material. This feedback is invaluable for making adjustments to your teaching methods and deepening your understanding of the subject.

7. Boosting Confidence and Leadership Skills: The act of leading a class and being considered an authority figure can greatly enhance your confidence and leadership skills. These qualities are essential not only in teaching, but also in practicing martial arts at higher levels.

8. Building a Learning Community: By teaching, you create a community of learners who can share insights, challenge each other, and grow together. This environment fosters a more profound engagement with the discipline, benefiting both students and yourself.

Overall, teaching High Level Kyusho Jitsu helps others learn and significantly enhances your mastery of the subject, making it a mutually beneficial endeavor.

What are key resources for developing a structured learning plan?

How to set achievable learning goals?

In Conclusion

High Level Kyusho Jitsu CONCLUSION

In conclusion, learning, and teaching High Level Kyusho Jitsu offers a powerful dual benefit: it not only facilitates the learning and growth of students but also significantly enhances the instructor's mastery of the art. Through the processes of explaining, demonstrating, and engaging with students, instructors deepen their understanding, refine their skills, and identify areas for further personal development. 

This reciprocal learning dynamic fosters a rich, collaborative learning environment and underscores the value of teaching as a tool for personal and communal advancement in martial arts. As such, embracing the role of a teacher can be one of the most impactful steps a martial artist can take, enriching both their professional journey and the broader martial arts community. 

I hope you enjoyed this article on learning High Level Kyusho Jitsu.


Do you have any question about this article, How to Learn High Level Kyusho Jitsu? If you do or have any other questions, please consider using the form below.

Ask you question here.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios: How to Survive Extreme Situations

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios. In today's world, which seems increasingly chaotic and unpredictable, where societal norms and the rule of law are frequently challenged, the importance of self-reliance and personal safety cannot be overstated.

Amidst this turbulence, martial arts offer not just a means of self-defense but a path to inner strength and peace. The wisdom of Steven Seagal in the movie "Hard to Kill" encapsulates a profound truth: while we cannot change the world, we can transform ourselves. 

This transformation equips us to handle challenges that invade our personal spaces with grace and determination.

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios

The philosophy of martial arts transcends physical training; it is a journey towards mastering one’s emotions and reactions. In the face of adversity, especially when confronted by those who disregard human dignity and laws—both divine and man-made—our response must be measured and just. Martial arts teach us the discipline of ego control and emotional regulation, empowering us to act rightly in critical moments. This is the essence of surviving extreme situations: not by succumbing to fear or aggression, but by adopting a calm, focused approach that prioritizes life and well-being.

Focusing on the practical application of martial arts for self-defense, particularly in dire scenarios, it becomes evident that an understanding of pressure points, especially those linked to the Vagus nerve, is invaluable. The Vagus nerve, a critical component of the human body's autonomic nervous system, plays a pivotal role in controlling heart rate, digestive tract movement, and even the immune response. Its widespread influence makes it a key target in martial arts for quickly neutralizing threats without causing permanent harm.

The Vagus Nerve: A Key to Survival in Extreme Situations

With regard to Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios the Vagus nerve represents a bridge between our physical form and our innate survival instincts. Stimulating this nerve through specific pressure points can induce a state of temporary incapacitation in an aggressor, allowing for a swift, non-lethal response to imminent threats. This technique not only protects the defender but also preserves the humanity of the attacker by avoiding unnecessary harm.

The application of pressure to areas influencing the Vagus nerve can have immediate effects, such as slowing the attacker's heart rate or triggering a fainting response, thereby providing a critical window of opportunity for escape or to seek help. This approach aligns with the core tenets of martial arts: respect for life and the judicious use of force.

Expanding the Arsenal: Beyond Emergency Scenarios

Understanding the Vagus nerve's role extends beyond emergency self-defense; it offers insights into managing stress, anxiety, and overall well-being. Techniques that stimulate the Vagus nerve, such as controlled breathing and specific physical exercises, can enhance resilience, emotional stability, and even recovery from physical injuries. For martial artists and non-practitioners alike, these techniques foster a deeper connection to the body's innate wisdom and healing capabilities.

Integrating Knowledge with Wisdom

In the realm of martial arts and self-defense, the emphasis on the Vagus nerve highlights a shift from brute force to intelligent, compassionate strength. It underscores the principle that true power lies in control, wisdom, and the preservation of life. By incorporating an understanding of the Vagus nerve into martial arts training, practitioners equip themselves with not only the skills to protect and survive but also the wisdom to heal and thrive in a world fraught with challenges. Let's conclude Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios.

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios In Conclusion

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios in CONCLUSION

Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios in conclusion, as we navigate the complexities of the modern world, the ancient wisdom and techniques derived from martial arts remain as relevant as ever. 

They offer not just a means of physical defense, but a pathway to personal growth, emotional resilience, and a deepened respect for the sanctity of life. 

Through the study and application of pressure points, particularly those affecting the Vagus nerve, we gain the tools to confront extreme situations with confidence, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to do no unnecessary harm.


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Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve eBook

Kyuso Jitsu
and the
Vagus Nerve

For DEADLY self defense situations

Thank you for reading this article called "Pressure Points for Emergency Scenarios: How to Survive Extreme Situations." If you enjoyed it please consider subscribing to new article notifications with the Red Bell at the bottom. And I strongly suggest getting my new eBook called Kyusho Jitsu and theVagus Nerve.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Mastet Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Power of Your Mind with the Reticular Activation System

Power of Your Mind

Discover how to unluck the Power of Your Mind with the Reticular Activation System and walk down the pasth of success in the martial arts. 

Today, I want to share with you a fascinating concept that has significant implications for our daily lives and personal development. A few years ago, I wrote an article for the World Budo Alliance Blog about the Reticular Activation System (R.A.S.). Instead of directing you to the blog, I've decided to bring the essence of that article directly to your inbox. Trust me, by the end of this email, you'll be glad you took the time to read it.

Understanding the Reticular Activation System (R.A.S.)

Power of Your Mind. So, what exactly is the Reticular Activation System? In the simplest terms, the R.A.S. is our brain's way of filtering the overwhelming amount of sensory information we receive every second. To give you an idea, out of approximately two million bits of sensory data trying to enter our subconscious mind at any moment, we are only capable of processing around 40,000 bits. This selective processing is crucial, as it helps us focus on what truly matters, filtering out the rest as unimportant.

The Significance of R.A.S. for Martial Artists

For us martial artists, and indeed for anyone striving for personal growth, the functioning of the R.A.S. holds profound significance. As famously stated by the Buddha, "We are what we think." This principle directly relates to how the R.A.S. operates, as it is essentially programmed by our predominant thoughts. This explains why when we fixate on a particular goal or object, such as owning a specific car, we start to notice it everywhere. Our R.A.S. filters our experiences to align with our focus, making these objects or goals appear more frequently in our perception. This shows the Power of Your Mind.

Take, for example, my personal experience in 1979 when I was intent on buying a Corvette. Suddenly, I saw Corvettes everywhere I went. This wasn't a coincidence but the R.A.S. at work, filtering my reality to match my thoughts and desires.

The Power of Perception and Power of Your Mind

Our daily lives are comprised of over 76,000 thoughts, with more than 90% of them being negative for the average person. This overwhelming negativity shapes our reality in undesirable ways, illustrating the Kosho adage that "Your perception equals your reality." Understanding and harnessing the power of the R.A.S. can fundamentally alter this reality, shifting our perception to foster more positive outcomes and achievements.

Power of Your Mind in Overcoming Cognitive Dissonance

Furthermore, the concept of the R.A.S. provides insight into the phenomenon of cognitive dissonance. This psychological discomfort arises from holding conflicting beliefs or attitudes. By understanding how the R.A.S. influences our perception and beliefs, we can better navigate and resolve cognitive dissonance, leading to a more harmonious and consistent belief system.

Power of Your Mind

Now in the Bible it states in Mathew 13:12 is states "Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them." Most people believe the Bible is referring to money. But that is incorrect it is speaking of "spiritual awareness." However this can refer to money. But this is linked DIRECTLY to the R.A.S Reticular Activation System and proven by science!

We have mutually attracted each other into our lives for a purpose. In our case this is likely a martial arts related subject. I know things, you seek knowledge. This present an opportunity for you and me also. You can accept that, or reject it. That is the gift of FREEWILL. But here is the caviot, not accepting what you attracted is also a function of the RAS. If you believe, as you have been programmed too that you do not have the resources the RAS will continue to make sure you do not have the resources.

As an example you are foced to buy something and you think "I do not have the money for this" then the RAS will make sure you do NOT recover from this. This is hard wired.

I watch this happen everyday as people come and go from my mail lists. Those to accept and want to walk thought the door of martial arts opportunity do so. Those who do not leave. When I began the study of Kyusho Jitsu it cost me a lot of money. I do not lie in the 10's of thousands. But I KNEW I needed this information and the RAS provided me with solutions to not feel the impact of the expense.

In the continuation of our journey through the fascinating workings of the Reticular Activation System (R.A.S.), I'd like to touch upon a concept that might initially seem distant from martial arts or neuroscience but is profoundly connected to the principles we've been discussing.

The Impact of Belief Systems on Our Reality

Imagine a scenario where you are faced with a financial decision, and your immediate thought is, "I can't afford this." This mindset triggers the R.A.S. to validate your belief, ensuring that overcoming this financial hurdle becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. This principle is not just theory but something I observe in action daily. Individuals who join my mailing list with an openness to explore martial arts find ways to navigate their challenges and embrace the opportunities. Conversely, those who believe they cannot afford to engage often find themselves stuck, validating their initial fears.

Personal Experience with Kyusho Jitsu

My journey with Kyusho Jitsu, despite being a substantial financial commitment, is a testament to the power of the R.A.S. in action. The cost was significant, indeed running into tens of thousands, but my conviction in the necessity of this knowledge was unwavering. Believing in the value of this investment, the R.A.S. helped me find ways to mitigate the financial impact, affirming the adage that where there's a will, there's a way. Power of Your Mind is unbelievable!

The Critical Link Between Your Goals and Cognitive Dissonance

As we delve deeper into the intricacies of the Reticular Activation System (R.A.S.) and its profound impact on our perception and reality, I hope the connections between this information and the challenges you face in achieving your goals are becoming clearer. A significant factor in this dynamic is cognitive dissonance, a concept that might be playing a more substantial role in your life than you realize.

The Barrier of Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is again, the mental conflict that occurs when your beliefs do not align with your actions or when confronted with new information that contradicts existing beliefs, can significantly impede your progress. For instance, you might recognize the value in the knowledge I'm offering, yet find yourself fixated on the reasons why it's unattainable. This focus on obstacles, driven by the R.A.S., can indeed be frustrating and defeating, creating a barrier between you and your aspirations.

Empowering Change Through the Conscious Mind

Here's the great news: the power to overcome these barriers lies within your conscious mind. The process of deprogramming negative or limiting beliefs and reprogramming with positive, empowering ones is not only possible but essential for growth and achievement. By consciously directing our thoughts and focus, we can reshape the function of the R.A.S. to support our goals rather than hinder them.

In Conclusion

Power of Your Mind in  CONCLUSION

Thank you for taking time to read  Power of Your Mind with the Reticular Activation System.

This is very important information for all to read. Please share tis link with like minded friends! Or with those looking for answers.


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The Essence of Martial Arts Mastery

Kosho Ryu Harmony in Motion:

The Essence of Martial Arts Mastery

Kosho Ryu and it's Concepts A to Z.

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Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Cognitive dissonance and Violence: Navigating the Streets and the Mind.

Cognitive dissonance and Violence

Cognitive dissonance and Violence. I am immensely gratified by the positive feedback received for my new eBook, "Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve." It is encouraging to see that individuals are becoming more aware of the importance of proactive self-defense measures. While ego can serve as a protective mechanism, in many instances, it has been overly nurtured to the point of detriment.

Today, the streets in Western regions pose significant risks, marking a stark contrast from past conditions. 

A notable factor contributing to the escalation of danger is the prevalence of mental illness, which has reached unprecedented levels. This surge is often attributed to a psychological phenomenon known as "Cognitive Dissonance." Now we will explore Cognitive dissonance and Violence.

Cognitive dissonance and Violence

Below is some information on "Cognitive Dissonance."

** Cognitive Dissonance is a psychological concept introduced by Leon Festinger in 1957. It describes the discomfort experienced when an individual holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time, or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideals, or values. This tension leads individuals to engage in psychological strategies to reduce the dissonance and achieve a state of harmony or consonance in their thoughts and beliefs.

In the context of societal issues, cognitive dissonance can manifest in various ways, such as denial or rationalization when confronted with evidence that challenges deeply held beliefs. It plays a significant role in how individuals interact with information and make decisions, impacting behaviors on a personal and collective level. Understanding and addressing cognitive dissonance is crucial in fields ranging from psychology and education to marketing and conflict resolution, offering insights into human behavior and the complexities of the human mind.**

Cognitive dissonance and Violence

The link between cognitive dissonance and extreme or violent behavior can be understood through several psychological mechanisms. When individuals face cognitive dissonance—that is, the conflict between their deeply held beliefs and contradictory evidence or experiences—they may resort to extreme measures to resolve this discomfort. Here's an expanded explanation of how cognitive dissonance can lead to violent behavior in extreme cases: Cognitive dissonance and Violence is a real thing, forget the lies of the media. 

1) Defense Mechanisms: In an effort to protect their self-concept and reduce the discomfort of dissonance, individuals may employ defense mechanisms such as denial, projection, or aggression. These mechanisms can distort reality or shift blame to others, leading to hostility or violence against perceived threats or sources of contradiction.

 2) Identity and Group Affiliation: Cognitive dissonance can be particularly intense when it involves beliefs central to an individual's identity or their affiliation with specific groups. When individuals perceive their beliefs or those of their group to be under attack, they may resort to violence as a means of defending their identity or asserting their beliefs against opposing viewpoints. See the link here between Cognitive dissonance and Violence?

3) Escalation of Commitment: Once individuals have engaged in a course of action or publicly committed to a belief, admitting error or changing course can cause significant cognitive dissonance. To avoid the discomfort of admitting wrong, individuals may escalate their commitment to a belief or action, even to the point of engaging in violent behavior to prove their commitment or correctness.

  4) Rationalization and Justification: Individuals experiencing cognitive dissonance may rationalize or justify extreme or violent actions as necessary for achieving a greater good or defending against a perceived evil. This rationalization process allows them to align their actions with their beliefs, reducing dissonance but potentially leading to harm against others.

5) Echo Chambers and Radicalization: In the digital age, echo chambers and online communities can exacerbate cognitive dissonance by reinforcing narrow viewpoints and presenting contradictory information as threats to group identity. This environment can accelerate radicalization processes, where individuals adopt increasingly extreme beliefs and justify violence as a means of addressing perceived injustices or conflicts. Facebook and others because of their censoring are enabling Cognitive dissonance and Violence.

 6) Psychological Distress and Aggression: The psychological distress caused by unresolved cognitive dissonance can lead to increased aggression and impulsivity. In extreme cases, this may manifest as violent behavior if the individual sees no other way to alleviate the tension or feels cornered by their cognitive conflicts.

Cognitive dissonance and Violence

Understanding the link between cognitive dissonance and violent behavior highlights the importance of strategies for effectively managing dissonance, such as promoting open dialogue, critical thinking, and empathy. These approaches can help individuals navigate conflicting beliefs without resorting to extremism or violence, fostering a more tolerant and peaceful society.

With all this in mind, the role of the media and its associated misconduct in fostering "Cognitive Dissonance" and perpetuating extreme viewpoints presents a critical issue for society. This phenomenon has tangible repercussions on the streets of both the Americas and Western Europe. The so-called "powers that be" have shown a reluctance, or perhaps an inability, to tackle this issue effectively. This hesitancy can be attributed to a prevailing lack of competence, which seems to be the norm rather than the exception today. Thus Cognitive dissonance and Violence run free and unchecked. 

Given the heightened level of danger and the significant changes we face in our world today, I felt compelled to author the eBook titled “Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve.” This book delves into the critical intersection of self-defense techniques and the physiological impact they can have, particularly through the Vagus nerve. Below is a synopsis of the functions of the Vagus nerve to provide further context.

The Vagus nerve, also known as the tenth cranial nerve, plays a crucial role in the body's autonomic nervous system, essentially acting as a communication highway between the brain and several vital organs. Its functions are vast and varied, including but not limited to: 

  1. Heart Rate Regulation: The Vagus nerve sends signals to the heart to decrease heart rate, helping to manage stress responses and promote calmness.  
  2. Digestive Processes: It stimulates muscles in the stomach to contract and propel food through the digestive tract, aiding in digestion and nutrient absorption.
  3. Inflammatory Response: The Vagus nerve has a significant role in controlling inflammation by releasing neurotransmitters that can reduce the body's inflammatory response.
  4. Respiratory Rate: It affects the muscles involved in breathing, contributing to the regulation of respiratory rate and depth.
  5. Communication Between the Brain and Gut: The Vagus nerve is a key component of the gut-brain axis, allowing for the exchange of chemical messages that influence mood, anxiety, and immune function.
  6. Reflex Actions: Such as coughing, sneezing, and swallowing, which are crucial for protecting the respiratory tract and aiding in the ingestion of food.

Understanding the Vagus nerve's functions offers profound insights into how targeted techniques, such as those discussed in “Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve,” can influence the body's physiological and psychological responses, providing a unique approach to self-defense and overall well-being.

Given the increasingly dangerous world we inhabit, I felt compelled to author the eBook "Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve." The Vagus nerve, with its extensive influence throughout the body, plays a pivotal role in our physiological and psychological responses. Its functions range from regulating heart rate, digestion, and immune response to impacting mood and stress levels. Understanding its functions offers profound insights into holistic self-defense techniques.

With this understanding, activating, striking, or manipulating specific pressure points associated with the Vagus nerve can have significant effects on an assailant, particularly one in an "extreme mental state," such as the anger that can stem from Cognitive Dissonance. An illustrative example of such a pressure point is ST-09, located at the Carotid Sinus Reflex.

Targeting this area can induce a blackout or even a severe cardiac event by causing a sudden decrease in blood pressure. This is just one example of how knowledge of the Vagus nerve's related pressure points can be applied in self-defense, offering a way to neutralize threats effectively and efficiently in association with Cognitive dissonance and Violence.

Cognitive dissonance and Violence in Conclusion

Cognitive dissonance and Violence in  CONCLUSION

My new eBook, "Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve," goes beyond merely listing pressure points associated with the Vagus nerve; it crucially explains how to access these points during an assault by someone in a violent, uncontrollable state. Traditional defense techniques often fall short in such scenarios, underscoring the importance of specialized knowledge and strategies to ensure one's safety effectively. 

This guide offers invaluable insights into harnessing the power of the Vagus nerve to neutralize threats in extreme situations, like Cognitive dissonance and Violence. A potential solution for a time when Cognitive dissonance and Violence come into your life. 

Cognitive dissonance, coupled with violence, presents a significant challenge on the streets of Western societies today. This reality underscores the necessity for all of us to be prepared for potential encounters.

Embracing the adage that change favors the prepared mind, it is imperative to understand both the complexities of cognitive dissonance and the violence it can incite, as well as the strategies for effectively managing these challenges.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this articled called Cognitive dissonance and Violence.


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Have a wonderful day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Unveiling the Most Formidable Pressure Point

Most Formidable Pressure Point

Unveiling the Most Formidable Pressure Point: For years, the debate over the most powerful pressure point in the human body has captivated martial artists and self-defense practitioners alike. Many, including myself, Grand Master Art Mason, were convinced that SP-21 held this prestigious title.

However, my latest research has led to a groundbreaking discovery that I am thrilled to share with you today. In my upcoming eBook, "Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve," I unveil that the true pinnacle of danger lies not in SP-21, but in ST-09 and ST-10 as the Most Formidable Pressure Point.

The Carotid Sinus Reflex: A Double-Edged Sword

The Carotid Sinus Reflex, especially when engaged through pressure points ST-09 and ST-10, can induce a temporary loss of consciousness, akin to a knockout, sometimes accompanied by convulsive seizures. This potent effect stems from the carotid sinus reflex, which is triggered by increased pressure in the carotid sinuses. It's a phenomenon well-recognized not only in martial arts but also in medical emergencies, where massage of these areas can decrease heart rate and blood pressure, demonstrating their significant impact on the body.

The Link Between Traumatic Carotid Sinus Reflex Death and Martial Arts

An analysis of autopsy cases has shown that sudden death can occur from mechanical irritation of the carotid sinus. These findings emphasize the importance of understanding the potential risks involved in targeting these areas, both from a martial arts perspective and in legal and medical contexts. This understanding underscores the need for precise diagnostic criteria to accurately determine causes of death, especially in cases involving the carotid sinus reflex.

The Role of the Vagus Nerve

The Vagus nerve plays a crucial role in the Carotid Sinus Reflex. As a major component of the parasympathetic nervous system, it significantly influences heart rate and blood pressure regulation. When the Carotid Sinus is stimulated, it sends signals that eventually activate the Vagus nerve, leading to a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure. This interconnected response between the Carotid Sinus Reflex and the Vagus nerve highlights the intricate balance within our bodies, especially in high-stress situations. This show the most Formidable Pressure Point is indeed ST-09.

Mastering Self-Defense: Beyond the Direct Punch

Understanding the protective instincts of the human body, especially the instinctual guard over the throat, is vital in self-defense. A direct punch, while seemingly effective, is often anticipated due to the brain's instinctive protection of critical areas. My eBook delves into advanced techniques that bypass these instinctual defenses, offering a more sophisticated approach to self-defense that can be crucial in real-world situations.

Your Invitation to Mastery

invite you to join me on this journey of discovery and mastery. My upcoming eBook, "Kyusho Jitsu and the Vagus Nerve," promises to be a significant contribution to the field of martial arts and self-defense. By ordering now, you'll secure not only your copy but also an exclusive discount on this indispensable guide.

Embrace the knowledge that could save your life. Order your copy today and take the first step towards mastering the art of self-defense.

Most Formidable Pressure Point in Conclusion

Most Formidable Pressure Point CONCLUSION

I hope you enjoyed the Most Formidable Pressure Point. I wrote an article years ago on ST-09 which I am linking.

But since martial arts is supposed to be a study I have learned much more since that day. And realizing ST-09 is the Most Formidable Pressure Pointwas a big revelation for me.

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Thank you for taking time today to read the Most Formidable Pressure Point. I hope you enjoyed it. Also please consider subscribing to new articles here by using the Red Bell in the bottom corner of your web browser.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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