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12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians. How these energy pathways work.

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians
12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians: This is a follow-up article on one I did last week that got me plenty of questions and feedback from those interested in learning more about the science of pressure point self-defense. [Kyusho Jitsu Pressure Point Anatomy] So today let us talk about the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians on the human body. I will give you a detailed breakdown and a special gift at the end of the article for reading. Above you will see 2 infographics on these 12 meridians. Not this includes the colour, time of day, element and also the number of pressure points. 

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians - Upper Extremities

The first basic breakdown of the meridians is to divide the body into upper and lower extremities. This being said, there are 6 meridians for upper and 6 for lower. Plus, this is further divided into 3 Yin and 3 Yang meridians for each set. If you have not already done, so I highly recommend reading the article linked above.  It is a solid article that will help you a lot.

Small Intestine Meridian

As we look at the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians of the upper extremities, we will see the Yin/Yang pair and also an element relationship for each. So let's do this breakdown below now.

Yin Meridians
  1. Heart - Fire Element
  2. Pericardium (sometimes called Heart 2) - Fire Element
  3. Lung - Metal Element
Yang Meridians
  1. Triple Warmer - Fire Element
  2. Small Intestine - Fire Element
  3. Large Intestine - Metal Element

Something else to note. The flow of energy in the Yin Meridians is leaving the body. This is sometimes also referred to as traveling “south.” Energy on the Yang Meridians is entering the body, or traveling “North.” 

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians - Lower Extremities

Now we will look at the Lower Extremities. Once again, we have 3 Yin and 3 Yang pairs, plus a change in direction for energy. You can also note that the meridian enter the head or not entering the head has nothing to do with this classification. The meridian systems run very deep in the body, and we are only discussing what can be accessed from the surface.

Kidney Meridian
Yin Meridians
  1. Liver - Wood Element
  2. Spleen - Earth Element
  3. Kidney - Water Element
Yang Meridians
  1. Gall Bladder - Wood Element
  2. Stomach - Earth Element
  3. Bladder [Urinary] - Water Element

And as I mentioned, the energy flow direction is reversed for the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians of the Lower Extremities. Here, the Yin Meridians energy flow is “North” or entering the body, while the Yang Meridians is “South” or exiting the body. All meridians are reflected on both sides of the body. Therefore, depending on how you look at it, you can say 24 total. However, conventional language is to only discuss one side. 

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians in Conclusion 

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Success as a Kyusho Jitsu practitioner or teacher requires serious study. This is not a quick fix for self-defense.

In fact, there is no such thing as a quick fix! And the more concise information you have, the better!

If you need any clarification, click here to ask.

And please consider reading every article on this blog. The Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance blog is like no other because I provide you with real information. Most of all, this is information you can take to the Dojo and train with. Thank you for taking time to read about the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians.

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( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

* Energy Pathways of Life

Energy Pathways of Life

Healing Arts of Kosho Shorei Ryu

All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.

Creating and Sustaining Balance

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Thank you for taking time from your day to read 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians. If you enjoyed this article, please subscribe with the Red Bell in the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Benefits of Martial Art Training. How they come with time.

* Benefits of Martial Art Training

Benefits of Martial Art Training: Today, considering the dystopian age we now live in, I want to discuss the importance and benefits of REAL Benefits of Martial Art Training with you. And I promise some people will not like what I have to say. But if you are a like-minded person, please share this article, My views today, more than ever, are being censored. Why? Because I talk about people thinking for themselves and in this world that is now considered RADICAL.

Benefits of Martial Art Training

Thus, real martial arts training is not only about the physical. And today, most of what is called martial arts are ONLY physically based and are NOT based in ethics or values. They are only based on winning at any cost. Most of all, sport is a piss poor example of martial arts, and all you have to do is look at the drug use, abuse of family and other illegal activities running wild in all sports to see there is NO VALUE THERE AT ALL. 

And yet people watch them, worship the participants and pay big money to see it. And the value returned is ZERO. If truth is having a negative result on the world.

Martial Arts World Today

Significant to note is that Martial Arts were at one time all based on the values of Buddhism.  Originating from India, but most famously known as being from China. And yet, look at what happened to China when they abandoned these values? 

You can begin to see the self-destruction from the 1959 invasion of Tibet. China is a Hellhole of repression and evil

Benefits of Martial Art Training - Censoring the World

All you need to do is look at the TRUTH of China to see it is a repressive Communist Dictatorship working hard to concur the world, just like the Nazi's of WWII, as well as Japan in the same period. Today, however, it is done economically, and with bioweapons.  Most importantly, everything is censored, and like in the West now, people are afraid to speak out! And afraid for good reason. And yet BIG CORRUPT media like CNN find repression virtuous and wonderful.  CNN loves communism because lies are the order of the day! 

And yes, sadly, there are plenty of STUPID people out there who think communism has virtue. But the FACTS speak for themselves. In the 20th Century, Communism KILLED over half 300 million people. (That number is lied about today by communist minded people)

Let that sink in for a while.....

Real Martial Arts Training

When taught correctly, martial art training teaches the student to connect the mind to the body via strict discipline of movement. The reward is personal progress, self-control and a disciplined mind. Not a trophy or fame. 

Self Defense is a bi-product. One of the many Benefits of Martial Art Training.

And one of the most important benefits is the ability to think clearly because the MIND is disciplined and in control.  It is not easily influenced by liars or politicians, (same thing), selling an agenda. You discover the connection of the mind to a strong body and good health. And would certainly avoid all unnecessary drugs being pushed today like candy on the various media. 

Proper martial arts training is like a moving mediation. Quieting and focusing the mind. Once achieved, the spirit becomes the center. Another of the Benefits of Martial Art Training.

Benefits of Martial Art Training in Conclusion

Benefits of Martial Art Training CONCLUSION

I write this today out of concern for our world, our way of life. We are in a bad place, and the only way we can begin to change anything is to change ourselves.

If you are reading this and not a practicing martial artist, look into it. If you are older, get involved with Tai Chi. At the very least, start to medicate.

Thank you for reading this article about the Benefits of Martial Art Training.

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* Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

All new eBook on the Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory and its deeper applications in martial arts

* Kosho Ryu Natural Laws of Motion

Kosho Series books

Kosho Ryu Natural Laws of Motion

Martial Arts are taught wrong on purpose. Learn to take your martial art from reactive to responsive.

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Thank you for taking time to the Benefits of Martial Art Training. If you found this article of value, please consider subscribing with the Red Bell below at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Gall Bladder Cluster Knockout Pressure Points on the Forehead

Gall Bladder Cluster

Gall Bladder Cluster: Today we will take a look at a set of pressure points often referred to as the “Gall Bladder Cluster” located on the forehead. This is a cluster of 3 pressure points shaped like a triangle that are excellent for use in Kyusho Neurological Knockouts. These are GB-13, GB-14 and GB-15.

Gall Bladder Cluster GB-13

We will begin with Pressure Point GB-13 located 0.5 cun inside the hairline and 0.5 cun medial to ST-08, directly above the outer canthus of the eye. The idea of a striking to GB-13 is to use an open hand, with 2 way action, to also connect with the other 2 pressure points in the Gall Bladder Cluster at the same time.

Striking GB-13 will cause immediate brain dysfunction

Gall Bladder Cluster GB-14

Pressure Point GB-14 is located 1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow on a line directly above the pupil of the eye in the depression on the Superciliary Arch. Striking this pressure point straight in can cause neck damage due to impact. Striking in a downward motion, which is what is suggested with cause brain dysfunction including memory issues as well as dizziness. 

The uke will feel like he is in a FOG.

Gall Bladder Cluster GB-15

Located 0.5 cun inside the hairline and directly above the pupil when looking straight ahead.
This causes the head to feel as if it is swelling up, or being pumped up like a
balloon. Striking causes the recipient to not know where they are for a second or
two if struck mildly, or KO if struck heavily.

Please Note: Striking ANY pressure point of the head can result in serious injury up to and including death depending on the power of the strike and each individual pressure point in question.

Gall Bladder Cluster in Conclusion

Gall Bladder Cluster CONCLUSION

The GB cluster is an excellent area of the body to add to your self-defense training.

The main reason aside from effect is the easy access.  I also suggest spending some time in studying of Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, which will give you the functions and locations of all 361 pressure points on the human body.

Thank you for taking time to read about the Gall Bladder Cluster.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

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Thank you for read this article on the Gall Bladder Cluster. If you enjoyed the article, found it of value, please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom. 

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

HPPT and Multiple Attackers. How to understand and deal with a MOB.

* HPPT and Multiple Attackers

HPPT and Multiple Attackers: I was sitting this morning thinking about what article to write. I have about 300 on this blog, all of which are updated a lot. And there is only so much as I talk about in a single article.

Then I had an email come in asking me, “how do I beat multiple attackers?” The short answer is you CAN'T! So let's discuss HPPT and Multiple Attackers today and give you some depth of understanding. 

HPPT and Multiple Attackers 

There are lots of Self-defense experts out there who will happily tell you, if you buy their product, you can defeat any attacker” or any number of attackers. Then they will tell you about their vast experience doing so. But none of these people are in a jail cell? Hmmm…. So I call BULLSHIT!  Sadly, most of this industry is made up of liars. But rather than knock them, let's get into the meat of the situation.

First and foremost, self-defense is “defensive” while fighting, which is what most of these people are talking about, is “offensive.” There is a time for offense, but I will leave that for another time. A “fight” which is what these clowns are talking about is an ego trip of “who has the biggest dick.” It is SAD and PATHETIC” and shows how far are society has regressed.

Rant off

HPPT and Multiple Attackers

There is a formula to deal with multiple attackers, but this is survival, not “beating or winning.” 

That thought process will get you KILLED. This is about survival! 

I had an experience in late 2010 with multiple attackers, a gang actually, and I survived it without anyone getting hurt.  

* All Inclusive Self Defense

And under the circumstances I was in, the odds of “winning” were decent. However, these guys only wanted money, and the potential catastrophic of me deciding to attack was not worth a few hundred Euros. And I am too old for stupid “my dick is bigger” games.  I gave them what they wanted and walked!

High-Level Training - HPPT and Multiple Attackers

Multiple attackers are HIGH-LEVEL escalation and requires high level martial arts training. This training is difficult to come by because of the focus on sport today. And while you can learn the basics from the correct course, you must train it until you cannot move, and then train it more!

Plus, the variables in this kind of situation are endless. If you have 5 guys in a gang, there are countless variables to consider.

1) Are there any weapons?
2) Who has a weapon?
3) What are the weapons?
4) Are their drugs involved?
5) What are the mental states?

And the list goes on and on.

Where did I learn?

My mass attack training comes from several places. First and foremost is the mastering of the Octagon. This is a defense understanding of pure movement and how to be safe under any situation by controlling the movement of the attacker. 

This is combined with training in Systema as well. Which is not a martial art but a combat system. My eclectic root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido is founded on all of this and more.

HPPT and Multiple Attackers in Conclusion

HPPT and Multiple Attackers CONCLUSION

The actual physicality of this is beyond a pressure point article or simple video. I cover the specific training for this in great details in Humane Pressure Point Tactics Level Three Certification

But to become effective at this kind of defense, you have to do the work and train for it! 

You also need to understand many of the psychological aspects of self-defense. My best advice? Avoid situations or places you can encounter this scenario. Thank you for reading this article called HPPT and Multiple Attackers.

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Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

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Thank you for taking time to read this article on HPPT and Multiple Attackers. If you found it of value please consider subscribing to new article notifications with the Red Bell below.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15. What is the reverse CPR point?

* Pressure Point BL-15

Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15: Today I want to take a close look at a very dangerous pressure point located on the Urinary Bladder Meridian. This is Pressure Point BL-15. This pressure point plays an important role in healing as well as destruction.  So let's get down to it.

Pressure Point BL-15 - Location

Pressure Point BL-10 is located 1.5 cun lateral to the lower end of the 5th thoracic vertebra. In the Trapezius and Rhomboid muscles & deeper, in the Longissimus muscle. 

Trapezius Muscle


Rhomboid Muscle

* Pressure Point BL-15

Pressure Point BL-15 - Effect

A strike to this pressure point can stop the heart, as you will be affecting the actual neurological wiring to the heart at this point. The nerves exit the spine for the heart here. This is also a resuscitation pressure point in case of heart failure.

Striking correctly to BL-15 on the right side of the body on a person whose Heart has stopped has the same effect as jump-starting the heart electrically. The left side is also dangerous, however not as much as the right side. Pressure Point BL-15 is an Associated Alarm Point on the left side. 

This resuscitation strike causes the body to release epinephrine

Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15 in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

While this pressure point is very dangerous, you do need to know what you are doing to gain access to it.

First, all striking needs to be in the correct angle and direction, with 2 Way Action plus the correct Kyusho Striking Action

Also,, being a pressure point on the back, the movement of your root art will depend on how easily you can access it.

My root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido because of the implementation of Octagon principles, makes accessing the back of the body pretty simple. If you require any further assistance, please consider using the form below. Thank you for reading Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15.

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The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu

15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu

Learn all you need to know about the 15 Kyusho Principles & ALArm Points

* Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points

Alarm Point Workshops

One in Canada 2010 & Spain 2017

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Thank you for taking time to read about Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15. If you found this article of value, please subscribe using the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Painful Chest Pressure Points. What are the Top 3?

* 3 Painful Chest Pressure Points

Painful Chest Pressure Points: Striking the chest correctly can be devastating.

So today, I am going to talk about 3 Painful Chest Pressure Points that are easy to access and will yield great results in a self-defense situation.

There are many more than 3, but that is enough to get your feet wet.

The first place I must begin in talking about Painful Chest Pressure Points is that they must be struck in a certain manner. 

There is a correct angle and direction for each pressure point, which I will discuss, but also you need 2 Way Action.

Painful Chest Pressure Points# 1 Pressure Point LV-14

Painful Chest Pressure Points

This is a highly dangerous and painful pressure point that is often times forgotten. LV-14 is located on the mammillary line, 2 ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space.

This point is 6 cun above the navel & 3.5 cun lateral to GV-14, near the medial end of the 6th intercostal space.

This is a significant pressure point because it can have many dangerous effects. A solid strike on the left side can cause the heart to stop.

The lungs can also collapse from a strong hit.

A knockout can also occur from a medium strike, as well as temporary vision issues. Not to mention serious liver damage occurring instantly and, in the future, if untreated. This pressure point is attacked by striking in and down with a chopping action.

LV-14 is also an Alarm Point which means it has a direct relationship with the organ itself Each organ on the body has 2 special points associated with them. These pressure points are not necessarily on the meridian associated with the organ, either. These names of these special pressure points are Alarm Points and Associated Alarm Points.

Painful Chest Pressure Points #2 Pressure Point GB-24

Going from the top to the bottom of the chest area, we now have GB-24. When your strike GB-24, you will also likely hit LV-13 too. So bonus! 

GB-24 is located on the upper abdomen, directly below the nipple, in the 7th intercostal space, 4 cun (finger widths) lateral to the anterior mid-line of the chest.

This area of the body, the rib cage, is monitored and protected by the intercostal nerves.

Painful Chest Pressure Points

The intercostal nerves are part of the somatic nervous system, and arise from the anterior “rami” of the thoracic spinal nerves from “T1” to “T11.” This is significant information in the study of Alarm Points and Associated Alarm Points. Information on Alarm and Associated Alarm Points are covered in the eBook The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu.

This information above is the reason that GB-24 is a knockout pressure point. Attack in and down for best result. Chopping action too as this is a wood pressure point.

Painful Chest Pressure Points #3 Pressure Point SP-21

I have talked about this pressure point many times. And when it comes to the most painful chest pressure points this one wins hands down. And it is also arguably the most dangerous pressure point on the body.

As demonstrated by the diagram below, SP-21 is located on the ribs, about the center of the bicep with the arms hanging. The exact location is on the lateral aspect of the chest, on the mid-axillary line, in the 6th intercostal space. An intercostal space is the “meat” between the ribs, which is a hotbed for nerves.

Pressure Point Spleen 21

Why is this? These nerves help to protect the integrity of the rib cage. Now, the obvious purpose of the ribs is to protect the lungs and subsequently the heart from damage. In this are also are the MAJOR arteries of the heart. Pressure Point Spleen 21 and its location are at one of the weakest places in the rib cage.

Also, because the heart is located slightly to the left of the center of the body. This also includes the major arteries. Therefore, a strike to this area has a greater potential for serious damage. But this applies to both points. It is best to avoid them unless a life of death situation exists.

The correct angle and direction is straight across to the other side of the body. A penetrating action is best.

Now you can see how the Painful Chest Pressure Points work!

Painful Chest Pressure Points in Conclusion

Painful Chest Pressure Points CONCLUSION

The ribs serve a critical function. They protect the heart and the lungs.

And because of this critical function, any strikes to the area, done correct, will yield a massive result.

Rib breakage can result in death due to a puncture lung!

So I am sure you can see why this is all such an effective area of the body to train in striking. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!

And if you need some good pressure point charts click here as these are FREE! Thank you for taking the time today to read Painful Chest Pressure Points.

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Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

Would you like more detail information like found in this article? Then check out my video course on the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense. 

* Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Full Reference eBook for EVERY Pressure Point

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Thank you for reading this article called Painful Chest Pressure Points. If you enjoyed it, please subscribe to my blog with the Red Bell in the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Discover the Power of the Hapkido Cane Defense System

Kyusho Hapkido Cane Defense System

What is the Hapkido Cane Defense System? And why do I consider it to be important enough today to bring a course out on it at Kyusho Jitsu University? This article will address all this right now.

The walking cane is the only traditional weapon in my root art of Hapkido. When the cane first made its appearance in the world, it was a “status symbol” for the wealthy. People really did not consider it to be anything else.

Rich people and royals had canes. Today, however, it is linked with the elderly or someone with issues walking. And while all that is true, it is also, perhaps, aside from a firearm, the best self defense too available today to ANYONE who wishes to carry one. 

The western world's first real look at Hapkido was in the movie the Trail Of Billy Jack. During the Hapkido training scene with Hapkido legend Bong Soon Hon, you get a look at the use of the walking cane in the art. For many people, this is the first and ONLY exposure they have ever gotten to the Hapkido Cane Defense System.  

Kyusho Hapkido Cane Defense System

The cane was not taught to me from my Korean Hapkido Grand Master. Grand Master Oh is referenced in my bio and other articles, rather it began as a result of my son contacting Grand Master Mark Shuey of Cane Masters

My son Curt devoted about 2 years to this learning, after which we began to incorporate it into the style we were creating that would later be called Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido. The cane was turned into an extremely effective self defense system, using the movements of the Octagon and incorporating the Principles of Kyusho Jitsu into it. 

Hapkido Cane Defense System-The Ultimate Self Defense tool

The walking cane, the Hapkido Cane Defense System, is truly the ultimate self defense tool! Why is this? Because legally, it is not viewed as being a weapon, it is viewed as a tool to assist someone with a disability to walk. This is part of the outstanding power the cane possesses! 

I get numerous comments from people in the USA talking about carrying a firearm. Now I am all for that. However, this is simply not the reality of the majority of the world. In Canada, it is VERY difficult to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon.  Plus, you will never be allowed to carry it everywhere you go.

In the USA, you can have a permit in one state. Yet in a second your permit would be invalid, making the gun illegal. This does not EVER happen with a cane. You can take a cane everywhere, including when you board a plane.

Your cane can always be at your side. Cane is taught in my root art beginning at Red Belt. The need for people to learn the Hapkido Cane Defense System, I am sure you can see clearly now.

Hapkido Cane Defense System in Conclusion

Kyusho Hapkido Cane Defense System  CONCLUSION

I am hoping this article on the Hapkido Cane Defense System will help you see the power and advantage of learning the Kyusho Jitsu Cane Defense System. 

There are more advantages to this system than I am going to mention here. But I will add one more!

In my view, especially in today's world, Hapkido Cane is something that every martial artist needs to learn. Also read the full History of Hapkido from the World Budo Alliance here. Thank you for taking time to read Hapkido Cane Defense System.

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* Kyusho Jitsu Caen Defense System

Learning the Cane

Discover the massive benefits of the Hapkido Jitsu Cane Defense System. This  beginners level course takes cane where it has never gone before.

* Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

All new book taking Hapkido Cane Defense to a new level. Based on the Natural Laws of motion and the Octagon. Don't Miss this one!

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I hope you enjoyed this article, Hapkido Cane Defense System. If you found it of value, please consider leaving a comment or subscribing to notification using the Red Bell at the bottom. 

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Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

HPPT Deescalation Secrets. How to deal with threat levels.

* HPPT Deescalation Secrets

HPPT Deescalation Secrets. I have an older article called Understanding Self Defense Escalation Levels, which I recirculated last week. In the ad for the article, I refer to being able to do this in seconds.

And you only have seconds to do it! So today, I am going to discuss HPPT Deescalation Secrets.

The reason I am doing this article on HPPT Deescalation Secrets is because of a comment I received in a Facebook Group stating “easier said than done.” 

I guess he did not like my reply because he then told me “don't ever get in a fight you will lose!” Yeah, sure...... I love how people can read a few words and know everything about me.  I guess he either knows everything, or is too lazy to do the important work of mastering the HPPT Deescalation Secrets.

HPPT Deescalation Secrets - Assess the Situation

The first step is to assess the situation. How much trouble are you in? Can it be deescalated? If someone is looking to rob you, give them what they want! The cemetery is full of heroes. This is the best way to deescalate.

Now the egotists will object! Is your life really worth the contents of your wallet?

About Gun Crime

Years ago, on a Detroit TV called Kelly and Company, Chuck Norris was a guest.  An audience member as Norris what he would do if someone tried to rob him at gun point. The answer was perfect, and the audience member did not see it coming! GM Norris said, “I would give him my wallet.”  The disappointment in the “questioners” face was EPIC. There are no stupid questions only stupid people.

Chuck Norris' answer is just common sense.

HPPT Deescalation Secrets - Personality Types

If you can deescalate a bad situation, this is where HPPT Deescalation Secrets come into play. You need to have knowledge of and study personality types. When you know the personality type, you can then speak with the person significantly.

You treat the attacker “the way they want to be treated.” This can calm a situation down quickly and lead to a resolution apart from violence. How do I know? Because I have done it countless times! Let's look at an example.

There is a man who appears from nowhere and puts a gun to your head. What do you do? If you think you can disarm him, you are a fool. Please read these articles on Gun Defense Laws & 5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense.  The same applies to KNIFE Defense.

So, let me ask you a question about this scenario. Why are you not dead? 

Because the attacker has not yet decided to kill you. You have time to apply HPPT Deescalation Secrets and walk away clean.

What are the HPPT Deescalation Secrets?

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

The are 4 basic personality types. These are as follows.

  1. Director
  2. Socializer
  3. Thinker
  4. Conscientious

Every person is a mixture of 2 of these. A primary and then a secondary personality. I am a Socializing Thinker.  This means I am a thinker primarily, and a socializer secondarily. A personality type like mine is easy to engage in conversion. Conversation buys time and potential non-violent resolutions. 

A Socializing Director is entirely unique. Too much conversation will be taken as patronizing and could escalate the situation. There are no guarantees, but buying time is essential!

What does this guarantee?

It guarantees nothing, except to give you the chance to negotiate, deescalate or if violence is inevitable plan your counter and escape route.  There is a much more at play than just personality types. Even a conscientious person can be violent. Assumptions cannot EVER be made!

We also need to assess quickly “WHY” this is happening and are we dealing with a mental illness? There is a lot to take in quickly. How is all this possible? It gets down to the way you think and how you train. 

HPPT Deescalation Secrets in Conclusion

HPPT Deescalation Secrets CONCLUSION

This is a complicated subject and every instance will be different. It is beyond the scope of a single article to teach you how to do this “personality” typing. 

But that is one of the reasons for my Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification Course.

In Level One I teach about deescalation, and in Level Four I teach the personality types. 

The personality type information should be practiced every day with every person you meet or know. Thank you for reading about HPPT Deescalation Secrets.

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Kyusho Jitsu Cane Defense System

These Courses become more important every day now! All new course on using the walking cane as a self-defense tool. A walking cane is the only tool of its type can be taken on board a plane. Learn more now.

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

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If you enjoyed this article on HPPT Deescalation Secrets.  Please consider subscribing to new article notifications. You do this with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

All Inclusive Self Defense. The things you do not know.

* All Inclusive Self Defense

All Inclusive Self Defense: Today the word inclusive has become significant, but when it comes to the self defense world, so many things are simply overlooked. Today we are going to discuss All Inclusive Self Defense and what this really means. I will break down the things you need to know, learn and understand to survive the threat of today's streets. 

One of the biggest disservices being done to people today is the constantly telling them what “victims” they are because someone did something bad to them. Really, I feel that this behavior, which we see a lot on the “Left” in USA politics is CRIMINAL. They are teaching people to be weak rather than showing them the way to succeed, all while making themselves famous and richer. Pathetic, we put up with this! These employees of the people need to be put in their place! 

But let's get on with All Inclusive Self Defense

All Inclusive Self Defense - Situational Awareness

I know you have heard this one before! But when I look at people out on the street, they are only intellectually understanding this idea.

Walking alone with headphones on in a park, or their nose firmly planted in their smartphone, have no idea of what is going on around them. 

Are you one of these people? Addicted to Facebook or Instagram? 

* All Inclusive Self Defense

Myself, I use my smartphone on average of less than 10 minutes per day. There is a “Digital Wellness” app that will tell you exactly how much you use your phone. Try it out!

When you are out in the world, know exactly where you are at all times, and who is around you. Plan your route ahead of time, don't use the GPS! Look confident as you travel to your destination. Bad Players are looking for distracted, lost people. Staring at your phone will make you look like a good target.

When going to and from work or school, try not to be predictable, taking the same route and the same time every day. And if possible, travel with friends. Learn about the city you live in and where the problem areas are. Stay away from problem areas.

Cellphones - Ultimate Self Defense Weapon

Part of All Inclusive Self Defense is the cellphone. While it can be a problem, it is also a remarkable weapon. If you have a 911 service, this is best. If not, make sure the local police are on the speed dial.  Don't be afraid to call for help. The police would much prefer coming to a false alarm rather than to mark out a crime scene after an attack.

All Inclusive Self Defense means taking advantage of everything at your disposal. And this certainly means technology. OH, and if something is going on around you. Turn on the voice recorder. This can be used to help with the police if something does happen. 

All Inclusive Self Defense - Body Language

* All Inclusive Self Defense

Body language and understanding it is an art in itself. But remember this is a 2 way street!

You can read the other person or potentially bad situation, but they can read you too! All inclusive self defense means 3-dimensional thinking.

If you look nervous, they will see this. But to not look nervous means training to be braver. You cannot overcome fear. 

Always walk with your head up and shoulders back! Know exactly where you are and possible escape routes if needed. But do not look around intensely like you are panicked. If someone talks to you, answer, but keep moving.  Do not stop answering the inquiry! “Hey bud, what time is it?” “Sorry, no watch,” and keep going. Eye contact is OK, but never stare.  Best to look disinterested. Use your peripheral vision too. Practice using it.

Watch the body language of those around you. Do they look nervous or “suspicious.” Your gut feeling is almost always right. If something feels wrong, get “out of Dodge.”

All Inclusive Self Defense - Escalation

This is something in my Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification Courses [H.P.P.T] I talk about non-stop. How much danger am I in here?  What can I do to lower the threat? Threat management is also an art.

* HPPT Self Defense Psychology

And things can go from 1 to 10 very fast! Especially if you run into someone with a mental illness. Words, like disagreeing with someone, can “trigger” violence at a moment's notice. A question like “what do you think of…” is best answered with a shrug. 

When we were kids we were told by mom “don't talk to strangers”, this seems to be excellent advice today when a simple greeting or kindness can trigger one of the “woke” to go off the deep end and become violent. 

Be prepared mentally, and “Chance favors the Prepared Mind.”

In True Self Defense

“In True Self Defense there is No Body Contact” a great quote from the late James Mitose. And once understood and even mastered can lead you to becoming safe on the street, and to avoiding bad situations.  A lot of what is being taught today as “self defense” is simply BAD advice. And because someone was a “seal” or claims to be a “seal” does not really mean anything. Self Defense is NOT WAR and not a sport either. Get that out of your mind!

All inclusive self defense is about personal security, personal privacy and defensive techniques and learning designed to make you safe and allow the police to then do their jobs.

All Inclusive Self Defense in Conclusion

All Inclusive Self Defense CONCLUSION

The most important thing in all inclusive self defense learning is surviving the threat! Really, that is the only thing that matters!

Below there is a link to a FREE video from Level One of my Three Level self defense system called Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Fill out the form and grab the lesson on video. You will be happy you did! Thank you for reading All Inclusive Self Defense. 

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Kyusho Cane Self Defense System

A walking cane is the ultimate tool for self defense! Why? Because you can take it anywhere with no restrictions! Even on board a plane! Learn more now!

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

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Thank you for taking time to read this article called All Inclusive Self Defense! Please consider subscribing to new articles on this blog by using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection how to increase training effectiveness

* Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection

Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection: My martial arts training began officially on November 10th 1984 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada as part of Chung Oh's School of Tae Kwon Do. Grand Master Oh was at this time a 7th Dan Black Belt in Hapkido as well as Tae Kwon Do.  The TKD element was really only the Hyung or Kata we learned bases on the ITF or International Tae Kwon Do Federation. GM Oh and General Choi were very close.

But today I want to discuss the Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection. 

My direct instructor was Master Philip Hollohan, who was an outstanding teacher. I was with him for about 16 years before venturing out on my own in July 2000.

What was the main reason? One day, I met a man on the streets of Windsor who was dangerous. And there was no way I could handle this man alone. I found out the follow day from the Windsor Police, who apprehended him after my call that it was a dangerous psychotic

This caused me many sleepless nights and I wanted desperately to learn more and take my focus from sport, to real street self-defense. So in 2000 I opened my own Dojo full-time in pursue of knowledge.

GM Mason 1997

Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection

The Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection was not the first part of my learning when I went out on my own.  At first, I met a Kempo Grand Master named Raymond Hayes. He spoke of the Octagon, which I found fascinating. Soke Hayes passed away several years ago. I miss the many conversions he and I had, as well as his wisdom and direction. 

But I ended up working directly with one of his former students who had pursued and attained a high rank in Kosho Ryu.  I worked with Grand Master Buchan intensively for about a year and incorporated all I learned into my root art. Changing if dramatically. 

While I only remained with GM Buchan for about a year, he generously shared his knowledge. I departed due to a different direction we both had. He was looking to expand his organization, and I was not willing to be absorbed into it.  I cannot give you a link to GM Buchan as it appears he is no longer teaching. He was a student of Hanshi Bruce Juchnik.

* GM Mason June 2000

Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection

After this time, around mid-2001 I attended a George Dillman Seminar in London, Ontario, about 2 hours east of Windsor.  At this seminar, I was very impressed with how the materials were presented and also that I could make it work effortlessly.

I was hooked and contacted seminar host Grand Master Steve Stewart and began formal Kyusho Jitsu training with him the following month. I worked directly with him for better than 10 years, becoming a Level Five Kyusho Jitsu Instructor under him. This, of course, deepened the Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection.

Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido - Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection

As I mentioned, I have a thirst for learning. I took all the things I learned in Kyusho and Kosho, plus Small Circle Jujitsu and Systema and integrated them into my root art. Then in 2005, while speaking with a high ranking Tae Kwon Do Master, he pointed out to me, he was not sure what we were training in any longer. This was the inspiration to name and register my eclectic art, which is called Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido with the World Budo Alliance.

Today, in the Dojo that bears my name, Kyusho Jitsu study groups are still going on today. High rank (4th Dan) in my root art does require the student to rank in Kyusho Jitsu as well. My 2 ranking instructors in Canada are board members of the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance, as well as still training with Grand Master Stewart on a monthly basis.

Kyusho Jitsu Hapkido Cane

Another important part of the Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection is cane. And I also want to take a moment to mention the ONLY traditional weapon in Hapkido which is the walking cane.  

While I did not learn this from my first instructor, Grand Master Chung Oh, we incorporated this into our teachings in 2000.

* Kyusho Jitsu Caen Defense System

My son Curt pursued this information originally from Grand Master Mark Shuey of Cane Masters.  Years later, we restructured this with Octagon and Kyusho to create a Cane Defense System within our new root art. You can learn more about Kyusho Jitsu Cane Defense here.

Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Kyusho Jitsu is the missing part of every martial art. Learning Kyusho causes you to develop a deep understanding of your root art.

And it this development is revolutionary to your training. You are welcome to leave a comment below. And please check out this History of Hapkido.

Thank you for reading this article called Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection. I hope it helped to show you the relationship, the Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection. 

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Hapkido Home Study Courses

Beginners Course to the eclectic hybrid art of Hon San Mu Sa Hapkido. Follow the link below to learn more. NOTE: Do not miss the ultra low price for this course! It will not last much longer.

* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense

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Thank you for taking time to read Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection. If you found this information to be of value, please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell. And come and join us at the KJWA! Membership is FREE!

Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

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