Chance Favors the Prepared Mind, but are you prepared?

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind, but are you prepared? Back a few years ago I did an article with this name, and have since deleted it. Deleted it a while ago. But now I am going to readdress this again. 

Everything I do is based on martial arts and martial arts training. But I am battling with an industry that is very indoctrinated.  

And that makes me a rogue in the industry. And something I rarely see ANYWHERE in the world today is a prepared mind. It should be the norm in the martial art industry, but it is just as rare.

The Prepared Mind

The prepared mind is an open mind. One seeking knowledge always. The egotists mind always states it has all the answers, tell you what is knows. Yet it is obvious they have nothing of value to share.

I wrote an email back a while ago to students about excuses. The BIGGEST 2 excuses I get is first money. I have no money for this course. 

I recall one parent planning on taking his child out due to money concerns. He told me as he was sitting eating a meal from Tim Horton's. He spent about $50 per week with coffee and poison from these places, yet he had no money for his child. He added up what he wasted weekly and kept his son in class. 

The truth is the indoctrination camps of the west teach NO real skills for the world. Like money management and budgeting.  But rather teach bullshit and lies like "critical race theory." The USA is on fire and their government worries about who pees where. Not who is crossing the border, or the crimes of the "alleged" resident. 

No one is PREPARED. Ego run wild. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

If you as a martial artist believe your skills in a ring in sport will save you in real life, well good luck with this, we are not like minded in any way. Ring fighting, and I have done it for many years, is an adrenaline rush, and glory seeking. The skills do not transfer to real life.

Go watch Blood Sport again because that was all fantasy! Just like the actor. 

There is no room for ego on the street. Especially when you are now dealing with serious mentally ill and enable sociopaths who are determined to impose their belief system, based on fantasy on the world.

And if you do harm to one of the political classes "pets" you will go to jail permanently. Think about what happened January 6th and how many innocent people are locked up?

I watched that whole thing on cell phone streams and saw OAC wave people into the building. Is she is prison? She must have been one hell of a bar tender to get her job. And her crimes are vast including a zoom call to teenagers calling them to violence. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

The odds are against you, they always have been because nothing is as it seems to be. Therefore you must evolve your skills. First "escape" is the number one priority today. This brings me to excuse number two. "Too old" to learn something new. That simply means you do not want to.

And I am proof of this. I am in my mid 60's, legally blind, and have knee problems. But that does not stop me from doing anything. How? I made a decision to be prepared. My mind is prepared for any reality. I am learning a language at this age. Now at an intermediate stage also. 

And I am progressing in leaps and bounds. Age is an EXCUSE and a lie. From that email I had someone reply using both excuses. Well we are not like minded, so I cannot help him. I wish him good fortune!

Another person wrote me saying I needed to focus on self defense in my teachings. I guess he does not read or think about what I do. Self Defense has always been my focus. Whether it be pressure points on the street or the art of escape.

I think he believes one day I will give him a secret that will save him. I already did but he did not like it. Secret? TRAIN MORE AND LEARN MORE. 

Prepared Mind

The next thing, after escape is to take your martial arts training from reactionary to preparatory [prepared]. Martial arts taught today are all reactionary. That is why you are allowed to train in them. In a reactionary system you are always reacting to the attacker and hope for an opening to do something fight ending.

What happens most of the time is you get a beating if the opponent is seasoned at all. 

Reactionary is what is needed in sport. On the street you must have a preparatory system! And that is what I have been training in for the last 23 years of my 40 years in the arts.

Right now I am in the process of creating an video course to take reactionary martial arts to preparatory martial arts so they are prepared for today's street reality.  Change everything to make a prepared mind.

This will not change the style, only enhance it! 

Prepared Mind

This new video course Kosho Street Strategies will be perhaps the most comprehensive self defense related course ever produced for online purposes. It is about developing skills many people do not even realize they need. And in the modern time so "bat shit crazy" these skills are essential.

"Chance favors the prepared mind", but 99% are never prepared. 

There will be several contributors to this course also. One is Sensei Kara Borshuk who is a retired police officer. She served with the Ontario Provincial Police, the Windsor Police, but most importantly was a HOMICIDE investigator for the Detroit Police for about 20 years. She understands what actually happens on the streets and pulls no punches in talking TRUTH to power.

With her, Master Phil and I will have a town hall style video in which she is answer questions about the truth of the streets. A martial arts school owner herself today she knows what works and what does not. And as I preach and she concurs, reactionary training DOES NOT WORK. You will love this video!

She wrote an important article here a few years ago called the 13 Misconceptions of Knife Attacks.

But that is only one video in this massive master level course about taking any style of martial art from being reactionary to preparatory for the streets. Read about this course now from this link.  There is nothing more important on the street then a prepared mind. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind in Conclusion

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies: CONCLUSION

Complacency which is also apathy is death to any martial artists or their martial art. 

But it is human nature, or it seems to be, to be like this. I urge anyone reading this to expand your mind, expand your horizons. 

And to realize that "All knowledge is self knowledge" 

And that "chance favors the prepared mind."

Thank you of reading Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.


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Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Specialized Training for Violent Times

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

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Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

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