Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study. Secrets to Researching

* Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study: I have been teaching Kyusho Jitsu for a long time now. But in reality I have not stopped learning. As Bruce Lee said "All knowledge is self knowledge" and I am only pointing the way to understanding for those interested. 

What I can do with pressure points is really of no value to you. It is what you can do with them that matters.

All I am is a medium for information for to you. and a key to Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study.

We live in a very odd time in history, one in which you are told "trust the experts." This is in my view, a criminal LIE. Why should I trust what anyone says? Stop talking and show me you are right!  The "experts" authoritarian attitude shows everything. 

Sorry, but I look into everything and make up my own mind. And anyone who tells me the above is a crook in my view. And I call bullshit when I see it too!

I present a ton of pressure point information on this blog, and I hope you find it of value. But I want you to take the information and make it work for you! The fact I can do a knockout on pressure point SP-11 means nothing.  It is my job to give you the information and inspiration to do this yourself.

None of my courses are about me. They are not pretty, they are just about real working information.  In my opinion showing off is pathetic. 

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study - Secrets to Researching

Anyone who talks about life being easy is selling something. To make Kyusho Jitsu work, for Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study, you must do the work. And all those clowns on social media saying Kyusho is fake are doing so because they are either too stupid to understand pressure points, or too lazy and egotistical to do the work. And I hope these failures find me offensive also.

Doing the work means not just an intellectual understanding, but also working with a training partner or UKE. And as many different ones as possible. In other words I do not want you to believe me! I want you to do the work for yourself.

People need to get out of this idea of instant gratification. That is a 1000 percent lie.

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study

Some who study are interested in rank, many are not. Either is correct. The martial arts world fusses far to much about rank like it is something sacred. This again is all ego. For some people this is a very motivational subject. I was once that way also. But I have been "danned" so many times I have no interest any longer. 

I speak little of my rank. And the "grand master" title was something I accepted once I became a grand father. For me it means head of the family.   However if rank is what someone is looking for, I am there to support you. I just want you to do the work.

Martial art study is a lifetime journey and we never arrive.  While I am not in favor of style jumping, learning about other arts and what they have to offer is mind expanding. But not without a solid base. In my Dojo you had to be a Black Belt to study Kyusho Jitsu. 

And in order to obtain a 4th Dan in my system of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido you had to be a 1st Dan Black Belt in Kyusho Jitsu.  I also encouraged at the level of 3rd Dan to train in some other art also. Many of my people got involved in Modern Arnis with Master Ken Smith. Others focused on the Hapkido Cane.

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study - In Conclusion

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study: I have been teaching Kyusho Jitsu for a long time now. But in reality I have not stopped learning. As Bruce Lee said "All knowledge is self knowledge" and I am only pointing the way to understanding for those interested. What I can do with pressure points is really of no value to you. It is what you can do with them that matters. All I am is a medium for information for to you.  CONCLUSION

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study comes from dedication on training and learning. And it is an epic journey! I still learn things about Kyusho. And I am over 20 years of intense focus on the subject. Plus now I am seeing how it exists naturally in many of the complete martial arts systems like Kosho Shorie Ryu and Aikido to name two.

Thank you for reading Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study! 

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Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Rock of Yin Yang Theory will totally blow your Mind

* Rock of Yin Yang Theory

Rock of Yin Yang Theory once understood changes everything you believed you knew about martial art training.

This will totally blow your mind. In the image here you see 2 people, one screaming and the other calm. The caption for this was "an empty mind makes the most noise."

This is so true, but when it comes to martial arts, self defense and pressure points this is extremely important information.

Rock of Yin Yang Theory

The person who has his or her Triple Warmer Meridian working in overtime lives in an extreme state. And the general thought process most martial artists have is that this person of extreme emotion is more dangerous. That is both true and false. The important part is that chance favors the prepared mind. And any martial artist who trains to prepare for the person of the extreme mind will in face have little trouble with them. Rock of Yin Yang Theory once understood changes many things.

As long as they remain in balance themselves. And that is what martial art training is about at a base root level. All things in balance. And balance is the key to the understanding of the Rock of Yin Yang Theory. 

Someone looking for trouble is not an issue for someone prepared for trouble.

Rock of Yin Yang Theory - Power of Yin Yang

Understanding how Yin Yang affects you, affects everything about you is essential.  It is essential for martial art training, health and life in general. A mind in balance, someone walking with one foot in yin and the other in yang has better health, peace of mind and a continuing sense of calm.

What does this have to do with self defense and Kyusho? The person in the extreme state of Yin or Yang has a certain Chi state associated with them. That is their Chi energy is LOW frequency and high amplitude. This condition makes the body more susceptible to a pressure point strike, especially a Dim Mak Vital Point strike. Someone living in FEAR is a great example of this. Also anger falls into this extreme, You can understand more about the Cycle of Emotions here

Now, a person in balance, like someone who meditates, and trains in a complete martial art system like Kosho Ryu, their Chi is in a different state. That Chi state is HIGH Frequency and LOW amplitude. Because of the high frequency of the Chi a pressure point strike has little effect on the body. And this is tied to amplitude too. Most of all this is because the body is almost protected by the Chi. This is similar in ways to Iron Shirt training, however it is beyond that training also.  The body is in an alkaline state, and therefore is of better health, always. I cover this type of information in my book Tao of Health and Longevity to name one. 

Today because of the information war and never ending propaganda most people are living in a extreme state alternating between fear and anger.  And that is of advantage if their condition causes them to become violent. There is power in understand the Rock of Yin Yang Theory!

Rock of Yin Yang Theory In Conclusion

Rock of Yin Yang Theory once understood changes everything you believed you knew about martial art training. This will totally blow your mind. In the image here you see 2 people, one screaming and the other calm. The caption for this was "an empty mind makes the most noise." This is so true, but when it comes to martial arts, self defense and pressure points this is extremely important information. CONCLUSION

This is powerful information. And I am going to write about this subject in great details. Checkout my new book the Power of the Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

Thank you for reading the Rock of Yin Yang Theory.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

All new eBook on the Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory and its deeper applications in martial arts

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

Thank you for your time and attention! If you found value in this article on the Rock of Yin Yang Theory please consider subscribing to my notifications and new article. You can use the notification Red Bell in the corner.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Ground Fighting. Yes Kyusho works on the ground!

* Pressure Point Ground Fighting

Pressure Point Ground Fighting: First I want to clarify the definition of ground fighting. It is NOT grappling exclusively. Any hands on martial art, versus a striking martial art is grappling. Therefore Aikido, Hapkido, Jujitsu are all grappling arts.

Ground fighting is when someone is taken to the ground for whatever the reason. And self defense rarely goes to the ground. However when two people decide to "fight" for whatever reason, these battles do often end up on the ground. And unlike "sport fighting" this must be ended and ended quickly before others become involved in the situation. 

You are NOT going to be applying holds and arm bars to win. That is SPORT. If I was witness to a friend being in a arm bar on the ground the attacker would feel just how deadly my kick is, with his head!! 

Never confuse SPORT with real life. That does not happen in sport. Sport and reality have zero to do with each other.

Pressure Point Ground Fighting

Do pressure points work on the ground? Yes they do! 100 percent! However the knowledge required for success is different than in a standing situation. Knockouts all work, pain pressure points work, and Dim Mak pressure points work. However this does require TRAINING and a different understanding of the theories and principles that are Kyusho Jitsu.

I have taught this in classes over the years, but not in seminars and certainly I have never done a video or books on it. But now I will. On or before January 1st 2022 I am going to release a detailed, fully illustrated book on Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting.

What will this entail? Yes I am going to be addressing not just Kyusho Jitsu theories but the application of these theories. This will be information you can use right away in your training. And that is important.

Back many years ago I saw a Tae Kwon Do stylist do a knockout while on his back. He did a nice job too! But he had no clue how or why it worked! He got lucky. But you need to be able to replicate the results predictably!

And that is why after all these years I am finally going to address this! Pressure Point Ground Fighting is important! 

Pressure Point Ground Fighting In Conclusion

Pressure Point Ground Fighting CONCLUSION

It is beyond the scope of an article to explain Pressure Point Ground Fighting. However the book will cover this completely. I believe this is important knowledge for all martial artisit to have.

And a good percent of the book comes from my Kosho Ryu training as my as my 2 decades of Kyusho Jitsu. 

Thank you for reading this article on Pressure Point Ground Fighting. 

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* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

* Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory

All new eBook on the Power of Kyusho Yin Yang Theory and its deeper applications in martial arts

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

The Art of Fighting without Fighting, Ultimate Victory Grasshopper

* Fighting without Fighting

The Art of Fighting without Fighting: This is the ultimate goal of true martial arts study. And I know many have forgotten this. I well recall the boat scene in Bruce Lee's Enter the Dragon when he was challenged by the Auzzie as to his "style."  Sadly I see this as being lost to many students and instructors in modern times. So much ego, and there is no need for it. The art of Fighting without Fighting.

In my Dojo we have tenets, one of which is "I will only fight to protect my live and the lives of others." 

There is nothing in there about winning matches, trophies or because some guy said something that pissed you off.

Do no harm is the mantra. The true art of self defense, fighting without Fighting.

Today there is no much anger, and the anger is righteous for the most part.  But when anger controls people, and when you become addicted to anger, it controls you, you do not control it. There is an old saying in Buddhism about anger: “Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”

Today many are destroying themselves and their health with their anger. 

The Art of Fighting without Fighting

Have you ever noticed when you have a conflict with someone, no matter the outcome, your reply it over and over again in your mind? This is because your mind is undisciplined. When the conflict is finished, even if just for the moment, let it go, release the emotions tying you to this. The true warrior is emotionless about the battle because he or she is aware the battle is not personal. When something is person, the Triple Warmer Meridian goes into overdrive, and you lose the ability to think critically about the situation. 

Back in years gone by I used to write a lot of articles on Self Defense. However I have stopped. And self defense for me is the art of fighting without fighting. Because you do not always have to do damage. But you train in preparation to do so. I stopped mostly because of the vast number of comments about "just shooting the guy."  While sometime killing an assailant is necessary, this cannot ever be taking lightly. And too many people take it lightly. Most of the time in 1st world countries your life is not in danger. 

The Art of Fighting without Fighting, comes from someone who has not just trained the body in preparation, but someone who has gone the extra mile to train the mind. Controlling anger and fear, fighting without Fighting. And this is a life long path too! 

Here is something from the Dharmapada, 

This is about Fighting without Fighting.

The Buddha said, “Conquer anger by non-anger. And Conquer evil by good. Conquer miserliness by liberality.  Also Conquer a liar by truthfulness.” (Dhammapada, v. 233). If you would like to listen to the entire audiobook of these writings follow the link above. This is a book all martial artist should study. 

If the student wishes to compete, then compete. That however is only a body training. only a small portion of the purpose of martial arts. Expand yourself, find and train in a complete system, or as complete a system as possible. It becomes a problem when a long time student, as an example, will not let go of the thrill of competition. And then in advanced age, well past youth, feels the need to continue to stroke his ego with "winning."  An addiction has developed and the student is not in control of their own mind.

True winning would be to expand the learning in other areas of martial arts, and thereby life. This is done by realizing masters, true masters and still students first. Learning never stops, unless addiction to ego has consumed the student. 

Fighting without Fighting- Art of Letting Go

The art of letting go comes from realization that "all knowledge is self knowledge," as Bruce Lee stated. The student must learn that "the way is not a doctrine, and a doctrine is not the way." All techniques, all ideas, all movement once learned must be let go of, released. 

An example is the instructor who says "this technique works because..." has no understanding. No technique works, it is the training of the student that decides the outcome. This is similar to the instructor who says you cannot strike a pressure point in battle. If this is true it is the lack of training of the instructor, not pressure points. The instructor is clinging to something they like or dislike. This reminds me of the story of 2 monks and a women.

2 Monks

A senior monk and a junior monk were traveling together. At one point, they came to a river with a strong current. As the monks were preparing to cross the river, they saw a very young and beautiful woman also attempting to cross.

The young woman asked if they could help her cross to the other side.

Zen Story

"The two monks glanced at one another because they had taken vows not to touch a woman.
Then, without a word, the older monk picked up the woman, carried her across the river, placed her gently on the other side, and carried on his journey.

The younger monk couldn’t believe what had just happened. After rejoining his companion, he was speechless, and an hour passed without a word between them.

Art of letting go

Two more hours passed, then three, finally the younger monk could contain himself any longer, and blurted out “As monks, we are not permitted a woman, how could you then carry that woman on your shoulders?”

The older monk looked at him and replied, “Brother, I set her down on the other side of the river, why are you still carrying her?”"

Have you seen this behavior in yourself? This is the mind fighting the mind. Better Fighting without Fighting. Letting go.

Fighting without Fighting - Art of War

Without balance in life, balance in all things, success in life is very hard. Now I can hear the arguments because some people appear to be successful. However we for the most part are always missing information to come to those conclusions. Karma is absolute, and you believing in Karma is irrelevant. This is important when it comes to the street and the art of Fighting without Fighting.

Sun Tzu's Art of War is a book, like the Dharmapada, that should be studied by all students. 

The art of war is about balance. And today we are fighting a war, an Information War.  One of basic human rights, and God given rights. And justice is coming, but ONLY if we remain in balance, and unemotional of the situation. This does not mean you will not feel emotional, but you must let it go. 

Fighting without Fighting In Conclusion

Fighting without Fighting CONCLUSION

I encourage you, no matter your age, rededicate yourself to your training. That might mean the study of Kyusho Jitsu, perhaps taking up Meditation. Or you may wish to go all in and study a full and complete system like Kosho Shorei Ryu.

But no matter what you decide train. Train the body, train the mind and connect the spirit. 

Thank you for reading the Art of Fighting without Fighting. I hope you enjoyed it!

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* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense

If you are looking for a SOLID education in the movements and principles of the Octagon follow the link below and learn more. 

* Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

An In Depth Learning of Movement

And the Secrets locked in your Kata

Thank you for reading the Art of Fighting without Fighting! And please visit my Dog Rescue! If you enjoyed this article please consider using the Red Bell to subscribe to new articles. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points.What is the Death Touch?

* Dim Mak Pressure Points

Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points! Dim Mak Pressure Points also know as Vital Point are surrounded with mystery. There are a total of 36 of these critical pressure points on the humane body. Today I am going to discuss in some detail 5 of these "Vital Points."

If you find this article of value you many want to checkout my series of books called "The Secrets of Kyusho Jitsu." This is a series of 4 books, with 2 of them specifically on this topic. These books are the Six Ji Hands of Bubishi and Dim Mak Vibrating Palm. I also do have articles on both of these topics if you wish to read more about them I will link them below under related articles.

Pressure Point TW-17

This is one of the most dangerous pressure points on the body for several reasons. I am including it here today for this very reason. It is also very easy to access. As one of the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points this is a must learn.

Pressure Point TW-17 is located behind the ear posterior to the lobe of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process. One of the most painful and potentially deadly pressure points. Easy to press in and seal with the finger, but difficult to strike. This is one of the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points.

However, once a solid strike is made the result is devastating. As a control pressure point it is very effective!

Once hit there is a potential for a separation between the spinal column and skull resulting in permanent paralysis and possible death.

A jaw dislocation is also possible using proper angle and direction. Here is an article with more information. 

* Pressure Point TW-18 [Triple Warmer]

Pressure Point HT-01

* Best Combat Pressure Points

Another of the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points is HT-01.

Pressure Point HT-01 is located in the centre of the axilla, on the medial side of the axillary artery, at the lateral, inferior margin of the pectorals major muscle and in its deep position the point lies in the coracobrachialis muscle (arm pit).

HT-01 is one of the most dangerous pressure points on the body and even a medium strike can result in death, especially on the left side of the body. The point is right over the top of the “axillary” artery and therefore great artery damage is done when this point is struck.

A light strike can result in issues with the brain due to loss of blood flow. Emotional issues can also appear. I cannot stress enough not to play with this pressure point unless it is a life or death situation! Applying gentle pressure to the area can release a “frozen shoulder.” You can read more about Pressure Point HT-01 here.  More Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points below!

Pressure Point SI-16

Next in the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points is Pressure Point SI-16. Pressure Point SI-16 is in the lateral aspect of the neck, on the posterior border of the Sternocleidomastoideus muscle, posterior to CO-18, 3.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence.

Striking this pressure point will often cause the person to laugh, however the possible resulting damage is nothing to laugh at! If struck on the left side of the body hard enough it can stop the Heart resulting in death.

A lighter strike can cause Heart issues in anyone with a disposition to Heart problems. 

SI-18 Most Painful Face Pressure Points

Sometimes this pressure point is used in knockout demonstrations, but this is fool-hearty as death can result.

Save this pressure point for life and death situations! You can learn more about Pressure Point SI-16 from this article on the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points.

Pressure Point ST-09

The Pressure Point Stomach 5

Arguably the most dangerous pressure point ST-09 is next in the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points. Pressure Point ST-09 is situated right over the carotid sinus. The carotid sinus is a Baroreceptor, whose purpose is to detect an increase in blood pressure.

When the brain detects an increase in blood pressure, the vagus nerve sends a signal to the vasomotor center and this initiates a Vasodilatation, and slowing of the Heart rate to lower the blood pressure to normal.

When this pressure point is struck there is an immediate, violent, and dangerous response from the brain. 

The blood pressure will drop quickly causing a "vascular faint” or knockout. This can be accomplished with a low to medium strike.

A harder strike can cause serious damage to the nervous and arterial systems of the area which will result in death. ST-09 is also a Dim Mak point because an energy strike to this part of the system, both nervous and vascular, will cause enough "dysfunction" to result in death over time.

Carotid Sinus Reflex:

The serious martial artist should be concerned about Carotid Sinus Reflex when it comes to ST-09 and ST-10. The effect is temporary loss of consciousness or a knock out that sometimes accompanies convulsive seizures. This is due to the power of the carotid sinus reflex when pressure builds up in one or both carotid sinuses.

Massage to this areas is used by doctors to reduce heart rate and blood pressure in emergencies. Below read why this is an important Dim Mak Pressure Points.

Citation: Traumatic carotid sinus reflex death


"The review of 7 autopsy cases shows, that the diagnosis of a sudden death due to mechanical irritation of the carotid sinus is possible. Therefore when an injury of this reflectogen zone is represented autoptically. And when there are signs of acute cardio vascular failure and other causes of death are out of the question. Taking account of the ascerteinments at the scene as well as observations by witnesses of the death process is important for diagnostic reason.

The proof of the carotid lesion depends on the preparation of neck organs in artificial lack of blood. The histological analysis of stepwise taken slides of the carotid arteries above the bifurcation is informative. Most of all the insurances consider a death due to carotid sinus reflex as an accident; in criminal law this kind of death is regularly linked to strangulation; diagnostic decision criteria are presented."

Here is a link to read more about Pressure Point ST-09. Please be very cautious with one the top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points.

Pressure Point LV-13

Fifth and final of the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points is Pressure Point LV-13. Pressure Point LV-13 is located on the lateral side of the abdomen, below the free end of the 11th rib when the arm is bent at the elbow and held against the side. The point is roughly located at the tip of the elbow.

This can be a very dangerous pressure point as a solid strike can do a great amount of physical damage including rupturing the Spleen. However, it is an excellent pressure point for a body knockout, especially since GB-24 is usually also hit when the area is struck.

* Pressure Point LV-13

LV-13 is the Alarm Point for Spleen and also an Influential Pressure Point. Here is a link with more information on Pressure Point LV-13. Some great Dim Mak Pressure Points.

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Dim Mak is a fascinating martial art study. While history is not clear its importance cannot be disputed. I hope you enjoyed the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points

Nor for those who study and train in earnest, neither can the results. I have an oder article called Dim Mak vs Kyusho Jitsu which you may also enjoy checking out.

If you have any questions there is a form below you can submit them! I answer all questions personally in a timely manner. Much of the information for this article was taken from my Online Kyusho Jitsu Encyclopedia. This is the ultimate reference for all things Kyusho Jitsu and Dim Mak. 

Thank you for reading this article on the Top 5 Dim Mak Pressure Points.

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* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance Returns

Together we can
UNITE the Martial Arts World

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points
Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

* Dim Mak Vibrating Palm

Secrets of Kyusho Jitsu

Part Two - Dim Mak Vibrating Palm

All New eBook!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Correct Kyusho Angle And Direction. How Does This Work?

* Kyusho Angle and Direction

What is meant by correct Kyusho Angle and Direction? The subject is actually more in depth than the average Kyusho Jitsu student realizes. There are many different levels to this. On the surface, the first reference to this is in novice teaching. and that is simply that when attacking a pressure point you strike at a 45 degree angle using 2 Way Action

And at first that is really all you need to know. Doing this will get you a result. Next building upon this idea you teach the student about the different basic striking modalities. And this leads into the first of the 5 basic Kyusho Jitsu Principles. And I will build up this more as we go along here.

Stand and Fight

At first the student of Kyusho, learning the basics, is in a position were he or she will stand and fight. Therefore the idea of Kyusho Angle and Direction is very easy to learn. You are striking and not doing much moving. Many martial arts today because they are sport based have no issue the idea of standing in front of the attacker, in the conflict zone and exchanging blows.

However as one ages, and takes on damage this is a failed idea. Understanding this stage is important, and we do teach students wrong on purpose. Hence this must be evolved! However at this stage I will also teach Kyusho principle four, Body Mechanics

But most of all Body Mechanics is far more than just a principle of Kyusho Jitsu. It is one of the most important principles in all of martial arts. And this is the point in which your stances come into play. Martial arts goes from linear to more circular. You are taught stances in a linear fashion, but once you get to the next step you see stances completely differently. ALl this adds up to correct Kyusho Angle And Direction.

Importantly also, when a student does not go beyond this point in learning they quit and say pressure points do not work. This is because standing and fighting does not work, not because pressure points don't work.  You must have correct Kyusho Angle And Direction.

Kyusho Angle And Direction - Octagon movement

Secrets of the Octagon

Body mechanics that result from movement in the Octagon change everything. This becomes the ultimate of reaching correct Kyusho Angle and Direction. And this also opens up all the pressure points of the body, including the highly dangerous back pressure points

Teachings of the Octagon are part of the art of Kosho Shorie Ryu. I have been teaching this information to my kyusho students since day one. It is a cornerstone of my root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

My Dojo in Canada, Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute, actively teaching Kosho today and has done so for better than 20 years. It is part of all that we do there. Without correct Kyusho Angle And Direction you will fail in your results.

Kyusho Angle And Direction In Conclusion

Kyusho Angle and Direction CONCLUSION

The learning of Kosho Ryu and integrating the information into your root art takes it from a reactionary martial arts to a preparatory martial art.

Pressure Points are part of Kosho, and that knowledge was never removed. Most importantly here if you learn Kyusho Jitsu with Kosho, as I teach it also you become devastating. 

This is something I hope to bring to all Kosho students also. There will be information below to learn more about Kosho Ryu if you are interested. And read this new article on the World Budo Alliance website called Kosho and the Wolf

If you are new to pressure points, Kyusho Jitsu I have some FREE Kyusho Courses for you. Thank youf reading Correct Kyusho Angle And Direction.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

Thank you for Reading!

Thank you for your attention! If you enjoyed this article on correct Kyusho Angle And Direction. Please consider subscribing to new article notifications with the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point GB-10 Exactly how Dangerous is it?

* Pressure Point GB-10

Today I am going to discuss Pressure Point GB-10 [Gall Bladder] and exactly how dangerous this pressure point is. I have been doing this series of articles on different pressure points on the body for some time now. These have proven to be the most popular of my articles. Importantly the idea for today's article came as the form of a question from a student.

The question was is Pressure Point GB-10 a one shot knockout pressure point.

So let's get into this.

 Pressure Point GB-10 Location and Effects

Some of the links provided in this section of the article run to the Online Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu. This is a resource all serious Kyusho Jitsu students and instructors need. There is nothing like anywhere else!

Pressure Point GB-10 is posterior and superior to the mastoid process, in the middle of the curved line drawn from GB-09 to GB-11. The point is behind the ear on the squamosal suture which is the joint between the parietal bone and the temporal bone of the skull.

Striking will easily cause a knockout and disrupt motor functions. A hard strike can cause death. This pressure point is deadly mainly because of its location. Pressure Point GB-10 is what is called a brain shock pressure point. This area of the skull is very weak, and because of the angle of the strike can easily cause a concussion. 

This is also what is called a one shot knockout pressure point. Its location behind the ear is out of the line of vision which means that the brain cannot brace itself for the shock of the strike. Therefore a light hit will result in brain dysfunction, or a neurological reboot (knockout). My book Understanding Neurological Pressure Point Knockouts goes into depth on these one shot pressure points and how they work. 

A hard strike can easily cause serious damage to the skull including cracks and breaks. This will cause serious brain trauma, swelling and potential death. Pressure Points tend to be located at weak areas of the body (not always) which is one of many reasons for the predictable results.

Pressure Point GB-10 in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

The study of pressure points is an amazing journey! And one every martial artist should undertake.

Yesterday I had a question submitted via a web search asking "can pressure points hurt anyone regardless of fitness level?"

This is a good question, however it shows the lack of truth in the Western Culture today. Fitness and heath are not mutually inclusive. But the very corrupt fitness industry tries to conflate the two together. In this question a high level of fitness, muscle mass as an example, can help to disperse the energy from a strike. As an example a strike to the arm at LI-10

However this does not mean the organs are healthy. In fact most North America's because of the very unhealthy diets (protein powder in a can is crap) have issues with Large Intestine. Those who obsessively train without proper rest times also have a proclivity to heart issues. 

And the western cultures addiction to pharmaceuticals has devastated many people Livers. Prescription drugs today KILL more Americans than illegal drugs. This is because western medicine is about profit, not health. 

I should write an article on this entire subject really. However a martial artist who has mastered Kyusho Jitsu, and understands how the body works will see the sign of organ issues and attack the proper pressure points. So to answer the question directly. High fitness levels are irrelevant to the effects of pressure point strikes.

Thank you for taking time to read this article on Pressure Point GB-10.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

This is a MUST have Book

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for reading this article on Pressure Point GB-10! If you enjoyed the article consider using the Red Bell at the bottom to get notification of new articles.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

What is the Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection?

* Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection

What is the Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection? I have discussed this once before, and the article was called Hapkido Kyusho Jitsu Connection.  

This article began the process. And today I am going to finish it. Back in 2006 I registered a new martial art. An eclectic version of my original root art of Kuk Sul Hapkido.

Why did I do this? It was not for glory, or for rank. It was because what I was learning, and what I was teaching had evolved, changed to much.

And the reason was not Kyusho Jitsu! Kyusho is not a martial art. It is a system of learning about the neurological systems of the body, and then exploiting the bodies weakness. The reason was Kosho Shorei Ryu

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection

Kosho has a deep connection to Kyusho. Actually the connection is to Dim Mak which is the mother of Kyusho Jitsu. My first experience with pressure points was when my first Kosho Ryu teacher Shidoshi Buchan did a knockout on ST-01. 

Shidoshi did this after a seminar, while we were having some discussions (Bunkai) about the depth of study that is involved with Kosho.

This was my first look at the Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection.

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection: I integrated everything I learned about Kosho into my root art. We gutted our self defense systems and rebuilt them based on Kosho. I began my journey of Kyusho Jitsu during this time with Grand Master Steve Stewart. But as I was learning Kyusho, and adding pressure points to our self defense something magic happened. 

If I did the self defense from a Hapkido standpoint and added Kyusho I got a result that was decent. Depending on my Uke it sometimes worked, sometime did not. But if I did Kyusho from the Kosho Ryu, Natural Laws and the Octagon it ALWAYS WORKED

But at the time I was very focused on developing my teaching of Hapkido and Kyusho. I taught Octagon as part of my root art. Not as part of Kosho Ryu. Today I am viewing things in a different light.

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection

Kosho has pressure point study built into it. It is not something separate being added back in because it was missing. Upon my re-dedication to the study of Kosho Ryu I discovered this. Right now I am doing an intensive study of everything Hanshi Juchnik offers on the subject of Kosho Ryu. But no longer for the purpose of adding it to my root art.

But for the purpose of sharing it with the world. And this is important because Kosho is a complete martial art system. And today there are very few left. 

However with one difference. I am adding the intensive pressure point study to it! And I do this because I can. This will take the student to unbelievable level of precision also.

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection - Kosho Ryu

Kosho is a complete martial art. But anything static dies. Today many martial arts systems are no longer growing, developing.

This is a reason or for the high attrition rates especially with Black Belts. They get bored because learning stops.

MMA has a lifespan of, on average 18 months. The turn over is incredible. I have had students for over 20 years, and they are still learning.

Secrets of the Octagon

And to be honest Kosho was a major player in my retention rate. which is an important part of the Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection. 

Back a few years ago I began offering a Beginners Octagon Course. And this really is a beginners course. Octagon basics. It became very popular and so I added an advanced course. It is at about a brown belt level.  However, first I wrote a book on the subject, a book with a heavy Kyusho influence. 

I was asked to do a masters course, but decided instead to discontinue the beginners and advanced courses, and do it right. This has lead to the coming Kosho Shorie Ryu Instructor Course. I have also released a Mastering the Octagon book, which in many ways is an introduction to this course. 

If you are interested in the Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection have a look.

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection in Conclusion

Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection CONCLUSION

I spend several hours per day in study of Kosho right now. And it has been great. I learned a tremendous amount from Shidoshi Buchan and I am thrilled to continue.  

I believe it is time to bring back the traditional teachings. But not as something static. Something growing.

I hope you will consider joining me on this journey. Kosho will be my featured teachings at this time. And you do not teach Kosho without pressure points. Checkout my Wolf's Den Dojo Project if you have a moment. 

This is going to be an old world Dojo, taught in the old ways. It will not be open to public, nor will someone be able to drop in to see what I am doing there. It will be located in the mountains, far from any city. 

Thank you for reading Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection.

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* Kosho Skeletal Freeze Theory

Kosho Skeletal Freeze Theory

Part of Kosho Core Concepts Series

Control the Attackers ability to move

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escaping

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

* Introduction to Kosho Ryu

Introduction to Kosho Ryu

A Course in Natural Laws

For Beginners

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this article on Kyusho Kosho Ryu Connection. I hope you found it of value. If you wish you can subscribe to new articles and updates with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

The Art of Self Defense for the average man

* Art of Self Defense

The Art of Self Defense was created for the average man or woman. And this is what the majority of the martial arts from Asia were once about.

Yes there are certain arts that are more combat oriented than other. The sword arts being a prime example of this. But if we even look at the weapons from Okinawa they are farm implements.

Used by the average person. Not high end military hardware. Much has changed today, but is the for the best?

Art of Self Defense

I recall when I was driving around also 40 years ago looking for a teacher to begin my martial arts journey. I found Chung Oh;s School of Tae Kwon Do.

It was a Hapkido Tae Kwon Do blend. Competition based on TKD and self defense from Hapkido.

But it was something written on the sign that really caught my attention. It said "Learn the Art of Self Defense."

Back a few years ago I wrote an article called Martial Artists are Not Self Defense Experts.

And I think this is even truer today.  I rarely write self defense articles any longer, and I stopped doing any real promotion for my self defense system Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Art of Self Defense - Why you ask?

Because today people want a quick fix solution to an issue they are apathetic towards to being with. Martial Artists, the majority involved in sport martial arts today, believe that what they are doing is enough. That being a good right fighter is sufficient. 

Now I disagree 100 percent with all this. But who I am to disagree? Honestly a ring fighter is not the average person to being with. I am much more concerned about the general state of martial arts training. And what is being lost. And the art of self defense is one such part of the whole.

Art of Self Defense - True Martial Art

My root art of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido is a well developed art. And I still do teach self defense as an art form, not as a sport. Something that develops overtime. It is a path of learning not a destination. Today there are a lot of self defense systems. And that is fine. There are some good ideas within them that a seasoned martial artist can learn and add to their training. But sorry they are not a solution. You begin efficient as a teacher has nothing to do with your students outcome. That is modern day political BS.

But there is also a BIG problem with them. They are viewed as a means to an end!  And they are NOT. The truth is being able to "fight back" is an instinct not everyone has developed. The majority of people when attacked are paralyzed with FEAR.

These systems will not help them. 

Owning a GUN will not help them.  You must be disciplined enough to use it. Most people are not "yet" capable of fighting back! Those who teach these systems and brag about them being the "best" do not realize the persons they reference for success would have won anyway. With or without the system.  As an example my first teacher Master Philip Hollohan did not need any martial art to be dangerous. He was born a fighter. Martial Arts training made him a better person, and more efficient if he needed to defend himself. 

Art of Self Defense in Conclusion

Art of Self Defense CONCLUSION

In my opinion, for the martial arts to survive today, and not just become nothing but another sport, we need to look back at our roots.

If you are a fan of martial sport more power to you. I hope you are not trying to sell yourself as a self defense teacher also. 

I participated in martial sport for eight years and did well. But I am not a fan. I hope more people will develop a desire to see the art of self defense return.

 that they will rededicate their training towards this goal. In today's dystopian dangerous world we need a resurgence of true martial art training for the average man.

I hope you enjoyed Art of Self Defense. 

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kosho Crest

Kosho Ryu / Octagon

Learn and teach the art of Natural Laws called Kosho Ryu

The Art of Self Defense

If you are looking for a SOLID education in the movements and principles of the Octagon follow the link below and learn more.

This is must have information and will take your study of your root art to a new level!

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

Thank you for Reading!

I hope you enjoyed reading this article Art of Self Defense. It is one of about 3000 at this blog.

The majority being on the science of pressure points called Kyusho Jitsu. And please consider subscribing to new article notifications and updates with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners – Discover Pressure Points NOW

* Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners. This article I am going to lay out a path for those interested in learning Kyusho Jitsu, the science of pressure point self defense, so they can add this to their root art.

Therefore I will provide you with some very clear steps to help you begin the journey today!

I realized today with the wealth of FREE knowledge on this blog that I have never done this article before. 

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners

Now first this is beginning Kyusho Jitsu, to understand how to add the content learned to your root art (mine is Hapkido) then read this article called How to Add Pressure Points for Self Defense

People decide to learn Kyusho Jitsu for many reasons. Usually the first reason is they saw a Pressure Point Knockout at a seminar or on a video platform.

If you are looking for Kyusho Jitsu for beginners you are not yet ready for the knockout stage. Doing this too early is dangerous for your training partner (Uke)

Also you are like to become frustrated and stop the study. And this often leads to the student becoming a naysayer of Pressure Points because they did not want to do the work. That is all ego. I have been involved in the martial arts for almost 40 years, and over 20 of this in Kyusho Jitsu study. I am still learning!

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners Step One:

Step One is to sign up for my FREE 10 lesson Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course. And it is totally free with no obligation to do anything. If you click the button below it will open a new window and take you to the enrollment page.

There are 3 FREE courses there, but I suggest doing the first one, and leaving the others for later. It is very easy to become overwhelmed. Book mark the page for future reference. 

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners Step Two:

Grab my FREE Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook. This a free 100 page eBook in PDF format that will support the learning you are going. There are images, and information on all the content you need to know should you decide to pursue a Black Belt in Kyusho Jitsu

Some people do this, other are only interested in the information not rank. Bother are correct. Rank is essential if you wish to teach this at some point.  

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners Step Three:

You gotta do the study. Learning Kyusho Jitsu is in my opinion a calling. It is not for everyone! If you do not set aside some time daily to study you will not learn. And since martial arts is a disciple this should be easy. Even 15 minutes daily will get you there.

I offer an massive amount to free information, and some free videos and charts too. However I am not going to include them here. Why? Because they are embedded in this blog with all the other 250 plus articles. And step three is to read this blog! Here is a link to the main page!

I am going to make you do the work!

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners CONCLUSION

Thank you for reading Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners. I hope this cleared up some mysteries for you.

And I also hope you will join me in this journey. I can be contacted here at this page. I respond personally to all questions.

Depending on the day it can take some time. But it is almost always within 24 hours. I hope to work with you soon!

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This is for information ONLY, there is no obligation to join!

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

An In Depth Learning of Movement

Thank you for Reading Kyusho Jitsu for Beginners!

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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