All posts by Grand Master Art Mason

A Man of Peace. The TRUE way of Budo

* A Man of Peace

I am a man of peace. But I have not always been this way. That is simply a part of the journey. Today if I meet someone I have never met before, and the conversation goes to "what do you do for a living" my reply is that I am a Dog Rescuer.

Why do I do this? Well after almost 40 years in the arts, and about 38 of this as a teacher I am tired of the patronizing remarks like "I better be careful what I say to you" etc, etc, etc. And also of course the person who tell you about all their great street battles and how they were in karate as a kid. 

And if they kept going they would be a great grand master now. Yeah, right. Losers...

A man of peace

So, I a Man of Peace rescue dogs, because I love animals, much more than people. Animals do not lie. I have never been betrayed by one of my Huskies. And I have had enough lies to last me 1000 lifetimes. If I want to hear bullshit I will watch the American/Canadian/British news.

I am man of peace, and there is way too much violence in our world. It has now become virtue, like lying is now virtue, rather then using violence a last, final resort. Yet, where it is really needed, people become cowards. Like allowing the crimes against the people of America to continue. Very strange times we live in. France is fighting back, KUDOS to them! WARRIORS!

Now, I am NOT a pacifist. But I a man of Peace. Every pacifist I ever met was very violent deep down inside. It should be apparent today that "people" are NOT inherently good. Being peaceful, being good is a choice. And a hard one to make today. Violence is easy, peace is hard.

But as a Man of Peace I am prepared to defend myself and my family or pack as I call them. Family is not always blood. 

A man of peace

The martial arts today has become for the masses a tough guy contest, and that is very sad. It is a personal journey to discover truth, the truth of yourself. There is nothing higher than understanding the self. Martial Arts, while needing to teach defense, and techniques, should be teaching escape first, above all other things. This is not cowardice, it is just the opposite. To escape you must control yourself first! Fighting is EASY.

I know my skills, and I have had many altercations in my life, but choosing to be a man of peace means I MUST control myself. It is braver to walk away then do harm. Like I said, hurting people is easy!

Man of Peace - A Peaceful Life

Today I live a life as recluse in the mountains of the country I LOVE, România. I only see those close to me, occasionally going off the land to shop or have a meal in town. I teach the martial arts in real life to a very select few. Online is different, and I hope to continue this for a long time. But the current economic conditions are making this a great challenge.

Despite the media lies of a great economy, the economic system of the world is crashing. It is being replace however, and that is another story. Not the one the majority think is going to happen. The masses believe the lying media and fear mongers. Yet they provide no proof, only words.

I am working currently also to go off the grid and be self sufficient. And I love it! I do not participate in "social media" as I know their crimes. And to do so would violate my core beliefs. To me, continuing to use Facebook is like being an accessory to their evil crimes. My account is now gone. 

I am not suggesting this is a life for everyone. But it is for. More and more people ask me about this too. Many are sick of the lies of the Western Culture

In Conclusion


Become a man or woman of peace. Violence is ONLY for life threatening situations, to defend those you love and yourself. It cannot be a game.

Learn to escape. I have free teachings on this. Here is a course and a eBook. Not everyone will agree with me. 

And that is fine. Each person is at a different place in the journey. If this article resonate with you and you wish to become a A Man of Peace or a Woman of Peace it is time to take the first steps. It is time to choose sides. And the sides are either Good or Evil.

Thank you for reading A Man of Peace. I once thought very, very differently than I do now. If you enjoyed this article you can subscribe using the Red Bell at the bottom left. I also recently wrote an article called the Fall of the West you may find interesting to read. 


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* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

I hope you enjoyed this article, A Man of Peace. It is something needed in our culture today, in all societies. There have been endless wars all of my life with the exception of a short period of time. War is ONLY profit. It is never for the reason "they" say.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

The Conflict Zone. What makes Pressure Point Self Defense Work?

The Conflict Zone

The Conflict Zone. What makes Pressure Point Self Defense work on the streets? Especially on today's streets of ultra violence and uncontrolled mental illness.

As I taught many years ago in my Humane Pressure Point Tactics Courses you never want to stand and fight within  "the conflict zone." And yet this what is taught in the majority of Dojo's around the world.

That is fine for beginners, but it must be evolved. Angles are everything in the martial arts and street defense.

Importantly the teachings of the Octagon are all about angles. And about never being in the conflict zone where the attacker can control and play off your energy. Also as you know, or at least I hope you do know, striking pressure points requires the correct ANGLE and direction.

Most important to understand is that this is not available in the conflict zone. And you are too busy defending against the attack to think of striking effectively. And NEVER mistake demonstration waza for real life!

The Conflict Zone

When you understand that you never remain still, stand and fight. And you must exit the conflict zone as soon as the attacker moves to launch his first punch you. Then you are on the right track. Now at first you must move a lot, make big motions.

Because like everything else angular movement within the Octagon requires training.

And this also causes something else to happen. You no longer seek to strike the opponent. The opponents motion cause him or her to walk into the strike. Therefore you are not violating the laws of body mechanics. Bad body mechanics is a ver fast way to defeat!

In order to strike pressure points effectively on the move must have a solid understand of the principles of Kyusho Jitsu, and also movement within the Octagon. There is a FREE course here you can begin to learn about this study. 

Below is a video sample from my course called Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu.

This is some of the oldest and most powerful pressure point knowledge you will ever encounter. 

In Conclusion

The Conflict Zone CONCLUSION

Kosho Ryu dates back in its basic current for to 1235.  And can be traced back to the 600's. Here is a page with the History of Kosho Ryu here.

One very important FACT about Kosho Ryu is that it was never taken to sport. Therefore pressure points and their understanding were not take from the art in order to teach children, or follow rules.

That is very powerful. There will be a link below to the course I am referring to in the video if this is of interest to you!


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* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

I hope you enjoyed reading The Conflict Zone. If you did consider using the Red Bell at the bottom to subscribe to new articles.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Yin Yang are NOT absolutes. Illusions of the times.

* Yin Yang are NOT absolutes

Many believe often that "something is too good to be true." Yin Yang are NOT absolutes. Illusions of the times. Cycles are changing. However at this time we are in a very negative aspect of the cycle.

There is no absolute good or evil in this world. Even the worst humans have some good qualities.

However it comes down to decisions and choices made as to how life will be.

Yin Yang are NOT absolutes

But, the best solution is to walk the line of balance, not dive into the extremes. Most important to realize about this is that balance requires hard work, especially to begin with. But like first learning to ride a bicycle it eventually gets easier. And today so many have extreme points of view, so extreme in fact it becomes mental illness. 

Today it amazes me how people can find negativity in everything and anything. Now the times are certainly bad. As I am writing this we are headed for a depression, and I was mocked for saying it would happen years ago. How did I know? I watch the cycles!

Yin Yang are NOT absolutes

But even in hard times, good things happen if you pay attention. And it requires a clear disciplined mind to pay attention. And this is a positive. Something many are allergic too.

An attack on the street is an extreme negative event.  However the attacking elements of the body are in a Yang state. Violence is YIN, yet the striking fist is Yang. Therefore a deep understanding needs to be had to effectively deal with an attack. Some have stated to me that have been successful without this. So have I!

However the idea of "last man standing" is naive at best. Time comes for us all. And eventually you lose in this belief. Yin Yang are NOT absolutes, study this!

Bar fights will often end with little damage done to each party. Why is this? Because it is YIN vs YIN and Yang vs Yang. If there was an understanding by one party how things actually worked the fight would be over in seconds. And damage, serious damage would be the result.

I have written many different articles and books on the topic, but few learn and apply the knowledge. I wish more would apply the teaching, and then teach this themselves.

In Conclusion

Yin Yang are NOT absolutes CONCLUSION

People often remark how calm I am. And it took me a lifetime of training to be this way. All of this provides for a life at ease, with clear vision.

And I should not be special. This is one of the main reasons people train in the martial arts. Yet in the modern world it is not that way. 

Martial Arts today is relegated to sport and an activity for children. Which is great for children, but the parents take them out way too soon to get lifelong results. Honestly this is a BIG reason I stop teaching children.

Yin Yang are NOT absolutes! Try to learn to walk the line between order and chaos, the middle road. And this comes from dedicated training, and being disciplined to that training. The benefits of martial art training come with time. The more time, the more benefit. 

Thank you for taking time to read Yin Yang are NOT absolutes!


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* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

I hope you enjoyed this article. You can subscribe to new articles using the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer

Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer

Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer. I have written other articles on sound and its effects on the body. And I have written before about the Triple Warmer meridian and its power.

Today I am going to look at sound and Triple Warmer from a different point of view. How they related together and can be weaponized against anyone.

When you use sound in Kyusho Jitsu you are looking at specific sounds, done phonetically to weaken the related organ. 

But now we are going to examine the idea that language, normal speech has an effect on Triple Warmer and therefore self defense. Tell me, do you see in media that cause you a great emotional response? When before you may have just let it go?

Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer

Have you noticed, and I am sure you have the insanity today? People have been so several brainwashed by Facebook, Twitter and 24 hour news that they exist in a sever state of mental illness know as Cognitive Dissonance.  

You also have the media and politicians, plus "doctors" enable the serious mental illness of certain groups within society. As an example Justine Castro's law requiring compelled speech in regard to "pronouns" and this group. I will NOT say the group's name. But with a 46% plus suicide rate this is a crime against humanity. You NEVER enable mental illness. The result is ALWAYS dangerous. 

But you see in this case "words" will cause a violent response. Such as calling a her a him because of their illness. They explode with violence because of congative dissonance, which is tied to the Triple Warmer meridian. This is causing the overproduction of certain hormones resulting in the behavior.

This is a lot of grasp right? You are being manipulated to comply. And they attack you with more words because you respond. The cycle continues... You must understand Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer happens.

Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer

What is cognitive dissonance? This is a term for the state of discomfort felt when two or more modes of thought contradict each other. The clashing cognitions may include ideas, beliefs, or the knowledge that one has behaved in a certain way. 

Today paid for results science [or as I call it LIE-ence] is trying to downplay this. Why? Because they have been committing crimes against humanity which carries a death sentence after tribunals.  

Do NOT take this lightly! These ill person, of many different ideologies can explode in violence quickly! Think back on things you have seen in the last 3 years especially. They are all emotionally based! Thus Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer understanding is needed. 

Pressure Points?

Can this be overcome with pressure point strikes? The answer is both yes and no. You cannot FIX them with pressure points. The programming MUST be removed. However because of the overactive emotional states you can do great damage to the organs of the body with certain strikes. 

So how does this relate to Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer? You must become a master with words, at deescalation of the event. And while doing so move to escape the situation! And if while in escape you are pursued then strikes to the YIN aspects of the body as they are rotating to strike you. 

Yes this is complex! But so are the times!  Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer is a must understand in Kyusho Jitsu!

In Conclusion

Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer CONCLUSION

The days and the idea of standing and fighting are over. If you do this and begin to be victorious you risk others joining in and changing the demographic.

Plus self defense and the right to self defense are quickly disappearing in the political prejudice of the times. God is now considered evil and evil good.

Escape must become the first options for all altercations, and then if required doing damage to the pressure points systems of the body. But most importantly learning to MASK or strike covertly to avoid notice.

There is a FREE course below to help you learn the art of escape. Thank you for reading Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer article! 


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Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

I hope you enjoyed Weaponizing Sound with Triple Warmer! If you did consider the idea of subscribing to new articles with the Red Bell at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Why Chi Matters for your well being!

* Why Chi Matters for your well being!

Why Chi Matters for your well being! You will create in your environment the things you think about most, your predominate thoughts. And this is a proven idea.

I wrote an article on this years ago called the R.A.S Reticular Activation System.

Read the article, this will help you a lot! Understanding how your brain perceives its environment will help you too see HOW these "evil" people and media are programming you and how you feel. It all counts as to Why Chi Matters.

Then you can deprogram it! Have you noticed how some people are just always so negative? This is brainwashing that causes it. They can see the negative in any situation, and this has become who they are. I stay away from these kinds of people.

Why Chi Matters for your well being!

Personal development, along with understanding how the mind works is the way forward. And this can only be done for yourself, no one else. The idea anyone can save the world is just not true. We are all only responsible for ourselves for our lives. And then once we are sound we can help others.

My son Scott has one of the most focused and calm minds you will ever meet. And his BS meter works very well. He can detect BS from across the world. Back in 2017 he release a free paper on Chi Development. If you do not have this I do suggest getting it. Now he is almost done writing a new eBook, which you can print called the Complete Guide to Chi Development for the Novice.

Why is this important? Because Chi is your life force. Low Chi level cause logically low energy levels and eventual deterioration of health. And, this is important, your brain reads and understands Chi level from an unconscious point.

Therefore low Chi means you are more likely to be manipulated by others. In other words it is directly connected to your BS meter. One of the many reasons Why Chi Matters!

In Conclusion

Why Chi Matters for your well being! CONCLUSION

Main stream science [I call them Lei-ence], which mean science for profit says Chi does not exist.

Why? Because the cannot patent it, therefore they cannot make a profit from it. But, lets be honest, you should not be abdicating your health and well being to anyone. 

However that is the LIE they have been selling. Just turn on an TV channel and watch them push their DRUGS. Chemical dependence. And trillions for them while the masses suffer. ENOUGH!

Thank you for reading Why Chi Matters. Please do not ignore your development here. This is a reason we are in the state we are today. And with regard to this please read my article the Fall the of the West

Check out Scott's new eBook here.


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Ask you question here.

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development 

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

Kosho Ryu
The Awakened Mind

A Book for the Times

The Great Awakening

Thank you so much for your time reading Why Chi Matters for your well being! And remember this BLOG is a wealth of FREE Pressure Point information! Bookmark it and come often!

And o zi buna!

A ta în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Removal of Deadly Techniques from Martial Arts.

* Removal of Deadly Techniques from Martial Arts

I have been stating for a long time now that the martial arts taught today, for the most part are impotent. The removal of deadly techniques was done for 2 reasons. The first was SPORT. Sport began in the martial arts at the beginning of the 20th century.

And no one will enter a competition, at least if in their right mind, to get killed.

And my objection to sport is not that it exists, but that it becomes an obsession. I have people request rank from me based on winning championships and trophies..

And yet these same people will complain about children being ranked. Sorry I give sport about 5% importance in the martial art picture

Removal of Deadly Techniques

Second was because of the teaching of children. And I agree fully, children need the martial arts, but we do not need to teach them deadly techniques. And Kyusho Jitsu / Dim Mak has some very deadly teachings within them. 

The removal of deadly techniques can be reversed very simply. Martial Artists need to realize that the learning process never ends. And in order to do they must put their egos aside and seek more knowledge. I offer a plethora of FREE Kyusho Jitsu Courses. As well as this blog here at Kyusho Jitsu World being a wealth of information. Literally hundreds of articles. 

I am still learning today, after almost 40 years. And my pride lies in the truth that I do know everything. Each day to learn something new and look to share that knowledge. And the learning comes at a high cost to me. But I give learning a high importance in my life.

In Conclusion

Removal of Deadly Techniques from Martial Arts CONCLUSION

And while I fully agree that peace is very important. And to my way of thinking "escape" is the highest form of any martial art we must still learn the deadly techniques. Why?

Because this is what can make ourselves and our loved ones safe. Change favors the prepared mind. 

And excluding things in training because they challenge us or our way of thinking is a mistake.

Pressure Points is a fascinating study. And I believe every martial artist should pursue it! 


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Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Natural Laws of Self Defense
Specialized Training for Violent Times

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

Kosho Ryu The Awakened Mind

Kosho Ryu

The Awakened Mind

A Book for the Times

The Great Awakening

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Point Restraints . What are the BEST Control Methods?

* Pressure Point Restraints

Controlling an Attacker. Pressure Point Restraints . What are the BEST to use to keep an attacker under control waiting for the police?

Back in 2020 there was much political commentary on an alleged restraint that killed a man.

I will NOT mention his name, because I believe personally it was all staged. 

And not well staged either. But the restrain used by the police offer WOULD NOT CAUSE BREATHING ISSUES

It DID not obstruct the windpipe. I have looked at this ridiculous video dozens of time.  However that "restraint" is poor and not hard to get out of. Therefore I am going to discuss some real methods here using Pressure Point Restraints. 

Pressure Point Restraints

One of the many Pressure Point Restraints I want to take a look at this what is called the "come along." This one takes a little time to learn, but is VERY effective! 

Let's have a look at it now.

I won't go over the many different types of Pressure Point Restraints here. However any kind of lock can be turned into a restraint with the understanding of pressure points added. As an example would be the "hammer" lock. How would you do this? Only use one hand to hold the lock and "seal" the lock at LU-01 on the other side.

This is very painful and very effective! You can easily walk a person anywhere in this lock or restraint. Another great example is a double press at TW-17 on each side of the head. Or from GV-26 and GB-20, both sides with the other hand. 

Play with this, and experiment and you will find many, more than you first imagined.

In Conclusion

Pressure Point Restraints  CONCLUSION

Martial art training is about never ending learning. You may already know these. But are there others you can think of??

The more effort and work you put into the learning and training of Kyusho Jitsu the more you will get out of it!

But do not confuse the over complicated submission holds used in sport for what I am discussing here. Those are first on the ground where you NEVER want to be. And two are far to hard to release if you need out fast! Never confuse sport with reality, not matter what they call it. 

Thank you for taking time to read this article called Pressure Point Restraints. I hope you got some good information from it.


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* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Natural Laws of Self Defense
Specialized Training for Violent Times

Thank you for taking time from your day to read Pressure Point Restraints. This blog is a wealth of articles to help you learn the science of pressure point self defense called Kyusho Jitsu. And I mean the true definition of science. 

Doing research and experiments to see what works and what does not work. Not paid for play based on profits and political opinions like today.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Targeting Pressure Points in Motion. When you encounter real life.

* Targeting Pressure Points

Targeting Pressure Points is one subject that is very misunderstood. There are some outstanding pressure point people out there. But from what I have seen when it comes to application to the streets they are all clueless.

Yes they have some great techniques, and much to offer the student about learning. BUT...they have no idea as to what will really happen on the street.

Most, and I mean 99.99% focus on what the student wishes to do to the opponent. 

And sport makes this even worse because there are rules. Most importantly there needs to be rules in sport.  But the direction the world goes in perhaps death matches are coming.

And please do not give me the BS about UFC having few rules. It is the ultimate BOX. When opponent pulls a knife and stabs the other guy then talk to me. I just do not see the attraction.

What must be studied? What the opponent is going to do, how to understand and predict their action based on reality and the natural laws that govern movement. You cannot just be targeting Pressure Points. Pressure Points must target you

Targeting Pressure Points

So what am I talking about? You cannot strike a pressure point live without an understanding of what the attacker will do. And this does not just apply to pressure points, you cannot target any area of the body unless you understand the attacker fully. Preemptive striking is not defense, therefore it is not included here. That is actually ASSAULT.

Martial Arts training tends to be about what the defender wishes to do. The work with a stationary opponent and their techniques or Waza. All fine and good! But this must be evolved into a realist live action event.

And I am not talking about Free Sparring. That is a drill, not an emulation of real life. And you can train full power, with full intent in a safe and successful manner. But that is a study in of itself.

No opponent will punch and stop. This is fine for white, yellow and even green belts to learn. But in truth the second punch will be launched quickly and often times with more power then the first.

To target pressure points, or meridians more accurately, you must strike YIN areas of the body during the transition from the 1st to the 2nd punch or kick. 

It is in this space you will get the desired results live, when and where they are needed. Targeting pressure points is not complex, and with proper training is actually very easy. 

In Conclusion - Targeting Pressure Points

Targeting Pressure Points CONCLUSION

Targeting Pressure Points. All things are a learning process and it cannot ever be cheated or denied.  No matter what someone tries to tell you in the media today.

Just like when someone says they "do not have time" to do certain things they are in reality saying they do not want to. 

And with pressure points it is the same. "Pressure Points do not work" really means I am too lazy or unwilling to admit I do not know everything in order to learn. 

My interest in not in converting anyone to a believer, just to teach those who truly wish to learn.

Thank you for reading Targeting Pressure Points. It is an important article in the learning process. 


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* Pressure Point Self Defense

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escape

New Book in English and Spanish!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

Thank you for taking time to read this article. If you enjoyed it you can subscribe to NEW article notifications using the Red Bell.

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

When to Strike a Meridian. What you need to Know

* When to Strike a Meridian

When to Strike a Meridian. People in a martial art Dojo are always taught what to do. They can strike, they can block, they can kick and so some excellent throws.

But "when" to Strike a Meridian is rarely if ever taught. And when it comes to pressure points vulnerability "when" is extremely important.

Therefore perhaps it time to discuss the Yin/Yang of all this. The "when" of Kyusho Jitsu.  When one part of the body is strong then another part is weak. 

This is the pure Yin/Yang of experience. And when the body is weak is when to strike a Meridian.  Not when the body is strong which is when most martial arts will attempt to do the strike.

When to Strike a Meridian

This is about learning to open the opponents body up during movement, and then taking advantage. Usually this is done when the body is closed by most. And when it is done this way a lot of power is needed to get the result. 

But what happens when you are forced to use power? The body becomes slower and your timing is gone. You are also open to counter attack. In truth you invite the counter, enable it.

You need to learn to move, and create an open state in which the opponents body becomes vulnerable to an attack. This is true if you are attacking muscles, skeletal structures or pressure points and meridians. 

* When to Strike a Meridian

In the image to the left you see me striking my son Scott at LI-10, or close to it.

This is a typical WAZA practiced in a Dojo. I teach it. But you also the see the reality of what is happening. 

When to Strike a Meridian, this is the wrong time! I am striking a CLOSE meridian, and Scott's counter is hitting SP-21 which is OPEN. Therefore I am going DOWN and going down HARD!

Even if I am FAST enough to hit him first, and I would not be, I will not get the result I seek. Why? Because the meridian is closed and tight. I would need a lot of power to get an effect. And I would not be able to do it fast enough. You must know when to Strike a Meridian.

When to Strike a Meridian - Beginners Waza

And teaching this is OK for beginners, but it must be evolved. I see Black Belts doing this for demonstrations. From here as the Uke stands still they do a few more strikes and get a knockout.  

Now I know what someone is going to say. I have had a result doing this in training. So have i! But in training the Uke's state is not violent, the body is relaxed even if they tense up. The street, which is the goal, is not this way. 

If you are only looking for demonstration you can keep doing this. However if real life is your concern, and you wish to do pressure point / meridian striking you have to evolve your training. There is not other way.

In Conclusion - Strike a Meridian

When to Strike a Meridian CONCLUSION

So why am I saying this now after so many years? Because I though everyone knew this from their root art.

I taught all this in my Dojo, correct movement, alignments, body mechanics, long before they learned pressure points. 

So yeah, I screwed up, now I need to correct this. And I have been dedicated for the last few years to doing this. This is about creating an open state in the attacker so you can then effectively strike at pressure points, or skeletal and muscular structures.

Then you will get the results you need.  I have a new course coming called Kosho Concepts: Creating Gaps and Voids. Have a read about the content if you have a few moments.

Thank you for reading when to Strike a Meridian. I hope you enjoyed the article. 


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* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Pressure Points and Throws. What is the Secret to Throws?

* Pressure Points and Throws

Pressure Points and Throws. Kyusho and the Nage. How do you use pressure points to get a throw? Let's get into this now.

When people think of pressure points they usually think of knockouts. And that is cool, nothing wrong with that idea. 

However there is much more. There is almost no limit to the different effect that can happen to the body with pressure point manipulation or strikes. 

Pressure Point strikes and manipulations can cause predictable effects. This is very important also! And one of these is as example a strike to LI-10. When you strike LI-10 the front knee bends, and the head comes forward. What does this offer you? 

Pressure Points and Throws

Below is an older video that show LI-10 and its functions. Have a watch

Now in the video you can see my son's head move to the side. What does this mean? Once the head is no longer over the feet, balance is broken and a throw then becomes possible. All you need to do is continue the motion that has already begun.

And unlike many different types of throws this is not leverage based. This is motion based. And why would you not know this was going to happen and therefore follow through?

There is also the option of striking as well. But there are times when a throw is far more advantages. Doing a throw also allows for escape.  Being a Hapkido stylist as my first root art I am very into the idea of throwing. However when you add natural laws of motion, together with pressure points you get an amazing result. 

In Conclusion - Pressure Points and Throws

Pressure Points and Throws CONCLUSION

Throws should be a natural part of any martial art. They should never need to be forced.

And understanding how different pressure point act when stimulated is important.

Another example like the on above is LU-05. This pressure point behaves in a similar manner.  I have an eBook called Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy that breaks down the functions of each pressure point on the body. This is a great study resource. 

This blog is an incredible resource for all things Kyusho Jitsu. It has an excellent search function too. I hope you use this FREE resource for your study. There is nothing else like it on the internet. 

Thank you for reading about Pressure Points and Throws. I hope you enjoyed the article!

Complete Guide to Chi Development for Novices

Complete Guide to Chi Development

for the Novice!

All NEW eBook from Master Scott Mason


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* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escaping

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

* Pressure Point Fighting: from Kata to Street

Pressure Point Fighting: From Kata to Street

Unlock the Secrets in your Kata

All New Video Course

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