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All posts by Grand Master Art Mason

HPPT Self Defense Psychology. How do psychopaths think?

* HPPT Self Defense Psychology

HPPT Self Defense Psychology. No matter who tells you the contrary violent crime is on the rise. The government supplied statistics are deliberately misleading no matter which country you are living in.

There is a reason too! Governments love to collect money from citizen but they prefer to put it into their own pockets rather than into services for the people.

Enter the need for HPPT Self Defense Psychology. 

Most police forces are shrinking. And with today's "WOKE" world police are chasing things put on twitter rather than as an example the 23% increase in knife crimes in 2018 in the UK.

You will hear a lot of positioning about "gun laws" like that would actually matter. Criminals do not care about laws, especially when the system has so many holes in it they get out anyways.

Here is a great example! Back several years ago a man went crazy on a bus in Canada and stabbed, cut a man head off and began to eat the body. The victims name was Tim McLean. The attacker was deeded sane and released by the government.  

Do you see a need to understand HPPT Self Defense Psychology? THEY, the corrupt medical system were more concerned about the rights of the attacker than the victim. 

HPPT Self Defense Psychology: Are you prepared? 

Can you image the life long trauma of those passengers? Why do I bring this up? Because this man was released and walks the streets of I believe it is Manitoba today. Having been deemed "cured" by doctors.  And this is because of the mental illness of today's western liberal extremist! 

Tell me would you be prepared for something like this? If you have that tough guy attitude I see in the martial arts world today you would die in such circumstances. 

* HPPT Self Defense Psychology

The Greater Good Lie

Today in our propagandized world you hear the powers that be refer to the "greater good." Like National Security this has nothing to do with the greater good of the people. But the greater good of the government agenda. 

Please read this important article on Violence Rises in Dystopian Hell.

You CANNOT be a tough guy with someone mentally disturbed.  And today not only has mental illness gone off the charts with the addiction problems in society,  but politics has created an envy based hate culture. Also enabling those with serious illness, illness that needs treatment not encouragement! This man in the crime above should have been deemed a "dangerous offender" and never released! But today politics makes criminals into victims! And victims into criminals! This is why real heads up Self Defense courses like HPPT is so needed.

And this problem is going to get worse. You have to understand you need more today in your training than just the traditional martial art / self defense knowledge.  

HPPT Self Defense Psychology in Conclusion

HPPT Self Defense Psychology CONCLUSION

With that in mind I am going to recommend 2 books. These are being bundled together for a special price. I really want this information in everyone hands!

Follow this LINK to learn about The Psychology of Self Defense. This book explains the psychology of many attackers and well as training for it! 

The second is my Humane Kyusho Beginners Guide.  Thank you for reading this article called HPPT Self Defense Psychology.


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* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

I hope you enjoyed this article HPPT Self Defense Psychology. Thank you for taking time to drop in and read. Please subscribe to new articles on this blog using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. HPPT Self Defense Psychology is an important article, please it with like minded friends.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills. Separate truth from propaganda.

Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills

I hear this almost everyday! Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills are therefore cannot, and will not work under the stress of a street attack or fight.  

The statement is DEAD WRONG and simply propaganda. There is NO basis for fact unless you are talking about the untrained. Saying this is simply and EXCUSE for your personal failure in training. [Know your Limitations]

So let me explain why. 

Fine Motor Skills vs. Gross Motor Skills

What are gross motor skills? They are "Gross motor skills involve movements of the large muscles of the arms, legs and torso."

What are fine motor skills? The definition is as follows. "Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists."  These are basic definitions but will do for the purpose of the article.

These definitions being given striking at a pressure point is therefore considered to be a fine motor skill. However by this definition so is punching, slapping etc. And by this definition all martial arts training including striking with the forearms and knees is fine motor skills and therefore cannot me done.

The problem is they all can be done. Because gross or fine motor skills are irrelevant, and training is the only object, the only path to success. One of the more detailed fine motor skills is using a firearm. Yet these are used in high stress situations daily!

Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills in Conclusion

Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills CONCLUSION

I am sure by now you can see that the martial arts world has been sold a "bill of goods" telling them that only gross motor skills work today! 

They are trying to convince people that training is worthless and a waste of time. This is only true when society and the powers that be want to create a culture of sheep!

I have many concerns today about the martial arts world. Please follow this link and have a look at my latest eBook offering on the subject. Thank you for reading Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills!

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Hapkido Home Study Course

Beginners Course in the eclectic self defense root art of Grand Master Art Mason. This is a Black belt Course and is at a special low price! Learn more now!

Kyusho Striking Action Mini Course

Effective pressure point usage require the understanding of which tools work in which situations. Learn Kyusho Striking Action now and master this important aspect of Kyusho.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for taking time today to read Pressure Points Are Fine Motor Skills. If you found value in the information please consider subscribing to NEW articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Deadly Pressure Point KD-21. What makes it dangerous?

* Deadly Pressure Point KD-21

Deadly Pressure Point KD-21: We hear the stories all the time, more often than anyone wants too. A child is hit by a baseball or soccer ball in the chest and dies on the field. Doctors who are not versed in eastern medicine have no idea as to why. But the answer is the child was struck with the correct "spin" at Deadly Pressure Point KD-21, usually on the left side of the body. 

Deadly Pressure Point KD-21 Location & Affects

The location of Deadly Pressure Point KD-21 is 6 cun above the umbilicus, and 0.5 cun lateral to CV-14. This is an extremely dangerous point as it combines a serious shock to the life
force meridian.  The shock also is crossing over to CV-14 which in itself
is a very dangerous pressure point.

Correct striking of KD-21 will result in immediate heart stoppage that requires reverse CPR to be immediately administered, or a defibrillator unit to shock the heart back into action. 

Reverse CPR is covered in details in my Kyusho Home Study Course.

Notice in the image to the right the position of the pads from the defibrillator? Which pressure points are being shocked?

* Deadly Pressure Point KD-21

Striking Actions & Angle - Direction

In order to get the result you must attack Deadly Pressure Point KD-21 with the correct striking action, plus the correct angle and direction. And we must not forget 2 Way Action

So how does this cause death from a strike by a ball? It does defy the odds when it happens.

The ball must hit the "heart side" or the left side of the body, dead on the pressure point, but spinning "clockwise." This is the only way to get the heart stoppage result! If you strike the other side of the body the strike would be anti-clockwise. 

As for a strike itself, you would attack with a "grasping" action for water, spinning with the right hand in an upset or clockwise direction. Therefore this will interrupt the hearts electrical connections to the brain and cause the stoppage. 

This is accomplished with a high-medium to heavy strike. And a softer strike will result in brain dysfunction as well as spasms of the diaphragm resulting in dangerous breathing  issues which could also result in death.

I cover healing this issue in my Kyusho Healing Course.  Deadly Pressure Point KD-21 falls into the category of a "Combat Pressure Point."

Deadly Pressure Point KD-21 in Conclusion

Deadly Pressure Point KD-21 CONCLUSION

And I am sure you can see how dangerous this pressure point is and that is should never be used for demonstration purposes.

Striking the pressure point is very straight forward and require little training.

But extreme caution needs to always be used.

Thank you for taking time to read about Deadly Pressure Point KD-21. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

* Energy Pathways of Life

Energy Pathways of Life

Healing Arts of Kosho Shorei Ryu

All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.

Creating and Sustaining Balance

Thank you for Reading!

I hope you got something out of this article on Deadly Pressure Point KD-21. If you enjoyed it please consider subscribing to notification with the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Know your Limitations so you can exceed them!

* Kyusho: Know your Limitations

Kyusho Know your Limitations: Have you ever noticed that those who know the least argue the most? I know I see this almost on a daily basis. But, I cease communications anytime I encounter a "closet intellectual." Kyusho: Know your Limitations, it is good that these alleged martial artists do realize their potential as they try to impose their limited thinking on others. 

Why do I saw alleged? Because when someone is willing to argue a point to prove they are right I see holes in the stories. People lie to protect their lies. Recently I had some "closet intellectual" ask me about "fear" and how to control it. When someone asks this question I am always on guard.  This is usual a "baited" question. And in truth I am not the one to ask. You should be asking a psychologist if you have fear issues.

Kyusho Know your Limitations - Pressure Points Don't Work on the Street

Now whenever someone comes with this question about fear we end up in the "pressure points don't work on the street" talk. This is where I cut communication and spam the address. Why? Because I do not have time for "closet intellectuals." 

Whatever you believe will become your reality, and the more limited your thinking the more limited your life will be. There are no exceptions. If you cannot target pressure points under stress this has nothing to do with pressure points. YOU ARE A FAILURE IN YOUR TRAINING

Kyusho Know your Limitations!

Today we are dealing with some very BAD, limited thinking. Ideologies of envy and failure. "Oh this person has more than me, it is not fair." Do you know what a loser you must be to think this way? Make excuses for your lack of effort? Seriously! 

Failure is part of life and you will fail more than you will ever succeed. That is just life! And the most successful people in life,  be it in business, martial arts or any other aspect have failed more than 99% per of whiners will ever try! Kyusho Know your Limitations and surpass them!

If you have never failed it is because you have done nothing in life! 

Kyusho Know your Limitations - Triple Warmer Overload

* Pressure Point TW-18 [Triple Warmer]

We have a serious problem in society today. Self Control is a thing of the past as people are ruled by their addiction to their emotions. Because you "feel" someway about something does not make it true or right.

And this addiction people have will always lead to more failure. Because the Triple Warmer Meridian is overactive. 

The reason is simple, under a high emotional state your ability to make an objective decision is gone. Instead you become easily manipulated by the narrative. Today people sound like robots as they spew out the current narrative they see on social media. 

Martial Art training is a remedy to this, but only if you actually quit making excuses and do the damn work! Kyusho Know your Limitations know them, and surpass them.

Kyusho Know your Limitations - Check your Addictions!

So what are your addictions that are preventing you from succeed in Kyusho Jitsu, martial arts or anything else?

  1. How much time do you WASTE on Social Media like Facebook each day? Nothing wrong with using Social Media but the always being logged on is BAD. The average person wastes 144 minutes per day on Facebook. I limit myself to 10 minutes per day.
  2. Are you obsessed with politics? Have you lost friends over differences?
  3. Do you get very anger for no real reason? And do posts on social media upset your day? If yes stop reading them. I don't read my timeline. 
  4. Do you make excuses, blame others for your failures like the "left wing nutbags" tell you that you should?

If this is you, then perhaps it is time to forget the status quo and get back into the Dojo and training for REAL! Focus your MIND.

Kyusho Know your Limitations - Stop the Excuses

Take a look at this image on the right. These are the pressure points on the right side of the head and neck.

The area of activation of each one is the size of an American Silver Dollar.

And there are a total of pressure points on each SIDE OF THE BODY!

Can you see why when some clown tells me that hitting pressure points is not possible I call him out as his training being an EPIC FAILURE?

* Pressure Points that Kill

Kyusho Know your Limitations in Conclusion

Kyusho: Know your Limitations CONCLUSION

Kyusho Know your Limitations: Are you ready to stop making excuses in life?

Can you see whey I do not bother with these BAD THINKERS or "closet intellectuals" I speak of?  If you do the work pressure points WORK period!

No matter what some loser will tell you.

What is a closet intellectual? It is someone who knows little to nothing about a topic but their ego is so big they need to argue their expertise anyways. I'll bet today you know a lot of people like this!

Thank you for reading this article Kyusho Know your Limitations. This is basically an editorial rant. 

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Use the form below to ask. I answer personally. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

* 101 Way to Master Kyusho Jitsu

101 Ways to Master Kyusho Jitsu

Are you read to get down to business and seriously learn the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu?

Then take a look at the link below with information on my eBook 101 Ways to Mater Kyusho Jitsu.

Success begins when excuses end!

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

Thank you for reading Kyusho Know your Limitations! I very much appreciate it! If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom. Speaking of limitations, check out my new book called Kosho Ryu the Awakened Mind

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01. What’s makes this a Heart Stopper?

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01: The Heart Meridian, one of the most under rated of the 12 Kyusho Jitsu meridians on the body, and Deadly Pressure Point HT-01 is perhaps the more ignored pressure point on the body because of its location.

But I can tell you the results of a strike to HT-01 are a fight ender, with the potential of it being a lethal strike

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01 - Location 

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01 is located in the armpit, AKA the Axilla. The contents of the axilla include the axillary vein and artery, as well as the brachial plexuslymph nodes and fat. The axilla is the space between the side of the thorax and the upper arm. 

Pressure Point HT-01 is located In the center of the axilla, on the medial side of the axillary artery, at the lateral inferior margin of the pectorals major muscle and in it's deep position the point lies in the coracobrachialis muscle. The axillary nerve is also present at this location.

* Deadly Pressure Point HT-01 [Heart]

Effects of Strikes to Pressure Point HT-01

What happens if you strike Deadly Pressure Point HT-01? Well let's take a look at this. A strike to HT-01 on the left side of the body will stop the heart immediately. This is accomplished with a little as a "medium" strike. This is also possible on the right side of the body, but not probable.

A neurological pressure point knockout will also occur immediately on either side of the body. A light strike will cause intense local pain and disorientation from brain dysfunction. Speech impairment will result as well as a very unstable emotional state.

Great physical damage can also occur in the area such as dislocation or the arm at the shoulder, permanent nerve damage, and possible rupture of the Axillary Artery or vein. 

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01 in Conclusion

Deadly Pressure Point HT-01  CONCLUSION

As you can see this is another very dangerous pressure point and one that should never be played with. 

Access is not as difficult as you might think This is especially true with a taller attacker or if a front choke is applied

If you would like more information like this please checkout my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. This pressure point is also discussed in my article on 5 Best Combat Pressure Points. Thank you also for taking time to read this article on Deadly Pressure Point HT-01. This is part of a large series on the different pressure points of the body.

Have a Kyusho Question? 

Use the form below to ask. I reply personally within the day.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

* Energy Pathways of Life

Energy Pathways of Life

Healing Arts of Kosho Shorei Ryu

All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.

Creating and Sustaining Balance

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Once again thank you for reading this article called Deadly Pressure Point HT-01. If you found it of value please consider subscribing to the NEW articles I write here by using the Red Bell in the bottom corner,

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

What are the 5 Best Combat Pressure Points for Defense?

* Best Combat Pressure Points

Combat Pressure Points: I do not personally like the word "combat" being used in the martial arts.

But that is because I am a man who believes words have meaning and cannot be interchanged because someone wishes to. A great example of this today is the misuse of the word "phobia." 

That means an irrational fear of. Because I disagree with an ideology or way of life does not mean I am afraid of it. 

Anyway, lets today look at the 5 Best Combat Pressure Points. In this article I am taking aot vulnerable parts of the human body. 

So when I say the 5 Best Combat vital points, what is it I am referring to? Combat is essentially a military term for engagement with an enemy. I do not consider the meaning to apply to martial arts because martial arts is about self defense training in peaceful times.

And that is OK. So the best combat pressure points need to be very specific. Therefore to the purpose of this article they mean pressure points with a very predictable result and no setup required. 

Best Combat Pressure Points

With this in mind I am going to provide you with a list below, and a link to a more detailed explanation of each pressure point. One of my students left my school back in 2006 to join the Canadian military. He commented of all the things he learned in training under me that the pressure point information was really the only part that translated and worked in hand to hand, kill or be kill combat.

I wish more people understood this.

#1 Combat Pressure Points - GB-20

Best Combat Pressure Points

The first pressure point on this list is GB-20. Why is that? Because of its relationship to the occipital nerve at the back of the head it is an excellent pressure point to cause massive brain dysfunction.

And as an added bonus it is a "blind strike" which means the person does not see it coming, and therefore cannot mount any real defense. 

#2 Combat Pressure Points - BL-10

Next is a very dangerous pressure point. This is Pressure Point BL-10. Perhaps one of the most dangerous pressure points on the body this one fits the criteria of Pressure Points for combat perfectly. 

BL-10 is also tied in with the occipital nerve and the brain dysfunction associated with this.  BL-10 is also a kill shot. Hit correctly you can cause damage to the brainstem which is right there, with very little tissue to protect it. 

It's position at the back of the head also makes for another important "blind strike."

Best Combat Pressure Points

#3 Combat Pressure Points - SP-21

Best Combat Pressure Points

Pressure Point SP-21 is located on the ribs, about center of the bicep with the arms hanging. The exact location is on the lateral aspect of the chest, on the mid-axillary line, in the 6th intercostal space.

An intercostal space is the "meat" between the ribs which is a hotbed for nerves! 

A solid strike to this area can break ribs, cause lung punctures and has the potential to stop the heart. And its location at the weakest point in the rib cage is a definte bonus! 

#4 Combat Pressure Points - ST-09

Again we look at a very dangerous pressure point, and how, like the above this is a one shot kill. Pressure Point ST-09 is located right over the carotid sinus. The carotid sinus is a Baroreceptor, whose purpose is to detect an increase in blood pressure.

When it detects an increase, it sends a signal to the vasomotor center of the via the vagus nerve. This initiates a Vasodilatation, and slowing of the heart rate to lower the blood pressure to normal.

Striking the area will cause an immediate drop in blood pressure resulting in unconsciousness and potential death. 

The Pressure Point Stomach 5

Damage to the carotid artery and sinus are possible which if not treated immediately will result in death. This is a dangerous pressure point, but definitely one of the very best combat pressure points. 

#5 Combat Pressure Points - HT-01

* Best Combat Pressure Points

I have only written about HT-01 in my book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. However it is a very dangerous pressure point. The location is in the arm pit itself.

The pressure point is right over the top of the axillary artery  and therefore great artery damage is also done when this pressure point is struck.

A medium strike, especially on the left side of the body will stop the heart instantly. Lighter strikes will damage the shoulder and cause sever brain dysfunction. This is a fight stopper no matter how you use it. 

Combat Pressure Points in Conclusion

Best Combat Pressure Points CONCLUSION

I hope you found this article on Combat Pressure Points to be of benefit to you. I also hope my have given you a deeper understand of just how dangerous pressure points can be.

This is lost knowledge today. Please consider sharing these posts with like minded people. 

You can find information on every pressure point on the body with my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. Please check it out now.  Thank you for reading about Combat Pressure Points.

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Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Specialized Training for Violent Times

* Combat-Pressure-Points-220x220

Combat Pressure Points Video Course

High Level Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point Self Defense. 

10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

What are the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense? This video course will give you everything you need to know! This is a must have video course. 

* Special Application Pressure Points

Special Application Pressure Points

High Level Study in the Pressure Point / Kyusho sciences

I hope you found this article about Combat Pressure Points of value! Please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point BL-56. How to rupture the Achilles tendon.

* Pressure Point BL-56

For the last year I have been writing articles about once per month on different, important pressure points on the body for self defense. Today I am going to look at Pressure Point BL-56 [Bladder Meridian] as well as BL-55, 57 because there are so very close together, and all extremely important. I will focus on BL-56 because it gives the best effect. However any of the pressure points in the calf can cause sever damage and end any assault. And a typical strike is going to be blind without intense training. 

Pressure Point BL-56 - Location

* Pressure Point BL-56

Located in the in the center of the of the gastrocnemius muscle, midway between BL-55 and BL-57 is pressure point BL-56.

The gastrocnemius muscle consists of a lateral head, a medial head, and their single tendon of insertion.

Each head is a thick muscular column, separated from the other by the back of the knee. As they descend, they come together.

The medial head is larger and wraps around the leg more towards the front than does the lateral head. The muscular heads end at or slightly above the middle of the leg, where they attach to their tendon.

The tendon descends and fuses with the tendon of the soleus muscle, which lies just beneath it, forming the Achilles tendon

The gastrocnemius muscle raises the heel, which lifts the body. It also assists, though minimally, in flexing the knee joint. This muscle group carries a tremendous weight burden making it susceptible to attack.

Pressure Point BL-56 - Effects of Striking

There are 2 basic methods of successfully striking these 3 pressure points in total. And that is either with a front kick using the toe, or with a heel strike. My personal preference is with a heel as this can be done from the position of being in front of the attacker.

The results of a strike are instant cramping of the muscle, which depending on the condition of said muscle will include damage up to and including massive tearing of the tissue and possible separation of the muscles from the Achilles tendon. Interesting the stronger the muscle, the more potential for damage.

Knockouts are also possible at pressure point BL-56 due to the brain shock that can occur with a solid strike. This is an excellent area to teach novice students in self defense training. 

Pressure Point BL-56 in Conclusion

Pressure Point BL-56 CONCLUSION

A strike to Pressure Point BL-56 is a fight ender. No one can continue an assault with calf and/or tendon damage. Walking becomes impossible.

If you have ever awakened in the night with a calf cramp imagine that at a magnitude of plus 10. 

Over the last year these articles have been very popular. And they are also a very important part of the learning process. However to use such articles for reference can be a very big challenge. You need information like this all in once place!

Therefore have a look at my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. This reference eBook which has been called the Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu cover all 361 plus pressure points on the body like Pressure Point BL-56. Follow this link to learn more now!

This eBook, Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy is also going to be included in 2020 in the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu.  Thank you for reading about Pressure Point BL-56.

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Use the form below to ask. I reply within 24 hours.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

* Pressure Points Inguinal Crease

10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

Knowing which pressure points are the most important to train with in your self defense system is very important. Follow the link below and learn about the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense today. And there is a very special price right now! Don't miss out on this important Kyusho Video. Must have Video Course!!

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

Also available in Spanish!

Thank you for Reading!

I hope you enjoyed this article about Pressure Point BL-56. Please consider subscribing use the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02. How to shut down the Lung Meridian

* Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02

Today I want to talk about 2 pressure points, and these are Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02. Like ST-09-10 I am discussing these 2 together since it is most likely if you strike one you will also be striking the other. I have personally seen the results of striking these pressure points therefore I caution you about their usage!

Location Pressure Points LU-01-02

Dangerous Pressure Point LU-01 is located below LU-02, 6 cun lateral to the Conception Vessel, in the first intercostal space. In the pectoralis major and minor muscles. 

It can only be accessed if the shoulders are back and the arms in a neutral or back position like retracted for a punch. 

Pressure Point LU-02 is found in the depression below the acromial extremity of the clavicle, between the pectoralis major and the deltoid muscles

Note that Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02 are both position at the top of the lungs. 

Effects of Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02

As I have stated, these are extremely dangerous pressure points. The first thing we must consider is that LU-01 is an Alarm Point. Alarm Points have a direct effect on the health of the organ they are associated with. In this case pressure point LU-01 is the Alarm Point for the lungs. 

A strike will cause an activation on the Lung Meridian on both sides of the body. If there are any lung issues with the person being struck they will be exacerbated. Triple Warmer will also be activated bi-laterally as well. The strike will cause extreme pain, and difficulty in breathing that can become chronic  if not treated.

Pressure Point LU-02 when struck can have a much more profound effect. First breakage of the collar bone is possible if the impact is sufficient. Extreme pain as well as a knockout are very likely. Death is also a possible but not probable from the strike alone. The danger comes from the potential long term effects to the lungs themselves. Sometimes the diaphragm will spasm and this is very dangerous if not treated immediately. I go over this in my Pressure Point Healing Course

Pressure Points LU-01-02 in Conclusion

Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02 CONCLUSION

Learning about Dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02 and other is very valuable. Knowledge can be very powerful when applied with training. 

The more you understand about each pressure point the better the result with be.

Please note the number of links to other articles that are related. These will all help your learning!  And yes this is a massive undertaking, but the results are worth the effort. Thank you for reading about Pressure Points LU-01-02. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

* Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points

Alarm Point Workshops

2 Alarm Point Workshops.
One recorded in Canada in 2010
and the other in 

Spain in 2017.

Real Pressure Point Knowledge

You need this book! If you are serious about learning the science of pressure point self defense this book is a must have.

Follow the link below and learn more now.

* Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Encyclopedia if Kyusho Jitsu

Kyusho Jitsu Encyclopedia eBook

This is the perfect reference guide for all things pressure points

Thank you for your time in reading about dangerous Pressure Points LU-01-02. Please consider subscribing to new articles on this blog using the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Anatomy of a Pressure Point. How to Map the Body

Anatomy of a Pressure Point

What is the Anatomy of a Pressure Point? Understanding this is essential if you wish to not just learn the science of pressure point self-defense Kyusho Jitsu, but also if you wish to be able to apply the knowledge. 

And application is where most people will fail.

So keep reading about the Anatomy of a Pressure Point!

Anatomy of a Pressure Point.  What is a pressure point?

First, we have to discuss exactly what is a pressure point. The anatomy of a pressure points simply this. A pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve ENDS. 

Or a place on the body where a nerve branches off in a “Y.” Plus, where 2 or more nerves intersect and/or cross over each other. This is also referred to as a nerve cluster

Pain and/or Brain Dysfunction will occur depending on which nerve is involved in the strike or activation, and also what part of the body is involved.  The actual accessibility of some nerves will also depend on the body type of the person being used to train with. [or the attacker]

* Pressure Point TW-18 [Triple Warmer]

Striking a pressure point will result in anything from mild discomfort, extreme pain, and even unconsciousness up to and including death. 

Anatomy of a Pressure Point - How does this work?

Signals come from the brain to flow through the various nerves to different parts of the body. However, this is a 2 way path. Nerves also communicate through the nervous system to the brain to report all kinds of different information.

These are low level electrical signals, oscillating in both intensity and frequency, to carry information. A strike to the area of the nerve will cause such a signal to occur. This signal reports damage or potential damage to the area. A strike will also, if strong enough, cause localized swelling and bleeding resulting in changes in Chi flow in the area. 

This change in Chi flow also has a direct effect on the electrical impulse travelling the nerve pathways.

What is Chi?

Chi Combat Course

The first thing the uniformed will say is there is no scientific evidence of Chi. That is a false statement.

While biology has no interest in the subject and therefore have not studied Chi, basic physics proves its existence. Electromagnetic inductance shows the existence of Chi. It, however, does not prove the purpose of the energy present, just its existence.

In acupuncture, there is something called an EAV Machine that measures this the energy flow we call Chi. A strike to a pressure point therefore will cause a change in Chi flow, which will affect the electric signal in the nerve. 

How many Pressure Points are there?

When it comes to the Anatomy of a Pressure Point we look at one side of the body only, as meridians mirror on each side, we have 361 common pressure points. 

There are 12 Meridians on the body, each with a different number of pressure points on them. This does make learning a challenge, but if you follow the various systems I teach it is certainly not impossible.

There are also pressure points which are labeled Extraordinary Pressure Points. These add to the original number of 361. Included in all of this are Alarm Points, Associated Alarm Points and Special Purpose Points

Anatomy of a Pressure Point in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

That is a lot to digest, I know! But I have provided links within the article to many of the keywords in the article to related materials. This will help a lot!

One BIG suggestion I have is, if you are new to Kyusho Jitsu to enroll in one or more of my FREE Kyusho Courses. This will get you started.

And I also suggest grabbing a copy of my eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy. This book breaks down all 361 plus pressure points on the body, thus making the understanding of the Anatomy of a Pressure Point a little easier. 

Thank you of reading the article on the Anatomy of a Pressure Point. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

Best Way to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu!

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

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Thank you for reading about the Anatomy of a Pressure Point. If you found this information to be of value, please consider subscribing using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason

Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu. How does the mind work?

* Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu

Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu: I teach the science of pressure point self-defense based on systems of learning. Or in other words, a curriculum. The Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu are very well-defined for anyone who gets involved in one of my Kyusho Home Study Course or Kyusho Jitsu University. And there is a reason for this. I focus on the way the mind learns and remembers.

Often times you will see Kyusho instruction that is all over the map. And there is also little actual information being taught. A lot of the time it is simply a “show” which makes the instructor look good. How should learning to be done?

Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu - Basics

You must crawl before you can walk and walk before you can run. Learning, the way the brain retains information needs to be structured. My novice or beginnings program is designed to give the student time to understand the basic principles of Kyusho. And these basics MUST BE TAUGHT and understood. 

Every time I see these bypassed the results are substandard. The learning stages of Kyusho Jitsu of the basics is below.

This is a lot of information. However, none of it is covered in great depth until the student moves from Novice to Advanced. The Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu!

After the basic foundation is laid we can move onto more advanced study.

Advanced Kyusho Jitsu Study

* Kyusho Jitsu Alarm Points

Alarm Points are the cornerstone of advanced Kyusho Jitsu Study

The Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu in advanced study is where we begin to take the basics and look at application. More information is also added in the form of another 5 principles. The memory work and theory from the novice course is built upon also. Review is critical for understanding!

The most important addition in my view is the learning of Alarm Points. These are almost like the 16th Principle (I teach 15 Principles) and arguably the most essential part of advanced learning. 

Development comes as small “enlightening” moments. You go from confusion and frustration to understanding. Suddenly things begin to make sense!

Kyusho Jitsu Success Path

*Kyusho Jitsu Learning Process

Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

There is a clear path to success learning Kyusho Jitsu.

There is nothing wrong with looking ahead to see what is coming down the road, as long as you keep focused on the work that must be done. 

How do you begin?

Most people will opt in for one of my FREE Kyusho Courses. And I suggest everyone do this! However, if you want serious learning and information, you need to grab my Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course. This course has been around about 10 years now, and is highly acclaimed by its graduates. Thank you for reading about the Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

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Thank you for visiting this blog and reading about the Learning Stages of Kyusho Jitsu. If you found this to be of value, please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason
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