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Kosho Shorei Ryu – Learn the Ancient Natural Laws now!

* Kosho Shorei Ryu

Kosho Shorei Ryu: Life always comes full circle. And for me it has been doing this for a while. This does not mean you continue to repeat things in your life like the movie "Ground Hog Day." 

But it does mean that often times something learned happened to soon in life for a complete understanding. One of these things for me is Kosho Shorei Ryu - The Ancient Teaching of Natural Laws

Kosho Shorei Ryu Journey

My journey in Kosho Shorei Ryu began in 2000 when I met Soke Raymond Hayes at a seminar in Toronto.

This led me to work with Hanshi Richard Buchan intensively for about 18 months, the study was Kosho Shorei Ryu, the Octagon. These teachings here changed the course of my life and my martial art. It was the basis for the founding of Hon San Mu Sa Hapkido

And it also made pressure points work better. The reason I am as good with Kyusho Jitsu is I apply the knowledge based on Octagon theories.

And I have written several articles on Octagon over the years, and created 2 different video courses with the basics.

But after I stopped working with Hanshi Buchan only the physical information truly stuck with me. This was mostly due to me working 70 hours a week building a school.

My focus was different. I was not yet ready.

There were elements of Kosho I knew intellectually, but they had not become part of me yet. I left the Dojo world in 2017 completely. I was tired of teaching people my root art. They would joint, and ultimately leave. Today ONE remains of my original students. Therefore my focus went to Kyusho Jitsu. I love Kyusho Jitsu. It is a body - mind experience. 

Kosho Shorei Ryu - Not a Martial Art

But Kosho Shorei Ryu is not a martial art system, it is a concept, an deep understanding of self knowledge, the natural laws of life, the world and God.  Before his death James Metosi stated "Aikido, Jujitsu, Judo, Kempo are arts of man, Kosho is God's art."

Kosho Shorei Ryu is a study!

What is the number one tenet of Kosho? DO NO HARM. He also coined the phrase "In True Self Defense there is No Body Contact." This is the highest level of martial art training. Kosho does not ignore the truth of having to hurt or kill someone. And the training which is a complete training gives you the skills to do so. But because it is an escaping art, you have choice. Can Kosho Shorei Ryu become part of any art or system? Yes it can.  Because a punch is just a punch.

My first teacher Master Philip Hollohan used to tell me "if you cannot dance you cannot fight." I understood this at the time from a superficial point of view. This is about tempo. But I discovered recently I was missing something. 

Dancing as a martial art

I believe it was Professor Thomas SH Young who clarifies that "the only different between dancing and fighting is intent."  That made the picture very clear to me. In modern martial arts training people bump into each other all the time. When dancing you do not bump into your partner. It is a harmony of motion. "No body contact."

Two of Mitosi sensei books were:

  1. What is Self Defense - A Beginners look at self defense
  2. In True Self Defense - Kosho

Recently I was asked by a student if I was going to do an a high level Octagon course. I gave it a lot of thought, but my current circumstances make that hard. Perhaps in the future. But I did decide to do a book, which is called Mastering the Octagon. In this book I will breakdown the concepts that I understand, and the meaning of the art. 

But now so with a big change. Because I wanted this to be the best work I have done to date I tried to contact Hanshi Buchan. He is no longer teaching and I have not found him. But the quest led me to his teacher, Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. Hanshi is considered to be the prodigy of James Mitose.  And gratefully I now have the opportunity to access his teaching, and work to improve my own knowledge of Kosho Shorei Ryu.

I have begun my pursuit in earnest now.

Kosho Shorei Ryu International

Back while I was with Hanshi Buchan I did receive rank from Kosho Shorei Ryu International. I was once an officer in the organization. And the reason I left had more to do with my Dojo's future than anything else.

Hanshi Buchan is an awesome man, and was a good friend. I am sure fate will bring us together again at some point. He likely stopped teaching for the same reasons I did. People are very different today then when we began our journey. Shidoshi as we called him, which means "head of the family" was a controversial man. But then so am I. When you work to be the best in your field you are often attacked by others all the time.

But as one of my mentors said "you need to become immune to the opinions of others."

When Shidoshi awarded me my rank, after teaching at a Kosho workshop to show my skills I was also given a plaque. Much was written about me on this plaque. It is around somewhere I Canada I am sure.

Kosho Shorei Ryu - My experience

Now i will tell you that at this stage in my life rank is not a priority to me. And if you have been following me you likely do not even know about my ranks. Therefore I just so not talk about it. I let my knowledge and understanding of what I do speak for itself. For for the sake of the article, and all the arts I have studied I have been "Dan - ed" 24 times.

So what did the plaque say. Lots of really nice things about me, but more importantly this:

"Learning through humility by example."  This became the Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute Black Belt Creed. But also the following:

  • Perception equals your reality
  • Opinion equals your Illusion
  • Love equals your Forgiveness

This is not fluffy martial arts philosophy!  Most of all this is an understanding of the Karma of life. Once understood you find a peace of mind. Even while the world is on fire. The final writing on the plaque before the signature of Shidoshi was:

In True Self Defense there is No Body Contact." 

This I understood then, but at the age I was I still enjoyed "bumping into people." Today I am just too old for that! 

When the Student is ready

"When the student is ready the teacher will appear." This is a very old and wise saying. However sometimes people come into your life to plant a seed, and that seed takes time to grow,

The fact that I have found Hanshi Juchnik has rekindled my interest in the arts. And with the current situation in the world today martial arts of "peace" and healing are going to be needed. In my book "Mastering the Octagon" I will be talking about healing arts.

But everything happens for a reason. People come into your life for 3 reason. It is either for:

  1. A Reason
  2. For a Season
  3. A Lifetime

We have all seen this happen.  This journey now makes me understand the reason one man came into my life for a very short time. We met at a seminar I hosted in 2000 that he was presenting at. This is Nimr Hassan, (known years ago as Terry Lee, a student of Mitosi Sensei.)


Again another very controversial man as he went to prison along with James Mitose for murder. Hassan served his time, and has spent his life teaching his Kosho, to try to bring peace to the city of Philadelphia where he lives.  The seminar he taught on "responsibility of a martial artist" was incredible. We ate dinner together and had a very long talk. This was also the seminar I met Soke Ray Hayes at. I will be sending Hanshi Juchnik an email about that conversation. 

Most of all I must say that I am honored to having been accepted by these men, and other men like Grand Master Stewart for teaching me. I have talked about my Kyusho Jitsu linage at length. But I thought today, in this unstable world of unprecedented corruption and propaganda what I could shed some light on what should be our purpose.

Teaching martial arts to unite people, the that above all else to do no harm

Learn about Kosho Ryu Instructor Courses here.

Kosho Shorei Ryu in Conclusion

Kosho Shorei Ryu CONCLUSION

Thank you for your time and attention in reading Kosho Shorei Ryu. And my thanks to the many who have influenced my journey. I took the title Grand Master in 2010 for one reason. I was a grand father.

Some believe because I moved to Romania that does not mean anything to me. But those who do not know me. 

Today Shidoshi applies. I am the head of a large family globally. Here is a link to the History of Kosho Ryu also.

The world will soon take a redirection from dark to light. Make Kosho Shorei Ryu part of your study, go from a style to a martial art. 

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* Kosho Skeletal Freeze Theory

Kosho Skeletal Freeze Theory

Part of Kosho Core Concepts Series

Control the Attackers ability to move

*Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Natural Laws of Motion and Self Defense of 

Kosho Shorie Ryu

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escaping

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

Thank you for Reading Kosho Shorei Ryu!

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Too Lazy for Kyusho? How to be a White Belt Again.

* Too Lazy for Kyusho

Are you Too Lazy for Kyusho Jitsu study? Did you try before and perhaps found it overwhelming? Learning anything and especially martial arts or its niches requires dedication.

Today i want to look at the learning process and the reasons for failure. And there is a reason I am doing this today too. I am hoping through this article you will see the reasons for every problem we face in the world today. Because there is nothing new under the sun.

Too Lazy for Kyusho - Apathy

This is the thing, in my opinion, the number one reason for student failure in Kyusho Jitsu. Apathy breeds excuses. And as my business mentor Keith Hafner told me "losers always have excuses."  "Winners see opportunity." Here are some of the excuses apathy provides.

  • Kyusho does not work. This is the ego making excuses for laziness in most cases. It can also be bad self worth. 
  • I do not have time. Yeah right, this means you do not want too. Be honest with yourself.
  • I do not have a training partner. Neither do I anymore. But I do have an imagination that is step one is development. Much research has gone into "visualization and its benefits."
  • I don't have the money. This is most of the time BS. Things today are challenging, however McDonald's Drive Thru is always busy. That comes down to priorities most of the time. And I offer so much FREE stuff, more than anyone else. I also answer questions with asking for money to do so. This excuse I do not buy. 

No time, no money, these are excuses not to begin. Do not be Too Lazy for Kyusho if it is something you want!

Are you Too Lazy for Kyusho?

This year has been my busiest year in the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance. I am trying to get everything done by the end of the year so I can focus on my Dog Rescue in Romania. However because I am writing one of the most important book I have ever done, called Mastering the Octagon I have had to add more study to my schedule. And I was working 10-12 hours per day!

Most of all Octagon training makes Pressure Points / Kyusho Jitsu more effective. I was trying to look up something from my retired Kosho teacher and ended up hooking up with Hanshi Bruce Juchnik. Now I am going expand my knowledge of Octagon once again. This is awesome. I am going to study all of his content!  Don ț t be Too Lazy for Kyusho.

How do I do it?  How do I NOT be Too Lazy for Kyusho?

Here are some of the things i do.

  1. I have a schedule. I do not have a written schedule any longer but I have created the habit of getting up in the morning and "working." My hours are very odd, but that is because I am dealing with people around the world. Typically right now 4:00 to 21:00 hours.
  2. I put time aside each day for ME. If you are a Kyusho student this is where you can put your study time. It does not need to be a long period of time. Just a habit you create to study for a few minutes each day. Soon you will find more time. The average person who works in a real job wastes 7 hours per day.
  3. Get rest! Stay away from the boob tube and YouTube. I HATED the commercial that was on Comedy network. "Time well wasted." That is the mantra of failure! You have all the time there is. You do not get more, but you want to waste it?
  4. Research and ask questions. Asking questions online led to hookup with more Octagon learning. 
  5. Failure RULES! Do not let your ego run your study. This is one reason i wanted out of the Dojo world. I got so sick of student egos and whining when they had problems with a technique. Today I choose the people I work closely with. My seminar in 2023 is invitation only. 

Everything is Yin/Yang. Failure has a path and so does success. Are you too lazy for Kyusho? Ask the questions and take action. My book 101 Ways to Master Kyusho might help more. Are you Too Lazy for Kyusho? I hope not! 

Too Lazy for Kyusho in Conclusion

I don't have the money. This is most of the time BS. Things today are challenging, however McDonald's Drive Thru is always busy. That comes down to priorities most of the time. And I offer so much FREE stuff, more than anyone else. I also answer questions with asking for money to do so. This excuse I do not buy.  Are you Too Lazy for Kyusho? CONCLUSION

I love the work of Dr Jordan Peterson. He explains the issues of the world out very well.

And if you fix your own life, pursue with a passion the things you want, eliminate the things you do not want, throw those people out of your life who do not want the best for you.

 And treat yourself like you are responsible for your well being, you will succeed in Kyusho Jitsu or anything else you want to do in life. Thank you for reading Too Lazy for Kyusho.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

An In Depth Learning of Movement and its application to street defense

*Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Natural Laws of Motion and Self Defense. The lost art of the Octagon from Kosho Ryu

Thank you for reading are Too Lazy for Kyusho. If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom. It is all about training, do not be Too Lazy for Kyusho. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

In True Self Defense. How to Win before a Punch is Thrown.

* In True Self Defense there is n Body Contact

In True Self Defense: If I was choose the one thing that changed my direction in the most in my martial arts journey it was the study of Kosho Ryu, the Natural Laws of the Octagon.  

This is what made Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point study work so very effectively for me. It also gave me a revelation, In True Self Defense there is no Body Contract.

But what does this mean?

Back in about 2003 I was in Niagara Falls Canada with many adult members of my school. We were visiting a Buddhist Temple there.

While I was out in the park a man walking behind me took notice of the saying on the back of my T-Shirt that read "In True Self Defense there is no body contact." 

He tapped me on the shoulder and and stated to me about the saying "what a pile of S**T."  I asked him if he was in the martial arts.

His reply was yes, he was from Quebec and had been training about 5 years. I told him I was a white belt in the school "Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts."

He was very agitated about the entire subject, but soon calmed down and asked me again about the logo. When he left he had different views on the subject. He realized his training was much more than physical. And he also noticed how quickly I turned his view on the subject.

How did I turn his view to understand the saying? I told him that his perception was equal to his reality. If he believes violence is the only solution, then that is correct for him

In True Self Defense - Perception equals Reality

Understanding this is the beginning of martial art mastery. Your perception is equal to your reality. We live in a prison of our own creation, our own mind.  The world is suffering the karma of the sin of apathy today. I know of several people who have been locked in their homes now for about 15 months.

They believe that if they go out they will die. There is no truth to their belief, but it is reality to them. They have internalized the propaganda of the day, and there reality is suffering.

In True Self Defense - Opinion is Illusion

We all have opinions, and if you look deep we are all usually wrong. Opinion and the need to express it is a function of the ego. And in martial arts training EGO is a big problem. Ego is the enemy. Now we all have an ego. The ego keeps us alive. 

But when it becomes excessive we are in trouble.

Your opinion of a fight or a self defense situation is never FACT. It is opinion based on perception. A true student of the martial arts is a student for all is their life. You stop being a student when you stop being teachable. Martial Arts training IS AN OPEN MIND

In True Self Defense - Love equals Forgiveness.

Hatred, there is so much of this today. And hatred is pushed hard by the political left in the world and media. Why? Because they have opinions of the way other people should live their lives. Along with hatred comes all the low thinking vices like envy, lying, stealing and cheating.

Forgiveness begins with you. It has very little to do with the offending person. You forgive yourself for giving them the power to control your thinking, your feeling and your actions. When that happens then is forgiveness can then be turned outward towards the offender.

This does not mean they will accept and it does not matter if they do or do not.

In true self defense there is no body contact. When the 3 precepts above are learned, internalized and practiced you can deal with almost any situation and do no harm. Defending yourself and others without doing harm is the ultimate of training. Body Mind and spirit.

In True Self Defense in Conclusion

In True Self Defense CONCLUSION

This is only scratching the surface of this topic. It is a deep as the Pacific Ocean itself. It is possible that at some point you may have to do harm. But applying these laws, natural laws to your life puts you in control.

And if harm must be done it will be justified. And you will sleep at night as the result. 

Thank you for taking time to read this article on In True Self Defense. 

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* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

Together we can UNITE the
Martial Arts World!

*Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Natural Laws of Motion and Self Defense

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the
5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for taking time to read In True Self Defense. I hope you found value in it. If so please subscribe to the blog using the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today. Can you hear the Death Rattle?

* Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today

That is correct Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today. I am going to explain why and also how we, the consumer have all the power, and they BIG tech have none! Back a few months ago now, to the sadness of many I deleted all my content on YouTube.  Because they are corrupt.

Today I have ended the relationship with the communist propaganda company people call Facebook.

Very soon all pages, groups and my personal profile will be deleted, not just deactivated.

I am currently in the process of deleting groups, and once completed I will be gone also. But it is funny people are very "thick." They send me messages via FB, I tell them to email me and yet they keep writing. Therefore now I just ignore all FB messenger requests. I do not dicuss anything on FB. PERIOD.

An Open Letter to Students - Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today

I HATE Facebook. In my personal, humble opinion Social Media is a disease on Society. It offers nothing of value. I stopped posting on my personal Facebook account about 7 months ago. I have had people argue with me that it connects family and friends. But in today's world of Skype, Signal and other phone related apps, and the zero cost association with communication, messenger is just not needed.  Facebook is irrelevant today.

So why this email? Today I got an email from the service I use to post blog articles to Facebook groups and pages I operate, informing me of "failure" to post. 

Facebook locked my account, AGAIN, for the 5th time in 2 weeks. Why? Because of a private conversation I had on messenger, with someone very close to me, who had traveled to see her parents and her phone died. We use the encrypted app signal to communicate.

So while at a friends we carried on a PRIVATE conversation that Facebook read and listened too! Because most of it was audio. They did not like some of the content.


I have 2 words for them!

I have been trying very hard to keep these FB groups going because I have been very unsuccessful getting people moved to the Social Network I created and am funding personally, never asking for help. And I plan to expand it.  I created this in order to promote articles an give product updates.

Plus the network is international, and free speech. There is some very interesting stuff there! The same with my video network.

As for Facebook I do not have the time to continue to do battle to post an article on, as an example Confluent Pressure Points, yes they blocked this one.  

Today i put in a complaint to Facebook about their BS, which I kinda expect will be ignored. If they do not stop giving me a hard time, and I told them this, I will DELETE my account, not just deactivate it.

This means no more Facebook groups or pages. Also the reason for deletion and I will be blunt, is I do not want my name associated with this communist propaganda organization. 

I am not asking you to join my Social Network, or my video network. Notice no links.

Just basically to inform you that I have had enough of their crap. I deleted everything on YouTube and am more than willing to do it on Facebook. To me values are more important than money. Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today!

Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today
Facebook is Communist!

Update July 28th 2021

This was what I was sent today when I opened messenger. They object to a conversation I had briefly with a student in Canada about how MSNBC are complacent to crimes against humanity.  Are you still using them???


This is not new. it has been going on for about 4 years now. I have just reached an end with it. I will tell you my reasoning. Since propaganda is what they promote, the LIES of the main stream, they do not like anything that encourages people to THINK for THEMSELVES! 

And martial art study is one such teaching.  With the exception of MMA, because be honest, it is just simply violence for entertainment! It does not appose the narrative. Make Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today by stopping its usage.

Make Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today - Here are the BANNED posts for July 2021
  1. Kyusho Body Mechanics
  2. Chi Training and Health
  3. Dangerous Neck Pressure Points
  4. Why Gmail Sucks

They called these SPAM because it is all they can say.  Facebook is SPAM because they use "fact checkers" they pay for results, and yes I can prove that. And block doctors can end up being a crime against humanity. Already is really.

Plus the CEO has lied repeated to US Congress And he also warned his people via video of the dangers of the vaxxs, while promoting them to the public. Not to mention is directly involved in fraud. Which will be made public soon. And yes I can prove my claims. Mark Zuckerberg is EVIL. Bankrupt him!

I was hoping it would change, that the massive lawsuits would change things, but it is time to end it! Make Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today.

Power of the Consumer - Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today

Make Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today! There are today so many corrupt companies, and not just big tech, it is incredible. I have a HUGE list of companies I will not deal with. And that list grows daily. I used Facebook to promote Kyusho Jitsu World, not to have their political bullshit and opinions forced on me.  the non stop Covid propaganda! (Where are the bodies?)

And I am not the only one leaving. I will join the class action lawsuit against them.

Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today

In Canada there are hundreds of companies I will never deal with, and the relationship cannot be fixed! Another great example in North America is GoDaddy. I will never use those clowns again. And their service SUCKS. I use Linode and they are AWESOME.

If you have followed me a while I hope you realize that everyone can make a difference. There is a collective energy where like minded think and act alike. If you put your foot down, by this energy more will follow. It becomes a wave.

We have the power to end any bad company! Including Amazon, and they need to go to. But people prefer convenience of what is right. Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today!

Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today in Conclusion


I was suspended today on Linkedin. I only make martial art related posted. This is a violation of their terms of service.

They want a copy of my passport to unlock it. Sorry, NO I DO NOT PROVIDE ID TO SOCIAL MEDIA NETWORKS. Linkedin is even more irrelevant than Facebook really.

If you try to contact me via Facebook messenger I will ignore you. Email is the ONLY method I will accept. I do not chat on Whatsapp or other platforms. Below you can contact me via email.

Facebook was down globally on October 5th 2021 for 8 hours. I know the truth behind this outage. Media is lying, but then that is what they do. Main stream media simply a fictional network for story telling. 

February 11th 2022. Facebook's stock is tanking, people are leaving the platform by the millions. Can you hear the death rattle? Eventually truth show, and lies and corruption implode on themselves. Looks GOOD on them! Hey Zuckerburg, can you hear Gitmo calling? 

Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today is an important article because people need to realize it has been instrumental in the destruction of Society, and this was by design.

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* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

Together we can UNITE the
Martial Arts World!

Free Membership and Dojo Listing!

Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Encyclopedia of Kyusho

Ultimate Reference for all things Kyusho

*Special Application Pressure Points

Special Application Pressure Points

High Level Study in the Pressure Point / Kyusho sciences

Thank you for your time today to read Facebook is IRRELEVANT Today. Back to our regular scheduled Kyusho Jitsu broadcasting!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Chi Training and Health. What secrets have been hidden?

Chi Training and Health

Chi Training and Health: The world is on fire, but it is till just a brush fire. And the fuel being used to create this fire? FEAR. Really aside from the damage of an uncontrolled fire it is kinds fun to watch. Today we will look at putting out this fire. Chi Training and Health, your natural state of being. 

Now I not longer live in the "west,"  and I have made my final journey to Canada. I will never return again. But I swear, the average IQ for the country has dropped better than 30 points.]

Why do I say this? Because today people do not want to learn truth, they want to be right. And my observations lead me to believe they LOVE this "pandemic." It gives them an excuse for their failed lives, their misery. It removes accountability for failure.

So what is the remedy? First the realization you cannot save the world, nor should you try. All you can do is fix your own life. Become physically, mentally and spiritually stronger.

Chi Training and Health - Fear

* Self Defense Fearmonger

Fear causes the body to become "acid." And you can feel this in your own body. Headaches, stomach issues to name a few.

But they have chemicals for you with side effects that include death!

Why would you take these? Brainwashed

Chi study, mediation and focusing on health not disease, changes the chemistry of the body to alkaline. Then the immune system works as intended, perfectly. Then you do not look to "deadly vaxxes" all unapproved by the FDA,  purely experimental so a drug company can made billions at your expense. And the drug company admits this on their website!

But fear, which is really never real, leads people to BAD decisions.

And if this is so great it would not require BULLYING, or massive marketing campaigns telling you that you need to care about others, when they are only do it for power and profit. 

Modern medicine is not about health, it is about illness. Keeping people at the drug store and SICK. You kill the beast by stopping his food supply! 

The money train STOPS DEAD if people become healthy. This is why there are laws prohibiting herbs for saying they can cure. All while after a trillion dollars of research there is no cure for cancer. ponder that a minute or two, 

And FEAR is used to keep you going to the pharmacy rather then focusing on your own health, what you consume and how you think.

I can quote you countless factually based studies and statistics (as apposed to lies called science today) that would shock you. But I cannot save the world, nor do I want to. <<people are free to make their own choices, but there is karma to all choices. I cannot feel bad for them.

Science today, which I call "lie-ence" has become a cult like religion lead by a evil criminal named Fauci who is their priest. Remember Jones Town? Drink the "koolaide" for a better life!

Chi Training and Health

Your body is a near perfect machine. The race of human has been in existence for thousands of years. We in TRUTH do not know how long. Empires have risen and fallen, and yet people survive. But today the unprecedented LIES and corruption of Government, Medical "science" and media are beyond anything we have ever encountered in history.

It is time to wake up and look to our inner self, looking for answers,  realizing that Chi Training and Health go hand in hand. No one needs dangerous chemicals to be healthy! Research a question. What has medical science CURED in the last hundred years? Research will tell you their claims are lies and the truth is the cures where herd immunity not their chemicals. 

You will heard claims, but never proof. When you ask for proof you are attacked. When you find truth all lies become self evident. 

Chi Training and Health in Conclusion

Chi Training and Health CONCLUSION

In this article on Chi Training and Health I am offering you an opportunity to reach amazing health. All aspects!

And you can do it without any cost. But unlike the LIES of the ideologues today, you have to do the work! If you do not do the work you will not get ANY result. 

We make the world better by making ourselves better. No one can save the world, but through Chi Training and Health we make our lives better and can share this knowledge.

Never trust your health to those who profit from your illness. Thank you for reading Chi Training and Health.

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Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

* create a Chi Ball

Free Chi Manipulation eBook!

Get you Copy Now!

The Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory

The Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory

An eBook on the POWER of Ancient Theories

Proof Old Knowledge is the BEST knowledge

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If you find value in these arts, ones like Chi Training and Health. Or whether on pressure points, self defense or Chi please consider sharing them with like minded friends. And if you have a moment please visit my dog rescue website.

You can subscribe to new article using the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Why Gmail Sucks. Five Important Reasons to never use GMAIL

* Why Gmail Sucks

Why Gmail Sucks: I hate Google, and I hate everything about Google. Recently I removed over 5000 videos from YouTube, and I do not use their services.

I created my own video platform. I am about 95% Google free. But it is a process. Today I want to discuss this at length

And discuss the latest censorship and cancel culture crap from them, Microsoft and Yahoo.

A day or so ago, depending on when you read this, I had a student who had purchased from my Kyusho Online Video Course Site not get his emails.

I had to manually send his credentials to him. Then in the morning I checked the logs of my bulk email service and discovered GMAIL had in the last 48 hours bounced all messages to gmail accounts.

And Why Gmail Sucks!

Later in the day I discovered Yahoo and Microsoft was doing the same. So everyone updates their "spam" policy at the same time? I do not SPAM anyone.

There are unsubscribe links in every message, and people have to "opt-in" to receive emails. 

This sounds like shadow banning to me. Banning any email address they are not making money on. This is an attack, another attack on small business by the corrupt. 

Why Gmail Sucks - they reads your emails
Did you know that gmail reads every email you have coming in? They do this to target ads to you. And they admit this. It is called surveillance capitalism, but in FACT is a violation of your privacy. You would need a lawyer to understand their "terms of service" which changes like the weather to keep their lies of the mainstream alive. Protect their narrative. 

All of this is UNETHICAL. Therefore it is time to stop using these corrupt communist companies. A TRUE free market means you have choice. And if you choose not to use them they go BANKRUPT.

Why Gmail Sucks!

Like Coke and "too white" to be an employee campaign. I will never drink a coke product again! And Bill Gates with his "Impossible meat."

If you knew the contents you would vomit! But soon this will be exposed too.

You know I am BIG on protecting animals but this is all a lie! Agriculture has kill more animals that any other action! Electric cars have a greater impact on the environment than gas cars. And Bitcoin is not destroying the world with power consumption, ALL BOLDFACED LIES!

Dr Death Bill Gates is committing Crimes against humanity with his "college buddy"  "doctor-yeah right" Fauci. Both these men need to go to tribunals!  Fauci is perhaps the evilest man of modern times. He needs to suffer like the people who he has infected with his vaccine! And there has never been any virus proven to exist.

Western Medicine must go as it is pure corruption and crimes against humanity. Legal killing and drug pushing. 

You have been HAD. But I regress.

Why Gmail Sucks! - FREE as in FREEDOM!

Below are some email provider who are not spying on you, steal your identity and commit crimes against humanity like Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Amazon and Facebook. There are some problems with their services because the are FREE. But for the most part they are pretty good.

  1. Proton Mail
  2. Tutanota
  3. Librem Mail
  4. Mailbox
  5. Tor-Guard

Here is an article from a trusted source with others. Oh and use DuckDuckGo for a search engine. You get real results from them. 

Why Gmail Sucks! - Actions to Take

If you are not planning on moving your email from this companies it is your choice. However you will have delivery issues unless you do some whitelisting

You will need to whitelist the email addresses and domains below to assure, or help assure delivery. I am working to make changes to my domain DNS setting to try to get by these new bullshit "rules", however this will take time and is very complex. Thank the Lord I have the knowledge to do so! Can you see why gmail sucks so very much? 

Even if you do decide to dump these corrupt anti-human companies whitelisting is a good idea. So you see why gmail sucks?

Why Gmail Sucks in Conclusion

Why Gmail Sucks CONCLUSION

There are IDIOTS out there who will say this is "capitalism." Yeah no moron this is Fascism. Get a CLUE. 

I recall back in the 90's when I was first using the internet, before it was called the internet through an educational network. So much has changed and so much needs to change. 

We do not need it to be censored because that lead to the Stalin USSR Communism. 

You can take total control of your internet experience, but you have to do the work. I know today working is against many people's "principles" but if you follow me, you likely love to train and work.

If google users stop using the services and move on then these companies will FAIL and we will get the internet back. Today search engines are useless because you cannot get real results with companies like Google giving you horrible pain results and results from companies like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. And if it is not them it it redit, which is a crap platform of trolls.

Thanks for reading Why Gmail SUCKS. And since you now know Why Gmail Sucks, stop using it!

PS - My life is 100% Microsoft Free! Google 95% Facebook 95% and more to come. 

Surveillance Capitalism is the manifestation of George Orwell's prophesied Memory Hole combined with the constant surveillance, storage and analysis of our thoughts and actions, with such minute precision, and artificial intelligence algorithmic analysis, that our future thoughts and actions can be predicted, and manipulated,

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Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

A Book for the Times

The Great Awakening

Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Encyclopedia of Kyusho

Ultimate Reference for all things Kyusho

And please checkout Wolf's Den Dog Rescue. I hope you enjoyed Why Gmail Sucks! Please consider subscribing to my blog with the Red Bell at the bottom corner! Here is a new article for the times called Fall of the West.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Psychology. How to Confuse the Mind

* Pressure Point Psychology

Pressure Point Psychology. How to Confuse the Mind. "All is far in love and war." Now there is an old saying for you! Today I am going to give away some secrets.  So lets look at Pressure Point Psychology - The Power of the Triple Warmer Meridian. This will below you mind!

There are many "martial artist" out there who are more than happy to tell you how Kyusho Jitsu does not work. But that is statement always come from lazy, self important people.  I have been dealing with these failures in training for decades. If you do not do the work, you will NEVER get the results. And no matter how much some does not like this, it is just FACT

Now did you see what I did there?

Let's continue. I have a "follower" and I have to call him a follower because he wants everything handed to him on a silver platter. Now I put up with him for the most part because I find it entertaining. He will ask me a question, and wants me to do a video for an answer. I stopped doing video long ago! I tell him to go and train. Then ask questions. 

Today no one wants to do the research. This is one reason the world is in so much trouble today. People see something on TV (the idiot box) and believe it to be FACTUAL. They believe this no matter how RIDICULOUS the information. 

Pressure Point Psychology - Again I ask, did you see what I am doing?

I am using Pressure Point Psychology - The Power of the Triple Warmer Meridian to get an emotional response from you. And I will always get an emotional response or reaction. Some will get angry. Others will laugh. But there is always a reaction, strong or mild. 

The Triple Warmer Meridian is link directed to the endocrine system of the body, the emotions of the person, and therefore can be altered at will if you train to do so. Because no mtter where you strike on the body you active Triple Warmer, and even words do the same!

Pressure Point Psychology

I am sure you have seen the crap out there today about "if you hurt my feelings you are using hate speech." In my view that is pathetic. However it gives someone who trains for this a great advantage! 

Back a few months ago I released an eBook called Self Defense from Brainwashing. My hardcore students purchased it, but for the most part people do not want to admit they are being programmed. And that is OK, we all become aware at different times, and some never will. But there is some good information there on this exact topic! When you understand the tricks, you become enlightened. After all "all is far in love and war." I would certainly use this knowledge against someone who is an issue in my life!

Pressure Point Psychology. How to Confuse the Mind

Many years ago one of my boys turned me on to a TV series. It was a UK series called "Sherlock." But the reason was to watch the character and his ability to observe his surrounding and learn about people from their body language. It is an amazing show!

One of the final episodes of the series there was one called "Pressure Points." Now this was not pressure points of the body, but pressure points of the mind.  "Pressure Point Psychology!" The bad guy would learn about people he needed to control and find their "pressure points" and then use the information to control them. 

He tried to do this with Sherlock, and Sherlock played along. But if you understand what is happening you can counter act it. This is all very Yin/Yang also. The bad guy failed miserably and put himself in a vulnerable situation which cost him his life.  

Understand Pressure Point Psychology.

Pressure Point Psychology in Conclusion

Pressure Point Psychology CONCLUSION

First training is the ONLY path to get to the destination. And that means training the body and mind. Body is first.

Without the physical it is impossible to get the mind to a high level in Budo.

Spirituality is last. This is all part and parcel together.

Right now I am working on an eBook about How to Create an Eclectic Martial Art. But I am now doing one more on this subject. It is called Mastering the Triple Warmer Meridian

Thank you for reading Pressure Point Psychology.

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Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

Encyclopedia of Kyusho

Ultimate Reference for all things Kyusho

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

I hope you enjoyed Pressure Point Psychology. Please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Education. Life is about learning.

Kyusho Jitsu Education

Kyusho Jitsu Education: I have written similar articles in the past. But today getting a Kyusho Jitsu Education is a little different.

When I began my pressure point education in early 2001 things were straight forward. I drove once per month for a year to London Ontario Canada to be taught by a true Kyusho Jitsu legend Grand Master Steve Stewart.

The after a year I made two journeys per month. 

This was exciting! But today with the lies perpetrated on society by corrupt governments, medical systems and media, the world is a far difference place.

Kyusho Jitsu Education

We are at war, even if most people do not see this because it is not conventional. However that may change.

Today a Kyusho Jitsu Education and martial arts training are more important than ever before.

 However you MUST BECOME SELF MOTIVATED or you will fail. There is no instructor standing before you to push you like in older days. My article "end of the martial arts dojo" talks about this more. Everything is moving online.

Kyusho Jitsu Education - Changes Today

After the lies of the past year most children have lost so much time education wise they can never catch up. However it is not really a loss because the education system in the western world is a joke. It is a massive disservice to society and if I had young child today they would be taught at home. Education has an agenda and that is to program child to fail. 

But there is a silver lining because their always is! If you do some work you can find amazing information online today. Educational opportunities far beyond the main street. As an example I take online IT courses. From a private company interested in teaching people.

Not to push some BS political point for view. However if you search from Google you won't find anything but crap. I never use Google for anything. This is a great search engine here. DuckDuckGo

Kyusho Jitsu Education - Martial Arts Online

And the martial arts world has the same potential. And when it comes to online I have been leading the field for some time. On of my long time students, who resides in Malaysia Master Muhammad Ali has course at Udemy.

Udemy will not allow the link, but if you are interest contact Master Ali here. These courses are amazing! If you want some great organization of content this is amazing stuff!

But the fact is you today in order to succeed must become far more self motivated than ever before! You must become very discipled to succeed. Because no one is going to push you. Look today at how many people love the idea of just staying home and collecting an income from the government? I can only cll them PATHETIC.

I do not want anything from any government but to be left alone to succeed. And the feeling this brings, success is far greater then any other they of feeling I can explain. When someone as an example purchases my Kyusho Home Study Course and then emails questions about the content I still get very excited! 

Kyusho Jitsu Education - Do not let life get in the way!

But I often see life will get in the way and then the focus is lost and does not return. Believe me I have had life get in the way countless times. But self disciple brings me back to center and I march on.  I get up before the sun everyday to answer emails, write articles, book and video to offer students the best possible information I can give.

And I have been doing this for decades.

I do not sit pissing and moaning like so many. Some of my former students from my Dojo days are professionals at this! 

Kyusho Jitsu Education in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu Education CONCLUSION

The only limit people have is their mind. If you feed your brain crap, like as an example the work of Commie Karl Marx, you will fail in life. Consume things that empower you, not crap from criminals that limit you! 

Today we have some amazing opportunities in front of us. Rather than whine and complain about the world seize the opportunity. 

We have a long hard road to recover from this past year. Many people are afraid, and so afraid they can no longer think. They will not survive these times. 

As frustrating as this is it is still an opportunity! Surround yourself with like minded people and get training! You will never regret training and learning. Martial arts is about Body Mind and Spirit. A Kyusho Jitsu Education is the MIND part. Your root art is the BODY and Chi is the SPIRIT.

Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu Education.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

USe the form here to ask.

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Self Defense for Disabilities

Self Defense for Disabilities

All NEW eBook on Cane Defense for Mobility Issues. Cane is one of the most effect tools for self defense. Follow the link below to learn more about this eBook

I hope you enjoyed Kyusho Jitsu Education. If you found value in the article please consider subscribing to new articles via the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Old Man in the Mountains. A Life of Inner Peace

* Old Man in the Mountains

Old Man in the Mountains. A Life of Inner Peace:

So today I want to give everyone an update from the Old Man in the Mountains as to what is happening in not only in Kyusho but my martial art teaching in general.

Most of all our world is a very different place than it was about 40 years ago when I began my martial art journey. And it is certainly different than it was 8 years ago when the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance was founded.

Old Man in the Mountains

Firstly I will not disclose my exact location to anyone, let's just say I am happy to be where I belong. I have much work to do! And it will take years to accomplish, which I love. And I am blessed to have a great team, my pack, to this all done. 

Back on August 11th 2015 I renounced the world and moved with one of my boys to East Europe. This was the best thing I ever did!  After raising kids, working for other people to provide for them I think I am well entitled to enjoy my "senior" years without the BS Communist Canada brings to the table. Canada is the perfect example of instanity as they continue to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Then when they fail they are stupid enough to look to a government, the ones that have lied to them all their lives, for answers. Morons.....

Old Man in the Mountains

And not to mention the non stop drama. (and this move caused a lot of drama with with former students and friends). Importantly I had dedicated my life to my family, and now as they are all grown I should be allowed to live my life. And all my family is always welcome to join me. 

There are many great things coming to the world in the future. So how do I know this?

Because I pay attention and I am awake. Most people, the masses are still fast asleep believing all the lies presented to them. They will even fight to protect these lies and the liars.

Hence this is called Stockholm Syndrome. I once had Stockholm Syndrome linked to a  complete definition but the FASCIST tech companies won't allow the link now. Talk about Nazi ideologies!

It is both kinda funny and pathetic at the same time. I have no right or interest on imposing my views on others. So I just keep quiet. Life is better that way. I love being the Old Man in the Mountains.

Old Man in the Mountains on Social Media.

* Old Man in the Mountains

The reason for this article actually is because of a comment from a man this a while back because I deleted all my videos I had made on YouTube. Actually I deleted the videos from my old school channel also.

All things "old man in the mountains" are gone from YouTube. Why? Because Google / YouTube are a corrupt company pushing lies to the public, fear mongering and censoring. I just cannot support them making money on my content, when I am denied doing the same.

Therefore when a company pushes an agenda that causes harm to people this is a company that should not be supported. And I will not support them. I being a consumer have all the power to chose what I do with my money. Most of all these companies believe they have control. This is a lie, they do not have any control unless we give it to them.

Old Man in the Mountains

Therefore I cannot in good conscious allow my content to be used to make them any money and feed this demon. And the only way to beat them is to bankrupt them. This is the power of the free market! When I did this someone commented "do you really thin what you do will make a difference." 

People this pathetic attitude is why the world is how ii is. It is called APATHY.

Sadly a while back I also received a scathing comment here from a former student. And from someone who I stood up for countless times and support him in his darkest times. He gossips like a child about me, knowing nothing about my life. Very sad. Therefore you must remove people who do not want the best for you from your life. People love to assume they know your circumstances when in truth they know nothing.

Old Man in the Mountains - Future of my teachings

Very importantly while I will always be involved in Kyusho Jitsu because I love the study, I have expanded what I am doing. My root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido was founded by myself and my boys in 2006 with the World Budo Alliance. It was founded based on Kul Sul Hapkido, Pressure Points and the Natural Laws of Kosho Ryu. Kosho Ryu is the foundation of my root art.

This is what I often refer to ask Octagon training, however it is much more than this. It is actually a complete martial art. You can read more about this in a course I am creating called Kosho Core Concepts Series here. There are several other video courses and books available too. I am the Old Man in the Mountains.

Wolf's Den Dojo - Old Man in the Mountains

* Wolf's Den Dojo

I am also very soon going to build a private Dojo. What I means is this is not going to be a public facing Dojo open to the general public. It will be on the same property as my Wolf's Den Dog Rescue. You can read more about the Wolf's Den Dojo and the program offered here at the Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts website. 

What I will be teaching at this Dojo is Kosho Ryu. I have been working hard now for months as I reconnect, and continue to learn this very important ancient martial art that can be traced back to 1235.

And also give back to doggies and my love for them. We will never have peace among men when we cannot respect dogs and other animals.

Old Man in the Mountains in Conclusion

Man in the Mountains CONCLUSION

There is an old saying, "if you do not stand for something you fall for everything."

Martial Arts training, because when taught and studied correctly is a trinity of Body - Mind - Spirit. This is a positive energy which teaching can change the world

And in 2024 I do plan on a seminar in Brasov Romania. It is called the Romanian Martial Arts Training Camp. These seminars will be used for feeding the Wolf's Den Dojo and those interested in training with me personally.

Thank you for reading this article called Old Man in the Mountains.

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* Introduction to Kosho Ryu

Introduction to Kosho Ryu

A Course in Natural Laws

Discover the Power in Yielding

Always Keep Learning!

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for reading an Old Man in the Mountains. If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing by clicking on the Red Bell.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Quantum Healing with Chi Development.What lies within us all.

* Quantum Healing with Chi Development

Quantum Healing with Chi Development: This article is going to be packed with a lot of very important information for my Kyusho Jitsu students and followers. So please read to the end and share this one! Today I am going to address your health and Quantum Healing with Chi Development.

And I am going to take no prisoners in the article. I also encourage you to research the things I am going to say! 

But when you do your research make sure to stay away from Google and main stream media and platforms. 

This is because they have been bought and paid for years ago! Your health does not require any doctor of chemical from the medical industrial complex. The body is a perfect flawless creation that when taken care of heals itself, until the end of life comes. 

The more you interfere with this, the more issues you develop. Think about this for a while.

Quantum Healing with Chi Development - Take Charge of your Health!

The government has no business in your health of any kind of regulation therein. Why do I say that? Because there is so much corruption, especially in western government that all they want is MONEY and POWER, If you are Canadian and think your federal government care if you iive or die, you are a fool! 

If they DID care the lies they are telling you about mask and lockdowns would never have come to play! And do you know YOUR DOCTOR gets a kickback for a positive test? Just like he or she does for writing that opioid prescription for pain. 

Just like your government controlled school boards get kickbacks for saying your child has a learning disability. BULLSHIT. the education system has a teaching disability!

How many lies will you listen to until you stop believing the liar?

Your body has a DNA map to repair itself to its original state without interference. It simply need certain tool and conditions to do so. Yet the government and medical industrial complex along with Gates wants to alter your DNA with a vaccine for something with a non existent death rate. And people buy this garbage!

So how do you benefit from Quantum Healing with Chi Development? This is a way to view your health from a different angle. Now I am not saying to anyone with a chronic illness that has a PROVEN non invasive treatment that you should stop the medication.

But I am saying to add this information to what you are doing. And always realize the current system is about profit and not health.

First step is stress reduction! Meditation is the key to this. Even if it is only 10 minutes per day! Your brain is bombarded with thousands of message designed to program you in different directions. You MUST TAKE OUT THE TRASH!

When I stepped off the plane in Toronto in September 2020 my stress level went thought the roof. The vibration in this horrible communist country is so low. It sucks the life out of you! I had to focus on Kyusho and producing great content for you, plus meditation to fight this off.

Stepping off the plan in Bucharest is wonderful! A different world!

Next is building your CHI. I have a lot of great information this at my Chi Development Website. When you do this Chi work then Quantum Healing with Chi Development becomes logical and easy.

Quantum Healing with Chi Development - Diet and Exercise

This is a joke industry. Obsessive training, and obsessive dieting when moderation is always the KEY. Life is about moderation not excess! 

In my new course called Quantum Chi Healing Video Course I am going to break down all these areas. And it will be in massive details. I encourage you to visit the website and learn more. 

Quantum Healing with Chi Development in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

It is time to take control of your own destiny and health. Riches do not matter if your health is BAD. And today in the west all you need to do is look and you can see how unhealthy the population is. And there is a reason. It begins with trusting others, abdicating your responsibly for your own health to corrupted people. 

In closing I will make one statement. Would you trust Joe Biden babysit your child? Then why would you blindly trusting those profiting from your illness to be in charge of your health. Thank you for reading Quantum Healing with Chi Development.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

Free Chi Development eBook!

Follow the link below and grab your FREE copy of my son Scott's Chi Development / Manipulation book NOW!

Start your journey to better health now!

* Chi Development

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Quantum Healing with Chi Development. If you found it of value please subscribe to the blog with the Red Bell below. And also remember how important Quantum Healing with Chi Development is to your training.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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