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Self Defense against Crazies. Being safe in a Mob

Self Defense against Crazies

Self Defense against Crazies. Being safe in a Mob. We are living in a time of epidemic mental illness and it is walking around town, often in gangs, like they own the place.

And in many ways they do. The have the courts and politicians in their front pocket. For now anyways. But history will repeat and the tables will be turned by the same people saying they support them right now.

But I am remiss. This is not the reason for the article. I care nothing of these people, they are not my problem. 

What I am concerned about is dealing with the issue this is creating a warp speed. Extreme violence due to cognitive dissonance in these "people." Self Defense against Crazies.

Self Defense against Crazies

I personally am out of harms way. I made sure of this years ago. But chance favors the prepared mind, and you must prepared. And this is not like the survivalist ideas, I am not talking about food for a disaster, while that is possible also. But rather realizing the things you have done in the past may no longer work the way they once did. 

However pressure points, and an understanding of their application can save your life. But this is going to require work and study. But it is never too late!  Who is in danger? In my opinion the primary people in trouble live in the larger cities of the western world

Now I could write a ten thousand page book on WHY this problem exist today. But that does not matter. What is needed is solutions for the average person, in this case martial artists, so they can protect themselves and their families.

Mental illness today is being enabled by the political system, this happened in the 1930's too. We all know how well that worked out. Enabling causes an over reaction to very nominal things, and explosive emotional reaction, that will be violent. 

And with every person have a video camera in their hands everywhere they go, you can lose everything defending yourself because the courts will rule against you because they have been paid off by the political systems. Therefore safe means something more today. 

Self Defense against Crazies

You have seen this building in the news for 40 years now. But people are so apathetic, stating it will not happen here, it is now almost everywhere. 

So you look at someone today, and simply because they did not like the look you gave them their Triple Warmer Meridian goes into overdrive and they enter attack mode. Instantly you are in a face to face confrontation with a sleepwalker, a crazy. 

What will you do?

You have decades of training and you believe you could defeat this person. But how many more of them are there? Crazy is often found in gangs. 

You MUST learn to ESCAPE first, do battle second. Time to lose the ego. Today a win on the street can be a lost WAR in a courtroom. You must master Self Defense against Crazies!

Self Defense against Crazies - Win by Escape

Secrets of the Octagon

The first thing you must be is prepared. Stop wearing headphone when out in the world. Be alert 24/7. Self Defense against Crazies is serious business. And the ONLY real way to escape is using the natural laws of the Octagon. 

And this information that I am promoting was removed in the 20th century from the martial arts as they became a commercial product.

But now, with the insanity of the 2020's this must be once again taught to all students.

My former Dojo in Canada is even teaching this to children who are students beginning the first day. Why? Because it works. Teaching children how to move to escape is the best idea. Then to fight only if there is no other choice. And the parents love it!

Self Defense against Crazies in Conclusion

Self Defense against Crazies CONCLUSION

Below I am going to give you several opportunity to start along the path of Kosho Ryu, the study of natural laws.

And this links directly to ALL of your Kyusho Jitsu study. You are continuing down the path!

AT the very least make sure to take my free 5 lesson Kosho Ryu Course, which is offered below! Thank you for taking time to read Self Defense against Crazies.


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* Introduction to Kosho Ryu

Introduction to Kosho Ryu

A Course in Natural Laws

In True Self Defense there is No Body Contact

Get started learning Natural Laws NOW!

Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Specialized Training for Violent Times

I hope you enjoyed this article called Self Defense against Crazies. I wish this was not the way things are today, but it is. And if you found value in this information please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Points works best when the body is weak

Pressure Points works best

Pressure Points works best when the body is weak. And this is an important understanding all martial artists need to have to be successful on the street.

If you are attacking the body when it is strong you will do some damage, And this damage will weaken the body. But it is not enough.

That is find in training, but on the street, under fire you do not have the time or luxury of this wearing down the body. Therefore you must understand when pressure points work best.

Pressure Points works best

The body of the opponent in an attack is always in motion. So as an example if the attacker is stepping forward and punching with his right fist then the area of the fist to the elbow is strong.  Therefore a strike to the attacking arm at LI-10 will not yield the result you are hoping for. 

The muscle tissue is tense and strong and will protect the pressure point. However if you were to attack from the elbow to the shoulder, let's say HT-02 this would yield a profound result. If you during this strike followed the Cycle of Destruction principle then the result would be better.

And knowing when striking pressure points works best incorporates in this case the principle of Yin/Yang

Pressure Points works best

Now looking at the same scenario if I strike the forearm areas after the punch was launched and the opponent is beginning to retract his punch to attack again the results will change. And attack to LI-10 as the arm is retracting changes the polarity to YIN and I would get a strong result.

The counter strike to HT-02 would therefore become lesser. I hope the way I am wording this makes it clear. 

In another example let us take the same situation and LU-01. LU-01 is the Alarm Point for the Lung and very, very powerful. But if you try to strike LU-01 at the right side of the body as the punch is coming it will have almost NO effect.

At this point this pressure point, LU-01 is CLOSED. However on the left side of the body it will be open. This is the retracting side as the punch is being thrown. 

Pressure Points works best

So, how do we deal with this in real life? The first thing to understand is that it is foolish to stand and fight. You cannot target pressure points while under attack. But have I not said that you can before? Keep reading.

I have successfully used pressure points on the street in a few different scenarios. But I realized about 5 years ago the reason why. This is because I do not stand and fight. I use natural laws, use the Octagon to stay ahead of the attacker, and therefore force opportunities to strike.

And I am not targeting pressure points, they are walking into the strikes while the pressure point are OPEN or vulnerable to attack. 

Moving in the Octagon

Secrets of the Octagon

When you move in the Octagon you lead the altercation. When you stand and fight you are never leading, always following or reacting to the situation.

This is when Pressure Points works best. The work best when you are not reacting. But rather leading.

Also the body when moving in the Octagon, and this takes lots of training, is in a YIN state versus their YANG state. And yes I know this is all very complex. But as you train it gets so easy it is ridiculous. 

Very important to understand also and this type of training is applying what I call Meridian Theory versus pressure point striking. This is far more efficient and effective. Does this mean you do not need the other elements of Kyusho Jitsu study. know when pressure points work best?

No of course NOT. The more you know the better. This is a simple truth that very view people today understand. You have to admit in the wild there is very little thinking going on. 

It is not thinking only reactions, based on emotions. Now that is dangerous, but not if you are prepared. And this word prepared brings me to my next and very important point. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.

Now as I continue talking about when pressure points work best I come to the beginning of your martial arts training. The white belt days.  When you begin in any martial art what you are taught is reactionary.

And then you go into competition which is also reactionary. This is the normal process. However because sport is such a focus in the arts theses days 99% of what is taught today remains reactionary in nature.

But it must be evolved to preparatory first. In a reactionary system it is very hard to get pressure point to work in real life. In a preparatory system it is easy to get pressure points to work.

But this step is GONE in what is taught today. And it is almost forgotten! And knowing when Pressure Points works best is a must in today's world!

Pressure Points works best in Conclusion

Pressure Points works best CONCLUSION

So what is the solution to this? You need to, no matter what level you are begin a study of Natural Laws, a preparatory martial art like Kosho Ryu.

Below will be an opportunity for you to discover Kosho Ryu with a FREE  Lesson Course. 

There will be other opportunities there to learn also. Thank you for reading "Pressure Points works best." 


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* Introduction to Kosho Ryu

Introduction to Kosho Ryu

A Course in Natural Laws

In True Self Defense there is No Body Contact

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

The BASICS of Making
Pressure Points / Kyusho Jitsu
WORK on the Street.

I hope you enjoyed this article called "Pressure Points works best." Please consider subscribing to new articles I write using the RED Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind, but are you prepared?

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind, but are you prepared? Back a few years ago I did an article with this name, and have since deleted it. Deleted it a while ago. But now I am going to readdress this again. 

Everything I do is based on martial arts and martial arts training. But I am battling with an industry that is very indoctrinated.  

And that makes me a rogue in the industry. And something I rarely see ANYWHERE in the world today is a prepared mind. It should be the norm in the martial art industry, but it is just as rare.

The Prepared Mind

The prepared mind is an open mind. One seeking knowledge always. The egotists mind always states it has all the answers, tell you what is knows. Yet it is obvious they have nothing of value to share.

I wrote an email back a while ago to students about excuses. The BIGGEST 2 excuses I get is first money. I have no money for this course. 

I recall one parent planning on taking his child out due to money concerns. He told me as he was sitting eating a meal from Tim Horton's. He spent about $50 per week with coffee and poison from these places, yet he had no money for his child. He added up what he wasted weekly and kept his son in class. 

The truth is the indoctrination camps of the west teach NO real skills for the world. Like money management and budgeting.  But rather teach bullshit and lies like "critical race theory." The USA is on fire and their government worries about who pees where. Not who is crossing the border, or the crimes of the "alleged" resident. 

No one is PREPARED. Ego run wild. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

If you as a martial artist believe your skills in a ring in sport will save you in real life, well good luck with this, we are not like minded in any way. Ring fighting, and I have done it for many years, is an adrenaline rush, and glory seeking. The skills do not transfer to real life.

Go watch Blood Sport again because that was all fantasy! Just like the actor. 

There is no room for ego on the street. Especially when you are now dealing with serious mentally ill and enable sociopaths who are determined to impose their belief system, based on fantasy on the world.

And if you do harm to one of the political classes "pets" you will go to jail permanently. Think about what happened January 6th and how many innocent people are locked up?

I watched that whole thing on cell phone streams and saw OAC wave people into the building. Is she is prison? She must have been one hell of a bar tender to get her job. And her crimes are vast including a zoom call to teenagers calling them to violence. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

The odds are against you, they always have been because nothing is as it seems to be. Therefore you must evolve your skills. First "escape" is the number one priority today. This brings me to excuse number two. "Too old" to learn something new. That simply means you do not want to.

And I am proof of this. I am in my mid 60's, legally blind, and have knee problems. But that does not stop me from doing anything. How? I made a decision to be prepared. My mind is prepared for any reality. I am learning a language at this age. Now at an intermediate stage also. 

And I am progressing in leaps and bounds. Age is an EXCUSE and a lie. From that email I had someone reply using both excuses. Well we are not like minded, so I cannot help him. I wish him good fortune!

Another person wrote me saying I needed to focus on self defense in my teachings. I guess he does not read or think about what I do. Self Defense has always been my focus. Whether it be pressure points on the street or the art of escape.

I think he believes one day I will give him a secret that will save him. I already did but he did not like it. Secret? TRAIN MORE AND LEARN MORE. 

Prepared Mind

The next thing, after escape is to take your martial arts training from reactionary to preparatory [prepared]. Martial arts taught today are all reactionary. That is why you are allowed to train in them. In a reactionary system you are always reacting to the attacker and hope for an opening to do something fight ending.

What happens most of the time is you get a beating if the opponent is seasoned at all. 

Reactionary is what is needed in sport. On the street you must have a preparatory system! And that is what I have been training in for the last 23 years of my 40 years in the arts.

Right now I am in the process of creating an video course to take reactionary martial arts to preparatory martial arts so they are prepared for today's street reality.  Change everything to make a prepared mind.

This will not change the style, only enhance it! 

Prepared Mind

This new video course Kosho Street Strategies will be perhaps the most comprehensive self defense related course ever produced for online purposes. It is about developing skills many people do not even realize they need. And in the modern time so "bat shit crazy" these skills are essential.

"Chance favors the prepared mind", but 99% are never prepared. 

There will be several contributors to this course also. One is Sensei Kara Borshuk who is a retired police officer. She served with the Ontario Provincial Police, the Windsor Police, but most importantly was a HOMICIDE investigator for the Detroit Police for about 20 years. She understands what actually happens on the streets and pulls no punches in talking TRUTH to power.

With her, Master Phil and I will have a town hall style video in which she is answer questions about the truth of the streets. A martial arts school owner herself today she knows what works and what does not. And as I preach and she concurs, reactionary training DOES NOT WORK. You will love this video!

She wrote an important article here a few years ago called the 13 Misconceptions of Knife Attacks.

But that is only one video in this massive master level course about taking any style of martial art from being reactionary to preparatory for the streets. Read about this course now from this link.  There is nothing more important on the street then a prepared mind. 

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind in Conclusion

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies: CONCLUSION

Complacency which is also apathy is death to any martial artists or their martial art. 

But it is human nature, or it seems to be, to be like this. I urge anyone reading this to expand your mind, expand your horizons. 

And to realize that "All knowledge is self knowledge" 

And that "chance favors the prepared mind."

Thank you of reading Chance Favors the Prepared Mind.


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Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Specialized Training for Violent Times

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

If you prefer an eBook!!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

Thank you for taking time from your day to read this article on Kosho Ryu Street Strategies: If you found value in this please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations. Why this is a BIG Problem.

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations, why is this a BIG problem? Today Kyusho Jitsu is looked at as a demonstration art.

But how much real self defense training is going on, integrating the pressure point study? Why can we practice, are we allowed to Kyusho Jitsu in modern times?

The truth? The BITE is long gone from martial art training. Back a few months ago I wrote an article called the Removal of Deadly Techniques which I am linking here. 

I also wrote one for the World Budo Alliance site also about the Death of the Dojo. But most people do not see the writing on the walls for the future of the arts. 

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations! While demonstration is important it is only a small fraction of the practice and study. Like the way the "breaking" of boards and bricks is, or should be. As Bruce Lee stated in Enter the Dragon "boards don't hit back." 

These are not just clever words, they are a truth. Kyusho Jitsu demonstrations are only demonstrations. Done for the most part on a stationary opponent. An opponent in a more or less neutral point of view. They may be nervous, but nervous is not a high state of emotion.

They are not trying to hurt or kill you.

And that is what street is, a heightened state of emotions. When someone decides to attack you their emotion state is often times off the scale. They want to do damage and even end your life! This changes everything.

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations

But can Kyusho Jitsu actually be practiced in real life? In true safely?  Does not mean that all the steps that lead up to the final pressure point strike cannot be practiced? That depends on how you are training. And most training falls very short. 

But as I have stated many times now, the BITE is long gone from the martial arts. And I mean 99% of them. MMA included. If MMA was actually effective there would be death in the ring, and then it would be banned. But it is a moderately thriving, but declining sport. 

Martial Artist practice waza to perfect their techniques. But in a WAZA, and also kumite, the opponent is not trying to hit you, do damage or kill you. These training methods while needed are incomplete. Even in full contact fighting this is the case.

To truly learn, to become truly effective you must train in such a way as intent to injury is present, yet injury does not occur. 

How is this possible?

Kosho Ryu

I have been stating for years now that Kosho Ryu ONLY works when someone is trying to hurt you! Because Kosho Ryu is a preparatory martial art, and not a reactionary martial art training with full power and intent can be done. 

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations, but if practiced in the way Kosho Ryu is trained then it is possible to target pressure points on the street with deadly accuracy.

So with this in mind why is KOSHO not practiced everywhere? BIG ego, unteachable martial artists who are not willing to admit they do not know everything. Few people today wish to learn anything. The just wish to be in authority on subjects they know nothing about. 

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations

Knockouts, pressure point knockouts are an important part of this training. But once again this is only a small part of a much bigger picture. Please do not misunderstand what I am saying here. 

You must be able to do these live, on demand, under life threatening conditions. That will never be done in a demonstration atmosphere, nor should it be. High level Kyusho Jitsu requires high level training. And what am I talking about? Kosho Ryu, the only way to complete Kyusho Jitsu training. Because Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations.

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations

Does Kosho teach pressure points? Yes it does. However to study Kyusho Jitsu as a separate study outside of Kosho is even better. Kosho is a study not a style of martial art. It is a complete study also. Including all things.

But the very nature of Kosho Ryu means you can expand the learning. Martial Art training today has become a sport and an activity for children. And while that is OK it is very myopic in view. The martial arts should be a lifetime path of learning. 

And it is interesting to use the word myopic here also. Because in my Kosho Ryu teachings I also teach about visual planes. 

Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations in Conclusion
Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations CONCLUSION

I did a special course called Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu to help Kyusho students transition to the use of pressure points on the street. In real life where it counts the most.

I began my martial art journey in 1984 with Hapkido. Then in 2000 began Kosho Ryu. After which in about I was taught Kyusho Jitsu for about 10 years. 

But looking at these numbers I have come to realization that Kosho Ryu is my true ROOT art system. Because all I teach and do is based upon it. 

Thank you for taking some time to read Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations. 


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Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

Kosho Ryu the Awakened Mind

A Book for the Times

Understand the POWER of the Mind in Martial Art Training.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for taking time from your day to read Kyusho Jitsu is NOT for Demonstrations. While knockouts are great, they are not real street life. If you found this article to be of value please subscribe to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

What about Self Defense? It is not what people think!

What about Self Defense?

What about Self Defense? 

What is self defense? In truth it has nothing to do with any attacker. As James Mitose stated it is "learning to deal with yourself."

Recently I was promoting my Advanced Kosho Ryu Concepts Course on Gaps and Voids via email, when a man who is very concerned about self defense, and what I am doing in regard to teaching self defense replied to the message stating "what about self defense?"

Like so many people today who wish problems to be magically solved without work or sacrifice he cannot see the course, everything I have ever written or released is about self defense.

What about Self Defense? Well, what about it?

He told me once he had a black belt in I think it was JuJitsu. So what?? I even wrote on article on this years ago called a Martial Artist is NOT a Self Defense expert. Perhaps if he holds his black belt up to those causing him issue this will change something?? But his attitude and actions are typical in the world today.

In my new book called Kosho Ryu the Awakened Mind, which is about self defense because it is about dealing with yourself speaks of the R.A.S or Reticular Activation System which is the part of the brain, part of the unconscious that shows you in your environment, gives you your predominate thoughts in the real world.

As an example with this man he is focused on violence, being beaten up, so he ends up in positions where this becomes a reality. Yet he asks after all I have said to him "what about Self Defense??" When everything I have done is about self defense. 

He also considers himself a coward. And this will manifest in reality for him, giving him many opportunities to life up to this self image. 

What so I do? I focus on martial arts, calming the mind, self improvement and learning, and I have few to no issues. Now some will say this is more where someone lives than anything else. While this is a contributing factor I spend 55 years in one of the most crime invested cities in Canada, that made no different. 

The brain will give you, show you your predominate thoughts in reality. Every time. 

And if this person is having so much conflict on the streets perhaps he needs to learn self control?? To shut up? I know many in Canada who have similar issues. And they shoot off their mouths too. Predominate thoughts become reality. Each and every time without fail!

What about Self Defense?

He is really so concerned yet he has never purchased a single course or book? Not even my Humane Pressure Point Tactics which going for about $30 per level because of the hard times. You reap what you sow. Inaction has Karma attached to it.

And he has also on many occasions pointed out that pressure points do not work. Yet he has done no real study. But his "uncle" or someone told him. 

If you cannot get pressure points to work it is on YOU, not pressure points. 

Now I have shut this guy off. His messages go to SPAM and he cannot purchase anything now even if he wished too. Why? Because some people are unteachable. Therefore I will no longer waste my time and energy on him. But the nerve of the question, what about self defense, is a teaching opportunity. 

Martial Arts training regardless of "style" should be a study, not an activity. I teach Kosho Ryu, which is a study and included Kyusho Jitsu, Hapkido, Cane and by default self defense. It also includes writing this article, language study and anything else I do. Because a student of life I am.

What about Self Defense??

Perhaps a mindset change is needed. Self Defense is learning to deal with the self, your fears, your ego, and your prejudices.

I recently watched a younger man walking very fast down a trail I was on with my Huskies. He passed us quickly on his way. He was getting some good cardio exercise. Kudos to him! But, he was wearing a set of headphones. Oblivious to the world.

You often see, especially women walking and talking or typing away on their phones. Again oblivious to the world around them. In the case of the man he would never hear the bear he could run into.  And we have lts of bears. The most in all of Europe.

The woman was easy prey for anyone interested in robbery.

Because crime is low here one should never become apathetic towards personal safety. 

What Mitose Said

What about self defense? As James Mitose stated self defense is  "learning to deal with yourself." But 99% of the martial arts world views it as a technique or waza. Or worse that sport offers solutions. Combat systems are NOT self defense.  Combat is kill or be killed. Do that on the street and you will be defending yourself in a prison cell.

What does "learning to deal with yourself" really mean? Bruce Lee stated it well when he said "all knowledge is self knowledge." Yet how many martial artists study self defense beyond the belief in their system or waza?

What about Self Defense?

How many study the psychology of the attacker? What about escalation levels of attack? Do you teach or train that everything life and death? Or has the training been broken down to smaller segments? 

Not to mention weapons like knives. What I see in the wild about knife is pure fantasy. Waza is a training tool, not a street application. Waza training only works when the opponent is not trying to hurt you. Octagon, Kosho Ryu ONLY works when the opponent is trying to hurt you. 

And it does not matter how fast you are. The knife you do not see is the one that will cut you. And the attacker is not going to show you the knife. Anything else is fantasy. What about Self Defense? Do you think I have spent time with a focus on solutions?

What is the main objective in self defense? To escape! Not stand and fight. If you cannot escape then you must do damage. But that should never be the go to response. 

What about Self Defense?

Creating more self defense courses is pointless unless someone does everything i have put forth in the last 10 years. And after that much time they would be well able to deal with anything. And even, which is best, find their own solutions. 

What about Self Defense? The question makes no sense at all. I did not answer the email. I marked as spam. 

What about Self Defense in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Martial Art training is a path we choose as part, a major part of life's journey. It is not about Black Belts, trophies, awards or any such thing. Those a cute, but do not truly matter. 

What about Self Defense? Self defense becomes an important byproduct of the life long seeker of understand and knowledge.  

As I have said many times lately I am learning a language. As I write this I am listening to music in Romanian. And this is also martial art training. Unless you do not realize it, or do not care. What about Self Defense? You answer the question for yourself. 

I hope you enjoyed What about Self Defense and got something from the article. 


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Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

A Book for the Times

The Great Awakening

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!

Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

Thank you for taking time from your day to read "What about Self Defense?" If you enjoyed this article please consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Fall of the West. Thoughts and 10 Reasons why!

* Fall of the West

Fall of the West! what are the reasons for "the decline of the west"? Let's talk about this right now.

We live in the craziest time history has even seen, We are seeing the Fall of the West. And the final days of the fall, or the western culture.

I was asked why I stopped creating and teaching self defense techniques in courses recently. And as good as it is I do not promote my Humane Pressure Point Tactics courses any longer. 

Why is this?? Because there is simply little to no interest. 

Martial Artist believe that the "krav mega" they have in their system is all they need. So, who am I to disagree? Maybe they are 100 percent right and I am the one wrong. I hope so for their sake. But, from experience I do not think so. 

I teaching Kosho Ryu, and therefore I also teach Kyusho Jitsu. Kosho Ryu is a study of natural laws. Learning to learn and that there is ALWAYS something more. Infinite knowledge means just that. NEVER ENDING. There is always more to learn. The study of life itself. 

Now Kosho, has concepts and theories based on the Natural Laws that government the world. Not the silly man made laws that try to control you via fear. That will always fail in the end.

Theories they have today that have no proof or research behind them, then called laws.

Gravity has never been PROVEN. Their idea of proof is observation. Things fall because of the proven law of density and buoyancy. Gravity is a theory, not a law. And when you question them about this they get mad! If it is heavier then air it falls. That is all there is to this. The same law applies in water. But they need the fake gravity to push an agenda. 

Why is it like this?? When someone questions me about my findings in Kyusho we talk about it. I do not attack them. Recently I was questioned about a knockout I did about 15 years ago. I was happy to explain. 

Is this true of the narrative today? Truth is self evident. Lies need protection. This is why they challenge you when questioned. Because they LIE. 

Challenge the narrative and you are attacked every time. The reason should now be obvious...

This example is one of the tell tale signs of how the western civilization will collapse. LIES will cause it. Today lies are policy for governments and virtue for the people. And this leads me to the first way to rebuild a better world. STOP LYING, PERIOD! 

Humans lie, and those who say they do not lie are liars. Within the values of martial arts training, "integrity" will tell you to stop the lies. Imagine a world were no one lied. How would it be? Do you think we would have today's problems?

Fall of the West - What is the decline of the West about??

  • When did the decline of the West start? It has been happening a very long time, but i would say 1919 prior to the great depression. When the federal reserve came fully online. 
  • What is the decline of the West about? That is easy. Corruption and Power. The same story across all of history. 

I also talk to a lot of people, even though they never know who they are talking too. I like to be not known. People love to talk about themselves and give their opinions. Now they do not give their thoughts, only opinions.

Very view people think today. Actually from what I have read only about 2 of the population in 2023 are able to think critically. They just regurgitate what they read on social media. Or the lies of CNN and MSNBC. 

The average person has about 75,000 thoughts per day. Unfortunately they are the same ones as the previous day. Worse they are also someone else's thoughts. Not their own.

Most people vomit forth crap that the Facebook face checkers sold them. Taking to people sometimes you learn a lot, other times you just shake your head. In 2023 I shake my head a lot. The things they say defy logic and common sense.

A great example is the scam of vaccines, and if you actually look into it they are ALL SCAMS right down to the first one. I had a discussion once with a woman about the measles vaccine. She believed people should be forced to do it. This was in 2011.

When I asked her if she believed that they worked, she said yes. SO what does it matter what I do if you are protected? She deleted me. See the mental illness of brainwashing?

One example in the martial arts is the "pressure points do not work, I know because I am an expert street fighter." I had this said to me once. I do not believe in experts. That means they know everything. And the "authorities" have told people to "trust the experts.

But that makes me ask a question. If I should trust the experts, doctors as an example, then why is "doctor treatments" the number 3 leading cause of death in the USA? The answer was that "this is the price you pay to save lives."

WOW, really?

I opt OUT! Thank you.

Fall of the West

The martial arts is the same, all is the same. There is nothing new under the sun. I watched once as a martial arts expert told his student, taught them, to disarm a gun with an X-Block. FACE PALM TIME! If you want to die do this!

Learning, in my opinion, is a duty in life, a responsibility. And the masses are allergic to responsibility in the western cultures. Both parents working to support a lifestyle. It may not be their fault, but the problem still remains. 

Parents also abdicate their children's education to indoctrination camps because they must "keep up with the Jones" and have more stuff they do not need.  

Children are left to others for their care because the parents what better things in their world. McDonald's drive thru is always busy with people who bitch about having no money. 

Kids are coming out of colleges in Canada who cannot sign their name or do simple math. But they can tell you they know socialism, the greatest killer of people in the 20th century can save the world.

Perhaps parents should stop worrying about the new car and bigger house and raise their children? Maybe I am wrong?? My parents sacrificed themselves to raise me. 

Sadly, I know personally of one woman who spends 24 hours a day on Skype with her boyfriend, who she has never been in a room with and ignores her 10 year old son.

This boy who recently lost his father, while she was cheating on him with this clown online, while he, the father was on his death bed.

And this was NOT East Europe, but CANADA. Do you see ANY values here? Sadly this is common today and one other reason for the fall of the west. LACK OF VALUES and MORALS.

I found out recently one high school in Windsor Ontario put a little box in a room because one student believes they are a CAT.  I SHIT YOU NOT!!!

Fall of the West - War Times

We are in a war my friends, and information war of GOOD vs EVIL, and it is time to choose sides.

How do you choose sides? EDUCATE yourselves! All knowledge is self knowledge. Whether you learn and expand your martial art training with the things I have spent 40 years full time learning Martial Arts. No matter what, just act.

We cannot change the corrupted and lying evil culture we live in. But we can change ourselves!

We can become better people, alert and educated people. And I see NO evident that education comes from any public system. Indoctrination comes from there. That is why they are called "doctors." If I had young children today they would not be in these indoctrination camps. 

Do the work, ask questions, train to clear the mind. Focus on what is important not expedient.

A few years back I was told leaving Canada and moving to Romania was biggest mistake I could ever made. The mistake was I could not do it sooner. But I could not have done that and kept promises made and responsibilities.  

I put another, in this case my dear mother ahead of my wants and needs. And I have never regretted that. 

Fall of the West - it is happening now!

Hence the fall of the west is happening right now. Not coming someday, but right around the corner. Days away, not years.

And in order to move on to better things you must let the old and dying go. If every person took care of their own, themselves and their families we would not be here today. But instead they focused on the distractions, things that DO NOT MATTER.

I remember one Friday night a former student posted on Facebook that she was watching the Big Bang Theory. There is a great way to improve the quality of life!  Yes, flush the mind down the toilet. Fall of the west is here now, right in front of your eyes.

A Warning was Given

And I warned of this coming a few years ago in an article called the Death of the Western Culture. People asked me why I thought this way. Upon explanation I was either ignored or told "I wish you were wrong." And I got banned on Linkedin for posting it there. 

How does this relate to martial arts teachings? Today, these teachings have been based on the ideal of the western culture, abandoning the traditions what made them great to begin with. And using modern methods and ideas. Ideas that failed decades ago.

Another sign of the fall of the west within our own industry. The MAIN reason I do not run a Dojo today, dealing with parents.  My former Dojo is part time now, with me and my boys gone. I have taught the values of martial arts personally to literally thousands of kids.

And the kids were great. The problem was mom and dad. No support, bad attendance, and a million excuses. I could go on for hours on just this!

Are you a martial art teacher? Do you teach the history of your art to your students? Or did you make the mistake like I did founding my own system? Bragging about how good you are, and not showing the truth.

"You cannot know where you are going when you do not know where you have been." 

Fall of the West - Recovery

This is not bad new, none of this. Why? Because you only lose when you quit. Socrates said "The secret of change is not to focus all your energy on fighting the old, but to focus on building the new." This is a brilliant quote. And back in the early 2000's I studied many of these great philosophers. 

To accept something is to be enlightened by it. Pretending it is not happening is not acceptance. Because once accepted something you can work around it, or perhaps change it. Find ways to make things better.  A great example is the fraud of the USA elections. That is proven beyond any doubt.

The PCAP data shows this, and this cannot be altered. Many people pretend it did not happen. I know once such man. His mental illness is great.  And because he listens to the "experts" his health is terrible. So is his thinking, or lack thereof. 

Fixing Problems

So, with this as an example why would you look to any new election to fix this? That is just foolish. Now I do not live in the USA and I will never be in that country again. And there are many reasons for this. But this does not matter.

"You cannot resolve any problem with the same mind that created it" which Albert Einstein said. Yet today this is likely considered an evil quote by those indoctrinated. See why 2024 will fix nothing? The problem as not been solved to make 2024 viable. 

Yet those unable to think believe it will. Doing the same thing over and over again expecting a differ result is true insanity. Thus the fall of the west is here. 

And here is a kick in the ass for the masses. You have the exact government you deserve too. Why? Because of the never ending apathy of the culture, the 1st trigger to the fall of the west. The second is tolerance. And history, something hidden, shows this countless times over the centuries. 

Tolerance and Apathy

Aristotle said "tolerance and apathy are the final virtues of a dying culture." Try to find a meme with this quote today. But, both tolerance and apathy are considered virtues by the minority trying to run the world. Why? It is better for them. 

So what am I saying? The western culture is DEAD and cannot be saved. THANK THE LORD. It was a failure 1000 years ago. Time to bury the stinking carcass.

What is coming?

After the fall of the west what is coming? Something wonderful. But not for everyone. I am going to truth tell here. Yes I know what is coming, but it is yours to discover! Recovery from the GREAT LIE or 2020 will take 10 years. 

It amazes me people still believe that whopper of a lie. When people bring it up i just ignore them. They identify with illness. There is no help for such a person. 

The world will become much simpler, much more value and family focused. Today people in mass are looking to leave the city for country life. Grow their own food and end the dependence on those who wish to enslave and murder. 

I have had many Americans ask me about leaving America for other lands. And which places would be best. Think about that for few minutes. What YOU believe you KNOW about other countries is DEAD WRONG. Russia comes to mind.

People believe, wrongly that the Ukraine is the victim, sorry no. Look at the men tied to the country. If you think Obama is a good man you are a FOOL. 

But the truth is coming! 


Here is a  collapse of western civilization summary for you. But, this is far from inclusive of all reasons we are here today.

Oswald Spengler predictions and in this video below. And at the bottom of this article is a link to the book. I do not offer this because I agree. I believe the thinking is shallow. The problems we see today while political are based totally in the corruption of the human heart and mind.

The view given does not fully admit the root cause. Man puts up with those who are corrupt. Even make heroes of the corrupt.

All the reasons are beyond any article or book. But we need to take responsibility for it. All civilizations eventually fail. And the reasons always end up being the same.

A similar thing to today happened at the beginning of the 20th century. All the weird things, which I will not name as to prevent this post from being banned everywhere happened then too. So did the event of 2020. Nothing is different.

Except this time it will cause complete collapse of not just the financial system, but the culture itself.  Here is a short list of causes.

  1. Lying - When lying is virtue nothing is left
  2. Lost of respect for life. ONLY humans KILL for pleasure. Murder as birth control is a great example. All life is precious. Unless you are a murderer.
  3. Apathy - The government should do something. Rather then what can WE DO?
  4. Enabling mental illness. Rather than dealing with the problem pretending it does not exist. Virtue signally solutions.
  5. SEX - any culture where children can be exploited has FAILED. And children have been exploited for decades. The number ONE profit center in the world is the trafficking of children. Pornography everywhere. Young males needed the chemical "de-jour" to function. MORE western medicine corruption and lies.
  6. Over eating and lack of respect for the self. 
  7. Chemicals - drug addiction both legal and illegal. When is injection of chemicals into a body a good idea? Their statistics prove what I say too! But people do not research before they take action. Too much work. Cause? Government....
  8. Lack of disciple and self control. Look at the real epidemic of obesity, road rage, homicide, and the list goes on and on.....
  9. Focus and obsession on politics and ideologies. Been on social media lately? The term is an oxymoron, social media. 
  10. Death of belief in God. Believing the lie of NASA and other "science" organizations that this world is an accident, and what people do does not matter. The church pushed this lie too! In fact they first funded it. 

And I could go one and on, but 10 is enough!  How will western civilization collapse? When will western civilization collapse? The end is close, and will happen very very fast. 

In Conclusion

Am not pessimistic on my outlook of the future. While we are in the beginning of the end of times it is not what people think. No matter if you believe in God and creation or not, the prophecies are always fulfilled.

After the defeat of the evil trying to take control, and they have lost, the signs are there, we will have to recover. Much time and work is ahead.

We are going to enter the Golden Age, 1000 plus year before the real fall. Many will fall, unable to accept change, even if it is good change. 

In December of 1012 someone close to me asked about the date of 12/21/12 being the end of the world. While it did signal the end of times, that does not mean the end of the world. The fall of the west is simply a necessary part of history.  The end of times as we once knew it.

Not to be mourned, but rather celebrated! 

Also, before I forget here a link to a book called the decline of the west pdf format. It was written by Oswald Spengler in 1926. And is one of the most widely read books on the subject. Consider when it was written also! 

Don't forget to download the the collapse of western civilization pdf from the link above. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Specific Self Defense in a Real World Situation.

* Pressure Point Specific Self Defense

Pressure Point Specific Self Defense in a Real World Situation. I stopped writing articles, and producing courses on self defense a long time ago.  Why? Because for the most part martial artists are simply not interested. Most of all they believe based on their experience in the ring or tournament competition that they have the answers. 

And I spent about 8 years on the TKD tournament circuit, and a few boxing. When I was done I had more questions then answers. But I think that is the sign of the times today. 

Hence people become convinced they know everything, when in truth they know nothing. Why do I say this? How do I have the nerve to say this? Because after almost 40 years of training and learning, most of which is full time, I know that I know NOTHING yet.

Pressure Point Specific Self Defense

But I have studied the specifics, and do have some experience.  So what do I mean by Pressure Point Specific Self Defense?  Very simple, pressure point or Kyusho Jitsu learning does not give you the skills needed for street application. And if you do not see the application within your own root martial art, then you will fail under pressure.  

Therefore the pressure point must be "open" for attack or it simply will have little to no effect. And most martial arts train to defend in the "conflict zone."  All sport exists within his conflict zone. And it must otherwise it would not be sport, but a death match. And there is also a big thought process difference. Most important to realize what someone is thinking about matters. And it matters a lot!

Therefore when you are attacked on the street there is a reason. It will rarely be to kill you, but that does happen. Once thing is very common. You have been chosen because the attacker believes they will be victorious in their quest. In combat, which is very different the attacker KNOWS they have a problem and might be killed. Combat is kill or be killed.  Combat is a different set of skills. And while worth learning application can lead to a prison sentence for murder. 

You are bound to the laws of the land.

Pressure Point Specific Self Defense

In self defense the main objective is to survive, get away. And you may legally use reasonable force to do so. HOWEVER today the justice system is corrupt. They have sold out to special interest groups. Many today are above the law. The "rule of law" is gone in the west. 

I will not mention these "groups" by name as that would flag the article and search engines would ignore it. But if you come up against a "humanoid" from one of these groups you will be considered guilty and punished regardless of truth. This is why ESCAPE is the only option. 

If you study natural laws, and understand the principles of the Octagon you can use your pressure point knowledge to disable the attacker without undue bodily harm and escape. What else is there needs to be done? This is a higher purpose of the martial arts. 

Do no Harm

To do harm, whether the attacker deserves it or not is not our place. And when I harm another person I am actually harming myself. Showing the world I LACK self control. Sometimes it cannot be avoided. Then there is no KARMA or judgement in doing so. Most of the time it can be avoided. 

Escape is always the primary goal. Most important to understand is that when you cannot escape, you must be very effective in your defense. Exchanging blows with a madman is deadly. And these people today are insane. And this makes them dangerous.

Martial arts training needs to evolve with the times. And while what is seen today is about to FALL. The recovery period with be at least 10 years.  This is world wide, but the worst in the western culture of North America and Western Europe. 

In Conclusion

Pressure Point Specific Self Defense CONCLUSION

I have many course that will help you. The specific place to start is to learn the art of escape from my Introduction to Kosho Ryu Course. This is part of the Kosho Core Concepts Series.

If you have done this then checkout Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu to learn how to apply pressure point strike when in motion. And on the streets there is always motion! 

Remember learning should never stop! And I offer my courses and books at very low prices. Because I believe the knowledge needs to be taught. And perhaps I do not know what I am talking about. I do admit I know nothing and have much to learn. But MY TEACHERS KNOW and this is their information.


Do you have questions? Use this form to ask!

Ask you question here.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

All Life is Precious. What is the path to peace?

* All Life is Precious

All Life is Precious. I had a man from Australia contact me recently. He wanted to know if it was possible to kill someone with pressure points. And he told me that he believed that the police were murdering protesters using pressure points.

Now, that does not surprise me at all. I wish it did surprise me. I told him while possible, it was highly improbable because of the training required. 

Then he told me there were many trained in acupuncture and acupressure. 

Well that certainly is a game changer. Myself I believe these "people" need to be arrested, tried, convicted and executed for conspiracy to commit genocide, and remediated murder. I think we have seen enough genocide in the last 2 years with experimental medicine for profit and the enabling of serious mental illness to last all of eternity. All Life is Precious!

All Life is Precious

All life is precious because with life there is hope. Until, of course that life chooses not to be.

I am also believe it is a responsibility of ALL martial artists to learn and train in protect life. Not to take it, unless there is no other option. That mean self control. And I do not see much of this in the world today. The focus today in martial arts is to WIN a trophy. Show the world you are a great fighter, or Kata performer. Do you really think that matters? I did it all, and in my mind it was pointless. Also I was in about 70 to 80 tournaments. I had a lot of trophies. They are in a landfill somewhere now.

Martial Artist need to learn first, and train. Because learning never ends. Then once learned share this knowledge. Teaching to "do no harm" which today is not the way of the world. Rather the focus is often teaching to kill. Yes, that has value, but never when it is the object rather than a last resort. An epic failure in training. 

All Life is Precious

I teach the "art of escape" and Pressure Points. Because this education, if perused in earnest does not led to violence, but peace. Why? Violence is a low energy/frequency event. Even if for a trophy, it is still violence. And violence is always the result of FEAR. Learning the things I have focused on all my adult life leads to bravery. Because you know what you can do, are not intimated, and therefore can escape harm, thus doing no harm. Unless there is no choice. We must remember all Life is Precious!

Today we are at war, not a war of bombs, but a war of right vs wrong, good vs evil and waged through lies and propaganda. Violence is now considered virtue. And I mean real violence, not the virtue signally my feelings are hurt BS. Innocent people are being murder, and not the way CNN says, but by those who support companies like CNN. But I regress. 

All Life is Precious

I believe I am supposed to teach what I have spent a lifetime learning. And my problem is I have always been too cheap. Because I hope being low in price compared to others would drive sales. But there is no truth to this. in reality people do not value such things. Yet I continue. I have dozens of books and video courses, including as a small sample the ones below.

1) Introduction to Kosho Ryu
2) The Complete Guide to Kyusho Jitsu from A to Z.

Plus a new book called the 12 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu. For all of those who read about the products, perhaps only 1% take action. I am not sure how to increase that. 

In Conclusion

All Life is Precious CONCLUSION

I believe true, dedicated study in the martial arts can change the world. Because increasing the teachings, when based on values leads to men and women of peace.

It also can dispel fear. So are you really training and learning? Or are you spinning your wheels making excuses? 

Only you know the answer to this question. Thank you for reading "All Life is Precious." If you have any question please use the form below.


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* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!

Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

A Man of Peace. The TRUE way of Budo

* A Man of Peace

I am a man of peace. But I have not always been this way. That is simply a part of the journey. Today if I meet someone I have never met before, and the conversation goes to "what do you do for a living" my reply is that I am a Dog Rescuer.

Why do I do this? Well after almost 40 years in the arts, and about 38 of this as a teacher I am tired of the patronizing remarks like "I better be careful what I say to you" etc, etc, etc. And also of course the person who tell you about all their great street battles and how they were in karate as a kid. 

And if they kept going they would be a great grand master now. Yeah, right. Losers...

A man of peace

So, I a Man of Peace rescue dogs, because I love animals, much more than people. Animals do not lie. I have never been betrayed by one of my Huskies. And I have had enough lies to last me 1000 lifetimes. If I want to hear bullshit I will watch the American/Canadian/British news.

I am man of peace, and there is way too much violence in our world. It has now become virtue, like lying is now virtue, rather then using violence a last, final resort. Yet, where it is really needed, people become cowards. Like allowing the crimes against the people of America to continue. Very strange times we live in. France is fighting back, KUDOS to them! WARRIORS!

Now, I am NOT a pacifist. But I a man of Peace. Every pacifist I ever met was very violent deep down inside. It should be apparent today that "people" are NOT inherently good. Being peaceful, being good is a choice. And a hard one to make today. Violence is easy, peace is hard.

But as a Man of Peace I am prepared to defend myself and my family or pack as I call them. Family is not always blood. 

A man of peace

The martial arts today has become for the masses a tough guy contest, and that is very sad. It is a personal journey to discover truth, the truth of yourself. There is nothing higher than understanding the self. Martial Arts, while needing to teach defense, and techniques, should be teaching escape first, above all other things. This is not cowardice, it is just the opposite. To escape you must control yourself first! Fighting is EASY.

I know my skills, and I have had many altercations in my life, but choosing to be a man of peace means I MUST control myself. It is braver to walk away then do harm. Like I said, hurting people is easy!

Man of Peace - A Peaceful Life

Today I live a life as recluse in the mountains of the country I LOVE, România. I only see those close to me, occasionally going off the land to shop or have a meal in town. I teach the martial arts in real life to a very select few. Online is different, and I hope to continue this for a long time. But the current economic conditions are making this a great challenge.

Despite the media lies of a great economy, the economic system of the world is crashing. It is being replace however, and that is another story. Not the one the majority think is going to happen. The masses believe the lying media and fear mongers. Yet they provide no proof, only words.

I am working currently also to go off the grid and be self sufficient. And I love it! I do not participate in "social media" as I know their crimes. And to do so would violate my core beliefs. To me, continuing to use Facebook is like being an accessory to their evil crimes. My account is now gone. 

I am not suggesting this is a life for everyone. But it is for. More and more people ask me about this too. Many are sick of the lies of the Western Culture

In Conclusion


Become a man or woman of peace. Violence is ONLY for life threatening situations, to defend those you love and yourself. It cannot be a game.

Learn to escape. I have free teachings on this. Here is a course and a eBook. Not everyone will agree with me. 

And that is fine. Each person is at a different place in the journey. If this article resonate with you and you wish to become a A Man of Peace or a Woman of Peace it is time to take the first steps. It is time to choose sides. And the sides are either Good or Evil.

Thank you for reading A Man of Peace. I once thought very, very differently than I do now. If you enjoyed this article you can subscribe using the Red Bell at the bottom left. I also recently wrote an article called the Fall of the West you may find interesting to read. 


Please use this form to ask!

Ask you question here.

* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

I hope you enjoyed this article, A Man of Peace. It is something needed in our culture today, in all societies. There have been endless wars all of my life with the exception of a short period of time. War is ONLY profit. It is never for the reason "they" say.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

The Conflict Zone. What makes Pressure Point Self Defense Work?

The Conflict Zone

The Conflict Zone. What makes Pressure Point Self Defense work on the streets? Especially on today's streets of ultra violence and uncontrolled mental illness.

As I taught many years ago in my Humane Pressure Point Tactics Courses you never want to stand and fight within  "the conflict zone." And yet this what is taught in the majority of Dojo's around the world.

That is fine for beginners, but it must be evolved. Angles are everything in the martial arts and street defense.

Importantly the teachings of the Octagon are all about angles. And about never being in the conflict zone where the attacker can control and play off your energy. Also as you know, or at least I hope you do know, striking pressure points requires the correct ANGLE and direction.

Most important to understand is that this is not available in the conflict zone. And you are too busy defending against the attack to think of striking effectively. And NEVER mistake demonstration waza for real life!

The Conflict Zone

When you understand that you never remain still, stand and fight. And you must exit the conflict zone as soon as the attacker moves to launch his first punch you. Then you are on the right track. Now at first you must move a lot, make big motions.

Because like everything else angular movement within the Octagon requires training.

And this also causes something else to happen. You no longer seek to strike the opponent. The opponents motion cause him or her to walk into the strike. Therefore you are not violating the laws of body mechanics. Bad body mechanics is a ver fast way to defeat!

In order to strike pressure points effectively on the move must have a solid understand of the principles of Kyusho Jitsu, and also movement within the Octagon. There is a FREE course here you can begin to learn about this study. 

Below is a video sample from my course called Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu.

This is some of the oldest and most powerful pressure point knowledge you will ever encounter. 

In Conclusion

The Conflict Zone CONCLUSION

Kosho Ryu dates back in its basic current for to 1235.  And can be traced back to the 600's. Here is a page with the History of Kosho Ryu here.

One very important FACT about Kosho Ryu is that it was never taken to sport. Therefore pressure points and their understanding were not take from the art in order to teach children, or follow rules.

That is very powerful. There will be a link below to the course I am referring to in the video if this is of interest to you!


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Ask you question here.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

I hope you enjoyed reading The Conflict Zone. If you did consider using the Red Bell at the bottom to subscribe to new articles.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!