Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study: I have been teaching Kyusho Jitsu for a long time now. But in reality I have not stopped learning. As Bruce Lee said "All knowledge is self knowledge" and I am only pointing the way to understanding for those interested.
What I can do with pressure points is really of no value to you. It is what you can do with them that matters.
All I am is a medium for information for to you. and a key to Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study.
We live in a very odd time in history, one in which you are told "trust the experts." This is in my view, a criminal LIE. Why should I trust what anyone says? Stop talking and show me you are right! The "experts" authoritarian attitude shows everything.
Sorry, but I look into everything and make up my own mind. And anyone who tells me the above is a crook in my view. And I call bullshit when I see it too!
I present a ton of pressure point information on this blog, and I hope you find it of value. But I want you to take the information and make it work for you! The fact I can do a knockout on pressure point SP-11 means nothing. It is my job to give you the information and inspiration to do this yourself.
None of my courses are about me. They are not pretty, they are just about real working information. In my opinion showing off is pathetic.
Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study - Secrets to Researching
Anyone who talks about life being easy is selling something. To make Kyusho Jitsu work, for Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study, you must do the work. And all those clowns on social media saying Kyusho is fake are doing so because they are either too stupid to understand pressure points, or too lazy and egotistical to do the work. And I hope these failures find me offensive also.
Doing the work means not just an intellectual understanding, but also working with a training partner or UKE. And as many different ones as possible. In other words I do not want you to believe me! I want you to do the work for yourself.
People need to get out of this idea of instant gratification. That is a 1000 percent lie.
Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study
Some who study are interested in rank, many are not. Either is correct. The martial arts world fusses far to much about rank like it is something sacred. This again is all ego. For some people this is a very motivational subject. I was once that way also. But I have been "danned" so many times I have no interest any longer.
I speak little of my rank. And the "grand master" title was something I accepted once I became a grand father. For me it means head of the family. However if rank is what someone is looking for, I am there to support you. I just want you to do the work.
Martial art study is a lifetime journey and we never arrive. While I am not in favor of style jumping, learning about other arts and what they have to offer is mind expanding. But not without a solid base. In my Dojo you had to be a Black Belt to study Kyusho Jitsu.
And in order to obtain a 4th Dan in my system of Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido you had to be a 1st Dan Black Belt in Kyusho Jitsu. I also encouraged at the level of 3rd Dan to train in some other art also. Many of my people got involved in Modern Arnis with Master Ken Smith. Others focused on the Hapkido Cane.
Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study - In Conclusion

Successful Kyusho Jitsu Study comes from dedication on training and learning. And it is an epic journey! I still learn things about Kyusho. And I am over 20 years of intense focus on the subject. Plus now I am seeing how it exists naturally in many of the complete martial arts systems like Kosho Shorie Ryu and Aikido to name two.
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