All posts by Grand Master Art Mason

Pressure Point TW-11 [Triple Warmer]. What is the Arm Break Point?

* Pressure Point TW-11

Pressure Point TW-11. Today I am going to discuss in some details what is sometimes referred to as the "arm break point" Pressure Point TW-11. There is more to this pressure point than meets the eye and while the usage is seen in MMA rings, their results are not what they could be if the pressure point was properly understood and utilized. 

Pressure Point TW-11 - Location

This pressure point is located under the tendon at the elbow joint.  To activate this pressure point properly the hand needs to be facing upward with respect to the elbow joint itself.  Exact location can be found on a partner by bending the arm and placing the palm on the elbow.  When you close the hand the knuckles will lie directly on the pressure point. [North on the arm]

This Pressure Point TW-11 react to both a rub and a strike. Activation causes the muscles to release the elbow as the primary result and to release the shoulder joint secondarily. 

This reaction is why it becomes to very easy to dislocate the elbow itself.

You will see the arm bar used as a submission hold in various ring fighting events.  Leverage is applied to cause pain and or get a submission from the opponent. 

However if stimulation of Pressure Point TW-11 was or occur the elbow would dislocate immediately.

In the ring this could be done with the leg.

* Pressure Point TW-11

 However the injury to the joint is sever and would require surgery to repair the damage done. This pressure point works on everyone I have ever encounter in my years of Kyusho Jitsu Training.

Pressure Point TW-11 in Conclusion

Pressure Point TW-11 CONCLUSION

This is an outstanding pressure point to add to your self defense system. I have had personal street experience with the one and know how effective it is.

If you are in need of a solid, real life street self defense system have a look at my Humane Presume Point Tactics Courses at Kyusho Jitsu University

What self defense system are you currently studying? Does it include Pressure Points like TW-11? And thank you for reading about Pressure Point TW-11. I hope you found the information to be of value for you.

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* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

I hope you enjoyed the article on Pressure Point TW-11. Please consider subscribing to new article with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Aging Martial Artists. How to get better with age.

* Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season

Often times aging Martial Artists are not a pretty thing to see. Many put on vast amounts of weight, and are then ridiculed for it, which is funny because it is often the kettle calling the pot black. The harder you trained, often the more sever the issues later.  Injuries catch up with you, for most arthritis sets in.  Physically we change, but in our hearts we remain young. This in Kyusho Jitsu is part of the seasons of life

Aging Martial Artists - Growing Old with Grace

This is what we all hope, to grow old and have a little grace with it. Maybe some wisdom. Wisdom will tell you that it is perhaps time to control the ego, relax and enjoy life. I know that is what I have done here moving to East Europe. I am not taking it “easy” but I have made life simpler.

Today the face of martial arts is very different. Sport is now the BIG fad, and yes it is a fad. The fad will last, but personally I see little to no value in it. But hey that is just me, does not mean I am right or I am wrong. However, what concerns me is the attitude of some, that they will never age, or have the concerns that we have.  I am not expecting to see much wisdom from this generation.

What exactly do I mean? People today, martial artists today do not see the long term consequences or karma of their actions.

Aging Martial Artists - Youth and Consequences of Actions

Are you aware that there is a part of the human brain that does not stop its development until the age of 21 on average? This is the part that understands the consequences of actions. This is why so many teenagers smoke, take drugs, have unprotected sex, drive to fast, and live life on the edge.

Today I think perhaps for some the brain never matures. However, there comes a time when you need to understand the body, and protect it and your loved ones. Self Defense becomes the focus, not winning a trophy.

Aging Martial Artists -  in Walks Kyusho Jitsu

The art and science of pressure point self defense helps to take the focus off a fitness level that cannot be maintained as we grow older. And honestly who would want too?

Kyusho Jitsu will help to compensate for injury and illness to the body by teaching you to be more effective in self defense, and not egotistical about it.

Kyusho Jitsu is a game changer, but it must be studied in earnest to be effective.  But then everything does have a price! That price is dedication. To my way of thinking while Kyusho Jitsu should be for everyone, it is really a calling for most.

And for aging martial artists, it is critical knowledge with far more benefits than the work that must be put into it. And learning can also help to prevent the onset of different mental problems like memory loss.

Aging Martial Artists in Conclusion

Aging Martial Artists CONCLUSION

Aging Martial Artists: Today it is hard to get people to look past the current day. People worry about things that cannot change and do not take action on the things they can change.

Keeping your years of martial arts training effective is one you can change. Are you will to take the first step? Follow this link if you are!

Oh and a question. Can you spot me in the picture at the top of this article called Aging Martial Artists?  Another article you may fin of value is An Old Man's Martial Art. 

Have a Kyusho Question? 

Use this form to ank your question. I respond within 24 hours.

Ask you question here.

*Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Natural Laws of Motion and Self Defense

Making Martial Art Study Ageless

In True Self Defense there is No Body Contact

* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense

Thank you for taking time today to read Aging Martial Artists. If you found value in this information please consider subscribing using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page,

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Top 5 Self Defense Tips. Important information that may save your life.

Top 5 Self Defense Tips

Today I want to give you the Top 5 Self Defense Tips with a Kyusho Jitsu flare to them. Now this is not today about techniques, but most of all being safe on today very unpredictable streets. 

Much of what is taught is unfortunately not very effective. It can be complicated to learn and some is just dangerous! But there are real solutions! 

Top 5 Self Defense Tips, so keep reading to discover them!

* Top 5 Self Defense Tips [Kyusho]

These commonly taught techniques pictured here are not effective!

Here is the list now of the Top 5 self defense tips all based on common sense.

Top 5 Self Defense Tips #1

Know you surroundings! I know this sounds like real common sense but you cannot image the number of people who have no clue! Now I live in a country with a VERY low violent crime rate. Currently, but that can change very quickly! Therefore be prepared always!

* Top 5 Self Defense Tips [Kyusho]

Here is a classic example of what NOT to do! It is only a purse, let it go and bring the police into the matter!

Always be safe!

Today you see people walking down the street, faces buried into their cell phone with no clue what is going on around them.  This gives the signal to ANY predator that says "ATTACK ME."

Put away the cell phone! Facebook, Twitter and Messenger are NOT emergencies! Don't make yourself a victim! I leave my cellphone in my pocket!

Top 5 Self Defense Tips #2

Notice I did not say "leave your cellphone home?" A cellphone when used properly is the greatest self defense "tool" in the world! Why? No not so you can hit the attacker with it! But so when something is wrong you can call the POLICE!

Every cellphone has a GPS tracking device in it that can help the police local exactly where you are! These work better then you realize! 

Here is a listing of common emergency phone numbers world wide. But check your area for the correct number! Have the number on speed dial is best because during an emergency you may not be able to dial very well! Even if you are experienced in self defense do this anyways! 

Most of all safety first! Ego LAST!

Top 5 Self Defense Tips #3

Seasoned self defense people and martial artist know this! However on the weekend I read a self defense article on WikiHow that was simply WRONG! 

Self Defense for Knife Attacks

It was about knife defense, which is hands down the most "dangerous" situation the average person will ever face! They told the readers to yell "HELP!"

Read there about the 13 Misconceptions about Knife Attacks.

Yeah NEVER well "HELP" unless there is a Police Officer within visual range!  Why? Because NO ONE will come! People today do NOT want to be involved and yelling help is rolling the dice!

Instead yell "FIRE!!!"

And the reason? People love to watch things burn! This will catch the attention of anyone in the area and human nature says they will come and see what is going on! Understanding the psychology of how people think is a wonderful thing!

Top 5 Self Defense Tips #4

Find a BUSY place to flee to! Do not go down dark alleys and deserted streets to get away. Try to find a place with lots of people! The odds are this will discourage the attacker and make him move on! 

Therefore this is why awareness of your surroundings is so important! Know where you are at all times! I talk constantly with my Kyusho Jitsu Students about the value of knowing where NORTH is. Make knowing you surrounds a part of everything you do! 

If you are in your car and think you may be followed do not go home! Drive once again somewhere well populated and use tip #2! Call the Police, always call the Police! It is there JOB!

Top 5 Self Defense Tips #5

Real World Self Defense

Get some self defense training! Now this is where I hear all the MMA guys going, "I am a trained fighter, I don't need this!" Yeah, no YES you DO!

Today most martial arts are sport oriented which is fine, but KNOW your limitations! Winning a battle in a ring, every at the high level is not the same thing! In a ring your opponent wants to WIN! On the street the attacker wants to KILL YOU!!


Now I hear many fighters talk about the guy they dropped on Friday night downtown. Yeah that is a FIGHT. When you have an argument with some guy who called your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other names and fisticuffs begin, that is a FIGHT.

This is 2 idiots who have giant egos who like to prove their worth. Have fun, that is NOT SELF DEFENSE! Enjoy the assault charges!

Now as for some serious self defense training I do have a solution for you! 

Top 5 Self Defense Tips in Conclusion

Top 5 Self Defense Tips Conclusion

Top 5 Self Defense Tips: It is never the things you know that get you into trouble. It is the things you "think" you know but do not that do! 

As an example a martial artist as talented  are not by default "Self Defense experts!"

This is a very common misconception!

You need to also know the LAWS as it pertains to Self Defense. Things are far more complicated than they used to be! Thank you for taking time to read Top 5 Self Defense Tips.


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Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Are you having trouble getting pressure points to work?

If YES I have a solution for you!
Making Kyusho WORK every time!

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Top 5 Self Defense Tips. If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing using the Red Bell at the bottom corner of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Power Vs Force. Master the art of Intent now

* Kyusho Power Vs Force

What do I mean by Kyusho Power Vs Force? And how does this apply to Kyusho Jitsu? Today in the martial arts world training has taken on a different meaning. Conditioning has become paramount, skill in my opinion is on the decline.

Sport martial art has taken over, with an obsession on battle, winning, and developing a killer body to do it! 

The problem is human nature when we are young makes us believe we are invincible. So all this goes on without a single thought of the end result.

If you want to see the end result you need to look no further then the body count in professional wrestling. MMA and sport martial arts will be there in a few more years. The body won't take it forever.

Kyusho Power Vs Force - Injuries HAPPEN

When you push the body hard non stop you are not creating power, you are instead forcing a result. There is a BIG difference! FORCE cannot be maintained, power, real power can be! When I was younger I training hard 2-3 hours per night, 6 days per week. Today my hips are shot, my knees are bad. Pain becomes a fact of life. Now there is nothing wrong with training hard. But "excessive" has a BIG price! And the massive addiction to pain killers is a big sight something is very WRONG.

Kyusho Power Vs Force.

You know I knew I would one day get old. But I did not think it would happen so fast!

I am so VERY THANKFUL I met Steve Stewart in 2001. Why? Because Kyusho Jitsu is a game changer when it comes to the CLOCK of life.

The great equalizer for growing old, injuries and training changes due to the preceding. 

With Steve Stewart. George Dillman and Louise St Jacques

He taught me how to develop POWER my using natural body mechanics, angles, pressure points and in the end wisdom. Therefore allowing me to improve with age, not regress like most people do. The seasons of life can not be avoided! But the effectiveness of your martial art can grow better with age like fine wine and whiskey. Kyusho Power Vs Force is very important to understand.

Kyusho Power Vs Force. The things Bruce Lee Taught

I find the life of Bruce Lee to be in many ways an inspiration to the martial arts. He showed size did not matter, that the style did not matter.  Yet somehow in the modern world those words are lost. I guess that is true of any prophetic person like Lee.

Bruce Lee understood the value of pressure point study and training. This is why he pushed George Dillman to pursue it. 

Kyusho Power Vs Force in Conclusion

Kyusho Power Vs Force CONCLUSION

When you are finished beating on the heavy bad, kick target pads, dieting using hopefully not, but possibly using dangerous drugs to improve your performance remember, then an education in the science of pressure point self defense awaits you. 

Thank you for reading Kyusho Power Vs Force.

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* Introduction to Kosho Ryu

Kosho Ryu Knife Pathways

A Course in Natural Laws

Power in Yielding

* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense!

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this article called Kyusho Power Vs Force. Please consider subscribing to notifications with the little Red Bell in the bottom corner.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Points Inguinal Crease. How to paralyze the legs?

* Pressure Points Inguinal Crease

What am I referring to when I say Pressure Points Inguinal Crease? The Inguinal Crease is the crease between the torso and the thigh. It creates a 'V' shape in the direction of the groin.

For the Kyusho Jitsu student this is important because of the intersection of 2 very dangerous pressure points that make striking the area very beneficial in self defense especially when it comes to a larger opponent. So let really get into the Pressure Points Inguinal Crease

Pressure Points Inguinal Crease

Here we are dealing with 2 pressure points that for lack of better words lie right over top of each other.  This is a "natural" Cycle of Destruction area and therefore a strike will always yield a substantial result. 

Pressure Point SP-12

Pressure Point SP-12 is the first of the 2 pressure points we will examine in the Pressure Point Inguinal Crease.

This pressure point is situated right over the femoral artery and can cause great internal damage to this artery.

It is also near the femoral nerve and will cause the whole leg to be paralyzed. 

The best strike to the area is in and down using a penetrating action.

A strong kick to this region can also knock the head of the femur and ball joint right out of its socket damaging the tendons and ligaments causing great pain and immobilization. 

*Deadly Pressure Point SP-12

There is also a potential for death if the femoral artery is damaged at this point. 

Pressure Points Inguinal Crease - Pressure Point LV-12

The second point of the Pressure Points Inguinal Crease is Pressure Point LV-12. This pressure point has a strong affect upon the genitals and when one is struck here, it feels like a strike to the groin and is as effective as a groin strike.

However it is easier to get to than the groin because the brain will not protect this area automatically.

Struck hard enough, this pressure point can kill due to the proximity of the femoral artery.

 A light to medium shot will cause the genitals to bleed. Internal physical damage is caused to the tendons and muscles at this area.

Damage to the artery can cause death.

The Pressure Point Liver 14
* Pressure Points Inguinal Crease

It is also know to cause serious prostrate swelling in men and permanent reproductive issues in women.

The angle and direction is the same as above, however you should chop the area.

Being that you cannot hit one pressure point without the other I suggest using the penetrating striking action as it is easier to perform in this area.

 Pressure Points Inguinal Crease - How to Attack

This is one of the areas of the body people often ask how best to attack. First it is a strike for a large size difference. And if you train in any tradition Karate you already have the best movement to attack. That is the beginning of most Kata and something I refer to ask the "ready" stance. Drop into the horse stance and fire.  This is a great response to being grabbed, again my a larger attacker. 

The best tool is the index finger knuckle as the "eye of the phoenix." This is for taller attackers. The same movement on someone of your own size would work best at Alarm Point ST-25.

Pressure Points Inguinal Crease in Conclusion

Pressure Points Inguinal Crease CONCLUSION

This is an interesting area of the body to deal with. Highly dangerous due to the proximity of the femoral artery and nerve.  

Attacking is not as complex as it may sound. However I do suggest this is one area of the body est struck with both and simultaneously.

And be very cautious when training with a partner. A hard strike will be devastating!

If you have any questions about Pressure Points Inguinal Crease or attacking, implementing them into your self defense system feel free to use the form below and ask! If you would like to learn more about these and other pressure points on the body please checkout my book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

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* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

Together we can UNITE the
Martial Arts World!

Free Membership and Dojo Listing!

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Cycle of Destruction

One of the cornerstones of the science of pressure point self defense is the principle of the Cycle Of Destruction. Today I am going to give your the opportunity to learn everything about the Cycle of Destruction for FREE!

Fill out the form below with your name and email address, then confirm your email and I will send you a FREE video, 45 minutes in length explaining all about the Cycle of Destruction!

* Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

An In Depth Learning of Movement

Thank you read Pressure Points Inguinal Crease. If you enjoyed Pressure Points Inguinal Crease please consider subscribing via the little Red Bell in the corner.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Stacking Pressure Point Principles. How to get better results now!

* Stacking Pressure Point Principles

What do I mean when I am referring to Stacking Pressure Point Principles? Today I will go into great details on this important part of the path of learning the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu.

Stacking Pressure Point Principles - Starting Out

At the novice level of student in Kyusho Jitsu you are given the first 5 principles. Below is a short video I want you to watch to get you started, then I can breakdown things for you further.

Checkout this Video on Stacking Pressure Point Principles!

The video on Stacking Pressure Point Principles is pretty basic.  In the video I discuss stacking the Cycle of Destruction with the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle. This is not really where I would suggest starting if you are a beginner to Kyusho Jitsu. If you are more advanced then definitely play with this one.

Stacking Pressure Point Principles for Beginners:

One of the best places I think to begin to understand stacking is taking the Cycle of Destruction and using it with Attack with Yin - Yang. When you develop the basic idea behind this then you could add Proper Body Mechanics to this.

The difference you will see in effect can be profound, and this is an excellent training method.

Stacking Pressure Point Principles Advanced Stacking

As you progress doing this you can then add more advanced principles. As the video shows using the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle.  This example would also go great if sound was adding the striking process. 

This idea is very straight forward but it does require you to have a solid knowledge of the basics. The better the foundation the easier all this is to accomplish.

Stacking Pressure Point Principles Stacking Elements

The final aspect of this I will discuss today is stacking elements. While this is not exactly the same as Stacking Pressure Point Principles it is still as important. Rather then go into painful details here I will leave you with this video from my son Master Curt Mason explaining the stacking the fire element. 

Curt Mason is one of the most talented men I have know in Kyusho Jitsu and I do not say this because he is my son. Currently he is not longer teaching.

Stacking Pressure Point Principles in Conclusion

Stacking Pressure Point Principles CONCLUSION

There is so much to learn in the science of pressure point self defense Kyusho Jitsu I cannot even really list it all. 

If you are new to all this then please checkout our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Courses to get you started! Thank you for reading Stacking Pressure Point Principles.

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Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

Thank you for reading Stacking Pressure Point Principles! If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom corner of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho One Inch Punch. Devastating knowledge Bruce Lee Didn’t Tell

* Kyusho One Inch Punch

Kyusho One Inch Punch: One of the great martial arts demonstration is Bruce Lee’s One Inch Punch.  It was never intended as a combat or self defense move, just to show that size did not matter when it came to power.  The funny thing is, the man who asked George Dillman to investigate pressure points, used some of the pressure point principles in what we can also refer to as the Kyusho One Inch Punch.

Now the haters are going to scream foul, but this is what they do best. So upset them more I will and as always just ignore them! 

Kyusho One Inch Punch

Bruce spent a long time perfecting this technique. He actually had a machine he devised to help build up wrist strength to do this! But, a novice Kyusho practitioner with a little training can also get a GREAT result! How does it work? 

Bruce has a very big style to the demonstration which is cool, but he is actually using a striking action with this technique called grasping. This type of striking action is used against the water element. Now Bruce also strikes to the center-line of the body, which is also best attacked with a grasping striking action.  So do this with your Uki, grasping and striking in a downward  motion with 2 Way Action and you will get a result the first time out!

Below is a video from many years ago I had forgotten about talking and show how Kyusho Jitsu and the Principles of Kyusho Jitsu are linked to the One Inch Punch

Now I mean absolutely no disrespect to Bruce Lee and his art, or those who train in this system today. However Bruce had a way of seeing things in other arts and then incorporating them into what he did if he saw value.

Kyusho One Inch Punch in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Now I question when Bruce began to demonstrate the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch, or as I refer to it the Kyusho One Inch Punch if he had combat in mind.

However I can see a great application for this in a closed quarters situation and therefore believe that to pursue this knowledge more is essential and worthwhile.

Thank you for reading about the Kyusho One Inch Punch.

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* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense

Free Kyusho Jitsu Knockout Video!

100 Plus Kyusho Knockout Course

Do you want to learn the science of the Neurological Pressure Point Knockout? Then take a look at the link below! Don't wait!

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for reading today about the Kyusho One Inch Punch. If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing to this blog with the Red Bell below.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Head Pressure Points. How to cause dizziness

* Deadly Pressure Point TW-18

Lets spend a few minutes today and talk about Kyusho Head Pressure Points. Also known as pressure points of the head. In self defense it is often the most desirable to target the head. The head will naturally give a good result since it does house the brain.  

So lets take a look at the best pressure points to strike!

Depending on the result you are looking for some pressure points work better then others. It also naturally depends on the situation and what is the most directly available. Here is a look at the primary ones for a strong pressure point brain dysfunction to occur.

Kyusho Head Pressure Points Top 6

Now this is just a small list of the many, many excellent pressure point target on the head. For a complete list of over pressure point on the body have a look at Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Kyusho Head Pressure Points - Gall Bladder Cluster

5 of the 6 pressure points of the head listed about have link to articles about them.

I strongly suggest read each of the articles as they provide a lot of essential insformtion on those pressure points. 

However now I will give some details on the Gall Bladder Cluster. The Gall Bladder Cluster is pressure points GB-13, GB-14 and GB-15. 

Pressure Point GB-20

Also note that they form a triangle on the forehead.  These are excellent pressure points to strike in a self defense situation. While it is likely at a heel palm will connect with all 3 pressure points you will however get an excellent result contacting only one. All these 3 will cause brain dysfunctions like dizziness and disorientation. Unconsciousness is also very possible.

Bonus Kyusho Head Pressure Point

Below is a bonus pressure point of the head called the "mental nerve." This is about a 2 minute video I am sure you will enjoy!

Kyusho Head Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Head Pressure Points Conclusion

Whenever you train with Kyusho Head Pressure Points always be aware that all of them are potentially dangerous.

You can never know the results of a strike to any part of the head and some areas are more sensitive than others. Be cautious not to cause a concussion to your training partner.

In self defense striking pressure point of the head is the best way to quickly end an attack. I would also like to give honorable mention to Pressure Point BL-10 as well. The article is linked. Thank you for reading about Kyusho Head Pressure Points.

Have a Kyusho Question? 

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Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

The Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory

The Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory

An eBook on the POWER of Ancient Theories

Proof Old Knowledge is the BEST knowledge

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for Reading!

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction. How to make an attacker dizzy.

* Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction

Pressure Point Knockouts are a controversial subject, but they should not be controversial at all. The issue is that they have been poorly explained over the years, and this is why the controversy.  So today I will explain exactly what we are dealing with. I call this Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction because it is the use of pressure points to cause a  brain dysfunction. 

Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction - Brain Dysfunction

First let me explain the term brain dysfunction. A brain dysfunction is anytime the brain stops reacting to the world in a "normal" manner. This can be caused by many different things. It can be a minor problem or something very serious like a brain tumor. Mental disorders are also brain dysfunctions.

Drinking alcohol, smoking pot or using any kind of drug causes a brain dysfunction to one degree or another. Pain killers as an example interfere with the pain receptors in the body, blocking pain. This is also a dysfunction to some degree. 

When we strike a pressure point we are looking to by disrupting the flow of electricity at a nerve to cause a dysfunction or for the purpose of the article a pressure point brain dysfunction. This can be anything from pain to unconsciousness.

Pressure Point Knockouts - Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction

* Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction

What people see when they watch a pressure point knockout is not what they are expecting. They get an image in their minds like that of a boxing or MMA fight in which one of the combatants is completely unconscious. 

Now despite the rather barbaric enjoyment of the fans this is always a highly dangerous situation. These kinds of knockouts while neurological and certainly a brain dysfunction are also linked in with brain damage and/or concussion. And this can be deadly! This is why caution must also be used with Kyusho Jitsu knockouts as they can be very dangerous.

When training to do neurological pressure point knockout we must be very cautious of the health of our Uki or training partner. No one needs a concussion! Therefore we are looking for signs of brain dysfunction to judge our results. This can be dizziness, loss of balance, speech slurring, dilated pupils and the list goes on and on. 

Sometimes if the pressure point has been activated correctly we will get complete unconsciousness. Most of the time this is achieved by those who have trained the longest in Kyusho Jitsu and have the most refined knowledge.

Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction - What happens

When you strike a pressure point, and what is a pressure points,[?]"A pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve ends or terminates, where it branches off like in a "Y" formation or crosses another nerve," it will cause a compression of the nerve which results in great pain. Or in the case of certain pressure points an over loading and reaction from the central nervous system and/or brain dysfunction.

And with 361 plus pressure points on the body, [see Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy] there is a lot of opportunity for attack. However there is opportunity only for those who sincerely do the work and study!

Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction in Conclusion

Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction  CONCLUSION

I hope this article on Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction helps you to get a better understanding of what neurological pressure point knockouts are about.

As an example in a "bad situation" I target GB-20 with a strike and cause the attacker to drop to his knees dizzy,  I have the time I need to escape the bad situation as he or she recovers from the strike.

One of the things to always remember also is self defense is complicated. it is not a fight like 2 idiots in a bar. And it is NOT COMBAT. By definition combat is WAR, and that is kill or be killed mentality!

Self Defense is about survival, which is the only victory! Check out our Humane Pressure Point Tactics Courses if you have an extra moment. I am sure you will find the information interesting. Plus get a free video lesson too! 

I hope I made this understanding of pressure point brain dysfunction clear for you. I hope you enjoyed reading about Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kyusho-Jitsu-Chi-Resuscitation

Kyusho Jitsu Chi Resuscitation Video Course

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Massive Pressure Point Knockout Course from beginners to master level. Featuring 144 different videos with detailed knockout examples and explanations. 

Thank you for reading about Pressure Point Brain Dysfunction. If you found value in this article please subscribe to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season how to become Timeless to Time

* Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season: I have entered the Winter Season of life. Martial Arts training is a life long journey. When I was a kid it was spoken as to the fact that training was an equalizer for a larger and stronger attacker. Today the thought process is very different. Why is that? Because "old knowledge" is often times not taught and people are obsessed with "working out" over real training. That is what the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season is about. The time of life when you really understand what has been missing from your training and work to fix it. 

Life is broken into seasons. And Kyusho Jitsu teaches at high levels about the seasons of life.  And the truth is as you grow older, the more you need the missing information that is hidden in every martial art.

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season - Aging

Often times aging Martial Artists are not a pretty sight to see. Many put on vast amounts of weight, and are then ridiculed for it, which is funny because it is often the kettle calling the pot black. And the harder you train in youth the more like you will have weight issues later in life.

* Kyusho Seasons of Life

And the harder you trained, often the more sever the issues later. Injuries catch up with you, for some arthritis sets in. Physically we change, but in our hearts we remain young.

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season - Growing Old with Grace

This is what we all hope, to grow old and have a little grace with it. Maybe some wisdom. Wisdom will tell you that it is perhaps time to control the ego, relax and enjoy life. I know that is what I have done here in my life. I am not taking it “easy” but I have made life simpler.

Today the face of martial arts is very different. Sport is now the BIG fad, and yes it is a fad.

The fad will last, but personally I see little to no value in it. But hey that is just me, it does not mean I am right or I am wrong. However, what concerns me is the attitude of some, is that they will never age, or have the concerns that we as we approach the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season have.

And I am not expecting to see much wisdom from this generation. And as time goes on I know wisdom will be lacking.

What exactly do I mean? People today, martial artists today do not see the long term consequences or karma of their actions. I remember kicking like this in the image below. But today my hips hate me for it. 

Dedicated Kyusho Student

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season - Youth and Consequences of Actions

Are you aware that there is a part of the human brain that does not stop its development until the age of 21 on average? This is the part that understands the consequences of actions. This is why so many teenagers smoke, take drugs, have unprotected sex, drive to fast, and live life on the edge. 

Today I think perhaps for some the brain never matures. However, there comes a time when you need to understand the body, and protect it and your loved ones. Self Defense becomes the focus, not winning a trophy. and Kyusho Jitsu once perused, training and mastered because a game changer.

It is the equalizer great men like Bruce Lee spoke of! Did you know Bruce Lee was responsible for George Dillman looking into Kyusho Jitsu?

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season

I am fast approaching what I call the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season. While I get a lot of "natural exercise" I never go to a gym, or do the things people "believe" they need to do today. And let's be honest, washboard abs are only for narcissistic reasons. They have no application in life and this is not a natural state for most. 

The art and science of pressure point self defense helps to take the focus off a fitness level that cannot be maintained. And it cannot be maintained! In fact it is this that is the most probable cause of Bruce Lee's death. He was obsessed with fitness training and gave no consideration to his bodies recovery.

Martial Art self defense training along site of Kyusho Jitsu helps  to compensate for injury and illness to the body by teaching you to be more effective in self defense, and not egotistical about it.

You learn to be confident and calm in the face of danger. And to do what needs to be done quickly and effectively and then get the hell out of dodge! Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season is not to be feared by embraced!

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season CONCLUSION

There are many who will disagree with me and that is fine! We will see what happens when winter arrives for them too!!

Now I am not talking about the Kyusho Jitsu naysayers. I NEVER look for advice from those what have failed in life because they are too lazy to do the work!

And that is 90% of today's population!

For me winter will arrived on January 1st 2020.  I am also going to link an article here to what some refer to incorrectly as an Old Man's Martial Art. Thank you for reading the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season.

Kyusho Cane Defense System

As time passes and it passes quick we all end up needing a cane. The walking cane is hands down the very best self defense tool available. And you can take it anywhere without restrictions. Learn more now!

Hapkido Home Study Course

Beginners Course in the art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido, the eclectic art of Grand Master Art Mason

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for reading this article on the Kyusho Jitsu Winter Season. If you enjoyed it please consider subscribing using the Red Bell below.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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