All posts by Grand Master Art Mason

The Power of the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle

* Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle: The Yin-Yang Symbol is one of the most misunderstood symbols we have today. It is very old and is taken only on a very superficial level by most martial arts teachers and even many spiritual masters. For years I thought I understood it!

But today I am constantly realizing how much there is to it! One of the issues of course with something this old is translations. Translations can be very self serving for the translator. So let's look at the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle and symbol.

But we see that all the time. So today lets take a deeper look. But this is only going to be the tip of the iceberg!

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle - Meaning

If you have ever been in a room with me you will know I have a Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle & symbol with some Chinese writing on my arm. I did this many years before I had any clue of what they symbol meant. I also used it as part of my school crest. The reason I used it was first the symbol was and is public domain. And it also symbolizes balance. I was asked once by an old woman in China Town Toronto if I understood it. From my explanation it was obvious I did not. 

However when it comes to understanding the Yin-Yang Symbol that is like saying the sky is blue!

Many years ago I studied to some extent the religions of the world. Often time when people do this come back believing nothing. That was not the case with me. It caused me to search more for truth. It also made me see the many lies about the ancient civilizations and the things we have been told about them.  They were far more advanced then we have been told! But that is for another time. 

Often times the Yin-Yang Symbol is looked at as opposites. There is truth in this. It does superficially represent the duality of existence. Example of this are:

  • Yin - Negative - Yang -Positive
  • Dark - Light
  • Right - left
  • Up - down

I know you get the idea. But in truth they are not really opposites because as an example there is no pure good, or pure evil. now religion will argue with me on that. However they do not actually have an argument! 

The world, the universe is a cycle. Good travels and finds evil, evil faces redemption and leads to good. 

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle Symbol - The Principle 

One of the most important of the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu is the Principle of Attack using Yin and Yang. This is one of my personal favorite principles because it works on everyone!  The 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle is divided into Yin-Yang pairs. And you will not there are always 2 like pairs together. 

Why is that?

Because opposites do not attract! Like attracts like. And this is a law of nature. Here is where someone will say "like poles of a magnet repel each other." In actually this is not what is happening. Putting like poles of a magnet together is like trying to separate the Yin-Yang itself. It cannot be done because you are trying to stop the energy flow! One cannot exist without the other.

Even the way in which the symbol itself sits has an affect. I talked about this in my Esoteric Kyusho Jitsu Video Series, and it will be a MAJOR part of the Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Project. The power of the Yin-Yang Symbol and what it represents cannot be over looked!

Below is a short video linking the Yin-Yang Principle to Body Mechanics

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle Symbol - The Principle 

One of the most important of the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu is the Principle of Attack using Yin and Yang. This is one of my personal favorite principles because it works on everyone!  The 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle is divided into Yin-Yang pairs. And you will not there are always 2 like pairs together. 

Why is that?

Because opposites do not attract! Like attracts like. And this is a law of nature. Here is where someone will say "like poles of a magnet repel each other." In actually this is not what is happening. Putting like poles of a magnet together is like trying to separate the Yin-Yang itself. It cannot be done because you are trying to stop the energy flow! One cannot exist without the other.

Even the way in which the symbol itself sits has an affect. I talked about this in my Esoteric Kyusho Jitsu Video Series, and it will be a MAJOR part of the Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Project. The power of the Yin-Yang Symbol and what it represents cannot be over looked!

Below is a short video linking the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle to Body Mechanics

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle - Trinity not Duality

Only from a very superficial viewpoint can the Yin-Yang Symbol be looked at as a duality. It in fact is a trinity. It represent the extremes and the subsequent balance.  And it is represented by math also. Specifically the numbers 3, 6 and 9.

Quantum Kyusho Jitsu & Yin Yang Theories

You can see here in this image the numbers representing each part. Do you see anything else? The position of the numbers? 

This is important and powerful information!

Duality and the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle

There is also a very important meaning and learning when it comes to the Yin Yang Theory and life itself. Today we are living in a world of extreme chaos. This is a sever Yin state. Life, a good life, requires balance. And yes you can life a life of balance in a world of extreme chaos.

I am writing a book called the Power of the Kyusho Yin Yang Theory. This book is not just a Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point book but a book about life in general. Check it out if you are interested. Let's finish up for now with the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle.

Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

It will beyond the scope of a blog post to explain all this! It really requires a video or a book! Perhaps both! The 3 numbers and the math they represent are very complex. And there are no other numbers like 3,6 and 9. Nikola Tesla stated these numbers are the key to everything and after much research I see his point! 

Now you can certainly begin to research all the information I have on the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle & Symbol. If you would like to learn more about Quantum Kyusho Jitsu follow this LINK. And if you have any questions on the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle use the form below to ask!

And thank you for reading about the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle.

Have a Kyusho Question? 

Please use the form belowto ask any questions you may have. I reply within the day.

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Pressure Points on the Body

15 Principle of
Kyusho Jitsu
Video Series

Epic video series detail everything you need to know about each of the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Yin-Yang Symbol

Yin / Yang Workshop in Canada

Now is a great time to discover more about the Principle of Yin Yang!

Take a look at my workshop video from Canada done several years ago for my advanced Kyusho class. Fantastic low price for the times too!

Thank you for Reading !

Thank you for reading this article on the Kyusho Jitsu Yin-Yang Principle. I hope you enjoyed it. If you would like to be informed about new articles here please use the Red Bell in the corner to subscribe.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense

* 5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense

What are the 5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense?  In fact most of what is being taught is dead wrong! It is based on the things people see in movies, therefore making it dangerous beyond belief. There is nothing wrong with practicing fancy gun disarms, and other techniques. However to think they apply to real life is fool hearty at best! 

Back a few years ago I posted an article on the 13 Misconceptions of Knife Attacks. This article told the truth from a expert in the field. Today we will look at a different aspect, GUNS. Share these articles! They may help save a life!

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense

This is a NO WIN. It is ONLY about survival, not being a hero!

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense #1

The first of the 5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense is the idea that you are somehow going to disarm the attacker and not get yourself or someone else shot! Back in the mid 90's my first instructor had his variety store robbed at gun point. He very famously disarmed the robber when he saw an opening to do so. 

So why am I saying you cannot disarm a gunman? The ONLY reason my instructor was not shot was because the safety was still engaged on the firearm. Otherwise he would have had a hole in him. One thing to understand about this is, that if you have not been shot there is ONLY one reason! The gunman has not decided to kill you yet! The gunman is holding all the cards, you have none!

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense #2

If you grab the gun it won't go off! While there are some firearms this may be true for don't be foolish! It takes very little pressure to squeeze a trigger and the odds are no matter how fast you are you will be shot!

This is a VERY serious situation and you are not in a position to "see what works." The ONLY priority you need to have is to get out alive and survive!

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense #3

"The gun will recoil upward and so I can duck." While there is logic in this idea there is a lot to be considered! If the assailant misses you the bullet is likely to hit someone else who could be behind you! The object is to end this and escape without the gun going off so that the police can then deal with it. Plus, he can still shoot!

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense

This gun would have fired long before it got to this position. If it did not kill you then it will kill anyone in the way!

This is FOOLISH!

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense #4

"If I disarm them I can use the gun." Yeah, well NO you cannot. If by some miracle you disarm the attacker and get the gun you legally become the attacker! This ideal is pure Hollywood and therefore a pile of CRAP

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense #5

"I can fight back if the bullet does not hit a major organ" Yeah again NO. The moment the bullet enters or even grazes the body you will go into shock! You will not then begin to be able to fight back! Plus there will be a large loss of blood! The object is only to keep the gunman from shooting!

These are all really common sense. However common sense is not very common these days! So let's look at some logical ways to deal with things.

5 Misconceptions about Gun Defense - Solutions

The first step in this scenario is to understand if you have not been shot it is because the gunman has not decided yet to kill you! This is where your skills at de-escalation are paramount! You do train in deescalation right? You cannot talk someone down from this position, but you can find out what they want and do your best to give it to them! 

Back in 2010 I had an incident I came out of OK because all they wanted was money. Had I tried to be a "hero" it could have gone very bad, very fast! I tossed the money to one side of the attacker, and I went the other way. This ended the conflict. There is more to the story then this, however time contains do not permit me going into it in great details. 

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

The only opportunity you are looking for is escape! Then allow the police to do their jobs and deal with this!

Question: Have you ever been in a life or death high escalation situation? If yes please comment below and tell us about it! This kind of information will help others be safe.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Use the form below to submit your inquiries!

Ask you question here.

* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

Together we can UNITE the
Martial Arts World!

Free Membership and Dojo Listing!

*Kosho Ryu Book of Cane
Kosho Series Books

Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

All new book taking Hapkido Cane Defense to a new level. Based on the Natural Laws of motion and the Octagon.
Don't Miss this one!

Humane Pressure Point Tactics

Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

3 Levels of Self Defense Training

This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

Have a GREAT Day.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Understanding Pressure Point Science. What is the best method?

Understanding Pressure Point Science

What do I mean by Understanding Pressure Point Science? First we need to define what science really is! It has nothing to do with main stream science today as this is no longer science but almost a religion! 


  • 1 n. The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.
  • 2 n. Such activities restricted to a class of natural phenomena.
  • 3 n. Such activities applied to an object of inquiry or study.
  • Understanding Pressure Point Science

    Recently TV star Neil degrasse Tyson made the comment "I am not a professional skeptic I am a scientist!"

    Well actually no, you are preacher because science is all about skepticism! 

    Neil degrasse Tyson is a SHILL

    Above is the real, correct meaning of the word. And today it is very important to use words with their correct meanings!

    Now the reason I bring up the above is because the science of pressure point self defense is all about asking questions, doing study and research. It is also about seeing what works and what does not work. And then looking for the results to be replicated with as high a percent as possible!

    This is what Understanding Pressure Point Science is about!

    Understanding Pressure Point Science

    There are many different levels of study when it comes to Kyusho Jitsu. As with any other kind of study. If you wish to advance you must do the work! For the beginners level there is a 10 Day Free Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course people can take. It is free for a reason! This gives the opportunity to try out real information and then see for themselves what works and what does not. 

    So how do I approach these teachings? I do so from a combination of eastern medicine and western medicine. Both side explain very well how things work, just from a different approach!

    What kinds of things do you learn in this Understanding Pressure Point Science? First there are 5 Basic/Novice Principles that are covered along with anatomy!

    You will develop a great understanding of how the human body works and how to disrupt its functions. 

    Understanding Pressure Point Science

    As you advanced you will develop skills in a total of 15 Principles! These 15 Principle of Kyusho Jitsu are the cornerstone of study and the path to understanding Pressure Point Science! 

    Understanding Pressure Point Science in Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    So what do we do in the science? The first step is to learn, and of course memorize the principles and other concepts.

    Next you take that information on to the Dojo training floor and begin to apply it! At first for most people this is a challenge. 

    Learning anything new is always a challenge! This is because at first we have doubts about what we are doing.  But over time these doubts will fade and your work will show progress!

    Also remember too, that is science is not a destination but a journey! This is something forgotten today! When you sincerely do the work, you will always get a result! Thank you for reading Understanding Pressure Point Science!

    Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

    Ask you question here.

    10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

    Follow the link below to learn more about the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense Video Course! An amazing video course!

    The Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Project

    I am a fortunate man as I can focus on my passion full time. This allows me to explore and do real research that many cannot do because of job constrains, family and time.

    I do not fall into that category and can do what I love for a living.

    Quantum Kyusho Jitsu & Yin Yang Theories

    Therefore I often come up with and test new ideas and theories. And these lead to other ideas and theories.

    At first for me it was the idea of something I called Meridian Theory. The concept that you really did not have to focus on pressure points as much as you do the meridian pathways. Then with this understanding I began to add my study of the ancient secrets of the Octagon to it. 

    it was from here that the idea of Quantum Kyusho Jitsu was born! The first step was then to create a video to give people a basic understanding of the foundational theories of Quantum Kyusho Jitsu. This was released back in June 2018 to rave reviews! I even was asked to teach it at the Romanian Martial Arts Training Camp!

    You can learn more about the Introduction to Quantum Kyusho Jitsu from this link!

    Then one morning not too long ago I awoke with an idea, a theory. I began to make notes and the idea for Quantum Kyusho Jitsu 360 was born! 

    Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Project

    And thus begins a new leg of the journey of understanding Pressure Point Science I am calling the Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Project! Below are 2 links.

    The first will take you to the Quantum Kyusho Jitsu Project page where you can learn more and signup for a special mailing list with project updates. The second is to Quantum Kyusho Jitsu 360 with all the information on that all new upcoming video! This is truly a revolution in Kyusho Jitsu Study and Research! And this leads to an understanding Pressure Point Science. 

    High Level Kyusho Study

    Thank you for reading understanding Pressure Point Science! If you enjoyed this article on Pressure Point Science please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom. 

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

    Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

    Al vostru în arte,
    Mare Maestru Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    The Kyusho Jitsu Mindset the Art of an Open Mind

    Kyusho Jitsu Mindset

    What is the Kyusho Jitsu Mindset?  Well it tends to be very, very different from the mindset of the average martial artist.

     Especially in today's world. Martial Arts study is supposed to be a journey of not just physical movement but true understanding of the mind, body and spirit.

    Today it is more about how much money you can win in the MMA/UFC circuits, how famous you can become and who's face you can punch in.

    Sadly in much of the martial arts world today ego rules! But for the real martial arts students, and we are all students regardless of rank, it is about learning, developing and a strong code of ethics. 

    So what is a Kyusho Jitsu Mindset?

    The Kyusho Jitsu Mindset - Learning

    The first part of this mindset is being eager to learn! Now I see a lot of this at first in the study. But over time this can dwindle off. Do people lack motivation these days?

    Yes that is certainly part of it! Also many students want an instant result, without putting in the time and effort. Sorry life does not work like that! It never has! And no matter who says the opposite, they are just plain wrong.

    There can never be a world with equality of outcome. All that idea does is promote laziness, shiftlessness and a broken society. So put that garbage from your head!  It is a lie told to you by the corrupt! [Politicians]

    Life needs to have meaning, and meaning comes from getting off your butt and doing something.

    OK, now it is well known that Kyusho Jitsu in already present, or part of every traditional martial arts system. It was just excluded from the teaching of many of the masters of old! The reason can be many! Perhaps it is because of WWII, or even that the Asian cultures just never liked the behavior of the Western Martial Arts mentality. 

    The Kyusho Jitsu Mindset

    Kyusho Jitsu Mindset - Self Development

    Martial arts training and Kyusho Jitsu study is a journey of the "self." It is the most selfish of endeavors! Now also as part of learning, self development requires you put your ego aside, admit you don't do not know anything about anything, and open your mind for learning! Without that you will fail, and you will fail at just about every aspect of life too! 

    "The only true wisdom is know you know nothing." Socrates

    Kyusho Jitsu Mindset - Ethics

    Next we must all have a code to live by. Grand Master Joon Rhee was famous for saying that "martial arts without a code of ethics is brutality." And this is another GREAT truth! 

    Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute

    The Tenets of My Dojo

    • I develop myself physically and mentally based on the martial art spirit.
    • And I will only fight to protect my life and the lives of others.
    • Also, I achieve my fullest potential in developing knowledge honesty and strength.

    There cannot be a mindset of "trolling" like we see so often! The Bullshido people make me think of this! I know many martial artists love there work, but why?

    Do you really need some group to tell you how to think? And that is what they are trying to do! They are an insult to the intelligence of every martial artist in the world. There mission is to show you how much they "think" they know, and how stupid you are and that YOU need them!

    "This is "bull" that is "fake" and we know because this is our opinion!"

    Do you see a problem with this alleged way of thinking? I don't need any group of self appointed experts in ANY field in life who think it is their job to ridicule what people do, or tell them what to think!

    This is a major reason society is the mess it is! Media like Facebook and CNN telling people what their opinions and thoughts should be! Pathetic really. Whenever I see this kink of behavior I know the company in question lacks "ethics". Facebook is a prime example as now the truth of what they are doing is coming out. Yet they, and CNN are 2 of the best finger pointers in the industry!

    In Conclusion

    Do you have the Kyusho Jitsu Mindset?
    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    What do you think? Do you have the Kyusho Jitsu Mindset? If not are you willing to develop it? The science of pressure point self defense can and will take the effectiveness of your root martial art to new heights! 

    Tell me by commenting here

    Do you have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

    Use the form below to ask.

    Ask you question here.

    Get your Kyusho Black Belt!

    Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Courses

    How would you like to EARN your 1st Dan Black Belt in the science of pressure point self defense?

    The the Kyusho Home Study Course just maybe what you are looking for! 

    Hapkido Home Study Courses

    Beginners course in the eclectic root art of Grand Master Art Mason called Hon San Mu Sa Hapkido. These are Black Belt Certification Courses

    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

    Thank you and have a great day!

    Yours in the arts,
    Grand Master Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles for Beginners. When you Understand this you get Amazing

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles for Beginners

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles: Kyusho Jitsu is a challenging study! You need someone to guide you through the process and actually answer the questions you have. You do not need someone to tell you that you are not ready for something. "If the student can ask the question they are ready for the answer" always holds true! So today let's take a look at the Top 3 Kyusho Principles for Beginners.

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles #1

    The first Principle I am going to talk about is one that everyone "thinks" they understand! However they rarely ever do! And I have since released a FREE way to learn this principle in a detailed video!  

    Since then dozen have come to me and said "I had not idea it was so important!" What is this #1 Principle? The Cycle of Destruction!

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles

    Understanding the Depth of the Cycle of Destruction is "key" to Kyusho Jitsu success!

    Watch a FREE video here. This video is about 40 minutes long, and gives you everything you need to know. But 1 of 5 students never finish it! And they wonder why their Kyusho is mediocre.

    Follow THIS LINK and get a FREE copy of my Cycle of Destruction Video

    This critical principle begins very simply with the memory work. However it expands to become a deeply rooted theory with amazing power! Now some people do not teach any of this any longer. Have you ever wondered why? In my new video RMATC RAW which is the recording of the Romanian Martial Arts Training Camp from this July, I go into great details on this principle of Cycle of Destruction.

    Plus I also share some "secrets" which many will not share! Check it out below!

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles #2

    The second principle of the Top 3 Kyusho Principles is Yin/Yang. This is another very simply looking principle with amazing powers! So what does this idea have to teach us? 

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles - Yin - Yang

    Well contrary to what people like to think opposites do not attract. Why is that? Because they are inseparable to begin with! As an example if you wipe out all the men on the planet, the human race will soon become extinct along with it. And no science will stop this! The same for female! One cannot exist without the other. 

    And today once again there are many instructors who no longer teach it! But the big issue is that Kyusho Jitsu is not a plug and play system. 

    The more the student understands, the more questions they ask and get answered, the better they are going to do! At the Romanian Martial Arts Training Camp I taught in detail an important aspect of this Principle of Yin-Yang. That aspect is "female" and "male" energies! It will blow your mind!

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles #3

    At the RMATC I taught so much information. The attendees kept saying the same thing. "I love how you hold nothing back!"  Top 3 Kyusho Principles #3 is not a normal principle. Rather it was the theme for the seminar. That is learning, understanding and using angles with Kyusho Jitsu. This is a MAJOR part of what Quantum Kyusho Jitsu is all about!

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles

    Being able at some point in time to look at Kyusho Jitsu from a mathematical prospective is imperative.

    And angles allow this! Now this may be being referred to as "Top 3 Kyusho Principles for Beginners" however all principles have foundational roots!

    The earlier you begin to understand something the better off you are! 

    Top 3 Kyusho Principles in Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    So tell me, how far down the Kyusho Jitsu Rabbit hole do you want to go?

     Like I have said I teach the "secrets" and "tricks or cheats" to make the science of pressure point self defense EFFECTIVE for all those who sincerely study! 

    As you can tell I am promoting the RMATC RAW video! And the reason is that is is an excellent source of information for you! And a NEW low price too!

    Plus for he price and the amount of information you cannot go wrong! have you attend any seminars where the Principles of Kyusho Jitsu were taught? Thank you for reading Top 3 Kyusho Principles. 

    Have a Kyusho Question? 

    Use the form below to submit any questions.

    Ask you question here.

    * World Budo Alliance

    World Budo Alliance is Back!

    Together we can UNITE the
    Martial Arts World!

    Free Membership and Dojo Listing!

    15 Principles Plus One of Kyusho Jitsu

    Get on the path to master the 15 Principles of Kyusho Jitsu from this epic eBook. A complete breakdown of Kyusho Principles from Beginner to Advanced Levels, and then a detail explanation of the "16th" Principle of Alarm Points. Click the link below to learn more now.

    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

    Thank you for reading Top 3 Kyusho Principles! If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

    Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

    Al vostru în arte,
    Mare Maestru Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    Kyusho Jitsu Down Block. What is the Real Purpose?

    Kyusho Jitsu Down Block

    The Kyusho Jitsu Down Block mechanically is the very same as any arts down or low block. But there is a a big difference in how it functions compared to the traditional interpretation. 

    To the average person seeing the block their thoughts will go to the idea that they are blocking a front kick. Therefore this is what most people think when they hear the term or see the block.  However the Kyusho Jitsu Down Block has a very different interpretation!

    Kyusho Jitsu the science of pressure point self defense exists in every martial art. It is an advanced part of all arts. However after WWII in particular the arts began to become watered down for consumption in the west.

    Below is the traditional pattern Chon Ji from the International Tae Kwon Do Federation. Basic Kata with several Down or Low Blocks.

    Kyusho Jitsu Down Block

    Kyusho Jitsu Down Block

    As you can see this is a nice clean simple beginners pattern. It is very easy to see how someone would assign a down block as being to stop a front kick. The trick is to begin to see other things within the limits of the Kata, then to learn to apply them.  So now let's take a look at a different Kyusho Jitsu Down Block interpretation.

    As you can also see when the interpretation is done correctly there is no wasted motion! Now this is only one Kyusho Jitsu Down Block interpretation. 

    What is the basis for interpretation?

    First you need to understand that Kata is not a performance or a dance. This is a modern day idea used because of how sport oriented the martial arts have become. In their true form Kata is a representation of "battle" with many, most of the techniques within being "DEADLY."

    You also need to understand the anatomy of an attack. There are ONLY 3 attacks possible and it is the escalation level that is different. 

    Beyond that the weapon used is what changes. These are as follows.

    • 1
      Push - Someone comes up and pushes you.
    • 2
      Grab - The attacker will grab clothing, arms etc to stabilize and intimidate you.
    • 3
      Punch - when the attack comes to blows. The use of a weapon is the same as a punch because "impact" is the intent.

    The Kyusho Jitsu Down Block - No Blocks!

    The next thing you need to understand is that the word "block" is a BAD interpretation from the language of the root of the martial art trained in. There are NO BLOCKS only strikes. The brain will by reflex block someone come at it.  No training required.

    It is instinct to either move out of the way or use the arms to protect. This does not need to be taught. Using a "down block" for a kick is like using a screw driver to change your babies diaper. 

    Unless you are targeting something on the leg, like GB-31 as an example.

    Here is an example of "bad translations or understanding."

    My original Grand Master instructor, Mr Chung Oh was from Korea. While his English was OK, it was not great. In our foundation floor exercises he had an move called. Double Palm Downward Block, done in "back-horse." 

    For years this was called "back-horse." It was his accent, he was saying "backwards."

    GM Oh was an amazing martial artist and instructor. He passed several years ago now. He is always remembered.

    * Grand Master Chung W Oh

    But because people do not ask questions, and consider these men to be "Gods" things are taken at face value, and therefore often misunderstood! And the "Double Palm Downward Block" was not a block at all, but a strike to the spine of someone trying to take you to ground, attacking the Associated Alarm Points and Governor Vessel. Done correctly the attacker would NEVER walk again.

    Do you see how much has been missed?

    In Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    I do not teach Kata Interpretation, or technique interpretation the way most martial arts instructors do it.  The reason is that just "showing" someone what a movement can translate to or mean does not program the brain to use it. Instead I lead the student to see the meaning themselves!

    Are there movement in your martial art or Kata you are wondering about? Leave a comment and I will help to lead you to the see the answer!

    And if you would like to learn more about just how to do this. Follow THIS LINK now to my Kata Interpretation Course!

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    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

    Thank you for taking the time to read!

    Have a great day!

    Yours in the arts,
    Grand Master Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar. How to advance your understanding.

    Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar

    Learning Kyusho Jitsu is almost a calling. Once you begin to see the way things work you want more and more. I know once I attended my first Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar I was hooked.

    I could not wait for the next opportunity to attend again! But sometimes the seminars are not what they are supposed to be! And that can be an issue.

    A Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar should be a learning experience! It should NOT be a venue for an instructor to book his next seminar! Yes we all hope that happens! But it does not happen as a result of putting on a demonstration, it comes from taking curious people and turning them into students!

    Over the years I have traveled and taught many seminars. No where near as many as some of the high profile names. But with time I will get there! However the one difference I have heard time and time again is that I "really teach" the stuff! And this is very true! My focus is leaving students with things that can use afterwards. Not just showing them how good I am, but how good they can be!

    Benefits of a Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar

    Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar

    For the school owner, the person hosting the seminar there must be a BIG benefit in doing so! I know one instructor in the USA who hosted a seminar with a very famous martial artists, and out of respect I will not say who as he has passed on, but it cost him students. The reason? A massive ego walking in the door of his Dojo, and a HUGE price tag causing disappointed students. That cannot happen!

    The school owner or host is putting money on the line to do this! Yes he or she is looking for some financial gain, and this should happen. The event naturally needs to be well promoted! 

    But when the presenter does the job correctly, giving a real learning experience the host benefits even more! 

    Why is that? The excitement caused by the Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar motivates students to come to class and train harder! This was how i build a school in Canada of so many adult Black Belts who stay and don't quit!

    Back in 2018 I did a seminar in Brasov Romania called the RMATC or Romanian Martial Art Training Camp.  This was a small intimate group of students from all over the world. Below is an excerpt from that Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar. 

    Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar in Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    I cannot of stress the benefits of a Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar when it is actually a teaching experience and not a show!

    Right now I am going to give you a chance to get a copy of that exclusive seminar I presented back in July 2018.

    Here is a link where you can get a 4 video set of RAW footage from this 3 day seminar! Follow the link below and learn more! Thank you for reading Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar.

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    Kyusho Jitsu Video Learning Library

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    Are you Serious About Learning Kyusho Jitsu?

    If you really are serious you need quality instructional information! What does quality mean? This means "real" information that is presented in a way that is easy for you to learn, understand and apply!

    Anything else is a waste of your time! So, right now for reading this post I am going to give you something to help you FREE. If you will out the form below, confirm you email address I am going to give you a copy of the 1st eBook / Video in my Kyusho Master's Series on Sound and Colour. Don't wait! grab it now!


    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

    Thank you for reading this article on Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar. Don't forget to join us at the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance. Membership is FREE

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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    Al vostru în arte,
    Mare Maestru Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    A Martial Artist is NOT a Self Defense Expert

    Self Defense Expert

    I am going to upset a few people today, but a Martial Artist is NOT a Self Defense Expert! In fact most know little to nothing about the topic. They pretend to because they either won a few street fights in their day or some tournaments. Sorry guys, self defense is not the same thing! Now a martial artist can be a self defense expert, but this requires a different type of training and knowledge!

    Now I am not saying that these men and women cannot fight, that is an entirely different subject, with almost no relationship between them.

    Self Defense Expert - The Fight

    I have great respect for fighters. I was an amateur boxer in my youth as well as a full contact and point style TKD fighter. However I discovered one day when I got into a situation I could not handle that there was a big difference between the 2! Yes it did have a lot to with physical skills, but much more of it was mental or psychological than anyone realizes. 

    * Right to Self Defense

    Sample #1:

    You are in a bar with your "significant other" and a problem arises with another person there. Words are exchanged perhaps because you choose to defend the honor of the person you are with. So you take it outside! Depending on whether there are drugs and or alcohol involved the average martial artist will do very well here. But this is a FIGHT. There will be a winner and a loser, because their ego dictates there must be one! And no one is trying to kill the other, at least not in this scenario!

    Sample #2

    A man is stationed at a military base that comes under attack via ground forces. Without a weapon in his hand he defeats and kills an attacker. This is not self defense, this is combat. In the real world he would likely succeed in most self defense situations. However he will likely end up charged with at least manslaughter and end up with prison time for excessive force. 

    There is also a difference in the psychology of the attacker. In a military or combat situation the attacker is expecting a problem with the defender. On the street the attacker has chosen a victim! 

    Sample #3

    You are walking out of the movies with your wife and child. 2 guys approach you and demand your money. As you are about to comply, becasue you are smart the situation turns violent. You must SURVIVE not win, and protect your wife and child. You were chosen because you appeared to be easy. And with the right kind of training, both mentally and physically you could survive this! But not if you think the championship you won last year, or your knife fight training will help you.

    This is a different UNIVERSE and it is not even a parallel one!

    A Martial Artist is NOT a Self Defense Expert

    Self Defense Experts - The Real Deal

    Do I consider myself a self defense expert? That is a yes and no answer. I am still training and researching to discover the truth of our every changing world and the violence issues we face. They are not the same ones we faced 5 years ago even. Therefore while I am adept, I do not like the word expert. 

    Can anyone be a self defense expert? It depends on several different things.

    1. Unless you have never been robbed, or attacked on the street it is pretty hard to relate to the situation. You need to have experienced the adrenaline when this happens
    2. You must be trained in a system that focuses on simple and solid movements. It ain't Hollywood and Bruce Lee's movies were pretend. 
    3. You need to research situations with people who have been there. Learn how they did, what they did and how they survived the threat!

    This is the beginning, getting on the path to becoming a self defense expert. But the lessons never end.

    Self Defense Expert in Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    Self Defense Expert: Becoming proficient at self defense or becoming an expert is a no ending journey. Situations change constantly and we must develop our skills accordingly!

    Have you ever been in a life or death situation? Leave a comment and tell me about the experience!

    Thank for reading Self Defense Expert. This is an important article.

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    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

    * Kosho Ryu Book of Cane
    Kosho Series Books

    Kosho Ryu Book of Cane

    All new book taking Hapkido Cane Defense to a new level. Based on the Natural Laws of motion and the Octagon.
    Don't Miss this one!

    Humane Pressure Point Tactics

    Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

    3 Levels of Self Defense Training

    This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

    Also if you are concerned about learning as much as possible about self defense read the 13 Misconception of Knife Attacks and the 5 Misconceptions of Gun Defense!

    If you have any questions please comment below in the comments section. Questions asked in public help everyone! Don't be shy! Questions are the stepping stone to excellence!

    Thank you for reading Self Defense Expert once again. Remember to checkout the KJWA website and become a member! It is FREE! And you can use the Red Bell below to subscribe to new articles.

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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    Al vostru în arte,
    Mare Maestru Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes. How to Shock the Central Nervous System

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes: What is Kyusho Jitsu and it is simply just nerve strikes? The science of pressure point self defense is complex, so if it is really just nerve strikes then why is it not simple? The reasons are many and I will go into some of them right now.  

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes & Striking Action

    The first part of this story is to talk about Striking Action. Just hitting something hard does not always yield the desired results! If hitting hard was the "final" answer then boxing matches and MMA fights would be over in seconds. But they last a very long time! The real object is to hit correctly! 

    This requires some special training and understanding the principles of power vs force! They are not the same thing! Here is an article that will shed some light onto this subject or learning to strike correctly!

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes - What is a Pressure Point?

    Next we need to look at exactly what a pressure point is, and how it relates to the nervous system. Please read the working of this carefully and ask questions if I am not clear. 

    Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions

    A pressure point is not some kind of mystical/magical location on the body. It is a place found in what are referred to a meridians or energy channels. These channels are not hardwired places or things like nerves are. They are energy pathways that result due to "inductance" because of electrical flow within the nerves themselves. Much like a transformer. 

    Now a pressure point occurs on these channels at places near/where a nerve comes to an end. Where a nerve branches off like in a "Y" form, or where nerves cross or run over top of each other. These is the best description of a pressure point possible. I hope you can see the relationship here between the area [pressure point] and the nerve location.

    With all of this being said when you strike a pressure point, if you do so correctly you will affect the energy flow in the meridian, which because of the Laws of Induction causes a reaction in the flow of electricity in the nerve itself. This causes a predictable result depending on the pressure point activated and the functions of the nerves and therefore the meridians also. 

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes - Pressure Point Locations

    Part of this equation, and a BIG reason Kyusho Jitsu can be referred to as nerve striking is because of the physical location of the pressure points themselves. 

    So lets take a look at 2 of the most effective pressure points with relation to their locations and therefore why they work so effectively! 

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes: Gall Bladder 20

    The first pressure point we will look at is Gall Bladder 20. Because of its proximity and relationship to the fact it lies on the Greater Occipital Nerve is why this point is so effective. The point itself lies in the indentation at the base of the skull.

    This nerve has a relation and control over the muscles in the back of the neck and skull that associate with the integrity of the skull to the spine. 

    Striking in and up towards the other side of the head, using Two Way Action will cause the nerve to report potential serious damage to the brain and therefore cause a knockout. 

    Here is a link to an in-depth study of Neurological Knockouts

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes: Spleen 11

    Now in this image to the right you can see the pressure point Spleen 11. This pressure point lies on the femoral nerve. Striking this pressure point straight across like an arrow, using Two Way Action compresses the nerve against the bone, which causes great pain! Now this nerve also protect the femoral artery, which if ruptured, which is possible in a leg break, will result in death from internal bleed out. 

    So striking this pressure point correctly can also result in a knockout. As well as with sufficient power break the femur.

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes -Spleen Meridian

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes in Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes: This should help give you an understanding of why Kyusho Jitsu is really about striking nerves, but also why it becomes more complicated that just saying "nerve strikes."

    When you use the principles of Kyusho Jitsu you will increase the effectiveness of the strikes because you will be hitting the correct way, for the correct area! 

    And the results are well worth the effort! Thank you for reading about Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes.

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    Ask you question here.

    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu

    ( Mastering Triple Warmer

    Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

    Learn the POWER of Triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

    Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

    Also available in Spanish!

    Pressure Points on the Body

    10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

    Next I have a great deal that is soon coming to an end! This is an all new video , which goes hand in hand with today's article on the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense.

    This video will give you all the information you need to find and correctly strike these Top 10 pressure points! And for a limited time you even get FREE charts to help you locate the Pressure Points.

    I hope you enjoyed this articles called Kyusho Jitsu Nerve Strikes. If you did consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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    Al vostru în arte,
    Mare Maestru Art Mason

    GM Art Mason

    Self Defense Escalation Levels. Knowing when things HEAT UP!

    Self Defense Escalation Levels

    Self Defense Escalation Levels: It still surprised me today how many martial artists do not understand what self defense actually is. For some reason many glorify it in to some kind of epic combat or great battle.

    All the while saying they understand the difference between "sport" and "street." You see this most often in the form of bad questions and answers as to which art is superior for street defense.

    They do not know or understand Self Defense Escalation Levels

    Self Defense does NOT occur when 2 or more people agree to fight.

    Understanding Self Defense Escalation Levels is critical for success on today's streets. Every day the streets become more intense, and more dangerous as more and more people become upset with the current status of their existence. From dissension to mental illnesses there is a lot going on today.

    Mass Hysteria

    Update March 15th 2020. Today we face a problem. And the problem is NOT Covid-19 killing us all. The problem is the mass panic / hysteria created by today's media for self serving interests. This is one reason the deescalation teaching of Humane Pressure Point Tactics are so critical! At the very least enroll in Level One and Level Two and learn how to see the signs of trouble, and the things you can do to calm bad situations before they escalate to violence. On our current path people will die fighting over toilet paper. BE VIGILANT! ACT NOW!

    Self Defense Escalation - Eye Contact

    Eye contact is an important beginning to see what is happening in a conflict. You can see from the potential attackers eyes a lot about his mental condition. As an example you can tell quickly if the person is stoned, drunk, confused or angry. This information helps you assess how much potential trouble you are in.

    Plus your eyes will reveal at lot about you. You must make eye contact but do not stare. The attacker can also interpret a lot of information from you also. Especially nervousness and fear levels.  Training to remain calm is important!

    And never stare, look and glance away like you are thinking about the situation and you should be.  Assessing the situation is critical to survival if and when things go bad. 

    Self Defense Escalation - Low Level

    * All Inclusive Self Defense

    Seeing the warning signs of coming violence is a life saver! These skills will not just protect you but also anyone else in the area!

    The first level of Self Defense Escalation we look at is the low level. This is the interview or prelude to violence. And this will occur 95% of the time. Being blind sided does happen, however it is not as common as most people think it is. 

    Violence is a very psychological event, and the need for the attacker to dominate and scare is part of this picture.  This model applies to from simple assault all the way to the horrific mass shootings.

    Low Self Defense Escalation requires a certain skill set, which includes a physical element. You need to learn and possess certain verbal skills, as well as physical skills to preemptively hand bad situations. 

    Self Defense Escalation - Medium Level

    Now the term medium level may confuse you a little bit, so let me explain. At the Self Defense Escalation Medium Level the situation has now escalated to violence with the first punch or gab having happened. Once at this point the negotiations have ended and the physical threat must be met with "reasonable force."

    However no threat of the taking of life has been made, no weapon introduced or suspected.

    H.P.P.T Humane Pressure Point Tactics

    This is the level that most martial artists wrongly feel comfortable in. However many many times the martial artist overestimate their own skills or underestimate the attacker. Medium Level can go to High Level in heart beat and therefore there is much to consider! And many martial artists get in trouble here for "excessive force" as well! 

    This level of Self Defense Escalation also requires verbal skills as well as physical skills. 

    13 Misconceptions about Knife Attacks

    Self Defense Escalation - High Level

    This is the "oh shit" moment when you realize that:

    a) Your attacker is not alone.

    b) That your attacker has a weapon

    Both of these High Level Self Defense Escalation points are seriously life changing and life threatening! 

    At this point the only thing that matters is getting out of the situation with your life still intact! There is no win or lose here, there is only survival! Plus there needs to be an understanding that a lot has gone wrong for you to be at this point! 

    Escape from this situation requires very special skills and a very special mindset! All of the "self defense vs weapon" dreams do not apply here! That is fantasy! This is reality! One such example is the countless misconceptions of what happens in a knife attack, or the believe that somehow you will disarm the attacker and save the day!

    No you need the skills to get out and get out fast! You also need to understand why you are still alive and how to proceed from that point! 

    Self Defense Escalation Levels n Conclusion

    Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

    Understanding all of this is key to success in personal self defense and protection and also teaching it.

    These 3 courses are called Humane Pressure Point Tactics are linked. Thank you for reading Self Defense Escalation Levels.

    Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

    Use the form below to ask me any questions you have.

    Ask you question here.

    * Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

    Kyusho Learning From A to Z

    How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

    Humane Pressure Point Tactics

    Humane Pressure Point Tactics Certification

    3 Levels of Self Defense Training

    This is real street self defense and includes teaching credentials for Dojo owners.

    * Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

    Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

    Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

    Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

    I hope you enjoyed this article called Self Defense Escalation Levels. Please consider subscribing with the Red Bell. And join us FREE at the KJWA today!

    Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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    Al vostru în arte,
    Mare Maestru Art Mason

    GM Art Mason
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