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I ​Love Kyusho Jitsu. What are the reasons for my Passion?

I Love Kyusho Jitsu

Why do I Love Kyusho Jitsu?  In a nutshell, because the learning just never stops! When I first began the Kyusho Jitsu journey back in the early 2000's I did not expect just how involved I would become in the study. And after about 16 years I am still learning new things!

I love Kyusho Jitsu - The Novice Study

Novice study was for me a big challenge. I had been out of school forever, and as a teenager I hated memory work! But I really did want to learn this so very badly. The things I saw Kyusho masters do was to me astounding. Plus in my first introduction to Kyusho I learned things that I could take home and apply to my root art of Hapkido immediately. The science of pressure point self defense was for me a "calling." I Love Kyusho Jitsu!

The Novice Kyusho Principles were pretty straight forward, things like Attack Using the Cycle of Destruction made sense right away because I could make it work. It was very exciting to do! Other things like the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle were more challenging because like I said I hated memory work! Plus at first I only had a superficial understanding, so I resisted it some. Today is different, I know it is one of the most important parts of the study!

That first year of Kyusho Jitsu, working my way towards my Black Belt was exciting. It cost me a lot of time and money too. I estimate I spent about $1500 with classes, travel and grading fees. But it was worth it! After the first year was finished I signed into the advanced program and my oldest son Curt joined the novice course.

I love Kyusho Jitsu - My Passion Grew

Over the years my passion grew and grew. Looking for ways to integrate it all into my root art. I decided I wanted to become an instructor and pursued certification in the system. I began to teach study groups and do seminars.  Today the passion continues to grow.

The Vegas Nerve

FYI - Benefits of Study

Today we face many different factors in our environment that affect our health negatively. As an example Alzheimer's Disease is on the rise globally. One of the causes of this is "aluminum." Today due to Geoengineering, which is FACT not FICTION and admitted by world governments is a major cause. 

Which is usual as no government has ever done anything right! However the good news is that "intellectual study" like Kyusho Jitsu can help with early onset of this terrible disease! Therefore not only is the study of the science of pressure point self defense important in self defense. It can also contribute to your brain health! I hope you can see all study, all learning is important! Build your passion! Love Kyusho Jitsu!

Below is information on how you can start to learn Kyusho FREE! 

I Love Kyusho Jitsu in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Perhaps you are like me? Success in Kyusho Jitsu is like anything else it takes time, money and dedication.

Plus getting good Kyusho information is a challenge. There is lots out there, but it lacks organization and support for optimum learning.

My mandate at the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is to tear down as many barriers to entry and success as possible. Check out the links below and see if the science of pressure point self defense is for you! 

July 25th 2021 - Today I have to add my passion grows. I have been because of different projects this year, like the Encyclopedia of Kyusho, learned many, many new things! I encourage everyone interested in the science of pressure points to dig in, work hard, the benefits are great!

Thank you for reading this article I Love Kyusho Jitsu. And I really do I Love Kyusho Jitsu! I hope you feel the same. Passion is very important in life.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Thank you for reading this article I Love Kyusho Jitsu! If you enjoyed I I Love Kyusho Jitsu please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Facts. Why you need to Forget uniformed Opinions

Kyusho Jitsu Facts

Kyusho Jitsu Facts: I used to have a daily segment on YouTube on Kyusho Jitsu Facts. and I am sure some of you have seen it! Also I removed the channel's content because I got tired of YouTube and their non stop censorship and propaganda.

 So I created my own video website. But today I want to address a FACT when it comes to the science of pressure point self defense. And this FACT will upset some people. But if you don't piss someone off each day you are not doing your job!

Kyusho Jitsu Facts: Kyusho Jitsu is a SYSTEM

Yes, Kyusho Jitsu is a SYSTEM not a martial art! The success in Kyusho Jitsu is based on YOU having a solid foundation in some martial art of self defense system.

Why do I say this?

Because Kyusho does not teach you to block, strike, kick, sweep or throw! This is the job of your root art! Kyusho Jitsu will help you when studied and applied to make those things taught in your root art more effective.

Now lets look at a scenario. How often do you hear of someone in a car accident who rear ends the person in front blame their brakes?

That is sometimes possible, however the grand FACT is that rear ending someone is an epic fail of your driving skills!

Nothing else. That is why you get charged by the police! 

Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Tips

Kyusho Jitsu is no different. When you say you cannot "hit a small target like a pressure point," or "this is fine motor skills and you need gross skills" is not a Kyusho Jitsu Issue.

This is a root art and training FAIL.

Nothing else! But people do love to spend their time making excuses for their short coming, lack of ambitions or egotistical nature! 

Kyusho Jitsu Facts: Knowledge is not Power

That is right, knowledge is not power! Applied knowledge is power! If you want to be safe on the streets it requires training! Not just hitting a heavy bag or jumping into a ring. It requires a well rounded, all inclusive learning and training processes that includes everything below.

  1. A SOLID self defense oriented martial art root system
  2. The addition of the science of pressure point self defense Kyusho Jitsu.
  3. An understanding of the attacker and the reasons it happens.

Kyusho Jitsu Facts in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

After dedicating myself for 40 years to the pursue of self defense / martial arts knowledge I have made many discoveries.

 One is that often times martial artist like to lie to themselves and believe they know everything! And no one does!

Second they focus so much on "power" not understanding how power is really created! A great deal of what I see in the wild is constipated motion. Kyusho Jitsu will take you back to natural movement and a deep understanding of how power is created! Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu Facts.

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Ask you question here.

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Free Kyusho Jitsu Courses

If you are interested in learning more about the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu you can begin FREE! And that is also of of the Kyusho Jitsu Facts! At least with the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance it is! Follow the link below and learn more about our FREE Courses to get you started.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Kyusho Jitsu Facts. If you enjoyed it consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks. Why are they more effective?

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks

Yes there are Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and other small joint manipulations! Being that my root art and linage is Kul Sul Hapkido I am very familiar with the joint lock world. And I always figured we did them pretty well too! 

Then I got into Kyusho Jitsu and discovered how much more effective they could be! How did this happen? The understanding of fulcrum/lever activation and 2 Way Action. This is a cornerstone principle of a art called Small Circle JuJitsu. Understanding how this information is applied to Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks can increase the pain level 10 fold.

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks & 2 Way Action

Even though 2 Way Action is not considered to be one of the principles of Kyusho Jitsu study it is certainly a major foundation. Quite simply without 2 way action pressure points do not work very well. This is the big understanding that many people miss while looking into the science of pressure point self defense. 

Here is a great video on 2 Way Action and Intention! 

Another important aspect of using Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks, therefore working to make them more PAINFUL and more effective is to have a deep understanding of the pressure points involved. 

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

When you understand this, then you can increase the affect of the Kyusho Jitsu Joint Lock.

Always remember on the street you are NOT looking for a submission! You are using the lock to CONTROL the attacker, or take joints apart so you can escape!

Watch the video above, this will certainly help you get a handle on 2 Way Action.

Does the video help you understand this concept of 2 Way Action? Please leave a comment and let me know either YES or No.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks

Kyusho Jitsu and Joint Locks

All new video course that explains in details how to apply the principles of Kyusho Jitsu to Joint Locks.

Thank you for taking a few moments from your day to read.

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Secrets in your Kata. What did the Masters of Old Hide?

secrets in your kata

Are there Secrets in your Kata? Is there some mystery we are missing each time we perform one? No there are no Secrets in your Kata, there is only vision and interpretation. You get from a Kata what you put into it. There are many different interpretations, some good, some poor, and some outstanding.

After all, Kata it is only the understanding of movement and seeing opportunity.

Now some believe that training in Kata is waste of time. These are often the same people who mock Kyusho Jitsu, and also love to rant about the McDojo. Who are these people? They are people with limited, closed minded thinking who do not look for opportunity. They want a predictable, predetermined outcome. But life is not like that.

Secrets in your Kata

Are there Secrets in your Kata? So how does Kata interpretation work? There are "classic" interpretations of the movements, but in my opinion that is for the novice.

What we ultimately want is too see an interpretation happen from our own style and our own training. It should be an enlightening moment as we think of self defense, and then suddenly something makes sense.

Secrets in your Kata

When this happens you then have something ingrained in your subconscious that can be applied.

Secrets in your Kata in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Secrets in your Kata: You can begin the road to Kata Interpretation today based on the science of pressure point self defense hidden in your root art.  

Below I have a link to a great video series that will help you! I also have a new book called Bunkai: The Art of Kata Interpretation you may wish to learn about. It is available in English and Spanish. 

Best of all it is about the same price as lunch at a fast food restaurant. This however, improving your self defense skills is far better for your health. Have you done much Kata interpretation work? Please tell me about it here.

Below is a video course teaching how to interpret Kata. This is a revolutionary approach to understand HOW to interpret your Kata! Not just me telling you what the moves mean. But how to actually do it yourself 

Thank you for reading Secrets in your Kata.

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Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kyusho Kata Interpretation

Kata Interpretation Video Course

Learn the Secrets Locked in your Kata

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

If you enjoyed the article called Secrets in your Kata consider subscribing to new article notifications with the Red Bell

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Techniques and Limited Thinking. Why Students Fail to Learn.

Understanding Kyusho Jitsu Techniques

When it comes to Kyusho Jitsu Techniques you will find many people with limited thinking. But that is becoming the norm today over a lot of subjects.

With all of today's amazing technology you would think more people would be able to open their minds and do the research before they speak. But sadly no, people are very indoctrinated!

As an example climate change is one. Saying something against the "science" of climate change, even questioning it will get you verbally and often physically attacked. Interesting isn't it? But that is not the purpose of this article, it is to talk about Kyusho Jitsu Techniques & peoples limited thinking!

Kyusho Jitsu will often come under attack from people in the martial arts community. There are basically 2 groups of people with the community who will do this.

  1. Closed minded people who believe they have all the answers, know everything and are unteachable. I don't bother with these "experts." You will find also they have extreme views on many topic and know everything about everything. It is funny often times because people come to martial art instructors for advice it goes to their heads and then they believe they are experts at all things. Kinda pathetic really! And have had many tell me "do you know who my teach was/is." Like somehow the ability of your teacher has anything to do with you!
  2. People who study, discovered it was harder than expected so they QUIT. I just call them quitters and assign them to the first category. And I have no interest in changing their minds.
  3. Those who have been poorly instructed by "teachers" who do not know enough to teach! They are professional counters.

You can always tell these people very fast. Especially when you get good at human nature.

Kyusho Jitsu Techniques - Open Minded Study

Kyusho Jitsu and Limited Thinking

Open minded people who are interested in the topic of real self defense learning always look towards the science of pressure points to enhance what they do.

Why? Because it is a logical step. Some will learn the basics and move on from there.

Other want a more in-dept look and so pursue much more information.

Both are great ways to go!

Open minded people who are interested in the topic of real self defense learning always look towards the science of pressure points to enhance what they do. Why? Because it is a logical step. Some will learn the basics and move on from there. Other want a more in-dept look and so pursue much more information. Both are great ways to go!

Kyusho Jitsu Techniques are really only martial art techniques with a different understanding of the application. You can palm strike someone to the side of jaw and get one result. The "typical" result.

Or you can learn to do the strike correctly and cause a dysfunction of the brain due to nerve activation.

Kyusho Jitsu Techniques - Rules for Success

I have some rules for life. These rules are not the usual "moral" rules found in society.  And these are in addition to the ones that should be self evident. 

* Kyusho Jitsu and Meditation

I spend about 10 years in a deep study of Buddhism, and some time on other religions of the world for educational purposes. Many I disagree with COMPLETELY, however I was willing to "learn" before making my judgment calls.  

So what does this mean? That i am still teachable. One of my rules for life can be found in both Dr Stephen Covey's book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Dr Jordan Peterson's book 12 Rules for Life. Today my learning is only restricted by time.

The rule is "Seek first to understand and then be understood."  If when you meet someone SHUT UP and listen as they may have something they can teach you! This makes you teachable!

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

I am a student of life, plus I learn new things each day and this gives life meaning. Thinking out of the BOX requires an open mind and often times a closed mouth.

Most of all I have never learned anything while I was talking.

Problems in life do not come from the things you do not know. They comes from the things you "THINK" you know and do not.

So tell me, are you teachable? Leave a comment here and let me know!

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

Quantum Chi Healing* Quantum Chi Healing

Quantum Chi Healing Video Course

All New Video Course on the eclectic Chi healing Arts 

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

How deadly is the Kyusho Cycle of Destruction?


Kyusho Cycle of Destruction

The Cycle of Destruction

One of the cornerstones of pressure point study is the Kyusho Cycle of Destruction. There are a total of 15 Principles, but the first 10 are the true building blocks to success! Consider them like a Parthenon.

Without a solid understanding of these 10 principles success can be a BIG challenge!

What are the 10 Principles?

  1. Attack Along the Meridian
  2. The Cycle of Destruction
  3. Attack with Yin / Yang
  4. Proper Body Mechanics
  5. Tempo
  6. 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle
  7. Stances
  8. Sound
  9. Colour
  10. Emotions
Cycle of Destruction

Kyusho Cycle of Destruction - The Cycle

So what is the Kyusho Cycle of Destruction? Here is the initial breakdown for you.

Now this is Novice Kyusho Jitsu, however the basics, the foundations are the building blocks of success in the science of pressure point self defense.

Now this is the basic breakdown, therefore now we need to look at the body. 

  • 1
    Fire melts Metal
  • 2
    Metal chops Wood
  • 3
    Wood penetrated Earth
  • 4
    Earth dams Water
  • 5
    Water quenches Fire

Kyusho Cycle of Destruction - The Body

The human body contains 12 meridians. And each meridian in part has a predominant energy based on one element.

There is not an absolute, but a predominance. Below is the breakdown of the body meridians and their corresponding elements.

Upper Extremities

  • Heart - Fire
  • Small Intestine - Fire
  • Pericardium - Fire
  • Triple Warmer - Fire
  • Lung - Metal 
  • Large Intestine - Metal 

Lower Extremities

  • Kidney - Water
  • Bladder - Water
  • Liver - Wood
  • Gall Bladder - Wood
  • Spleen - Earth
  • Stomach - Earth

Kyusho Cycle of Destruction - The Tools

I think and I hope you see the obvious here. Your attack/defend tools being for the most part are the arms and hands of the body belong to the upper extremities. This means that you will primarily be using "fire and metal" within the beginning of any defend/attack scenario. 

Below is a short video on using the Kyusho Cycle of Destruction.

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

I am hoping this information will help you to understand how the Kyusho Cycle of Destruction works. This cycle is just part of a much larger understanding of the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu.

What did you get out of this post and  video? Tell me about what you learned here!

I teach a total of 15 Principles from beginner to master level Black Belt. You can learn more about all these principle from my 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu Video Series linked here. And below you can get the Cycle Of Destruction Video FREE!

And if you are looking for some amazing in-depth knowledge about the Kyusho Cycle of Destruction have a look at this article on the Kyusho 5 Element Hand. This explains how to change the elements of the hand on the fly!

Have a Kyusho Question?

Just use the form below to ask!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

The Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory

The Power of the
Kyusho 5 Element Theory

An eBook on the POWER of Ancient Theories

Proof Old Knowledge is the BEST knowledge

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this article. If you would like to get a notification of any new article written here you can use the Red Bell to subscribe. 

Have a wonderful day.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points. What makes them so Dangerous?

* Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points

So why do we need Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points? In my belief Alarm Points are the most underestimated, yet most important of all the principles for success in Kyusho Jitsu. I have now even tied them deep into the study of Dim Mak! So let's take a close look shall we?

What happens when you strike an Alarm point?

  • You activate the associated meridian bi-laterally
  • You also activate the meridian struck on the side of the body hit
  • Plus you activate Triple Warmer bi-laterally

This is just the tip of the iceberg! Let's look at an advanced anatomy of a "fighter.'

Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points - Advanced Fighting Principles

My first martial arts teacher who I was with for 16 years was an AMAZING TKD fighter. He competed in both full contact and point fighting and basically lost once. He was 7 years running North American Grand Champion. The man knew his stuff! One night we had a discussion on how a successful fighter thinks. He told me an average fighter can see 2 moves ahead, an advanced 3 moves, and a world champion 4 moves. Now this is an oversimplification, but I know you get the point.

In Self Defense Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points enable this type of vision during an attack. They give you the opportunity to activate and therefore damage more areas of the attackers body at one time!

Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points - A Break Down

Each organ has an Alarm Point. The Alarm Point when activated has a direct affect on the organ.

This allows for a fast decrease in body functionality and therefore enable quick control of a situation. 

An Associated Alarm Point, which are on the back have an affect on the neurological functioning of the organ.

I have linked on article on Associated Alarm Points below.

The Pressure Point Gall Bladder 24

Here is a breakdown on each Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Point.

* Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points
  • Lung - LU-01
  • Heart - CO-14
  • Pericardium - CO-17
  • Spleen - LV-13
  • Liver - LV-14
  • Kidneu - GB-25
  • Large Intestin - ST-25
  • Stomach - CO-12
  • Triple Warmer - CO-05
  • Gall Bladder - GB-24
  • Small Intestine - CO-04
  • Bladder - CO-03

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

I teach as much as I can how very important Alarm Points are!

This includes both regular Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points as well as the Associated Alarm Points

People will get a very superficial understanding and then move on to to other things  never realizing the true power of all this! I hope you will decide to get a solid beginning to understanding the importance of Alarm Points by taking advantage of the offer above!

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Special Purpose Pressure Point Video Course

High Level Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point Learning

Kyusho Alarm Points Workshop

Recorded a few years ago in my Dojo in Canada. Get a solid grasp of Alarm Points from this video workshop. Don't miss out on the Special LOW price for the har economic times!

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Consider subscribing to notifications with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu And Chi – Is this life force energy real?

Kyusho Jitsu And Chi

This question, does Chi exist, gets asked a lot. There are many believers as there are non believers. I am not writing this article to convince anyone. I am writing to help people understand that MOST of the opinions they will find today on this, and just about any other topic are invalid. So let me explain about Kyusho Jitsu And Chi.

Back many years ago a once respected magazine gone tabloid National Geographic decided they wished to defame George Dillman. 

 Welcome to the modern world of special interest groups running media. Now George is a big boy and does not need my help to defend himself. But this was just a witch hunt. Aside from that there was an alleged "doctor" who stated, "science cannot find the existence of chi."

Kyusho Jitsu And Chi

They don't know what consciousness is either does that mean we are not conscious? They can't explain gravity or what it is. Does that mean it is not real? What governing body is science anyway? And how does this clown know all of what is researched, not researched or anything else? Another paid sellout to corporate media! I have known many doctors in my life! Some are brilliant and others not fit to flip burgers at McDonald's!   But they all practiced medicine!

Kyusho Jitsu And Chi - Let's talk science

Here is the definition of the word science according to Webster's Dictionary.

":Definition of science for English Language Learners. : knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation. : a particular area of scientific study (such as biology, physics, or chemistry) : a particular branch of science."

Today's definition of the word is more like religion or dogma. Nasa gives you admited CGI pictures of space and in the same breath calls them photos. Why? Because science sold it's soul for big corporate payouts for "research" (say what we want you to say) and big government grants (for the same reason).

Chi will NEVER be researched because if it can be proved that Chi influences the health of the human body then BIG PHARMA is in trouble. End of story!

There are many doctors of western culture medicine who believe in Chi. But they are for the most part not very wealthy. Does Chi exist? To mind my, my feeling YES it does. But you must make your own decisions. It is up to you want you believe or do not believe.

Below is a link to a free eBook/Report on Chi Development. Check it out! 

Kyusho Jitsu and Chi

In Conclusion

I have never been sure why there are so many skeptics when it comes to Kyusho Jitsu And Chi. But asking questions is the very best way to be! Just make your judgments after you do your won research. Certainly do not take what I say as gospel! 

So what is your experience with Chi? I would love to hear about it.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Use this form to ask!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu

Quantum Chi Healing* Quantum Chi Healing

Quantum Chi Healing Video Course

All NEW Course on the Healing Arts of Chi

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

* Chi Meditation Video Course

Chi Mediation Video Course

Click Below to get a FREE Meditation Video Now!

Thank you for taking time to read. You can subscribe to new article notifications using the Red Bell below.

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Well Rounded Martial Artists. How do you become one?

A Well Rounded Martial Artist

Well Rounded Martial Artists: Ever aspect of training has a different purpose, therefore a well rounded Martial Artist looks at many different things.  

The streets are very unpredictable, and in many countries violence is a big problem.  

Are you actually prepared, or is it just your ego talking? Are you a well rounded martial artist?

Well Rounded Martial Artists - Learning Never Stops

The other day I got an email from a gentleman with 50 plus years in the martial arts. He wanted me to know how much he enjoyed my writings and courses. He was so very humble it inspired me.

WE need more of that, and less of the “I know it all."   This I know it all is far to prevalent in the industry.  

I never stop learning or looking for new information. I teach because I am good at communicating my message.

This is why I have done well in this field.

Well Rounded Martial Artists
Misconceptions about Gun Defense

Well Rounded Martial Artists - Adding to your System

We all have our root art. The more we expand it, add to it the better!

But often times our egos get in the way, perhaps because the message does not agree with what we think we know so far.

Today the violence on the streets in many places in the world has become epidemic. Today we “just don’t go places” because they are dangerous all while thinking this is somehow OK. What this is, is an EPIC FAIL for our governments and politicians. But that is an entirely different topic.

There is much talk today about GUN violence. Especially in the USA. However the real TRUTH is knife, and bare hand violence trumps gun violence completely in the numbers! 

So this is the true root, the place where we need the most training. More people die of knife attacks than any other way! More people are beaten to death than shot.

Well Rounded Martial Artists in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Inn today's world we are very fortunate.

Why? Because there is so much information at our fingertips and this gives us learning and development opportunities like never seen before!

Thank you for taking time to read Well Rounded Martial Artists.

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Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute

Hapkido Home Study Courses

Discover the eclectic root art of Grand Master Art Mason called Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido. Bother beginners and advanced certificate courses. Learn More Now!

* Energy Pathways of Life

Energy Pathways of Life

Healing Arts of Kosho Shorei Ryu

All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.

Creating and Sustaining Balance.

Thank you for reading this article called a Well Rounded Martial Artists. If you enjoyed it please consider subscribing to new articles using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

The Secrets to Kyusho Jitsu – Self Defense Mind Control

* Self Defense Mind Control

The idea of something like Kyusho Jitsu - Self Defense Mind Control scares a lot of people. As soon as you say mind control peoples thoughts automatically go to evil.

And that is understandable, especially in our extremely manipulative world today. However once understood, this idea can save your life!

I have been in the martial arts now for 33 years today. 

Much of that time has been into research, not just the study of physical movement. Why? Because I knew I wanted to someday run my own Dojo from the moment I began my training. Just like I knew I wanted a high ranking Black Belt. And I also knew there was much more to self defense than just physical techniques too. 

Self Defense Mind Control - What is it?

Mind control is the ability to control thinking. This can be of yourself or controlling someone else's thought and behaviors. 

Often referred to as "Brainwashing" (AKA mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.

Self Defense Mind Control

Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind, as well as to change his or her attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Self Defense Mind Control

These kinds of behaviors are typically used by the attacker take the form of intimidation, creating fear, and also confusion, which can be referred to as "Gaslighting." Now like all things in life there are both good and bad applications for such techniques. The Yin & Yang of the situation so to speak. 

I think the negative implications are very evident, especially when looking at society today. But, these tables can be successfully turned around and used to our advantage as defenders. This is truly the "art of war" in action!

Self Defense Mind Control for Good

Kyusho Jitsu - Self Defense Mind Control

I have been accused of mind control when it comes to No Touch Knockouts, and even ST-5 knockouts by all those who are either not intelligent enough to learn Kyusho Jitsu, or too egotistical / lazy to do it.

This makes me laugh! Why?  

Image how good at mind control, or mass hypnosis as had been said, I would have to be! Yet they don’t believe I can knock someone out at ST-5?  But enough of limited thinkers!

What is the real meaning? Being able to add the understanding of how people think to your self defense repertoire.  And then when needed influence change to either buy time or end the conflict outright!

To be honest it has gotten me out of a lot of bad situations in my life! The ultimate in self  defense is not having to use it! The MIND is the number one self defense weapon! 

Self Defense Mind Control - Understanding Thinking

* Self Defense Mind Control

Self Defense Mind Control: The truth is when comes to thinking the majority of people do not. They blindly follow their programming and emotions to find desired outcomes. 

And the majority of the time this does not work out so well.

Now this is an older post with a MAJOR rewrite because I have learned a lot since I first wrote it.

You must develop full control of your thinking in all circumstances.

Self Defense Mind Control, is a must understand. 

Self Defense Mind Control in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu - Self Defense Mind Control CONCLUSION

A large part of this article somehow got deleted. Hmmm, kinda makes you think does it? Or at least I hope it does. People today have lost the art of asking questions, and demanding truthful answers.

The failed Western Culture today considers lies to be virtuous. 

And their lies are so ridiculous only a fool would believe them. Critical Thinking is a MUST in the 21st Century. Advanced training is seeing similarities and connecting dots. Thank you for reading Self Defense Mind Control.


Do you have any questions? Use the form below to ask. I respond personally to all questions within the day. 

Ask you question here.

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I hope you enjoyed this article on Self Defense Mind Control. Please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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