HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense. The ART of Self Defense.

HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense

Chance favors the prepared mind. Are you prepared for today's escalating street violence against innocent people? Or are you complacent? Let's talk today in depth about HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense. First I want to break up the term and clearly define it.

Now let's get to HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense.

What is Kyusho Jitsu?

First and foremost, Kyusho Jitsu is NOT a martial art in of itself. It is the study of the pressure point system of the human body and how best to take advantage of the weaknesses of this system.

It exists in every martial art but the information is either not taught, or not taught properly. This will result in ineffective self defense techniques. 

Referencing Kyusho Jitsu
Large Intestine 18

What are Pressure Points?

A pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve ends, branches off in a "Y" shape or crosses over another nerve. There are 361 plus pressure points on the human body.

The actual size of a pressure point is that of the head of a pin. However the area of activation is the size of a Silver Dollar or Looney in Canada. Here is an article to Pressure Point Basics to help detail this information more for you. 

What is HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense

Here is a definition that many martial artists seem to have a problem with. So now lets look at the role of HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense and a real definition. 

You will see a lot of negative comments from tough guys about the effectiveness of martial arts in general in a self defense situation.

Why is this? Because for some reason these men believe that combat and a combative lifestyle are somehow linked to their manhood. 

HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense

When you have been in "more fights that you can remember" you are doing something serious wrong. This is NOT self defense. You have chosen to live a self destructive combat oriented lifestyle that will ultimately lead to your death. This can also be linked to several serious mental disorders.

But they are correct, martial arts will not work for them, and perhaps rather then die by the sword, they should seek some help. Unless you are police or military you should not be doing this! HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense is a very powerful system!

HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense is about protecting yourself and your family from ATTACK by someone who wishes to do you harm. It is not an engagement in a bar, but it can happen there.

And it is NEVER about you bragging about your skills and getting in a fight. 

Self Defense is the use of reasonable force to end a conflict, and then turn the issue over to those who are mentally and physically prepared to deal with things, LAW ENFORCEMENT.

Defend yourself with the idea of getting out of dodge. It is NOT about ULTIMATE victory! Showing your amazing skills and doing untold damage to someone, then dealing with the legal repercussions of doing so. And of course retribution. That is childish high-school thinking!  I know 3 men from my High School now gone because they were this stupid and believed they were tough guys. 

So have you ever let your ego get you into a bad situation? Please leave a comment and tell us. Thank you for reading this article on HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense.

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Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.
HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense

* Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

Kosho Series Books

Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

All new book taking Hapkido Cane Defense to a new level. Based on the Natural Laws of motion and the Octagon.

Don't Miss this one!

If you are new to the study of the science of pressure point self defense consider joining our FREE Kyusho Jitsu Mini Courses. You can sign up right now from this link. Thank again for reading HPPT Pressure Point Self Defense.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

How to Teach a Kyusho Jitsu Class

Teach a Kyusho Jitsu Class

When it comes to teaching a Kyusho Jitsu Class live in a Dojo there are systems you really should use for optimum success. In other words a structure. Often times teachers get exciting and try to cram too much information into their Kyusho Jitsu Class. Therefore overwhelming students, and eventually losing them.


Teachers often wish to impart far too much information too soon on their students. They worry that if this is not done the student will grow bored. 

This is the furthest thing from the truth! Take your time, and make sure the student really understands the materials

The First Lesson of a Kyusho Jitsu Class

Kyusho Jitsu Class

In the first lesson you will spend a lot of time explaining how your program works.

Then begin to feed them some of the course materials. I suggest a 2.5 hour class.

You can go shorter, but do not go longer!

I had an instructor years ago who loved to teach, and he would get very exciting about what he was doing. The class would go overtime, and then attendance began to suffer. People, students have other things on their plates. Always remember that!

You never want someone looking at their watch! You want them to be surprised how fast the time went! 

Kyusho Jitsu Class Session Breakdown

Here is an example of a Kyusho Jitsu class breakdown:

  1. Go ever entire program outline
  2. Resuscitation Techniques for Head, Lung and Heart
  3. Cycle of Destruction (Ko Cycle)
  4. Meridians of the Upper Extremities
  5. Arms points H6 and LU8

If you take your time, teach slowly and work directly with each student, this will take about 3 hours. 

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

There is a very important path to teaching a Kyusho Jitsu Class. And when you follow this path you will find an increase in not just learning, but also retention of the student.

 It is very easy to overwhelm someone new to the science of pressure point self defense. 

Are you a Kyusho Teacher? I would love to hear about your experiences teach class and the results! Feel free to comment here.

And you also need some reference material to help you teaching classes like these! Here are 2 that you will find totally invaluable for you! The 1st is my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, the Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu. The 2nd is the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu. Visit the links and have a look!

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank fo reading!

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques. How do they Really Work?


When it comes to Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques you can get a very solid result. That is providing you understand how things work. Often time I will see martial art teachers made big mistakes when it come to teaching self defense techniques, and adding pressure points to it.

Recently I watched part of a seminar for local law enforcement in which pressure points were badly misused. 

The 1st issue I had with what was being taught was the defender stepping forward into the punch. BAD IDEA. There is a time to step in and this was not the time. 

Next a "neck pressure point" was grabbed, however the teacher did not know the name of the point, nor was it attacked correctly. The pressure point in question was SI-16 [small intestine 16]. This is best a strike point. Yes the technique hurt! But under adrenaline this would not have been anywhere near as painful, because it is the wrong way to attack the point. 

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques

Second and most important! The attacker has 2 hands and you are now within grabbing range, and no options to get out!  

Perhaps this man could "pull this off" himself, as he has about 45 years experience, but my issue is it is begin taught as "correct." And there was nothing correct about it!

There are many things I can do, but I would not teach these of techniques as some kind of "fact" of self defense.

Small Intestine Meridian

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques - Proper Pressure Point Usage

When adding Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques you gotta do it right! As an example let's say you are teaching a center lock. If the student knows the center lock, and you wish to add Kyusho Jitsu knowledge to it. Then it takes time to change the understanding. If they have never seen the lock before, it becomes easier obviously.

Next you need to make sure you understand the pressure points "universal effectiveness." What percentage of people does this pressure point work on?  With SI-16 it is in the very high 90% range. 

There are also variations of this. But you will get the result! However, the technique itself must be fully understood and internalized. Then you can make it work. You also MUST understand the escalation level for such a technique!

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques - Self Defense done RIGHT

There is a lot of information out in the wild on self defense. But in my view a lot of it falls short of getting the job done! And a lot of it will just get you killed! There are things you need to understand, and then ways in which you must proceed!

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques. What you must know!

  1. You must know what the THREAT level is for the incident at hand. This cannot be an "I can handle it" moment in your life. This can get you killed!
  2. How to position yourself to cut the threat! The high percent of attacks begin with an "interview." You need to see this happening and respond to it! 
  3. How to preemptively handle the situation before it becomes life and death. Making 100% sure you are safe while doing this!

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques. How to Start!

There are stages to all this. What I am referring to above is stage 1!

The situation could turn bad, but it has not yet done so! Today this is the most common stage. This stage is so prevalent today because of the current political climate and all the special interest groups of people thinking they have been "hard done to."  

They are angry and looking for someone to take it out on! So be cautious!

Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques

It used to be more commonly an interview for a robbery or some such event. 

Here are the 3 Stages

  1. Confrontation not yet become violent
  2. Dealing with the confrontation that has become violent
  3. A weapon is produced during the confrontation. Or there are multiple attackers.

You need a handle of all 3 Stages!

In Conclusion - Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Yes there is a solution! No matter what your level of self defense training, or how good your pressure point self defense techniques are this will help you!

And also consider having a look at my Humane Pressure Point Tactics Courses. Thank you for reading Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

* Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

Kosho Series Books

Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

All new book taking Hapkido Cane Defense to a new level. Based on the Natural Laws of motion and the Octagon.
Don't Miss this one!

Thank you for taking the time to read Pressure Point Self Defense Techniques! If you enjoyed the article please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell below.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work?

Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work?

Today I am going to address a common question, Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work? This is a very common question. It actually came up for me on a Google Search, so lets answer this one!

But first I need to ask you, the reader a few questions!

1) Do you run a Dojo? Are you successful?
2) Are you a MMA champion?
3) Have you a professional fight?

What did you answer to those 3 questions? If yes to any, good for you! If no to any, then why not? 

The fact is that the answer to each of those questions is based on you! If want to do it, if it is a goal in your life. If you have drive and ambition, you can do any or all of those things listed! Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work?

The answer is really up to you!

Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work? - Failures in Life

People who are FAILURES in life can find an excuse why ANYTHING does not work. AND IT IS ALL EXCUSES! 

I played hockey most of my life. But I never made the NHL. Why? Because if was not a passion for me to do so! Now if it had been things could certainly have gone wrong. Injuries can end a career quickly!

Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work

Same with self defense. Like getting attacked, trying to defend yourself and you get stabbed! The reason you got stabbed was not a shortfall of your martial art system.

It was YOUR shortfall! Errors you made. The situation perhaps, but not the martial art itself.

Kyusho Jitsu does it work?

Yes it DOES, 100%  if YOU do the work! But it takes time, dedication and hard training. Like anything in life, success or failure falls into the hand of the individual. I have had many failures in my life, and they are ALL my fault and not something outside of me. 

So what does it take to make Kyusho Jitsu work in real life? Study,dedication and training! Yes it really is that simple! Here is another article I wrote on the subject a while back.  You can learn and accomplish anything in life you wish, when you stop listening to those who wish to pull you down.  Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work? If you train properly YES IT DOES!

Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

I have seen so many times someone commenting "Pressure Points don't work" and then in the next breath talk about the great KO they saw in the recent MMA event. 

Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work? What do you think at this point?

The funny thing is that KO was the result of stimulation of the nervous system! All knockouts are neurological events! Don't let your ego get in the way of becoming more effective!

If you have a question feel free to ask here.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Kyusho Jitsu Does it Work? If you enjoyed the article consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

5 Reasons to Study Kyusho Jitsu

5 Reasons to Study Kyusho Jitsu

Why study Kyusho Jitsu? What are the advantages to the study of the science of pressure point self defense? The truth is there are MANY reasons to do so.

But today I am going to give you a list of 5 of the top reasons!

5 Reasons to Study Kyusho

These are 5 reasons to study Kyusho, but  I can think of dozens. But lets start simple shall we?

  1. It makes your techniques more effective! How does it do this? When you study Kyusho Jitsu you begin to look at how the body works, and therefore the best ways to affect the body. The neurological systems controls how everything works. Therefore attacking nerves is a MUST!
  2. Size stops mattering! When I was young and Bruce Lee was still alive people spoke about in martial arts size does not matter. In today's martial arts competition oriented world size matters a LOT! That is because this knowledge of pressure points has been lost.
  3. Ageless. When you study Kyusho Jitsu it also helps to compensate for aging! This one I know very well! Age and injury eventually take advantage of us all! Even Chuck Norris
  4. Expands your understanding of your root art. Kyusho Jitsu will also help to expand your understanding of the root art you study! There is no wasted movement in any martial art system. But if can seem like there is. That is because knowledge gets lost over time. Therefore to study Kyusho Jitsu helps to bring this back!
  5. Understanding Kata. There is magic locked inside your Kata! But on the surface it is often overlooked. The study of Kyusho Jitsu will help you to unlock the secrets in your Kata? Why is this important? It is because when you see these things, your brain then accepts and internalizes the movement. Therefore making them, or versions of them accessible during a stressful self defense situation. Here are some other benefits of Kata training as well. 
Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

Honestly these 5 reasons to study Kyusho Jitsu are JUST the BEGINNING. These are martial art related benefits to the study.

And this is where most people start! But there are many, many more reason's

I wrote an article called Kyusho Jitsu Training benefits a while back that goes into the other reason for the study of Kyusho Jitsu.

You can read that here. Are you a Kyusho student? Tell us about your study and who you are with here in the comments.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

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Ready to Study Kyusho Jitsu?

So are you ready to study in depth the science of pressure point self defense? There is a lot of information on the internet, but honestly a lot of it is very superficial and inaccurate too. However I believe in teaching the "real thing!" Not a watered down, incomplete version.

Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course

Most of all you can begin for FREE! How does that sound?

Follow the LINK below and you can chose from our 3 FREE Kyusho Jitsu Courses. Yes that is right! Not 1 but 3 different courses in the science of pressure points self defense called Kyusho Jitsu!

We also respect your privacy. Follow this link to see how!

* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

You can also comment below my picture! And do not miss this post of the Kyusho 5 Element Hand!

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

3 Most Painful Pressure Points for Devastating Results

3 Most Painful Pressure Points

What are the 3 Most Painful Pressure Points on the human body? There are many different pressure points that when stimulated correctly can cause vast amounts of pain!

Learning and understanding the Painful Pressure Points is an important part of the science of pressure point self defense.

So let's take a look at 3 or my favorite "pressure points that hurt."  When understood correctly PAIN is a great deterrent in a low to medium self defense situation.

There are certainly many, many more and you can download a report with more below! But this will get you started working with the 3 most Painful Pressure Points.

Painful Pressure Points - Triple Warmer 17

Painful Pressure Points - Triple Warmer Meridian

The first of the 3 Most Painful Points on the body is TW-17. This is a great point which I am personally very fond of!!

It causes intense pain on about 90 percent of the people I have worked with. Those are pretty good odds too!

Located behind the ear posterior to the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process

One of the most painful and potentially deadly pressure points. Easy to press in and seal with the finger, but difficult to strike. However, once a solid strike is made the result is devastating. 

As a control pressure point it is very effective! Once hit there is a potential for a separation between the spinal column and skull resulting in permanent paralysis and possible death. A jaw dislocation is also possible using proper angle and direction.

Striking this point can cause a knockout however this not recommended in Dojo training due to the serious potential consequences. This is the 1st of the 3 most Painful Pressure Points on the body.

Below is a video of using TW-17 along with the "Mental" nerve.

Pressure Points that hurt alot! - Governing Vessel 26

Pressure Points of the head

This is another massively most painful pressure points on the human body, which is rub pressure point primarily. However you can use as an example and hammer-fist on it and hit in and down. 

GV-26 is located on the inside of the upper lip, at the junction of the frenulum and the upper gum. It is attacked by pressing in and down on the upper lip, with a 2-Way Action.

A vibrating side to side motion works best! Small motion while pressing in HARD.

This is a great point to use if someone gets on top of you. They will not stay there long if you attack this point! It can also be struck down which can cause a knockout.

Here is an article if you wish to read more about GV-26. This is the 2nd of the 3 most Painful Pressure Points. 

Painful Pressure Points - Large Intestine 18

Large Intestine 18

Next in the 3 most Painful Pressure Points is LI-18, which is a wonderful strike point. When hit correctly with 2 Way Action, and straight across to the other side will cause crippling pain.

If the strike is of sufficient force a knockout can also occur. But no matter how hard the strike extreme neck pain will occur. 

A solid strike to Pressure Point Large Intestine 18 on one side will cause the person to drop down to their knees in pain.

The pain is very slow to dissipate, which allows time for escape in a self defense situation.  

A simple inward knife hand or "ridge" hand will accomplish this very well. And because of the close proximity to ST-09 it is also possible to cause a drop in blood pressure. 

Holding / supporting the neck on the opposite side with your other hand will also intensify the effect. LI-18 can also cause respiratory issues in anyone who has any kind of chronic breathing issues! You can read more about  LI-18 HERE.

Below is another video example using LI-18

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

This is only 3 of the many, many most painful pressure points on the human body!

Are there some you find to be more PAINFUL than the ones I am listing here? Yes!

If you would like the 10 Most Painful Pressure Points follow this LINK NOW!

For a detailed explanation on the reasons that pressure point cause pain take a look at my article on what makes pressure points painful linked here.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Natural Laws of Self Defense
Specialized Training for Violent Times

Today I believe that self education is one of the most important things anyone can do for a better life. We live in very strange times. In truth we are seeing the Fall of West. And what those who wish to control the people fear most us educated, not indoctrinated people.

Martial Artist should be leading this change with continuous and never ending learning. Reading this article is a great step towards doing this. And you are never to old to learn more! 

Do NOT believe that lie that age is restrictive! Keeping the brain active is what leads to great health and longevity!

And please use the Red Bell below to subscribe to NEW articles.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

I ​Love Kyusho Jitsu. What are the reasons for my Passion?

I Love Kyusho Jitsu

Why do I Love Kyusho Jitsu?  In a nutshell, because the learning just never stops! When I first began the Kyusho Jitsu journey back in the early 2000's I did not expect just how involved I would become in the study. And after about 16 years I am still learning new things!

I love Kyusho Jitsu - The Novice Study

Novice study was for me a big challenge. I had been out of school forever, and as a teenager I hated memory work! But I really did want to learn this so very badly. The things I saw Kyusho masters do was to me astounding. Plus in my first introduction to Kyusho I learned things that I could take home and apply to my root art of Hapkido immediately. The science of pressure point self defense was for me a "calling." I Love Kyusho Jitsu!

The Novice Kyusho Principles were pretty straight forward, things like Attack Using the Cycle of Destruction made sense right away because I could make it work. It was very exciting to do! Other things like the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle were more challenging because like I said I hated memory work! Plus at first I only had a superficial understanding, so I resisted it some. Today is different, I know it is one of the most important parts of the study!

That first year of Kyusho Jitsu, working my way towards my Black Belt was exciting. It cost me a lot of time and money too. I estimate I spent about $1500 with classes, travel and grading fees. But it was worth it! After the first year was finished I signed into the advanced program and my oldest son Curt joined the novice course.

I love Kyusho Jitsu - My Passion Grew

Over the years my passion grew and grew. Looking for ways to integrate it all into my root art. I decided I wanted to become an instructor and pursued certification in the system. I began to teach study groups and do seminars.  Today the passion continues to grow.

The Vegas Nerve

FYI - Benefits of Study

Today we face many different factors in our environment that affect our health negatively. As an example Alzheimer's Disease is on the rise globally. One of the causes of this is "aluminum." Today due to Geoengineering, which is FACT not FICTION and admitted by world governments is a major cause. 

Which is usual as no government has ever done anything right! However the good news is that "intellectual study" like Kyusho Jitsu can help with early onset of this terrible disease! Therefore not only is the study of the science of pressure point self defense important in self defense. It can also contribute to your brain health! I hope you can see all study, all learning is important! Build your passion! Love Kyusho Jitsu!

Below is information on how you can start to learn Kyusho FREE! 

I Love Kyusho Jitsu in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Perhaps you are like me? Success in Kyusho Jitsu is like anything else it takes time, money and dedication.

Plus getting good Kyusho information is a challenge. There is lots out there, but it lacks organization and support for optimum learning.

My mandate at the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is to tear down as many barriers to entry and success as possible. Check out the links below and see if the science of pressure point self defense is for you! 

July 25th 2021 - Today I have to add my passion grows. I have been because of different projects this year, like the Encyclopedia of Kyusho, learned many, many new things! I encourage everyone interested in the science of pressure points to dig in, work hard, the benefits are great!

Thank you for reading this article I Love Kyusho Jitsu. And I really do I Love Kyusho Jitsu! I hope you feel the same. Passion is very important in life.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Thank you for reading this article I Love Kyusho Jitsu! If you enjoyed I I Love Kyusho Jitsu please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Facts. Why you need to Forget uniformed Opinions

Kyusho Jitsu Facts

Kyusho Jitsu Facts: I used to have a daily segment on YouTube on Kyusho Jitsu Facts. and I am sure some of you have seen it! Also I removed the channel's content because I got tired of YouTube and their non stop censorship and propaganda.

 So I created my own video website. But today I want to address a FACT when it comes to the science of pressure point self defense. And this FACT will upset some people. But if you don't piss someone off each day you are not doing your job!

Kyusho Jitsu Facts: Kyusho Jitsu is a SYSTEM

Yes, Kyusho Jitsu is a SYSTEM not a martial art! The success in Kyusho Jitsu is based on YOU having a solid foundation in some martial art of self defense system.

Why do I say this?

Because Kyusho does not teach you to block, strike, kick, sweep or throw! This is the job of your root art! Kyusho Jitsu will help you when studied and applied to make those things taught in your root art more effective.

Now lets look at a scenario. How often do you hear of someone in a car accident who rear ends the person in front blame their brakes?

That is sometimes possible, however the grand FACT is that rear ending someone is an epic fail of your driving skills!

Nothing else. That is why you get charged by the police! 

Kyusho Jitsu Self Defense Tips

Kyusho Jitsu is no different. When you say you cannot "hit a small target like a pressure point," or "this is fine motor skills and you need gross skills" is not a Kyusho Jitsu Issue.

This is a root art and training FAIL.

Nothing else! But people do love to spend their time making excuses for their short coming, lack of ambitions or egotistical nature! 

Kyusho Jitsu Facts: Knowledge is not Power

That is right, knowledge is not power! Applied knowledge is power! If you want to be safe on the streets it requires training! Not just hitting a heavy bag or jumping into a ring. It requires a well rounded, all inclusive learning and training processes that includes everything below.

  1. A SOLID self defense oriented martial art root system
  2. The addition of the science of pressure point self defense Kyusho Jitsu.
  3. An understanding of the attacker and the reasons it happens.

Kyusho Jitsu Facts in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

After dedicating myself for 40 years to the pursue of self defense / martial arts knowledge I have made many discoveries.

 One is that often times martial artist like to lie to themselves and believe they know everything! And no one does!

Second they focus so much on "power" not understanding how power is really created! A great deal of what I see in the wild is constipated motion. Kyusho Jitsu will take you back to natural movement and a deep understanding of how power is created! Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu Facts.

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( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Free Kyusho Jitsu Courses

If you are interested in learning more about the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu you can begin FREE! And that is also of of the Kyusho Jitsu Facts! At least with the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance it is! Follow the link below and learn more about our FREE Courses to get you started.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Kyusho Jitsu Facts. If you enjoyed it consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks. Why are they more effective?

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks

Yes there are Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks and other small joint manipulations! Being that my root art and linage is Kul Sul Hapkido I am very familiar with the joint lock world. And I always figured we did them pretty well too! 

Then I got into Kyusho Jitsu and discovered how much more effective they could be! How did this happen? The understanding of fulcrum/lever activation and 2 Way Action. This is a cornerstone principle of a art called Small Circle JuJitsu. Understanding how this information is applied to Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks can increase the pain level 10 fold.

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks & 2 Way Action

Even though 2 Way Action is not considered to be one of the principles of Kyusho Jitsu study it is certainly a major foundation. Quite simply without 2 way action pressure points do not work very well. This is the big understanding that many people miss while looking into the science of pressure point self defense. 

Here is a great video on 2 Way Action and Intention! 

Another important aspect of using Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks, therefore working to make them more PAINFUL and more effective is to have a deep understanding of the pressure points involved. 

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

When you understand this, then you can increase the affect of the Kyusho Jitsu Joint Lock.

Always remember on the street you are NOT looking for a submission! You are using the lock to CONTROL the attacker, or take joints apart so you can escape!

Watch the video above, this will certainly help you get a handle on 2 Way Action.

Does the video help you understand this concept of 2 Way Action? Please leave a comment and let me know either YES or No.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Kyusho Jitsu Joint Locks

Kyusho Jitsu and Joint Locks

All new video course that explains in details how to apply the principles of Kyusho Jitsu to Joint Locks.

Thank you for taking a few moments from your day to read.

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Secrets in your Kata. What did the Masters of Old Hide?

secrets in your kata

Are there Secrets in your Kata? Is there some mystery we are missing each time we perform one? No there are no Secrets in your Kata, there is only vision and interpretation. You get from a Kata what you put into it. There are many different interpretations, some good, some poor, and some outstanding.

After all, Kata it is only the understanding of movement and seeing opportunity.

Now some believe that training in Kata is waste of time. These are often the same people who mock Kyusho Jitsu, and also love to rant about the McDojo. Who are these people? They are people with limited, closed minded thinking who do not look for opportunity. They want a predictable, predetermined outcome. But life is not like that.

Secrets in your Kata

Are there Secrets in your Kata? So how does Kata interpretation work? There are "classic" interpretations of the movements, but in my opinion that is for the novice.

What we ultimately want is too see an interpretation happen from our own style and our own training. It should be an enlightening moment as we think of self defense, and then suddenly something makes sense.

Secrets in your Kata

When this happens you then have something ingrained in your subconscious that can be applied.

Secrets in your Kata in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Secrets in your Kata: You can begin the road to Kata Interpretation today based on the science of pressure point self defense hidden in your root art.  

Below I have a link to a great video series that will help you! I also have a new book called Bunkai: The Art of Kata Interpretation you may wish to learn about. It is available in English and Spanish. 

Best of all it is about the same price as lunch at a fast food restaurant. This however, improving your self defense skills is far better for your health. Have you done much Kata interpretation work? Please tell me about it here.

Below is a video course teaching how to interpret Kata. This is a revolutionary approach to understand HOW to interpret your Kata! Not just me telling you what the moves mean. But how to actually do it yourself 

Thank you for reading Secrets in your Kata.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kyusho Kata Interpretation

Kata Interpretation Video Course

Learn the Secrets Locked in your Kata

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

If you enjoyed the article called Secrets in your Kata consider subscribing to new article notifications with the Red Bell

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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