All posts by Grand Master Art Mason

Painful Face Pressure Points. How to inflict unimaginable PAIN!

*Painful Face Pressure Points

Today I am going to talk about the Top 3 Most Painful Face Pressure Points.

Pain is a great deterrent! Understanding these 3 painful face pressure points can come in very handy in a bad situation!

So let's get started! There is a lot of information in this article..

Painful Face Pressure Points - Large Intestine 20

LI-20 Painful Face Pressure Points

This is a wonderful pressure point. Located beside the nose in a hollow when it is pushed / rubbed can cause intense pain! One of the reasons for this is that Large Intestine is the only meridian that crosses the body. Plus we are dealing with an area of dental nerves as well as sinus cavities. If you hold the back of the head at GB-20 the effect will intensify! 

I have also successfully used this as a knockout point! See the video below. To activate push in and down! 

Painful Face Pressure Points - Governor 26

GV-26 Painful Face Pressure Points

This is another GREAT painful face pressure point! Located right under the nose at center-line this is another RUB point. You can strike it, but if you seal the head like in the previous point, and rub side to side the pain is unbearable!

This is an excellent pressure point to use if you are on your back and have been mounted. The attack will fly off your because of the intense pain. And I have never encountered anyone who could withstand the pain!

Painful Face Pressure Points - Small Intestine 18

If you saw Steven Seagal's movie Under Siege 2 - Dark Territory this is the pressure point his niece attacked on one of the mercenaries.  

Another point of intense pain mostly due to the proximity of the sinus cavities. With pollution today most people have sinus issues also. 

SI-18 Most Painful Face Pressure Points

She does a good job of the grab, however you would support and seal using the left hand at the GB-20 area.  But it does do a decent job of demonstrating the pressure point! 

Here is what my new eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy says about SI-18.

Small Intestine 18 [SI-18]:

This pressure point is located directly below the outer canthus, in the depression on the lower border of the zygoma, level with CO-20.

Best attacked with a small penetrating weapon like a single knuckle. This pressure point will cause a rush of energy to the brain causing a knockout.

Painful Face Pressure Points

So what is the advantage to understanding Painful Face Pressure Points? These are control points! This allows for the application of techniques, using these kinds of points, to control a BAD situation. One that has not yet turned to out and out violence.

Painful Face Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

The more you know about each and every pressure point the better off you will be! Knowledge is not power, but applied knowledge is power. When you look at where you strike in your training, and then see what pressure points are available to you the more success you will have.

Thank you for taking time to read Painful Face Pressure Points.

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10 Best Pressure Points for 

Self Defense

Discover the 10 best pressure points to add to your training to increase the effectiveness of your self defense skills. The video courses gives you everything you need to know!

Pressure Points on the Body

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu? 

Thank you for taking time to read Painful Face Pressure Points. If you enjoyed the article consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom. Join us at the KJWA! membership is FREE!

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Painful Arm Pressure Points for Effective and Disabling Self Defense

Most Painful Arm Pressure Points

What are the Top 3 MOST Painful Arm Pressure Points? The arms are critical in self defense because this is what the attacker brings forward first! Therefore a solid understanding of the most effective and painful Pressure Points of the arms is a must!

When I say effective pressure points I am referring to the ones that work on the MAJORITY of people tested. When I say "painful" I am referring to a result from pain that does not allow the fight to continue. Nothing in self defense can be guaranteed. There are no guarantees in life.

Painful Arm Pressure Points - LI-10

Painful Arm Pressure Points

This is an outstanding pressure point, located on the upper part of the forearm near the elbow. This is a STRIKE point, however you can also "press" on it, but I personally do not recommend that in a self defense situation. 

This Pressure Point is struck straight through like an arrow.  Note the "through!" You hit this point HARD, striking through  towards the ground.  There is no "light touch" for pressure points. Always remember light is for training and therefore not hurting your partner. The streets are DIFFERENT!

When this point is hit hard there is intense pain, and the hand will open slowly as the pain shoots towards it. The entire arm will go numb from the elbow to the hand. Any weapon will be DROPPED. The effect can last 10 to 20 minutes depending on how hard and clean the hit is. But always assume a short recovery time! 

Develop your skill with all these 3 Painful Arm Pressure Points.

Reference - Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy


One of the most popular and easiest to access pressure points on the body LI-10. Located 2 cun below LI-11, on the radial aspect of the radius, in the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles.

This pressure point can have a huge effect on the body. A strike straight down and through will paralyze the arm, and in some cases can potentially stop the heart.

Striking upward causes a shock wave to rise up the arm into the upper body. Will cause knock out if struck hard enough. When used with ST 9 has the potential for begin a deathblow!

This pressure point will affect the entire Large Intestine Meridian, especially around the arm, neck and face, hence the fact that ST 9 works really well with this pressure point. Again, when struck slightly upwards, the lower body will lose Chi and cause nausea. I have personally seen instances of diarrhea that can last for many days of untreated. Here is an article on Pressure Point LI-10 with more information. The first of my Painful Arm Pressure Points list.

Painful Arm Pressure Points - LU-06

LU-06 Painful Arm Pressure Points

This is another very effective pressure point located on the inside of the arm halfway between the elbow and hand on the thumb side.  This point, located mid radial bone works on everyone I have ever tried it one. This is why it is such an effective pressure point.

Striking all pressure points and getting a good results means you need to be using 2 Way Action. Below is a short video demonstrating both Lung 6 and 2 Way action. 

Also note, the tighter the grip, the more painful the result! There is also something else very interesting about this pressure point. If the attacker has any chronic lung issues, striking this point will cause them to cough. Therefore telling you more about them and potential attack points. Learn these Painful Arm Pressure Points!

Reference - Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy


This Pressure Point is located on the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining LU 9 to LU 5, 7 cun above LU 9. The point is in the brachioradialis muscle, in the lateral margin at the upper extremity of the pronator teres muscle and the medial margin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles.

When struck hard the arm will immediately begin to go numb down towards the hand. The hand will also open slowly if the fist was closed. The tighter the fist is held the more pain associated with the strike.

Chest pain is also common. Striking too hard, too often can also cause sever breathing distress which can lead to death. This Pressure Point like LU-05 can also be used for Lung resuscitation. And other excellent and very Painful Arm Pressure Points.

Painful Arm Pressure Points - TW-11

TW-11 Painful Arm Pressure Points

This is the last of the 3 most effective pressure points of the arms and it is one of my favorites. This point also works on everyone I have ever tried it on! I also had the occasion many, many years ago to use it in self defense. This was an incident in 2007 in Caracas Venezuela at the airport. The result was a fleeing attacker with a dislocation of the elbow.

Now this pressure point is located just above the elbow joint at the tendon.  The best result will come when the hand is twist so the palm is in the same direction as the elbow, exposing the point more clearly. However a hard strike will compensate for the hand position. Striking or rubbing this point will cause the elbow to release making dislocation easy. When it comes to Painful Arm Pressure Points this one is a king.

Reference - Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy


Located 1 cun above TW-10. This pressure point weakens the elbow joint itself making it very easy to break or dislocate the elbow. Basically, stimulation releases the joint.

This is an excellent point to stimulate in any self defense techniques in which the arm is straight. This is one of my personal favorite pressure points. Here is an article with more information on Pressure Point TW-11.

Painful Arm Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

There are literally a hundred pressure points on the body that can cause intense pain when attacked. And these Painful Arm Pressure Points are very important to learn.

However not all are very accessible, which in self defense is a BIG consideration. This is why I chose these 3 to begin with. 

Do you have any pressure points on the arms you really like to use? Thank you for read Painful Arm Pressure Points!

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Ask you question here.

Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Natural Laws of Self Defense
Specialized Training for Violent Times

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!!!!

* Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Fully Understanding Pressure Points

The path to success is a deep understanding of what you are doing. In this case it is the understanding of as many pressure points, where they are and how they work as is possible. With 361 Pressure Points on the body. Plus extra points, this is a daunting task at best!

This is why I created the book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, which I reference from above! Below is a look at one other, and one of the most important pressure points on the body for self defense. This is ST-09 [Stomach].

If you would like to learn more about Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, the Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu please click here.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for taking time to read Painful Arm Pressure Points. If you enjoyed the article please subscribe with the Red Bell below. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu is there any difference?

What is the difference Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu. There is much controversy in the martial arts world about the ancient art of Dim Mak, as well as the not so ancient science of Kyusho Jitsu. Today I am going to do a comparison of Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu. Expose the different between the 2 arts, if there is any and how each can be studied in details.

Black Belt Magazine has featured articles like this over the years, but Black Belt Mag is paid content. I don't get paid for this. 

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu

The legends of Dim Mak are countless! It traces deep into Traditional Chinese Medicine I have discussed in my book Dim Mak Vibrating Palm.  And right up to the 20th century as many people still believe today that Dim Mak was the cause of the death of martial arts legend Bruce Lee.  Dim Mak comes from Chinese Martial Arts. The term Vital Points is often used for Dim Mak Pressure Points.

Bruce Lee - Dim Mak vs Kyusho Jitsu

Now myself, I do not think Bruce Lee was killed by the "death touch" however he did have a lot of enemies, and his death is questionable at best.  Then of course after the totally unnecessary and ridiculous way in which his son Brandon died, more fuel was added to the fire.

*Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu

The term "Dim Mak" means to "press artery."  Dim Mak is a method in which to "attack" the vascular systems of the human body and obtain a predictable and often deadly result.

It does not mean "Death Touch" as tabloid publications who mock the martial arts, like Wikipedia, like to state.

And just try to update that information! You will not be allowed. They love to mock and spread misinformation.  I have tried and failed many times. 

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu

Dim Mak originates or began in the ancient art of Taijiquan, which lead to the modern day exercise art of Tai Chi. Now today these terms have lost their meaning, however in ancient times Taijiquan was a deadly martial art! Today people tend to think they are the same thing. Which they are NOT.

Dim Mak uses the pressure point systems and meridian systems of the human body to attack the vascular systems. Pressure Points are used as almost a "portal" for vibrating energy strikes to enter the body.  There are hand positions which intensify the ability to strike, and help to transfer Ki or Chi into the attacker. These are called Ji Hands.

Not all pressure points work for this purpose. Therefore not all pressure points are considered to be Dim Mak points. Pressure Point like Stomach 9 are because of their proximity to a major artery. 

You can learn more about ST-09 by clicking the button below.

The over simplified explanation for how this works is that a strike is made which damages the vascular system in the local vicinity attacked and damage will occur after a time period. Depending on the area this can be immediate damage of damage that occurs later. An example of this is causing an aneurysm. Which would result in death anywhere from hours, to days, to weeks later.

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu - Kyusho

Now we will take a look at what I call the "science of pressure point self defense." The main idea behind Kyusho Jitsu is not the attack of the vascular system but rather the neurological systems of the human body. 

Nervous System -Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu

The idea with a Kyusho Jitsu strike is to attack a nerve at a vulnerable place, which is a pressure point and therefore cause a dysfunction of the brain, or the area of the body attacked.

This dysfunction can be anything from a numbness in the limb, to intense local pain. And unconsciousness due to an overload of the system. AKA Kyusho Knockout

And a Kyusho Jitsu Pressure Point strikes can cause death. This is depending on the area of the body and the impact of the strike. 

Both Kyusho Jitsu and Dim Mak are complex studies requiring time, dedication and hard work. There are no instant results with either system or art. However with work many amazing results are possible and predictable. Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu is a facinating subject!

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu 

As you can see from the information above the major difference between these 2 arts.  However in its purest form Dim Mak covered the neurological aspects also. But it is not easy to find a complete "Dim Mak" art in today's world as much has been bleed out, no pun intended. 

Understanding Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu

And as I stated, both arts require a lot of dedicated work and training! However the results are worth it! One of the areas that must be covered in great detail is the pressure point system of the body

And I have cover this in details in my new book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, the Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu. Plus you can take a look at a modern "interpretation" of Dim Mak also from here

Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Do you believe that "delayed death"  is possible?

Was this the cause of Bruce Lee's passing or do you accept "death by misadventure" which was the final result? Thank ou for taking time to read Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Dim Mak Vibrating Palm

Secrets of Kyusho Jitsu

Part Two - Dim Mak Vibrating Palm

All New eBook!

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points
Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

Thank you for Reading Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu!

I hope you enjoyed the article called Dim Mak Vs Kyusho Jitsu. If you want to follow my teaching you can use the little Red Bell in the corner to subscribe. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

How Kyusho Jitsu Stances. What is the different from traditional?

Kyusho Jitsu stances

Kyusho Jitsu Stances: In the martial arts world in my opinion stances are among the most misunderstood of "techniques."  I use the word techniques because I really cannot decide on a word for description!  Perhaps that comes from trying to learn another language. But today I want to address Kyusho Jitsu Stances and their place in the science of pressure point self defense. 

Kyusho Jitsu Stances - Misunderstanding

I will often here martial arts instructors tell their students to get into their stance. And that is OK, as long as the student comes to understand that in self defense a stance is never "taken." As a training point this is fine, but the relationship to self defense is different. 

When you look at a self defense situation there are 2 very important aspect of the defender to understand. That is:

  1. Mobility
  2. Stability

The Kyusho Jitsu stance is obviously the "stability" aspect of the situation. However the confusion comes because of the way we train.  A stance is a transition point, not a place where you remain!

If I was going to compare it to music, the stance is pause between notes.  When you "take" a stance you cripple your movement, slowing yourself down and forcing a power versus power confrontation. Instead we move through stances taking advantage of a level point, then continuing to control or strike as needed. 

Kyusho Jitsu Stances - Kyusho Aspect

Kyusho Jitsu Stances Work

Note: The deeper the Kyusho Jitsu Stance the greater the element effect!

Now from a Kyusho Jitsu aspect, the Kyusho Jitsu Stances also relate directly to an element of the body. However once again in order to get the proper affect, it becomes a dance between mobility and stability!

If you have ever seen my oldest son move you will know how he has mastered this aspect of training! But on the Kyusho Jitsu Stances. Here is a breakdown.

  • Forward Bo [Walking Stance] - Fire element
  • Neutral Bo - Fire element
  • 45 Degree Cat Stance - Metal element
  • Horse Stance Toes Out - Wood 
  • Horse Stance Toes Forward - Earth element
  • X Stance, Crane, Crossover etc - Water element

Kyusho Jitsu Stances in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu Stances Work CONCLUSION

This is the basic breakdown based on the traditional stances! This applies to all stances across all arts.

If you are curious about a particular stance and its element that is not listed feel free to contact me!

Thank you for reading this article on Kyusho Jitsu Stances. 

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

Bunkai the Art of Kata Interpretation

An In Depth Learning of Movement 

* Combat-Pressure-Points-220x220

Combat Pressure Points Video Course

Important Knowledge for out of Control Violent Times!

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for reading this article on Kyusho Jitsu Stances.  And come join us at the KJWA! Membership is free! You can subscribe to new articles using the little red bell.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points. How to take the legs

Crippling Leg Pressure Points

Today we will talk about the Top 3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points for self defense you need to know! There is an old saying, that when in doubt attack the legs! 

But what is the most effective way?

3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points

The bigger the attacker the most fragile the legs. Therefore knowing the Crippling Leg Pressure Points is a must!

Legs do a lot of work as I am sure you realize. But when someone is BIG they work beyond what they should. Today there is an epidemic of obesity in the world. Especially in men. 

But that does not stop them from wanting to fight, or be a criminal! And you must understand your attacker, and what his weaknesses are! That is part of the study of the science of pressure point self defense.

Crippling Leg Pressure Points - Let's Attack the Knees!

Crippling Leg Pressure Points

This is the usual train of thought in the martial arts. And yes the knees are a weak area, especially on heavy people.

There is a cluster of 4 pressure points around the knees that make great targets! I discuss these in DEPTH in the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course!

But today we will bypass the knees and go for PAIN! 

Crippling Leg Pressure Points

Let begin with the first of 3 leg pressure points with GB-31!

3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points GB-31

1) Gall Bladder 31- This point is located as you can see on thigh, midway down on the Yang side. It is hit straight in like an arrow! The knee makes a GREAT weapon against it too! What happens? The leg will CRAMP. If you strike it hard enough when the leg cramps the quadriceps will cramp so badly they will TEAR.

This pressure point is also often called the Charlie Horse Point. You can read a full article on the pressure point Gall Bladder 31 here.

You cannot walk let alone continue to fight under these circumstances!  

2) Bladder 56 - As you can see from the diagram this on of the leg pressure points that lies mid calf. 

Here is Bladder 56 3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points

Striking this point, like GB-31 will cause an INTENSE calf cramp. I accidentally hit this point once too hard on my Uki and he ended up with a muscle tear. I know you are getting the idea! The best weapon for this is the heal of your foot! If you have heave boots on you will get an even better result! You can also use BL-57 or BL-58. But I have found BL-56 the most effective. 

If you can't walk....can't fight! The power of Crippling Leg Pressure Points.

3) Spleen 11 - I have talked about SP-11 many times! Located mid upper thigh on the inside this is perhaps the BEST of all leg points. I know people expect me to go with SP-6, which is a great point! Most of all it is a setup point. 

But today I want PAIN!

Because of where the point is located it can cause a neurological knockout if you hit is hard enough. The attack is straight in like an arrow. The knee is a great weapon and so is a front kick! If you want to know HOW it can cause an knockout read 5 Best Knockout Pressure Points Here.

Spleen Meridian Leg

There is also a very good possibly with a hard strike of cracking or breaking the femur bone in the upper leg. As I said before, this ends the altercation.  Here is a full article on SP-11 too! As you can see how important it is to learn the Crippling Leg Pressure Points.

Crippling Leg Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

The legs are one of the very best places to attack in self defense. And there are many more amazing pressure points other then these 3.

I chose these 3 because they work on 99% of the people I have tested on! Thank you for reading Crippling Leg Pressure Points!

Also they are not difficult to use! Therefore the reason for me choosing these. If you would like to discover more pressure points on the legs, or other areas of the body then you need to look at my new eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy!

So what so you think? Do you have any other pressure points you prefer? Leave a comment below and let me know about them! [Click Here to Comment]

This new book covers every pressure point on the body, all 361 of them. Plus extraordinary pressure points and other special points.  You can read about one of the most deadly pressure points on the body, ST-09 by clicking the button below!

If you would like to learn more about Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy then follow this LINK NOW. And this book covers everything about Crippling Leg Pressure Points.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Thank you for taking time to read Crippling Leg Pressure Points. And don't forget to join the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance! Membership is free. Also use the Red Bell below to subscribe to any new articles I write.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points.What are these really?

The Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points

What are Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points? Before I go into some details here first let's lay the ground work in case all of this science of pressure point self defense is new to you. 

First I will define what a pressure point is. A pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve comes to an end, where nerves cross over each other, and where a nerve branches off.

There are 309 standard pressure points on the human body, plus 52 more points on the "vessels" which brings the total to 361. Now this is ONLY looking at one side of body however with reference to the meridian pressure points. 

These pressure points have specific characteristics that are associated to the meridian they lie upon, the element of the meridian.

And the polarity of the related organ of the body. Here is a link to an article on Pressure Point Basics which will help you if you need more information!

What are Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points?

These are essentially pressure points that were discovered after the mapping of the original 361. They are found in many different places on the body. These Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points also have no direct relationship to any meridians or elements. 

Mue-28 -Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points

In this bad editing job I did here on this picture I give you Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points MUE-28. The pressure point is located in very close proximity to the Heart Meridian and therefore in the case will take on the characteristics of the Heart Meridian.

When struck across the arm, with 2 way action it releases the wrist.

The use of Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points does vary from point to point. Plus not all of them have any real application in Kyusho Jitsu. That being said I will give you a breakdown of some of the more useful ones. 

And I should warn you, this is not novice material! 

Extraordinary Pressure Points Summary

  • They have no relationship to Yin or Yang.
  • Have no underlying relationship with each other.
  • "Tend” to take on the characteristics of the closest meridian, but now always.
  • May run over-top of another meridian
  • Also help to coordinate the balance of Chi and Blood
  • May run over-top of another meridian
  • Assist in the functions of the regular meridians
Ex=HN-9 Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points

Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points Listing and Locations

 1. M-HN-3 - Glabella area or the area between the eyebrows and nose
 2. M-HN-9 - Beside the nose.
 3. M-HN-14 - Bridge of the Nose
 4. M-HN-19 – Located on the lateral corner of the chin
 5. M-CA-23 - Umbilicus Triangle
 6. M-CA-18 - Lateral Pelvis
 7. M-UE-24 - Between the 2 and 3rd metacarpal
 8. M-EU-26 - Hollow of the elbow
 9. M-EU-48 - Anterior Shoulder area
 10. M-UE-27 – Above the knee

M-Hn-19 Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points

Now I am not today going to go into details about the functionality of each of the Extraordinary Pressure Points. This is all very advanced information.

However understanding their existence, and their basic use is important.

Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Extraordinary Pressure Points have a very important function in Dim Mak because they upset the natural blood and energy balances of the body. 

Keeping all of this kind of information in balance, able to reference is a difficult task. There are a lot of other very "special pressure points" each with very important and different affects on the body.

Have you had an experience with extraordinary pressure points? Do you have any questions? Thank you for taking time to read this article on Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

This information above is just a small example of what you will find in my new book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy! If you would like to see a quick excerpt from the book click on the link below! This is about Pressure Point St-09!

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

If you enjoyed this article on Kyusho Extraordinary Pressure Points please consider subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho 5 Element Theory? Do we still need it?

The Kyusho 5 Element Theory

Kyusho 5 Element Theory: It is funny how fast people are to dismiss the knowledge of "old" stating that it has been "debunked" or disproven, when the actual truth is that the knowledge has simply been discarded in light of a different path. The same goes for the Kyusho 5 Element Theory, which in fact belongs to Taoist and Eastern Medicine.

Today many different Kyusho Jitsu instructors who were taught the "old way" not have completely abandoned them for a more modern approach. While I agree with the modern approach aspect I disagree with walking away from the "old ways."

I think that is a mistake and a great disservice to the community.

Kyusho 5 Element Theory - Do they exist?

The Kyusho 5 Element Theory is based on nature. So first lets take a look at this "cycle" that is an explanation for creation.

Water Kyusho 5 Element Theory

Rain [water] causes the growth of plants [wood]. Then these plants and trees are scorched in the summer summer sun and feed the flames when fire comes. [forest fires as an example] From the flames of the [fire] the plants turn to ash, which in turn  become the [earth.] 

Within the earth are formed metal ores. [Metals], when cold [at night], cause water to condense and then evaporate in the sun, forming the rain that begins the creative cycle all over again.

The next question is do these "elements" exist in people? The "modern" look at the world and its dependency on chemicals would say no. But lets look shall we?

Fire - Kyusho 5 Element Theory

Fire: The human body produces heat and does so at an even 37 degrees centigrade. When the body overheats or fails to heat death occurs.

Metals: The body contains countless numbers of metals like iron to name only one.

Wood: Fiber which is a requirement of proper body functions is one such example.

Earth: Does the body have "earth" in it? Many will talk about the idea of returning to the ashes up death which is very true. But we are a "carbon" based life form. Carbon is a non metallic element found in the earth.

The POWER of Water. The Black Sea in Constanta Romania.

Kyusho 5 Element Theory - Water

"Water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend." Bruce Lee

Water: Do I really need to address this one? Depending on the part of the body the average amount of water will vary, the brain being the highest content. The average seems to change from authority to authority, but let's call it 60%. And considering the average person in the western world is dehydrated you can see an issue I hope. 

Now this is all oversimplification. A little research and you will find much more information. 

Kyusho 5 Element Theory - Meridians

The Pressure Point Pericardium 6

Now each meridian on the body is linked to an organ. And each organ is represented by an element.  And these are all grouped in a Yin and Yang sequence. There is a pairing of organs, one yin and one yang, which in turn represent and element and a time of day in which the organ is most active. 

Let's take a look at these organs and their groupings.

Yin Organs

  • Heart - Fire 
  • Pericardium - Fire
  • Lung - Metal
  • Kidney - Water
  • Liver - Wood
  • Spleen - Earth

Yang Organs

  • Small Intestine - Fire
  • Triple Warmer - Fire
  • Large Intestine - Metal
  • Bladder - Water
  • Gall Bladder - Wood
  • Stomach - Earth

You will note that each organ has an element association. Now this association is not an absolute! Yes there are people who try to argue against this by saying there is no wood in the liver. And obviously I do not deal with people like this. 

The organ however has a "predominance" of one element but contain all elements. This information is a basis for Chinese and other Asian medicines. And these people are far better at promoting "health" than the western medical world is. Western medicine is about disaster relief. Not about prevention. And I speak from personal experience. 

On to the Kyusho Jitsu aspects of all of this.

Kyusho 5 Element Theory - Cycle of Destruction

Understanding the Yin-Yang Symbol

For every positive there must be a negative. That is how our reality works. And like the Yin/Yang symbol, health comes in the balance, not in the extremes. Using the Cycle of Destruction our goal is to take the body to an extreme.

This imbalance can come in the form of brain dysfunction, often times referred to as a knockout. Body dysfunction, the inability to use a limb temporarily. And even death found in the art of Dim Mak

In the science of pressure point self defense I still teach the Cycle of Destruction and the other "eastern" based principles and methods. I do however associate the western medical view with all this. 

Eastern vs Western Approach

Now why do I still teach this way when other have abandoned it? For one it works! Some will say not for the reasons I say it does.  Seriously! And if you are right, and I do not think you are, WHAT IS YOUR POINT? Aside from driving your ego.

But far more important is this provides a solid foundation for people to learn. And NOT just gifted visual learners.

But this teaching method helps everyone to learn. Here is a SOLID example of why!

Kyusho 5 Element Theory - Learning Kyusho

Kyusho 5 Element Theory wood

If I was ask you to think about "wood" what do you see?

Depending the person is what the answer will be. I tend to see a log for a fire! What do you see?

Now if I ask you to visualize the "occipital nerve" what do you see? For the average person there is no response, they need to look it up.

We do not under normal circumstance build an association with the brain teaching this way! So why do people teach exclusively this way? Good question!

And yes I do have an opinion on this! Email me if you want to know it!

The Science of Pressure Point Self Defense

 But if I teach you about the division of the arm as "fire and metal" you can easily build an association in your unconscious mind and then begin to get a result. The result inspires you to learn more, and with this attitude success comes! 

And then I will add the other information as the student become ready to learn it! This is what being a "teacher" and not an "instructor" means. The Kyusho 5 Element Theory still matters very much today!

IKyusho 5 Element Theory i Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Kyusho 5 Element Theory in conclusion I hope you can see the values of still teaching the "traditional" Kyusho Jitsu methods and not just the current trends.

I believe teaching this way will include more students becoming successful and continuing their study in the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu

And if you want to have a truly epic reference for all things Kyusho Jitsu take a look at the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu. Thank you for taking the time to read this article called the Kyusho 5 Element Theory.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

The Power of the Kyusho 5 Element Theory

The Power of the
Kyusho 5 Element Theory

An eBook on the POWER of Ancient Theories

Proof Old Knowledge is the BEST knowledge

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

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I hope you enjoyed this article on the Kyusho 5 Element Theory! You can subscribe to new articles with the Red Bell in the corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Pressure Point Science. How to properly study?

Kyusho Pressure Point Science

The ability to succeed in your Kyusho Pressure Point Science study has a very clear path. Today I am going to help you to get a solid understanding of how this all works and you can be successful. 

The best way to learn is to follow "systems." Failure to follow a system makes the study of Kyusho Pressure Point Science far more of a challenge. The reason is that you may develop a tendency to not give enough attention to certain topics, and too much to others. 

Kyusho Pressure Point Science - Tip #1

Never ever listen to the opinions of people who have not successfully done the work

Failures in life, and this is the majority of people always want to keep you down with at a level with them. Surround yourself with people who have your best interests at heart. 

Kyusho Jitsu Instructor Certification Spain

I have a lot of personal experience with these kinds of situations and have had to remove people from my life to pursue my own goals. My closest friend in life decided he objected to my path in life and cut off all ties with me. Which is fine.

I need to walk this path and someone who cannot support me is not a friend!

Things in life change and if you can accept that you will do much better in the long run!

Kyusho Pressure Point Science - Tip #2

In order to succeed in your Kyusho Pressure Point Science study you must set time aside for study. It is like training in the Dojo. If you do not dedicate time to it you will not succeed! After almost 35 years in the martial arts world do you know how many times I have heard "if I had stuck with it would be a ...10th Dan now." And they say it like somehow it actually means something?

The only path to success is work. No one is entitled to anything despite what today's ridiculous ideologies like to preach. 

Time Kyusho Pressure Point Science

Make sure you disciple yourself and set time aside daily for study! Even 10 minutes at first is fine!

Truth: When someone says they have no time it means they do not want to! 

Kyusho Pressure Point Science - Tip #3

Reverse engineer your striking for the areas that you would normally hit in your root art!

The Pressure Point Stomach 5

Don't try to find pressure points to hit! I know this sounds odd. However it is only logical. So how do you do it? Take a look at the techniques in your root art, see where are are targeting. 

As an example someone with a system that targets the head with strikes. See what part of the head you are striking, then see what pressure points are there, and learn about those.

This way you will come up with some favorites right away. As an example in my root art of Hapkido we did not target the back of the head. Therefore GB-20 was not at that time on my list of pressure points targets, but ST-05 was!

At the end of this post I have a special free report for you on the 10 Most Painful Pressure Points on the body. Download it, and it will help you!

Kyusho Pressure Point Science - Tip #4

The Cycle of Destruction

Learn the basic principles first! Leave the advanced materials until you feel confident with the basics. This way you do not get confused and frustrated. The 1st Five beginners principles lead into the advanced.  They complete a picture. So take your time and learn them well!

Kyusho Pressure Point Science in Conclusion - Tip #5

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Reference materials! You need reference materials.  Not a lot necessarily, but leaving this type of study to memory is difficult unless you are the kind of person with an Eidetic Memory or great study skills. 

Here are 2 suggestions, one FREE the second requires a small investment in your education. 

My question is, will you take advantage of at least the FREE offer for the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Certification Workbook? Thank you for reading this article called Kyusho Pressure Point Science.

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10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense

The world today is becoming more dangerous by the hours. Make your self defense training for effective with my Video Course called the 10 Best Pressure Points for Self Defense. Detail explanation and applications. Must have information for your learning.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for reading Kyusho Pressure Point Science. If you enjoyed this article please conisder subscribing wit the Red Bell below.  Plus don't forget to join the KJWA! Membership is FREE.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Basics – Are you new to Pressure Points?

* Understanding Kyusho Jitsu Basics

Anyone who is interested in the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu must begin with a solid understanding of the pressure point itself.

So today I will offer this up for not just beginners, but advanced students as well for review. Kyusho Jitsu Basics, understanding the pressure point. 

Kyusho Jitsu Basics - What is a Pressure Point?

Before you begin to discover things like principles you need to understand "what a pressure point is." There is nothing magic nor mystical about these little spots on the body. They are really very basic.

Pressure Points relate to nerves. Therefore a pressure point is a place on the body where a nerve end, crosses over another nerve, or branches off like a "Y."  

Pressure Points lie on channels called "meridians" that represent an electrical path of energy in the body caused by electromagnetic induction created by electrical impulses in the nerves themselves. This is very similar as to the function of a transformer. 

To the left you need an example of some facial nerves. The one I will point out is coming to the mid section of the nose. Right at this "Y" branch is an "extraordinary" pressure point called M - Hn-9. When struck correctly this pressure point causes immense pain. 

Kyusho Jitsu Basics -The Facial Nerves

Kyusho Jitsu Basics - Types of Pressure Points

There are 3 basic types of pressure points when it comes to striking them. The 3 basics types are as follows: 

  1. Rub Points
  2. Push Points 
  3. Strike Points

There is no definitive path to which pressure point responds to what therefore you need a solid knowledge of the pressure points you want to strike. This is best done by looking at the striking patterns of your root art and seeing what you are hitting. 

The Pressure Point Stomach 5

The next thing we would like at in Kyusho Jitsu Basics is what I would call the "category" of pressure point. There are 2 categories, the first is pressure point that when activated cause "pain" and the second are those that cause "dysfunction" of the brain and/or the nervous system. 

Dysfunction has different flavors depending on the pressure point. They vary from the ability to use part of the body, to unconsciousness and in the most dramatic instances death. Therefore caution must be used! And education, understanding how it all works is a must!

Kyusho Jitsu Basics - Activation

There are many people in the world who do not believe pressure points work. And this is because they have not done the training to understand how they work. And today when people do not understand something they ridicule it. Must be hard to be that pathetic. When I do not understand something i either learn it, or forget it.

Kyusho Jitsu World Weekly News - RMATC Update

I come from a linage or a Korea Master who moved to Canada in the late 60's. His name was Chung Won Oh, an amazing man and martial artist. He pasted away several years ago now. So did his oldest son. Sadly the school does not exist any longer. 

But his teaching methods were of the old ways. He said "twist" the hand and hit correctly. Today we call this because of Grand Master Wally Jay2 Way Action

So as an example to have an opening to hit the side of the jaw with a right hand. You can attempt a hard blunt trauma strike. Likely you will miss, and if you connect you can often times cause the issue to escalate because of the anger and adrenaline rush that precedes.

 Or you can train to hit correctly using 2 Way Action and target any of the multiple pressure point available like ST-05. This will cause brain dysfunction and end the attack.  The truth is blunt trauma does not work as well as people like to think it does. Want proof? Look at some of the hits taken in an MMA or boxing match. You cannot train to take and be immune to blunt trauma. 

If blunt trauma worked, the fighter would be over in seconds, not rounds.

Kyusho Jitsu Basics - pressure point activation size

Kyusho Jitsu Basics - Area of activation

The next thing I always hear is that pressure points are too small to hit with accuracy.  This is also false. The actual "size" of a pressure point is very small, like the head of a pin. However the area of activation is much larger. 

I refer it it being the approximate size of a Looney, which is a $1 Canadian coin

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu is an intellectual pursue, when combined with your root arts begins to develop the Body-Mind-Spirit aspect always discussed as being a martial and most important element in martial art study. 

If you have any questions please comment at the bottom of the article. You can also join our  FREE Kyusho Courses from this LINK

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

( Mastering Triple Warmer

Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

* Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Kyusho Jitsu Ground Fighting

Learn how to apply Kyusho Jitsu when an attack goes to the ground!

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Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Stomach 9-10. Now to initiates a Vasodilatation.

The Pressure Point Stomach 9-10

Pressure Point Stomach 9-10: Updated May 9th 2020.

As we approach the end of this series on various pressure points of the body I encourage you to head over to my Kyusho eBook website and grab a copy of Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy so that you have this kind of detailed information on every pressure point on the body.

So today I conclude with Pressure Point Stomach 9-10, one of the most dangerous pressure points (2) on the body.


The Pressure Point Stomach 9-10

Pressure Point Stomach
9-10 - Location

The primary focus of this article is on ST-09. This is because this is arguably the most dangerous of the 2 pressure points. It is however almost impossible to strike one without hitting the other. And they both react pretty much the same.

Pressure Point ST-09 is situated right over the carotid sinus. The carotid sinus is a Baroreceptor, whose purpose is to detect an increase in blood pressure. When it detects an increase, it sends a signal to the vasomotor center of the via the vagus nerve. This initiates a Vasodilatation, and slowing of the heart rate to lower the blood pressure to normal.

Here is an excerpt from my book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy on ST-09

Pressure Point Stomach 9-10 - Affects

When either or both of these pressure points are struck there is an immediate, violent and dangerous response from the brain. The blood pressure will drop quickly causing a "vascular faint" or knockout. This can be accomplished with a low to medium strike. 

A harder strike can cause serious damage to the nervous and arterial systems of the area which will result in death.  Pressure Points Stomach 9-10 are also Dim Mak points because an energy strike to this part of the system, both nervous and vascular, will cause enough "dysfunction" to result in death overtime. 

Pressure Point ST-10 - Location

ST-10 which is considered just as dangerous a pressure point as ST-09 is located at the anterior border of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle midway between ST-09 and ST-11.

The Sternocleidomastoideus Muscle

Detailed Video on how ST-09 and ST-10 Work!

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

The dangers of these 2 Pressure Points CANNOT be overstated. NEVER strike these in training! They are only for life and death street situations.  

With Kyusho Jitsu Training must come responsibility! Now that you are aware of the consequences of striking these 2 pressure points realize that misuse is negligence!

Are there any other dangerous martial arts pressure points you are curious about? I have added a related article to this one called Unveiling the Most Formidable Pressure Point. Follow the link to read!

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Complete Guide to Chi Development

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( Mastering Triple Warmer

Mastering Triple Warmer Meridian

Learn the POWER of triple Warmer from this all new eBook.

Perhaps the most important meridian on the body

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point Articles

Below is a list of other Kyusho articles in this series on different pressure points for self defense on the body. If you enjoy our content and do not wish to miss other posts and articles please click the "Red Bell" in the bottom left hand corner of your browser to subscribe. 

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Feel free to comment of ask questions below! And if you have not yet heard about the Encyclopedia of Kyusho Jitsu check it out now here!

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason
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