All posts by Grand Master Art Mason

Chi Development – Martial Arts. Training for a Balanced Life.

Chi Development - Martial Arts

Chi Development - Martial Arts has for some reason always be a bit controversial. One reason is we as a culture have become very nihilistic. Today people to put their faith in politics as apposed to ethics and morals. And politicians do not possess ethics or morals, history proves this. However "martial artists" and their journey should. 

But yet, not always....

I watch as martial artists often times attack and ridicule other styles, arts, and Dojo in a egotistical battle of needing to be right! Why is this? Because a core principle has been lost. And that is Chi Development and it link to martial arts.

The Words of Bruce Lee

Chi Development - Martial Arts : It is funny as we allegedly "progress" I see more and more attacks on the memory of Bruce Lee. This is by men who wish to show their knowledge, or in my opinion, how pathetic they are, by attacking Lee, and the things he taught, well what a sad world! There is even a website dedicated to attacking Lee! 

"All knowledge is self knowledge."

In my thought the above is one of Lee's best, if not his best quote. And it exemplifies martial arts training! The training of Body, Mind and Spirit. Spirit is Chi Development! Now in this article on Chi Development & Martial Arts I am not going to explain what Chi is. You can learn that from one of my previous articles on the subject. The article is called Kyusho Jitsu Chi Development.

Chi Development - Martial Arts

Chi Energy Development

Today the primary focus in martial arts training is the physical. And while the physical is important it is really only about 10% of what matters.

Mental and Spiritual are for the most part ignored. 

Why do I say this? Because today the focus is on creating a body to show off and winning trophies under dangerous conditions with the potential of life altering head injuries.

Their idea of mental preparation is chest pounding and promotion.

This is a disservice to the martial arts industry. Chi development for most martial artists is left for them to explore on their own. And much of the information out there is well, pretty bad.

Chi Development - Martial Arts - Who I am to comment?

There are people who will ask that question. And I am happy to answer it! I was fortunate enough to be trained by a Korean woman, who was a Chi Master having spent her adult life totally in pursuit of this knowledge. She was a close friend of my first martial arts teachers wife.

And we worked together from late 1989 to mid 1996. I cannot even guess at the number of hours. Typically 30 or so per week, much of the time.  The things I learned, did and saw in that time has shaped me into the person I am today.

Chi Development - Martial Arts - What she Taught

Thought the lost art of meditation she taught me many things. I will give you a bullet point short list below.

  • Real Buddhist based mediation to open energy channels
  • How to feel and follow the Chi in the body for better health
  • Pain control
  • Using chi to make important decisions
  • calming the mind and letting things roll off you like water on a duck's back
  • And much much more!

Today the meditation done in the self help world does very little compared to the "real thing." But most importantly chi based meditation teaches ust to hear and understand  the body, to connect with it, and also at the same time connect to the universal intelligent known as God or the infinite.

Chi Development - Martial Arts in Conclusion

Chi Development - Martial Arts CONCLUSION

Chi Development - Martial Arts training is something we need to bring back together.

I have been teaching Chi Development for years as it is based in Kyusho Jitsu / Dim Mak training.

But that is not what Master Che, my Chi Master taught me. 

Recently I had an email from a man training in some of our Chi Development techniques. He asked me if he could over train. Based on what I have been teaching the answer is yes.

Unless you follow my Chi Master's path, then the answer is never. This is what made me decide to for the very first time teach the things my Chi Master taught me. And the new course is called Chi Lessons of the Grand Master. Thank you for reading Chi Development - Martial Arts.

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* Chi Lessons of the Grand Master

Chi Lessons of the Grand Master

All NEW Video Courses based on the teachings of my Korean Chi Master

Chi Combat Course

Free Chi Manipulation Paper

Follow the link here and get your FREE Chi Development White Paper / eBook

Learn More NOW!

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

Thank you for reading this article called Chi Development - Martial Arts. If you found some value in it lease consider subscribing with the Red Bell below.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Natural Laws of Motion. Laws that cannot be broken!

* Natural Laws of Motion

Natural Laws of Motion: At a fundamental level what is martial art training really all about? It is about some style of movement, or that any one style is better than any other? Nor is it about fitness, or survival of the fittest? In my 36 plus years in the martial arts world, with what I have been taught and what I have seen it is about one thing. The Natural Laws of Motion.

Now I am not going to give you a physics lesson here today! While that might be fun I am instead going to discuss the Natural Laws of Motion and how they apply to martial arts and thereby self defense. This will relate back to some Kyusho Principles also.  Specifically Body Mechanics.

Tough Wrong on Purpose

A new martial arts student needs to be broken down. Before anyone gets all bent out of shape about that statement let me explain. Everyone comes in the door with their own idea of how things need to be done. Methods of movement, in punches, blocks, walking, kicking, running, all things, that need to be reprogrammed. 

This is one reason martial arts is a lifelong journey. Because it is discovery of the self. As Bruce Lee said "all knowledge is self knowledge."

What do I mean by taught wrong? First the new student learns very large movement, all in a linear fashion, as to show in great details what is happening. You can look at an Kata and see great examples of this. And this is 100 percent the correct thing to do! The student needs to be broken down!  Then rebuilt, new and improved. 

What is WRONG with linear movement?  What you will see at the beginning level in self defense training is someone being taught to rush in to block and counter attack in a straight line. Why is this a problem? This relies on "timing" and speed, as well as putting the defender at risk rather than making them safe first, then to counter. 

Timing is great when you are 21, but not 50!

As I said this is OK to start out. But most martial arts instructors I see never take their student beyond this state. I see Black Belts training this exact same way as the day they started. That is OK for sport, in fact it is perfect with sport. This coupled with "ring control" makes for a great fighter. But not for self defense or personal safety!

Natural Laws of Motion - Circular Motion

In Aikido circular movement is taught from day one! And this is awesome, and should be the second step in the harder styles of martial arts I am discussing at the inception of this article. 

From the majority of what I see this is also large circles. And that is the best way to start. But once again it cannot stay there! Circular motion is defensive and that is great! But the attack become linear, then the advantage is given back. And once the large circular motion is well learned by the student, it MUST be converted to small circle, so small at times it is not even seen. But today that is also lacking.

Natural Laws of Motion - Zig Zag

* Natural Laws of Motion

The body and movement must be studied, mimicked and felt! Then advanced movement based on the natural laws of motion can be understood. 

Despite what you think, you cannot walk in a linear fashion or a straight line. You walk in a Zig Zag pattern like the image above. As an example if you step to the right, your hip retraces, and you move to a 45 degree angle, then after the step return to the center. 

The next step to the left is the same thing, on the opposite side! So since this is natural movement, the natural laws of motion why would you not train to do this more effectively once basic movements of the style are understood?

If your instructor taught this you are very fortunate! This is also why walking a straight line is a ridiculous test! Most people have issue doing this exercise because it is not natural. 

When you look at the diagram above what do you see? I am hoping you see triangles and 45 degree angles! That is how nature works. Then add a circle, and you are getting into very advanced movement.

However once you put the circle inside an octagon, and then learn how the body moves naturally within these angles you are mastering the natural laws of motion. 

This makes your study timeless, therefore ageless, and also takes you back to the original idea that size and age do not matter.

*Natural Laws of Motion

Natural Laws of Motion in Conclusion

Natural Laws of Motion CONCLUSION

Was this information on the Secrets of the Octagon, the Natural Laws of Motion kept from the martial arts world for the last 75 years on purpose?

Likely no, I think it was excluded because of the idea of progress. Making things easier for the student.

Progressive seems to always be regressive in truth. Where can you go to learn this? I have no idea other than from me. I do not think the man who taught me is still teaching. He seems to have vanished.

I also believe it is overlooked because as complex as it is, it is very simple. Few martial arts taught today are complete. However adding the science of pressure point self defense Kyusho Jitsu to your current training, and then Octagon you will come as close to a complete training as it possible.

I will link more about my Octagon Courses and books below.  And if you have a moment read this important article on natural laws call Kosho Shorei Ryu. Thank you for reading Natural Laws of Motion.

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* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

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Martial Arts World!

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*Mastering the Octagon

Mastering the Octagon

Develop a deep understanding of Kosho Shorei Ryu, the Natural Laws of Octagon

Follow the link below to learn more now! 

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for taking time to read this article on Natural Laws of Motion. Please subscribe to new articles I write here using the Red Bell at the bottom. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point HT-06. Guaranteed wrist release!

Pressure Point HT-06

Today I am going to spend a few minutes taking about a pressure point that works on everyone. This is the "wrist" release Pressure Point HT-06. The effect we are going to discuss with Pressure Point HT-06 also requires it to be used on conjunction with Pressure Point LU-08.

Therefore this is kind of a dual pressure point article.

Pressure Point HT-06 - Location

HT-06 is On the ulnar bone side the arm, near the wrist at the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle, 0.5 cun above the transverse crease of the wrist. 

Pressure Point LU--08 is located directly opposite in the groove in the wrist where your pulse is taken. One cun above the transverse crease of the wrist, in the depression on the
radial side of the radial artery.

Both these pressure point respond to TOUCH or rub. This makes sense as due to their location a strike would be just about impossible.

* Pressure Point HT-06

HT-06 & LU-08 Effects

These pressure points are best used off of a wrist grab. Stimulation of both pressure points at the same time will cause the following effect.

Pressure Point HT-06 when pushed compresses a nerve located beneath the Ulnar bone. This is a "Y" shaped nerve, and when compressed caused the wrist to release.

Pressure Point LU-08 also has a "Y" shaped nerve beneath it. Compression here will cause a weakness in the hand causing the grip on the wrist to loosen. See the video below for more details.

Pressure Point HT-06

Pressure Point HT-06 in Conclusion

Pressure Point HT-06 CONCLUSION

While this does work on everyone, or at lease anyone I have personally tried using it on, by itself it is rather useless.

Yes, you can work the person into an arm lock from this, however ending a conflict FAST, especially with the unprecedented violence of today's streets is a better idea.

But the good news this, that if you follow up with a strike to ST-05 you will get an amplified result at HT-06 sets up ST 05 directly!Thank you for reading about Pressure Point HT-06!

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Ask you question here.

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

* Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

There are over 361 pressure points on the human body. Plus extraordinary pressure points.

Now you can research the exact locations and effects of all these pressure points with my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

Thank you for reading about Pressure Point HT-06. Please subscribe to new articles I write with the Red Bell below!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Self Defense Strategy – Art of War is Needed for Today’s Streets

* Self Defense Strategy

Do you have a Self Defense Strategy? Or are you working out of anger and ego? This is a very important topic and questions today as we go day by day in the Dystopia of 2021.

this it seems to me that many very talented and wise martial artists, and martial arts Master have lost their path. And I say this because of serious mistakes being made in Self Defense Strategy that 10 years ago would not have happened. 

Self Defense Strategy - Victory of WWII

There is an opinion today that the USA entering WWII was the reason for the Allies victory. While this was an important contributing factor it is not the reason.  The real reason for Allies victory over the Nazi was because England manage to decode Nazi communications and therefore KNEW WHAT they were planning, and where they would strike.

And if this had not happened the world would be a very different place! And we are heaed that way once again!

Therefore today the world faces many very serious issues. The western culture is in serious threat of falling to communism because of extreme views, extreme corruption and the manipulation of people with serious mental illness. And as of this writing Canada certainly has! Violence is condoned by the media and the extreme left as long as it fits their agenda. 

Self Defense Strategy - Be WILLING to lose small battles

And I see today a massive fight and battle of MASKS.  Thus I watch as much time and energy is wasted on this front! In a battle for the United States of America do you send all your troupes to Parma Ohio? Of course NOT! You strategically choose your battles.  

There are much more important battles to be fought and won! And masks is the least of our worries at this time. 

But, in case you do not see it, this was a successful divide and conquer tactic. And has been used wisely by the enemy today with great results! Thus right now this ground is worthless in the grand scheme of things.

Self Defense Strategy - Never Show Your Cards!

Hence, I look on Facebook as people do such foolish things! I was invited to a group called "Questioning Covid." And everyone has a right to question this! But what I found was simply sad. Organization of activities to storm places of business refusing to wear a mask.

Seriously? Do you not see the bigger picture? And here they are telling the powers that be exactly who they are, where they live, what they will do next and thinking this was a good idea!

What happened? So showing their lack of strategy, which is really Self Defense Strategy the group was infiltrated by Antifa shills and rendered useless.  Therefore more ground lost! When you give up your right to privacy, you give up your security. And Facebook is the LAST PLACE on EARTH to plan a resistance!

Self Defense Strategy

Most of all victory can only come when a strategy is made and then proper tactics are imposed. And the problem is people want an easy victory! But this is no longer possible. You must do the work! 

And all communications of resistance today must be ENCRYPTED and NOT on Social Media! Do not ever talk about WHO you will vote for in the coming election!! Give them NOTHING! Your ego is causing you to make BAD mistakes. Serious mistakes! Calm down and THINK!

You can find people of a like mind on social media, then immediately take communications to encrypted email, or a truly end to end encrypted instant messenger like Signal. DO NOT USE WHATSAPP! It is owned by Facebook and therefore corrupted! Do not use gmail or any other email of its type. I have a private server, but you can use Proton mail which is perfect what what is going on!

This mean work! But victory is never easy!

Self Defense Strategy in Conclusion

Self Defense Strategy CONCLUSION

Put your egos aside! We are at war for our freedoms today. And most are not prepared. Victory requires a new paradigm. I do not have many answers for what is happening today. But I can tell you that this needs to be approached with a COLD unemotional mind.

"Revenge is a dish best served cold." Khan Noonia Singh

That quote is true in this situation and so is "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.  Thank you for reading this article on Self Defense Strategy.

* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

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Pressure Points on the Body

10 BEST Pressure Points

Whatever the root art or self defense system you study you must maximize your results!

Click the button below and learn about my video course called the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense.

And an excellent lower price for the hard times!

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

Thank you for reading this article on Self Defense Strategy. Please subscribe to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians. How these energy pathways work.

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians
12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians: This is a followup article on one I did last week that got me a lot of questions and feedback from those interested in learning more about the science of pressure point self defense. [Kyusho Jitsu Pressure Point Anatomy] So today lets talk about the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians on the human body. I will give you a detailed breakdown and a special gift at the end of the article for reading. Above you will see 2 inforgraphics on these 12 meridians. Not this includes the colour, time of day, element and also the number of pressure points. 

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians - Upper Extremities

The first basic breakdown of the meridians is to divide the body into upper and lower extremities. This being said there are 6 meridians for upper and 6 for lower. Plus this is further divided into 3 Yin and 3 Yang meridians for each set. If you have not already done so I highly recommend reading the article linked above.  It is a solid article and will help you a lot.

Small Intestine Meridian

As we look at the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians of the upper extremities we will see the Yin/Yang pair and also an element relationship for each. So lets do this breakdown below now.

Yin Meridians
  1. Heart - Fire Element
  2. Pericardium (sometimes called Heart 2) - Fire Element
  3. Lung - Metal Element
Yang Meridians
  1. Triple Warmer - Fire Element
  2. Small Intestine - Fire Element
  3. Large Intestine - Metal Element

Something else to note. The flow of energy in the Yin Meridians is leaving the body. This is sometimes also referred to as traveling "south." Energy on the Yang Meridians is entering the body, or traveling "North." 

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians - Lower Extremities

Now we will look at the Lower Extremities. Once again we have 3 Yin and 3 Yang pairs, plus a change in direction for energy. You can also note that the meridian enter the head or not entering the head has nothing to do with this classification. The meridian systems runs very deep in the body and we are only discussing what can be accessed from the surface.

Kidney Meridian
Yin Meridians
  1. Liver - Wood Element
  2. Spleen - Earth Element
  3. Kidney - Water Element
Yang Meridians
  1. Gall Bladder - Wood Element
  2. Stomach - Earth Element
  3. Bladder [Urinary] - Water Element

And as I mentioned the energy flow direction is reversed for the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians of the Lower Extremities. Here the Yin Meridians energy flow is "North" or entering the body, while the Yang Meridians is "South" or exiting the body. All meridians are reflected on both sides of the body. Therefore depending on how you look at it, you can say 24 total. However conventional language is to only discuss one side. 

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians in Conclusion 

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Success as a Kyusho Jitsu practitioner or teacher requires serious study. This is not a quick fix for self defense.

In fact there is no such thing as a quick fix! And the more concise information you have the better!

If you have any questions click here to ask!

And please consider reading every article on this blog. The Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance blog is like no other because I give you real information. Most of all this is information you can take to the Dojo and train with. Thank you for taking time to read about the 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians.

12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians Question?

Use the form below to ask! I reply personally within the day usually.

Ask you question here.

* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance!

Together we can UNITE the
Martial Arts World!

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( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

* Energy Pathways of Life

Energy Pathways of Life

Healing Arts of Kosho Shorei Ryu

All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.

Creating and Sustaining Balance

Thank you for taking time from you day to read 12 Kyusho Jitsu Meridians. If you enjoyed this article please subscribe with the Red Bell in the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Benefits of Martial Art Training. How they come with time.

* Benefits of Martial Art Training

Benefits of Martial Art Training: Today, considering the dystopian age we now live in, I want to discuss the importance and benefits of REAL Benefits of Martial Art Training with you. And I promise some people will not like what I have to say. But if you are a like minded person please share this article, My views today, more than ever are being censored. Why? Because I talk about people thinking for themselves and in this world that is now considered RADICAL.

Benefits of Martial Art Training

Thus real martial arts training is not only about the physical. And today most of what is called martial arts are ONLY physically based and are NOT based in ethics or values. They are only based on winning at any cost. Most of all sport is a piss poor example of martial arts, and all you have to do is look at the drug use, abuse of family and other illegal activities running wild in all sports to see there is NO VALUE THERE AT ALL 

And yet people watch them, worship the participants and pay big money to see it. And the value returned is ZERO. If truth is has a negative result on the world.

Martial Arts World Today

Very important to note is that Martial Arts were at one time all based on the values of Buddhism.  Originating from India, but most famously known as being from China. And yet look at what happened to China when they abandoned these values? 

You can begin to see the self destruction from the 1959 invasion of Tibet. China is a HELL HOLE of repression and evil

Benefits of Martial Art Training - Censoring the World

All you need do is look at the TRUTH of China to see it is a repressive Communist Dictatorship working hard to concur the world,  just like the Nazi's of WWII, as well as Japan in the same period. Today however it is done economically, and with bio-weapons.  Most importantly everything is censored, and like in the West now people are afraid to speak out! And afraid for good reason. And yet BIG CORRUPT media like CNN find repression virtuous and wonderful.  CNN loves communism because lies are the order of the day! 

And yes, sadly there are  lot of STUPID people out there who think communism has virtue. But the FACTS speak for themselves. In the 20th Century Communism KILLED over half 300 million people! (That number is lied about today by communist minded people)

Let that sink in fora while.....

Real Martial Arts Training

When taught correctly martial art training teaches the student to connect the mind to the body via strict discipline of movement. The reward is personal progress, self control and a disciplined mind. Not a trophy or fame! 

Self Defense is a bi-product! One of the many Benefits of Martial Art Training.

And one of the most important benefits is the ability to think clearly because the MIND is disciplined and in control.  It is not easily influenced by liars or politicians, (same thing), selling an agenda. You discover the connect of the mind to a strong body and good health! And would certainly avoid all unnecessary drugs being pushed today like candy on the various media. 

Proper martial arts training is like a moving mediation. Quieting and focusing the mind. Once achieved the spirit becomes center. Another of th Benefits of Martial Art Training.

Benefits of Martial Art Training in Conclusion

Benefits of Martial Art Training CONCLUSION

I write this today our of concern for our world, our way of life. We are in a bad place and the only way we can begin to change anything is to change ourselves.

If you are reading this an not a practicing martial artist look into it. If you are older get involved with Tai Chi. At the very least start to medicate.

Thank you for reading this article about the Benefits of Martial Art Training.

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* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

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* Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

All new eBook on the Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory and its deeper applications in martial arts

* Kosho Ryu Natural Laws of Motion

Kosho Series books

Kosho Ryu Natural Laws of Motion

Martial Arts are taught wrong on purpose. Learn to take your martial art from reactive to responsive.

Thank you for taking time to the Benefits of Martial Art Training. If you found this article of value please consider subscribing with the Red Bell below at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Gall Bladder Cluster Knockout Pressure Points on the Forehead

Gall Bladder Cluster

Gall Bladder Cluster: Today we will have a look at a set of pressure points often referred to as the "Gall Bladder Cluster" located on the forehead. This is a cluster of 3 pressure points shaped like a triangle that are excellent for use in Kyusho Neurological Knockouts. These are GB-13, GB-14 and GB-15.

Gall Bladder Cluster GB-13

We will begin with Pressure Point GB-13 located 0.5 cun inside the hairline and 0.5 cun medial to ST-08, directly above the outer canthus of the eye. The idea of a striking to GB-13 is to use an open hand, with 2 way action to also connect with the other 2 pressure points in the Gall Bladder Cluster at the same time.

Striking GB-13 will cause immediate brain dysfunction

Gall Bladder Cluster GB-14

Pressure Point GB-14 is located 1 cun above the middle of the eyebrow on a line directly above the pupil of the eye in the depression on the Superciliary Arch. Striking this pressure point straight in can cause neck damage due to impact. Striking in a downward motion which is what is suggested with cause brain dysfunction including memory issues as well as dizziness. 

The uki will feel like he is in a FOG.

Gall Bladder Cluster GB-15

Located 0.5 cun inside the hairline and directly above the pupil when looking straight ahead.
This causes the head to feel as if it is swelling up, or being pumped up like a
balloon. Striking causes the recipient to not know where they are for a second or
two if struck mildly, or KO if struck heavily.

Please Note: Striking ANY pressure point of the head can result in serious injury up to and including death depending on the power of the strike and each individual pressure point in question.

Gall Bladder Cluster in Conclusion

Gall Bladder Cluster CONCLUSION

The GB cluster is an excellent area of the body to add to your self defense training.

The main reason aside from effect is the easy access.  I also suggest spending some time in study of Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy which will give you the functions and locations of all 361 pressure points on the human body.

Thank you for taking time to read about the Gall Bladder Cluster.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

Thank you for read this article on the Gall Bladder Cluster. If you enjoyed the article, found it of value please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

HPPT and Multiple Attackers. How to understand and deal with a MOB.

* HPPT and Multiple Attackers

HPPT and Multiple Attackers: I was sitting this morning thinking about what article to write. I have about 200 on this blog, all of which get updated a lot. And there is only so much as I talk about in a single article.

Then i had a email come in asking me "how do i beat multiple attackers?" The short answer is you CAN'T! So lets discuss HPPT and Multiple Attackers today and give you some depth of understanding. 

HPPT and Multiple Attackers 

There are lots of self defense experts out there who will happily tell you if you buy their product you can "defeat any attackeror any number of attackers. Then they will tell you about their vast experience doing so. But yet none of these people are in a jail cell? Hmmm.... So I call BULLSHIT!  Sadly most of this industry is made up of liars. But rather then knock them let's get into the meat of the situation.

First and foremost self defense is "defensive" while fighting which is what most of these people are talking about is "offensive." There is a time for offense, but I will leave that for another time. A "fight" which is what these clowns are talking about is an ego trip of "who has the biggest dick." It is SAD and PATHETIC and shows how far are society has regressed.

Rant off

HPPT and Multiple Attackers

There is a formula to deal with multiple attackers, but this is survival not "beating or winning." 

That thought process will get you KILLED. This is about survival! 

I had an experience in late 2010 with multiple attackers, a gang actually and I survived it without anyone getting hurt.  

* All Inclusive Self Defense

And under the circumstances I was in, the odds of "winning" were decent. However these guys only wanted money and the potential catastrophic of me deciding to attack was not worth a few hundred Euro. And I am too old for stupid "my dick is bigger" games.  I gave them what they wanted and walked!

High Level Training - HPPT and Multiple Attackers

Multiple attackers is HIGH LEVEL escalation and requires high level martial arts training. This training is hard to come by because of the focus on sport today. And while you can learn the basics from the correct course, you must train it until you cannot move, and then train it more!

Plus the variables in this kind of situation are endless! If you have 5 guys in a gang there are countless variable to consider.

1) Are there any weapons?
2) Who has a weapon?
3) What are the weapons?
4) Are their drugs involved?
5) What are the mental states?

And the list goes on and on!

Where did I learn?

My mass attack training comes from several places. First and foremost is the mastering of the Octagon.This is a defense understanding of pure movement and how to be safe under any situation by controlling the movement of the attacker. 

This is combined with training in Systema also. Which is not a martial art but a combat system. My eclectic root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido is founded on all of this and more.

HPPT and Multiple Attackers in Conclusion

HPPT and Multiple Attackers CONCLUSION

The actual physicality of this is beyond a pressure point article or simple video. I cover the specific training for this in great details in Humane Pressure Point Tactics Level Three Certification

But to become effective at this kind of defense you have to do the work and train for it! 

You also need to understand many of the psychological aspect of self defense. My best advice? Avoid situations or places you can encounter these scenario. Thank you for reading this article called HPPT and Multiple Attackers.

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15. What is the reverse CPR point?

* Pressure Point BL-15

Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15: Today I want to take a close look at a very dangerous pressure point located on the Urinary Bladder Meridian. This is Pressure Point BL-15. This pressure point plays an important role in healing as well as destruction.  So let's get down to it.

Pressure Point BL-15 - Location

Pressure Point BL-10 is located 1.5 cun lateral to the lower end of the 5th thoracic vertebra. In the Trapezius and Rhomboid muscles & deeper, in the Longissimus muscle. 

Trapezius Muscle


Rhomboid Muscle

* Pressure Point BL-15

Pressure Point BL-15 - Effect

A strike to this pressure point can stop the heart as you will be affecting the actual neurological wiring to the heart at this point. The nerves exit the spine for the heart here. This is also a resuscitation pressure point in case of heart failure.

Striking correctly to BL-15 on the right side of the body on a person whose Heart has stopped has the same affect as jump starting the heart electrically. The left side is also dangerous, however not as much as the right side. Pressure Point BL-15 is an Associated Alarm Point on the left side. 

This resuscitation strike causes the body to release epinephrine

Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15 in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

While this pressure point is very dangerous you do need to know what you are doing to gain access to it.

First all striking needs to be in the correct angle and direction, with 2 Way Action plus the correct Kyusho Striking Action

Also being a pressure point on the back the movement of you root art will depend on how easily you can access it.

My root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido because of the implementation of Octagon principles makes accessing the back of the body pretty simple. If you have any questions please use the form below. Thank you for reading Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15.

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The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu

15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu

Learn all you need to know about the 15 Kyusho Principles & ALArm Points

* Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points

Alarm Point Workshops

One in Canada 2010 & Spain 2017

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for taking time to read about Dangerous Pressure Point BL-15. If you found this article of value please subscribe using the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Painful Chest Pressure Points. What are the Top 3?

* 3 Painful Chest Pressure Points

Painful Chest Pressure Points: Striking the chest correctly can be devastating.

So today I am going to talk about 3 Painful Chest Pressure Points that are easy to access and will yield great results in a self defense situation.

There are many more than 3, but that is enough to get your feet wet.

The first place I must begin in talking about Painful Chest Pressure Points is that they must be struck in a certain manner. 

There is an correct angle and direction for each pressure point, which I will discuss, but also you need 2 Way Action.

Painful Chest Pressure Points# 1 Pressure Point LV-14

Painful Chest Pressure Points

This is a highly dangerous and painful pressure point that is often times forgotten. LV-14 is located on the mamillary line, 2 ribs below the nipple, in the 6th intercostal space.

This point is 6 cun above the navel & 3.5 cun lateral to GV-14, near the medial end of the 6th intercostal space.

This is a very important pressure point because it can have many different dangerous effects. A solid strike on the left side can cause the heart to stop.

The lungs can also collapse from a strong hit.

A knockout can also occur from a medium strike, as well as temporary vision issues. Not to mention serious liver damage occurring instantly and, in the future, if untreated. This pressure point is attacked by striking in and down with a chopping action.

LV-14 is also an Alarm Point which means it has a direct relationship with the organ itself Each organ on the body has 2 special points associated with them. These pressure points are not necessarily on the meridian associated with the organ either. These names of these special pressure points is Alarm Points and Associated Alarm Points.

Painful Chest Pressure Points #2 Pressure Point GB-24

Going from the top to the bottom of the chest area we now have GB-24. When your strike GB-24 you will also likely hit LV-13 too. So bonus! 

GB-24 is located on the upper abdomen, directly below the nipple, in the 7th intercostal space, 4 cun (finger widths) lateral to the anterior mid-line of the chest.

This area of the body, the rib cage is monitored and protected by the intercostal nerves.

Painful Chest Pressure Points

The intercostal nerves are part of the somatic nervous system, and arise from the anterior "rami" of the thoracic spinal nerves from "T1" to "T11." This is very important information in the study of Alarm Points and Associated Alarm Points. Information on Alarm and Associated Alarm Points are covered in the eBook The 15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu.

This information above is the reason that GB-24 is a knockout pressure point. Attack in and down for best result. Chopping action too as this ia a wood pressure point.

Painful Chest Pressure Points #3 Pressure Point SP-21

I have talked about this pressure point many times. And when it comes to the most painful chest pressure points this one wins hands down. And it is also arguably the most dangerous pressure point on the body.

As you can see from the diagram below SP-21 is located on the ribs, about center of the bicep with the arms hanging. The exact location is on the lateral aspect of the chest, on the mid-axillary line, in the 6th intercostal space. An intercostal space is the "meat" between the ribs which is a hotbed for nerves!

Pressure Point Spleen 21

Why is this? These nerves help to protect the integrity of the rib cage. Now the obvious purpose of the ribs is to protect the lungs and subsequently the heart from damage. In this are also are the MAJOR arteries of the heart. Pressure Point Spleen 21 and its location are at one of the weakest place in the rib cage.

Also because the heart is located slightly to the left of center of the body. This also includes the major arteries. Therefore a strike to this area has a greater potential for serious damages. But this applies to both points. It is best to avoid them unless a life of death situation exists.

The correct angle and direction is straight across to the other side of the body. A penetrating action is best.

Now you can see how the Painful Chest Pressure Points work!

Painful Chest Pressure Points in Conclusion

Painful Chest Pressure Points CONCLUSION

The ribs serve a very important function! They protect the heart and the lungs.

And because of this critical function any strikes to the area, done correct will yield a massive result.

Rib breakage can result in death due to a puncture lung!

So I am sure you can see why this is all such a effective area of the body to train in striking. If you have any questions feel free to comment below!

And if you need some good pressure point charts click here as these are FREE! Thank you for taking time today to read Painful Chest Pressure Points.

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Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

Would you like more detail information like found in this article? Then checkout my video course on the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense. 

* Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Full Reference eBook for EVERY Pressure Point

Thank you for reading this article called Painful Chest Pressure Points. If you enjoyed it please subscribe to my blog with the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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