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Easily Defeat Any Attacker! Why this is a self defense lie!

Defeat any attacker

I hope you are not buying that headline? Really I can’t believe I saw this ad again, “Easily Defeat Any Attacker!” The ad was specifically targeted at saying that you don’t need to learn to fight to knockout anyone who is attacking you.

And I know they are referencing pressure point strikes, even if they call them something else. I should order the course for fun!

So why am I writing about this? Because in today's world there is a very dangerous belief that somehow you can be guaranteed an OUTCOME. Therefore is simply just a lie! 

Easily Defeat Any Attacker. The statement is FALSE

And there are people out there in the world who can defend themselves or fight without training. I was one of the them. When I was a teenager I just loved to fight. I never lost. But that was something about me internally, my psychology, and not everyone is this way.  Therefore the claim of defeating or knocking out any attacker is totally bogus. Most of all it is a reckless and dangerous statement. 

And I am often shocked how many times I see these kinds of claims.  EX military people selling what they know. Personally I question everything including their claims. However an important note to make, "COMBAT" is not self defense. Most of all the entire concept is different. And in combat you train to KILL or BE KILLED. On the street you training to survive! Escape with your life in tact.

Apathy Self Defense Today

Easily Defeat Any Attacker - The FACTS

First of all to easily defeat any attacker or successfully knockout any attacker is very possible. But without serious training, in a solid root art the odds are almost zero.

And in a video from this ad they have someone fending off the attacker with a chair. Cool, but if the attacker is unarmed, and you crash the chair across his or her head, that is not self defense under the law. Most important is you cannot have a weapon unless they do! It is critical in self defense to understand the rules and apply them well. 

There are also many serious misconceptions when it comes to knife defense and gun defense. Linked are important articles I do suggest reading. 

Easily Defeat Any Attacker! - There is no easy fix!

Thus to increase your odds of successfully defending yourself there are things or “tools” you need. Here is a basic list of those self defense tools.

Pressure Point Art of Self Defense
  1. A solid root art, one that incorporates self defense training into it. Not all do this, some are purely sport. There are those who believe sport is enough. No, it is NOT enough, here is why. Sport fights go on for minutes, you don’t have minutes, this must end in SECONDS. Plus they rely on physical fitness levels that CANNOT be maintained throughout life. A solid self defense root art will provide a great foundation to build on.

2. The science of pressure point self defense, called Kyusho Jitsu will enhance the abilities you have developed from your root art. This is critical in order to cut down of the conflict time. The longer the defense goes the more likely you are too lose.

Easily Defeat Any Attacker! - Adding Kyusho Jitsu

The phrase  coined by Grand Master Dillman, "one second fighting" is the ultimate goal.  It is a great goal! It is also possible because of Kyusho Jitsu to be obtained.  

One of the best ways to end any attack is with a knockout.  And Impact alone with not guarantee a knockout! Now I do not talk from anything here other than personal experience. Therefore I am not someone who read a book and makes claims like so many today.  However I did write a book on the subject. 

Kyusho Jitsu is not a "magic pill." It will however make the self defense aspects of your martial art style more effective. And this is what is needed! Making every counter strike that lands more effective! If you are new to Kyusho Jitsu follow this LINK and get started FREE .

Easily Defeat Any Attacker! in Conclusion

Easily Defeat Any Attacker Conclusion

This is not about how to easily defeat any attacker. This makes it sound like you are playing a game. Self Defense is about surviving the threat.

Do not get sucked in my these kinds of claims of becoming a super fighter. 

You need a self defense course or information that builds from the ground up. Dealing with "escalation levels" and counter measure that put your safety first! 

And of course understanding how the law works to make sure you do not get attacked and end up being the one in JAIL.  Thank you for reading Easily Defeat Any Attacker!

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Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

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Thank you for taking time to read this article called Easily Defeat Any Attacker!. In this time is very important information. And today in the Western Culture lying has become virtuous. Please checkout my article Fall of the West.  However when it comes to "Easily Defeat Any Attacker!" these claims made by these alleged martial artists with their guarantees is gross negligence. 

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Gun Defense Laws. What the LAW really says

Gun Defense Laws

Gun Defense Laws: This article is written by former Police Officer Kara Borshuk on Gun Defense Laws in the United States of America and Canada. There is a lot of misinformation out there! And some very BAD advice too! Therefore it is extremely import for martial artists to get a handle on this knowledge from experienced sources. 

So on with real FACTS about Gun Defense Laws.

Gun Defense Laws - Facts

Most of these Stats are based on United States Laws.. but know that Guns and Weapons are as easy to get as a pack of smokes for the right price.

In the United States the Second Amendment is freedom's most valuable, most cherished, most irreplaceable idea. History proves it. When you ignore the right of good people to own firearms to protect their freedom, you become the enablers of future tyrants whose regimes will destroy millions and millions of defenseless lives.

Gun Defense Laws

The National Rifle Association (NRA), an organization originally established in 1871 to train hunters and marksmen on gun use and safety, has transformed into one of the most effective political lobbies in modern American history.

The group advocates for gun rights. Resisting any encroachment on what it deems to be an inalienable right to unhindered, unregulated gun ownership. To advance its mission, the NRA deploys a disinformation campaign reliant on fear mongering and the systematic dis-accreditation of opposition voices in order to secure its position as a powerful lobbyist for the gun industry. 

Gun Defense Laws - The NRA

When it comes to Gun Defense Laws the NRA has masterfully constructed a narrative based on gun rights propaganda, evoking images of a society devoid of rule of law and under constant threat of attack from an unidentified but ever-present enemy.

By deploying a carefully crafted campaign of misinformation, deception, and confusion, the NRA has both undermined legitimate arguments for common-sense gun law reform and made it substantially more difficult for its emotive, provocative propaganda to be countered with fact and reason. In this way, the NRA's tactics are deceitful not only because they falsely allege to protect American freedoms but also because they mirror fundamentally un-American sources.

Top 3 Self Defense Lies

Gun Defense Laws- Propaganda 

The propaganda machine of the NRA is similar to that of authoritarian and undemocratic political regimes around the world.  These regimes deploy disinformation campaigns to secure control over public discourse in their nations. Thus enabling autocrats to maintain a vice grip over information and ensure their power is unchecked and unquestioned.

The coordinated attacks, which took place in three Sri Lankan cities and killed more than 300 people, were designed to foment religious strife in a country that has been slowly recovering from a quarter-century-long civil war. On the 10-year path to peace and stability, there have been occasional flareups of religious violence.

Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million. In the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.

Gun Defense Laws - 10-Lies about Gun Control Debate

Gun Defense Laws - Lie #1: 

There is no connection between mass gun ownership and gun deaths. It seems obvious that a country flooded with guns will have higher rates of gun deaths than countries with few of these weapons.

Gun Defense Laws - Lie #2:

We don't need stronger gun regulation because gun violence is declining. This lie is fun because of the way it depends on careful framing. Gun violence, defined as crimes committed with guns, has been declining for decades.

Gun Defense Laws - Lie #3: 

We didn't have this problem "in my day" because people loved Jesus and didn't play violent video games. Video games have nothing to do with the increase of violent acts of society today.. School shootings are as old as school. Young Matthew Ward murdered his teacher in front of the class in Louisville in 1853.

Gun Defense Laws  -Lie #4: 

The Second Amendment blocks gun regulation. Americans happily place curbs on our rights to religious freedom, blocking people from committing acts of violence, fraud or abuse in the name of faith. Free speech is limited by laws banning libel or incitement.

Americans have a constitutionally protected right to obtain an abortion, yet many of the same people advocating Second Amendment absolutism suddenly lose interest in the constitution when the subject turns to reproductive rights.

As a general rule, people tend to cite constitutional protections when they don't want to debate the merits of an issue. Gun advocates are passionate about civil liberties until those liberties become inconvenient.

Gun Defense Laws  -Lie #5: 

The solution to gun violence is more gun ownership. This lie would be too bizarre to earn column space, but politicians are actually using it build policy, putting guns in places like schools, churches and bars.

There is no empirical basis for the claim, but it is sometimes accompanied by one misleading data point.

Gun Defense Laws  -Lie #6: 

Chicago has tight gun restrictions and mass gun violence. Ergo, gun laws don't work. Chicago's seemingly intractable problem with gun violence is one of America's fondest fascinations. It's also a myth. Chicago has more gun murders than other large cities like New York and Los Angeles, thanks mostly to its long, unsecured border with North Alabamastan (sometimes called Alabama). However, Chicago's murder rate still rate as high as many with loose gun restrictions.

* Right to Self Defense

Gun Defense Laws - Lie #7: 

We should enforce existing gun laws before imposing new ones. Calls for more determined enforcement of existing gun laws are the most darkly cynical lie in the debate over guns. Our gun laws are carefully crafted to be unenforceable.

One law stands out as the most critical obstacle to enforcement of gun restrictions. A minor provision of the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act bans states or federal agencies from building gun registries.

Six states already possessed some form of registry, thus were exempted, but further efforts to break the enforcement of gun regulations made it difficult for them to leverage that information in any useful way.

Gun Defense Laws  -Lie #8: 

We need guns to protect ourselves from the government. Claims of a Second Amendment right to overthrow the government may be false, but they get us very close to understanding the honest motives behind the gun lobby.

Until 2008, no federal court had ever recognized an individual constitutional right to own a firearm.

Gun Defense Laws - Lie #9: 

No legislation can curb gun deaths in the US. Americans now have more guns in circulation than citizens. No credible regulatory scheme, no matter how smart or ambitious, is likely to bring the rate of gun deaths in America in line with global standards anytime soon. Whatever we achieve politically in the near term can only be a down-payment on a better world for our children.

Gun Defense Laws - Lie #10: 

Americans oppose tighter gun regulation. When presented with concrete proposals to regulate guns, majorities of Americans almost always favor them.

Best DEFENSE against Guns

Nobody wants to be the victim of an attack. It's not like we walk to our cars after work hoping to get mugged in a dark alleyway, but unfortunately, many of us grow up hearing that we're constantly in danger of being victimized.

But have you ever stopped to think what you'd actually do if you found yourself in a threatening situation? Do you know how to defend yourself?

About Gun Crime

Gun Defense Laws - Are you prepared to counter an attack?

Attackers aren't always the creeper in the parking lot or the weird guy hanging out in a dark alley. In fact, more than 80% of all rape victims know their assailant beforehand. Most attacks happen when you're the least prepared to counter them.

If you find yourself in a situation where you need to fight back, a good self-defense weapon can come in handy. However, carrying a self-defense weapon, whether it be a gun, knife, taser, or any other option, is only one aspect of defending yourself from an attacker, and the truth is, your defense weapon is completely useless if you aren't prepared to use it, especially against someone you don't expect.

Be Prepared!

With a proper plan in place, you can avoid becoming a victim. Here's a quick list of things you can do to prepare yourself to counter an attack:

  • Know your weapon. You need to get to know your carry item as if it were an extension of yourself. Different safety mechanisms can be tricky to operate and will slow you down if you don't know how to operate them. Things like switching off a safeguard, pressing the right button, or uncapping pepper spray are all things you should practice beforehand.
  • Have quick access. You want your weapon in hand when you need it. Fumbling through your purse or pockets during an attack will only help the attacker. Keep your weapon easily accessible. If it's in your purse, put it in a place where it won't get buried or hold it in your hand as you walk to your car at night.
  • Pay attention. The best plans include avoiding dangerous people and locations. Being aware of your surroundings and keeping your distance from potential threats will reduce your chances of being attacked. Knowing the nearest exit or place to run can help you escape as well.

Gun Defense Laws - Survival

When it comes to gun defense laws whichever self-defense item you choose to carry, remember that the goal of self-defense is never to win a fight; it is to survive and escape without injury.

The best defense is always to avoid dangerous people and places. You don't need to be a tactically trained Navy Seal to know how to defend yourself, but you should sit down and have a game plan in case you face an attack. Practice and get to know your weapon, give yourself the best chance to escape unharmed.

Whether it be the US, Canada, Europe, Laws on Defense [Right to Self Defense] are pretty much global. Currently the UK is an exception. The UK applies "common law" to the self defense act. This makes things a little more complicated there. 

Self Defense Canada

Self-defense in Canada is commonly misunderstood. Many people, including our mainstream media, believe Canadians have no right to defend themselves, no matter the circumstances.

They are wrong. The defense of person is the oldest natural right, a right that all living creatures possess. 

Gun Defense Laws

Virtually everyone, even misguided celebrity elites that believe humans only have the right to be victims, believe this obvious truth.

Importantly, as a society we openly recognize this fact and provide defensive tools to those who may need protection as they carry out the state's business, such as our police. (Remember this next time someone says handguns were only made to kill people. They were not. They were made to defend people.)

So without question, we have a natural right to defend our fragile bodies, and those of our loved ones too. If need arises, we will intuitively and unquestionably do so regardless of what statutes say. But what does it say?

Gun Defense Laws in Canada

Here then, are the three things you absolutely must know about self-defense laws and therefore gun defense laws in Canada.

Number One: Defending yourself, contrary to popular belief, is NOT against Canadian law. The Criminal Code of Canada very specifically allows self-defense and defense of property.

Number Two: Should you find yourself in the unfortunate position where you must defend yourself with deadly force, you will be arrested and charged with a crime. Crown prosecutors seemingly don't like Canadians doing what is required to stay alive so you absolutely will go to trial on whatever charges are laid against you.

Number Three: Unless you've done something terribly wrong, the odds of you being convicted are on your side. The CSSA has dealt with many of these types of cases over the years, and in only one case was the individual convicted.

Therefore you absolutely must understand the law and your responsibility under it once you engage the individual or individuals attempting to do harm to you and/or your loved ones.

There are things you cannot do or you will certainly go to prison. Your use of force must be "reasonable" in the totality of the circumstances and that reasonableness will be decided by a judge months or even years after the fact.

Criminal Code of Canada

Here, from the Criminal Code of Canada Section 34, is the self-defense provision in view:

34 (1) A person is not guilty of an offence if

(a) they believe on reasonable grounds that force is being used against them or another person or that a threat of force is being made against them or another person;

(b) the act that constitutes the offence is committed for the purpose of defending or protecting themselves or the other person from that use or threat of force; and

(c) the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances.

As you can see, the law is very clear. Canadians are NOT restricted from defending themselves.

34 (2) In determining whether the act committed is reasonable in the circumstances, the court shall consider the relevant circumstances of the person, the other parties and the act, including, but not limited to, the following factors:

(a) the nature of the force or threat;

(b) the extent to which the use of force was imminent and whether there were other means available to respond to the potential use of force;

(c) the person's role in the incident;

(d) whether any party to the incident used or threatened to use a weapon;

(e) the size, age, gender and physical capabilities of the parties to the incident;

(f) the nature, duration and history of any relationship between the parties to the incident, including any prior use or threat of force and the nature of that force or threat;

(f.1) any history of interaction or communication between the parties to the incident;

(g) the nature and proportionality of the person's response to the use or threat of force; and

(h) whether the act committed was in response to a use or threat of force that the person knew was lawful.

Gun Defense Laws - Best Defenses to know about Guns

When an assailant is within arms-reach, it is easier to disarm them than an attacker with a handgun. And in-home defensive situations are always at close range. And the power of a shotgun requires an operator capable of withstanding the significant recoil.

For Novice shooters and if you've ever handled a shotgun the first time you pulled the trigger on a shotgun and felt that recoil. I still remember the bruise on my shoulder because I didn't seat the butt-stock of the weapon properly.

It takes time and skill to handle a shotgun..

Handguns on the other hand being more versatile are more dangerous to combat.. as I've stressed in my first article weapons and knife defense.. there are no winners or losers when it comes to escaping an attacker with weapon.

His/her main motive is to kill, hurt with dangerous results.

Gun Defense Laws

Misconceptions about Gun Defense

In a knife attack, no matter the approach, know you are at risk of being cut. With anyone trained in knife attacks, you are in vulnerable situation before you realize it.

Best defense is to stay calm, don't tense muscles & no sudden movements, engage in conversation to distract. Giving opportunity to react to the attack.

As an example if perpetrator is requesting monies, let them know you have to move to get, thus they are expecting movement on your part. Thus giving the opportunity to react. Always assume they carry more than one weapon and possibly more than one perpetrator.

When it comes to a Gun, there's no racing the bullet. And looking down a barrel of a gun is no fun.

Examining your surroundings execute proper tactical disarmament, be sure your training techniques are reputable to street fighting scenarios..

Gun Defense Laws - Understanding guns

Caliber doesn't matter much, .380 ACP to .45 ACP and everything in between will stop anyone 2/3 of the time within 2 rounds.

The knockdown power that comes with higher-caliber pistols is complimented by their ease-of-use. By understanding weapons and guns gives you survival chance. In the event of of confrontation being able to move quickly means the difference between life and death.

It's always better to presume that you will be fighting a trained fighter/weapons perpetrator. The problem with that assumption is that not everyone attacks the way that someone will attack you.

Misconceptions about Gun Defense
Gun Defense Laws

The Perpetrator is NOT going to passively stand there while you attempt to disarm him

What few people realize is that a wild perpetrators have intent He/she previously orchestrated the plan ahead of time, their intent is to rob or murder to get away. They want to commit the crime intended leaving no witnesses and leave as quickly as possible.

Even more dangerous because the attacker is unpredictable, his defensive moves can hurt you badly you will either get mauled, if not killed.

Fights are never static and his ability to move is his ability to hurt you. Your best defence first and foremost is distract by conversing with the perpetrator, and observing any window of opportunity to react effectively.

You can successfully fight an armed attacker

This is a lie.. you cannot "fight" an armed opponent. You can survive against one! You might even be able to successfully put him down before he causes you any major damage.

However whatever you do, it must be fast, effective and brutal. If it isn't, then you will not stop him before he causes you major damage.

Gun Defense Laws - Stats on Crime rates

The 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the world in 2016. While people complain about the violence in the own countries often times they have little to no idea of how bad it can get! 

* Gun Defense Laws - 10 Most Dangerous Cities

Here is a LINK to an article on the top 50 worse cities  in the world for crime!

Gun Defense Laws in Conclusion

Gun Defense Laws CONCLUSION

In conclusion about Gun Defense Laws, an attacker, with any idea of what he or she is doing, whether it be a knife or gun will overwhelm you with a hail of cuts or shoot with one deadly bullet.

And with knife, they will start at the nearest body part and end in a vital target. Within a second you may lose your fingers!  

And also have severed tendons of your arms, and be finished with a stab to your eye, or throat, or trunk.

Therefore get as much knowledge as you can prepare yourself on techniques of weapons fighting is to your benefit.  Observe prison inmates and knife experts practice knife fighting.

See what really works and what doesn't against a knife attack! Stay safe and use proper judgments when leaving yourself vulnerable in the streets. Thank you for taking time to read about Gun Defense Laws.

The above article on Gun Defense Laws was written by former police officer Kara Borshuk.

You can find more information can be found on Kara's profile linked here.

Kara is a was with the Detroit Police, the Ontario Provincial Police and with the Windsor Police department. 

Gun Defense Laws - Former Police Officer Kara Borshuk

Kara Borshuk

Related Gun Defense Laws Information

Thank you for reading Gun Defense Laws. Below are 2 buttons linking information on Common Gun and Bullet Calibers and VERY graphic images of what happens to real people who suffer from gun shot wounds. Hence with the images cautious is given for those who are affected by scenes of gore and blood. 

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

Thank you for reading this article on Gun Defense Laws. If you enjoyed it please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom corner of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm. Is this really a Thing?

Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm

What exactly is Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm? There is a lot of legend to it, but again for the moment this does not concern me. Is it real? Very definitely it is real. Vibration is also very, very hard on the body. [Striking Action in Kyusho Jitsu] And this is the reason for the effectiveness of the Vibrating Palm.

Power vs Vibration

In the martial arts most people are focused on power.  

Being I am not a very big person, especially by today’s standard, I never was focused on power. I found I got a much better effect with a “snapping” action. Then once I discovered Kyusho Jitsu and the various striking actions, the world changed for me.

When you punch someone HARD you will damage the skin area and muscle which will cause bruising. The results are seen pretty quickly with a black to purple colour coming to the surface of the skin.

However using a “snapping” action, which is a vibrating action has a very different effect. The skin may appear to become red, like it has been slapped. But the damage is far deeper in the body, and will slowly appear to the eyes. Sometime it does not show at all.  The only indicator is pain.

Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm

When I began the Dim Mak Project the Vibrating Palm was on my list of wishing to address. 

The idea behind Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm is not simply to cause the palm to vibrate. Which is a methods in which we use to attack metal in Kyusho Jitsu, [Learn the difference between Kyusho Jitsu & Dim Mak here.] but instead to train the body to pool, oscillate and release the Chi or internal energy upon the strike landing. 

The energy expulsion pressure point for this Chi is HT-08 on the palm. From what I have concluded from my research on the subject is not that the Dim Mak Masters can expel a lot of Chi from this point on demand, but also and more importantly control the frequency of this energy release.

High frequency energy does more and different damage than low frequency energy. All you need to do to see proof of this is the DEADLY 5g Cellphone services being pushed today. The human body can do this too!

If you do not believe that consider the times you argue with a friend or family member? This can take you off your game for any time from hours to years. This is because of the transfers of energy between the 2 combatants. 

Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm - Learn Vibrating Palm?

Are you interested in learning more about Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm? Check out my book on the topic here

Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm in Conclusion

Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm  CONCLUSION

Dim Mak is a fascinating art. And Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm is so very powerful!

The Dim Mak Project began in 2017 and still continues today. I have done several courses now, a few videos and a book.

Below you will find a form that you can get a FREE Dim Mak Project Video

Do you have any experience with Dim Mak's Vibrating Palm? If yes please at the bottom of the article! Sharing knowledge is how we all learn. Thank you for reading this article on Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm.

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Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm

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Thank you for taking the time to read this article on the Dim Mak’s Vibrating Palm. I hope it answered some questions for you. Please use the Red Bell to subscribe to any new articles I write. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System. How to disable any attacker!

* Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System

Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System: I spend a lot of time on this blog going into great details on how Kyusho Jitsu and the Pressure Point systems of the human body work.

And also why they work. The idea to to overcome the bad press and all the propaganda.

So today we are going deep into what I am calling the Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System. In reality we are discussing the human nervous system. This is an extension of an article wrote a while back called Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes

Human Nervous System

The human nervous system is truly a wonder. This system is why we are who and what we are. It controls everything that is YOU from one central location, your brain.

Now I have seen a lot of evidence over the years that there is much more too us beyond the brain. However for the discussion today on the "Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System" I will leave that for another time. 

Science estimates many things about the "Central Nervous System" of people, and it is really just an estimation. The reason I say this is because they cannot lay it all out end to end and measure. Therefore math is use to draw their conclusions. 

* Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System

They estimate that end to end there is over 90,000 miles of nerves running through one human body. And there the receptors and neurons number at least 100 billion.  

It is a delicate balance of many things, like water and various minerals, plus a PH balance to keep everything running smooth. We exist in a bio-electrical-mechanical suit.  

And this is such an over simplified explanation it is almost shameful.

Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System

So what then is the Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System? This is the part of the massive system discussed above that is of interest to us in the science of pressure point self defense. And what that is basically comes down to is the definition of a pressure point. 

What is a pressure point? This is a place on the body where a nerve ends, where one nerve crosses over top of another like in a "X" pattern. Or where a nerve splits and branches off like a "Y"

Pressure Points themselves are very small. The size of the head of a pin. However the areas of activation is much larger. The area of activation means the "striking" or "manipulating " area we need and use  in Kyusho Jitsu. 

Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System

There are 361 PLUS pressure points on the human body, all with their own characteristics and affects.

You can learn more about this from my book called Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

There are certain ways in which you attack a pressure point, and all of them vary. They respond to either being "pressed, rubbed or struck." 

And this is accomplished with something we call 2 Way Action. Yes at first this all seems overwhelming, however once you get a solid foundational understanding the Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System it does get easier.

Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Once you begin to get an understand of the basics, all falls into place.

The human body is a very complex entity and therefore very susceptible to outside forces.  We have an illusion of autonomy, however we are effected by much in our environment. 

A great example of this is 5g cellphone technology.

This is a very dangerous, untested technology they are implement globally.  Now what is humorous about all of this is there are people who will still insist that pressure points do not work.

I even had someone challenge me on the definition of a pressure point once. He said to me "there are pressure points where there are no nerves." When I asked him to name one he vanished. 

These are the idiots of the world, those with unfounded, un-researched opinions. But that is just life! Hopefully I covered this information here in Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System with enough details to paint a clear picture for you!

Now if you are new to all this consider taking one or more of my FREE Kyusho Jitsu Courses. That is a great way to begin! Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu Nervous System.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Deadly Pressure Point TW-17 [Triple Warmer]

Deadly Pressure Point TW-17

This one has been long awaited! So today I am going to talk about Deadly Pressure Point TW-17 [Triple Warmer/Triple Heater]. One of the most dangerous pressure points on the body, therefore TW-17 is not to be taken likely! So let's get into it!

Deadly Pressure Point TW-17 - Location

Pressure Point TW-17 is located behind the ear posterior to the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process.

The correct angle and direction does vary. However for control press in and forward across to the other side with 2 Way Action.

* Deadly Pressure Point TW-17

Deadly Pressure Point TW-17 - Applications

One of the most painful and potentially deadly pressure points. This pressure point is easy to access by press in with a finger [pericardium finger the most effective] and seal with the other hand, but difficult to strike effectively. But not impossible with proper training.

Below is a video with a short demonstration.

However, once a solid strike is made the result is devastating. As a control pressure point it is very effective! Once hit there is a potential for a separation between the spinal column and skull resulting in permanent paralysis and possible death.

A jaw dislocation is also very possible using proper angle and direction. The later is the most common result.

Deadly Pressure Point TW-17 in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

While difficult to strike, but not impossible TW-17 is an excellent control pressure point. 

This property makes Deadly Pressure Point TW-17 an excellent one to use in low escalation self defense situations, giving your the ability to escalate the response quickly if required. 

What do you think of this pressure point? Have you used it yourself? Thank you for taking time to read about Deadly Pressure Point TW-17.

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Thank you for taking time today to read about Deadly Pressure Point TW-17. If you found value in this information please consider subscribing to this blog with the Red Bell at the bottom corner of the page. 

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

* Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

Today I am going to give you a detailed explanation on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels and exactly how they work, plus how you can exploit these in a self defense situation. So lets get started!

There are 2 Vessels on the body that run center-line on the front and the back. The 1st is the Conception Vessel running the front of the body. And the  2nd is the Governor Vessel running the back of the body. 

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels - Conception

The Conception Vessel run up the front of the body from the lower pelvis to the
underside of the tongue.

Conception Vessel is the principle source of all YIN energy in the body. 

There are 24 Pressure Points on the Conception Vessel with many of them being Alarm Points and very dangerous to strike. 

Pressure Point CO-01 lies on the "north" side of the anus while the person is lying on their back. Pressure Point CO-24 lies at the bottom lip on the side of the mouth.

All pressure points on Conception Vessel have a negative affect on the body when attacked.

However when it comes to Kyusho Jitsu Vessels, the Alarm Points are the most dangerous.

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

You can find a detailed account of all pressure points on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels and the 12 Meridians from my book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

Kyusho Jitsu Vessel - The Governor Vessel

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

The Governor Vessel is located on the back of the body running from the "south" side of the anus while the person is lying on their back, which is GV-01 over the head to inside the mouth.

Governor Vessel concludes at the palette of the mouth with GV-28.

The Governor Vessel is also the primary source of all YANG energy in the body.

Together these Kyusho Jitsu Vessels feed the flow of Chi Energy to the 12 Meridians.

Vessel Breakdown of Functionality

I want to look at this part of the system comparing, the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels to the 240 VOLT power service coming into your house (for those of you in the America’s).

Electricity comes into your service box at 240 volts and is then divided or split into 2 – 120 volt services. These services MUST be balanced with similar loads on each side. The Same is true of the body and Chi.

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels

The meridian system is the same way. Yin (negative) energy off Conception, and Yang energy off the Governing vessel.  Both energies are mixed together, and then split into the different sides of the body.

This is the basic "western" explanation of the purpose and way the vessels function distributing Chi energy.

Dangers of the Vessels

When it comes to self defense attacking the pressure points on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels will yield you a strong result. Many of these pressure points  when used in conjunction with other pressure points can also be deadly. 

However the body does protect the center-line. This is an instinct, the same as how the brain will protect the eyes. This means once again you cannot just stand and FIGHT. You need to move, and move on angles. 

Moving on angles opens up these pressure points, front and back to successful attack. Read more about Kosho Ryu, Octagon Movement here. 

In Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu Vessels Conclusion

I hope you can see from this article how powerful this knowledge is. 

A properly timed strike to a pressure point on the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels can cause a disruption of the either the Yin or Yang energy of the body, thus shutting down the meridian systems and their related organs.

Thus ending any attack.

Alarm Points are even more effective! The pressure points of the Governor Vessel also have very special purposes. Discussed in Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy.

Do you have any questions on this articles? Thank you for reading about Kyusho Jitsu Vessels. If you enjoyed this information please share with your friends too! 

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Thank you for taking time today to read about the Kyusho Jitsu Vessels. If you found value in the information please consider subscribing to my blog with the Red Bell below.

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point GB-25. How to use the Rabbit Punch?

Pressure Point GB-25

As I continue with the series on important pressure points for self defense I am going to look at Pressure Point GB-25 [Gall Bladder Meridian]. Aside from being an excellent pressure point to end an attack GB-25 is also an Alarm Point. More on this below.

Pressure Point GB-25 - Location & Effect

Below is a partial excerpt from my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Pressure Point GB-25 is located on the lateral sides of the abdomen, on the lower border of the free end of the twelfth rib.

This is another very dangerous pressure point due to its proximity to the Kidneys.  Striking this pressure point can have an even more profound effect on the Kidney's than actually striking the Kidney's themselves.

A medium strike can cause a knockout, and a more sever strike can cause Kidney failure. With a sever strike death can result due to Kidney failure. Pressure Point GB-25 will not produce an electrically shock response like some pressure points will. 

The result is crippling pain and the inability to overcome the pain in a short time. 

Pressure Point GB-25 is an Alarm Point

Alarm Points are one of the most important understanding in all of the science of pressure point self defense we call Kyusho Jitsu.

Now, Alarm Points of which there are 12 on the body relate directly to the organ they represent themselves. 

So in other words a strike to pressure point GB-25 has a direct and negative affect on the functioning of the Kidneys themselves.

Pressure Point GB-25

Striking an Alarm Point will also active the meridian they represent bilaterally at a high level.

So in this case the Kidney Meridian is activated bilaterally, as well as Triple warmer bilaterally. Plus Gall Bladder on the side of the strike.

 Therefore in this case you would have both Water, Fire  and Wood elements in the Cycle of Destruction, which then striking a metal meridian pressure point would yield a very strong result. 

This is assuming the attacker was not render unable to continue from the initial strike to GB-25. 

In Conclusion

Pressure Point GB-25 CONCLUSION

The more you know about the Pressure Points you are striking the better effect you will have,

Knowledge when applied like in Kyusho Jitsu Study is very powerful! 

GB-25 is an excellent pressure point for self defense purposes as it is very easy to access under a grappling situation. As an great example is a front choke, 

Now as I have said on many different occasions the more you know about the pressure points you are looking to strike, things like the principles and specifications the better you will do on the street.  Applied knowledge is so very powerful.

With that in mind I have a couple of excellent resources you will want to checkout. The first is my Kyusho Jitsu Reference eBook called Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. In this book I breakdown every pressure point on the body. Including Alarm Points, Associated Alarm Points and Special Alarm Points. And I also include the Extraordinary Pressure Points.

The second suggestion is the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu that is designed to allow you to access information on all things Kyusho Jitsu right from your phone.  Learn more here.

So what is your experience level in Kyusho Jitsu? Do you have any experience with Pressure Point GB-25? Thank you for taking time to read this article on Pressure Point GB-25.

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Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

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Referencing all 361 pressure points on the body, their location and effects. Plus "extraordinary, Alarm and Special Purpose" Pressure Points.

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Guide to Easy Pressure Point Knockout for Beginners

Easy Pressure Point Knockout

Easy Pressure Point Knockout: The other day I received a “Chat” request here from someone asking if I would write a detailed article on pressure point knockouts. So today I am going to go into great detail on a specific Easy Pressure Point Knockout you can do right away. 

The video below is of a knockout done from a Yellow Belt techniques in my system of Hapkido's roots. The result is a slap to the Gall Bladder Cluster, GB-13, 14, & 15.

I give a detailed explanation of what I am going, and then show the same knockout from a previous time. 

I did not knock out the Uke in this demonstration, as he had not been feeling well. After, I will go into more details for you.

Easy Pressure Point Knockout

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - Gall Bladder Cluster

This is an excellent knockout for beginners as the odds of doing any permanent damage is very, very low! 

In this knockout, I am not using any advanced principle at all. No stances, no sounds, no colour, just the Cycle of Destruction

Let's break it down now!

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - The Wrist Grab

The easiest method of any neurological pressure point knockout is when there is already body contact, like a wrist grab. This creates an electrical connect between the 2 people and makes the job much easier. And for this easy pressure point knockout, this is the perfect setup.

When someone grabs your wrist, you have a mix of fire and metal. But fire is winning because there is so much of it! Always remember, we have 4 Fire Meridians

The Uke is grabbing my right hand with his left. In real life, this is to set up a strike with the right hand. Which is why I will move in the Octagon to the outside. I use my left hand to steady and restrain his right hand, preventing him from letting go while I move to the 90-degree angle.

This is also very valuable when looking to access pressure points! [Moving to the 90 with Octagon angles]

Note, I am using my LONG fire fingers doing this! Adding more “gasoline” to his already burning fire. 

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - At the Octagon Angle

easy pressure point knockout

Once I move in the Octagon to the 90 degree and while during the movement, rolling my hand downward leading with my thumb, I stretch the tendons of the arm, and elongate the Yin meridians.

This will cause the energy flow in the meridians to change, and the fact this brings the Uke to their tip toes alters the body mechanics of the situation.

Plus, the brain, from an unconscious process is wondering what is going on! 

Next I tapped the Uke at TW-11 with my elbow top causing a fire to fire activation of Triple Warmer, after activating Heart and possibly Pericardium when I grabbed his wrist. 

So in the Cycle of Destruction, what do I have thus far? The obvious is fire and metal. I have the Heart Meridian, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer and perhaps Pericardium. But do you realize I also have water? When you take a step, and break KD-01 from ground, you create water. 

So I have 3 of 5 of the Cycle of Destruction!

Easy Pressure Point Knockout - The Gall Bladder Cluster

Finally I am going to attack with an open hand the Gall Bladder Cluster, which are pressure points GB-13, GB-14 and GB-15. And of course, this is wood in the Cycle of Destruction, of which I now have 4 elements! More than enough for a knockout. 

When I hit these pressure points, I will do so with an open hand, giving me fire and metal to wood, with a clockwise “Chopping” action, plus, of course, 2 Way Action

At the very least I have done correctly with all of the above and “intent” the results will be excellent.

Easy Pressure Point Knockout in Conclusion

easy pressure point knockout CONCLUSION

Now you have a recipe for an effortless pressure point knockout you can do in your Dojo.

Now please remember to be cautious, always have someone spot and catch your Uke. 

I see far too often people being irresponsible and allowing the Uke to free fall. This is dangerous and reckless. If the Uke is injured, it is also GROSS Negligence! Thank you for taking time to read about Easy Pressure Point Knockout.

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Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits. How does energy flow in the meridians?

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits is one of the high level Principles of Kyusho Jitsu I teach is the one about the Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits. There are 2 different Microcosmic Orbits so today I shall take a look at both. These are very simple principles to understand, however their implementation is much more difficult.

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits - Minor

The first on the list is the Kyusho Jitsu Minor Microcosmic Orbit. This is the internal connection between the Conception and Governor Vessels. 

 Both the vessels begin their energy or Chi flow from the pelvic area of the body and travel upward each ending inside of the mouth.

When the tongue is touching palate of the mouth, with the mouth closed the circuit is then complete and proper energy flow is happening. 

* Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits

Minor Microcosmic Orbit Activation

Activation is a very simple process to understand. But it take a lot of training to get the continued affect from it. 

If you apply a finger lock to someone, or a wrist lock with your month open you will get a certain result. 

And if you close your mouth, touch your tongue to the palate you will get a much stronger result. If you visualize like the image above, and see the Chi flow increase your results will once again increase.

Training this is to close your eyes, and visualize the Chi flow path. Done often enough, when you naturally touch your tongue to the palate the unconscious mind with associate this with the training and the increased Chi flow image it has been trained with.

The result is remarkable! 

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits - Major

The Major Microcosmic orbit is the more powerful and more advanced of the Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic orbits. 

It is essentially a different application of the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle. Now in this case the time of day is not relevant Instead you focus on the direction of the energy flow in the meridian system. 

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits

The Major Microcosmic orbit is the more powerful and more advanced of the Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic orbits. 

It is essentially a different application of the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle. Now in this case the time of day is not relevant Instead you focus on the direction of the energy flow in the meridian system. 

Major Microcosmic Orbit - Activation

This is much more challenging! I suggest your become reasonably good at mediation before trying is one! 

Sitting in a meditative state you would focus on and visualize the chi flow in your body through the meridians in the proper order. The better you get at this the more Chi flow will develop. The final objective is to see both sides, continuously flowing. Then add healing colours.

As I said the application is very difficult. But the result is unbelievable! 

Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

As I have noted many times, mastering the science of pressure point self defense is not an easy task!  It takes time, and 100's of hours of study.

And the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu are the cornerstone to success. I have an awesome video series on the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu you can checkout here.

Have you heard of the Microcosmic Orbits before? I want to take a moment also to thank you for reading this article on the Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits.

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Thank your for taking a few moments to read this article on the Kyusho Jitsu Microcosmic Orbits. If you found the information useful please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell on the bottom of the page.

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point SI-16. How to end an attack

Pressure Point SI-16

Pressure Point SI-16: I would be remiss if after writing articles on Pressure Points ST-09,10 and LI-18 not to include an article on Pressure Point SI-16. They are all located in close proximity to each other, and therefore you are like to target all of them depending on the tool used to attack. And SI-16 is a VERY dangerous pressure point.

Pressure Point Si-16 - Location

Below is an excerpt from Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. This will deal exclusively with Pressure Point SI-16. 

Pressure Point SI-16 is in the lateral aspect of the neck, on the posterior border of the Sternocleidomastoideus muscle [Below], posterior to CO-18, 3.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence.

Pressure Point SI-16 The Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle

Striking this pressure point will often cause the person to laugh, however the possible resulting damage is nothing to laugh at! If struck on the left side of the body hard enough it can stop the Heart resulting in death.

A lighter strike can cause Heart issues in anyone with a disposition to Heart problems. Sometimes this pressure point is used in knockout demonstrations, but this is fool-hearty as death can result.

Save this pressure point for life and death situations! You can learn more about Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy here.

Pressure Point SI-16 - Effects of Results

As mentioned above if you are targeting SI-16 you will likely also hit LI-18 and / or ST-09 and ST-10. All of these are DEADLY Pressure Points with serious consequences for the attacker. In self defense people will often teach to attack the "throat." This is honestly most of the time ineffective. 

Why? Because the brain will instinctively drop the chin to protect the throat. But it will not do anything to protect this groups of pressure points. This makes them excellent Self Defense targets. A solid strike, with the correct angle and direction will end the attack immediately. I am sure you can now see that Pressure Point SI-16 is an important and powerful pressure point to add to your training.

Pressure Point SI-16 in Conclusion

Pressure Point SI-16 Conclusion

The more you understand about the potential pressure points you may wish to target the better your results will be.  

And these pressure points on the neck are good solid, easy to train targets. 

Thank you for taking time to read this article on Pressure Point SI-16. This is part of a series of articles on this blog about specific pressure points.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

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Kyusho Pressure Points Anatomy

There are 361 Pressure Points on the Human body. There are also "extraordinary" pressure points, Alarm Points and Special purpose pressure points. This book cover them all! This is a must have for any serious student of the science of Pressure Point Self Defense called Kyusho Jitsu.

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Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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