Category Archives for Kyusho Jitsu

Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions. What makes an effective strike?

Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions

What are Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions? Are they different and how do they differ from the standard strikes of other martial art systems? Let's take a look at this one in some details!

Have you ever seen a person who is about to strike someone?

Especially if they are angry? The fist is clenched very tight, to try to create a strong object to do as much damage as possible, 

Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions

Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions

You can see the tension in the fist. While is does do lots of damage. The results are much slower to appear. This only affects the surrounding tissue and not necessarily the nervous or vascular systems of the body.

Swelling does occur from the use of a fist. But it takes time. This makes it very ineffective!

Actually when you look at someone in any kind of high negative emotional state you will see them with clenched fists, and a clenched jaw too! Because of the adrenaline flow in the body, it becomes very tense, and constricts energy flow. 

Even in competitions you will see this! There is a belief that harder is better. If this was the case most ring fights would end after one or two punches. But they don't, they last for a long time! 

Brain Trauma

Is damage being done? 100% yes! If you were to perform an MRI Scan on someone after taking few good head shots you would see an fast amount of damage! But they keep coming. In the street that is a BIG PROBLEM! A reason why Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions are so important!

Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions

Therefore the importance of understanding the basic Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions. These are all related to the elements of the body and when understood are very effective

The major difference is they are all in a relaxed state. When the body is relaxed it then projects energy. When it is tense it conceals energy. And if you understand the Yin-Yang Theories you will know the attacker conceals energy because of his emotional state!

Here is a breakdown of the Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions

  • Slapping Action for Fire
  • Vibrating Action for Metal
  • Chopping Action for Wood
  • Penetrating Action for Earth
  • Grasping Action for Water

These are all pretty straight forward and not difficult to learning. Plus they are effective with or without Chi development. With Chi development is always better, but not everyone dedicates time to the work! If you are curious about Chi Development follow this link and learn more. 

Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions in conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

What makes striking actions so important? When we first begin our martial arts training our movements are very "constipated."

But often times rather than going back to a natural way of moving we just keep adding power for effectiveness.

And this is not very efficient! Kyusho Jitsu study is all about "Natural Movement."  Are there any hand positions or types of strikes you are curious about? Ask below!

And if you would like to learn more about Kyusho Striking Actions you can read my articles on Advanced Kyusho Striking Actions here. Thank you for reading about Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* Kosho Ryu Street Strategies

Kosho Ryu Street Strategies:

The Art of Escaping

New Book!
Self Defense for the Insanity of today's world

I hope you enjoyed Kyusho Jitsu Striking Actions. If you did consider subscribing with the Red Bell at the bottom corner. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată! Continua sa inveti!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt

Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt

For the last 100 plus years a Black Belt has been the symbol of excellence in the world. Today it still holds this very high meaning! And obtaining a Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt is no exception to this rule.

There are people who are very "negative" at the idea of people being promoted to various levels of Black Belt. The problem is however these men, and they always seem to be men, somehow believe this is a status symbol only a few should be allowed to obtain. They see it as a "touch guy" image.

They get very upset when they see people obtain ranks that "they do not believe these people deserve." Often times the comments are that this "diminishes" their or others rank and/or accomplishments in the arts. Bullshit!

Seriously guys, get some help! You have serious "self worth" issues if you believe what someone else does changes how people think of you.  Plus why do you care?

Why get a Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt?

Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt

The main reason for someone who is studying the science of pressure point self defense to work towards a Black Belt is what this does to their motivations.

Unlike the rest of the animal kingdom people are "goal seeking" creatures.

Animals have basic instincts that people also possess, but we also need much more! We need to have purpose of meaning in our lives. Working towards and obtaining a Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt is once such activity! 

However, I must add this. You have to do the work and earn it! In the current climate people are often given things without actually having done what needs to be done. Like metals and trophies to children who lost. This does not make "strong" people! It is likely one of the reasons for the high suicide rate in the west!

The current ideology of "equality of outcome" is terrible for people! Equality of opportunity 100% yes, outcome 100% no! 

Without meaning comes a sense of worthlessness, depression and hopelessness. So that being said, if you want to achieve a Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt you gotta do the work, and make the grade!

The Meaning of Black Belt

I have been asked, "if Kyusho is not a full art then why do I promote to Black Belt?" The reason is easy! People understand the meaning of the term Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt and therefore wish to excel to be worthy of the honour! 

Art Mason circa 1997

If fact there is a corporation today that uses the martial arts belt system is evaluate and promote their own people!

See the value and "meaning" this can have? 

Martial Arts is supposed to be about BUILDING strong people with good character! We have an important mission and need to move forward with it!

Hard work and dedication are good for you!

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

As a lifetime martial artist and someone who has trained in multiple arts over the years I can conclusively.

Black Belt is a person symbol of excellence. There is nothing mystical about it. Black Belt does not make you a self defense expert.

It means you achieved your GOAL! The problems in the world today do not come from lack of opportunity. They come from lack of drive due to lack of GOALS.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

Getting Started on the Road to a Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt

Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Courses

Are you interested in becoming a Kyusho Black Belt under the KJWA? There have never been a better time than now!

I have torn down one of the biggest barriers to a Kyusho Jitsu Black Belt. That is the price barrier! Therefore there has never been a better time to act! Most of all this will get you started today!

Hapkido Home Study Course

Learn the eclectic Root Art of Grand Master Art Mason in this awesome beginners course. Certification to Black Belt at an incredible LOW PRICE!

Also if you have not yet read our updated article on Self Defense and Knife Attacks you can do so from this link! 

Thank you for your time and have a great day!

Va multumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi buna!!

Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

Do Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist?

Kyusho Jitsu Secrets

Do Kyusho Jitsu Secrets really exist? Is there "hidden" information out there that only a handful of people know about? The answer is both Yes & No!

One of the most common complaints I get from martial artists who have come from other organizations to join the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is I was "not really learning anything."

That is very sad, but I cannot say I am surprised!

What are the Kyusho Jitsu Secrets?

There are really no secrets, only information that martial arts instructors tend to keep to themselves so that they can retain their positions above  the students. To my mind that is the wrong thing to do, the wrong way to approach things, and the major difference between an "instructor" and a "teacher."


Also telling students they cannot talk to, or belong to other organizations is suicide! Your students are your life blood, you need them as much as they need you! Lose the EGO guys! Yeah, this opinion does NOT made me popular. Oh well!

Kyusho Jitsu Secrets

Here is a TRUE story for you from back almost 8 years ago.

Travel to Teach a Seminar - Do Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist?

I was headed to Bucharest Romania in fall of 2010 to teach a weekend seminar. As I was in the process of booking this I was approached by another group in Europe to come there the following weekend. 

We talked about price and they agreed to fly me from Bucharest to their city, then return me to Bucharest for my flight back to Canada. Therefore this was a win/win for everyone. And the price I was giving them excellent! It meant being in Bucharest a week, but that was OK. 

Now being that I was not very well known I was not going to command big money like some other instructors were getting. And I was good with that! It takes time to build a solid reputation. 

So everything was setup, I agree to come from Bucharest to their city. But I made a BIG mistake. I did not take a deposit. I arrived in Bucharest on the Thursday afternoon for my Friday seminar. Once there I had a email cancelling the second seminar. 

Now I am stuck in Bucharest for an extra week, and no seminar to teach. I have a school in Canada to run. This did not make me happy. The other group had decided to bring a high end instructor in at 3 times the price.

Do Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist - Returned to Canada

After my total of 8 days in Bucharest I returned home.

A few days later I got an email from the guy who cancelled on me.

I asked how his seminar went and he said AWESOME"You should see the things that "Master XXXX" can do.!"

"Cool so what did you learn? Can you do this?" The answer was "well, no but he was amazing!" My final comment was, "so you paid 2000 euro plus expenses for a show?"

A few days later I was contacted by the group about perhaps coming the following spring and teaching some classes. I politely declined. I suggested he stay loyal to Master XXXX. [I will not print his name out of respect to him]

Do I keep Secrets?

The answer as you can asked my students is NO I teach everything! Why? Because first of all my teacher GM Stewart did not keep secrets from me. And I want my students to be better then me with time!

Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist: I teach everything! But when the student is ready to understand the information. And I do it for a very reasonable price.

This will not always stay this way because the busier I get the more I need to chose who gets what and when. 

My time is limited by the clock, and we all must make a living! This tells you that now is the time to get involved with our programs! Why?

Because if you really learn how to use the science of pressure point self defense in real life, then it is time to take the first steps. And I don't keep Kyusho Jitsu Secrets!

Thank you for reading  do Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist.

Have a Kyusho Question? 

Ask your questions with the form below.

Ask you question here.

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

* The Natural Laws of Knife Control

Kosho Ryu Knife Pathways

The Natural Laws of Knife Control

An Understanding of how Knife Defense works on the streets.

* Energy Pathways of Life

Energy Pathways of Life

Healing Arts of Kosho Shorei Ryu

All NEW book about the Meridians of the Body and how they affect health.

Creating and Sustaining Balance

If you are looking for information right now on High Level Threats be sure to read our article on the 13 Misconceptions of Knife Attacks. This was written by a former [retired] Detroit Police Officer! I hope you enjoyed do Kyusho Jitsu Secrets Exist. Please subscribe using the Red Bell below. 

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason

5 Reasons to Study Kyusho Jitsu

5 Reasons to Study Kyusho Jitsu

Why study Kyusho Jitsu? What are the advantages to the study of the science of pressure point self defense? The truth is there are MANY reasons to do so.

But today I am going to give you a list of 5 of the top reasons!

5 Reasons to Study Kyusho

These are 5 reasons to study Kyusho, but  I can think of dozens. But lets start simple shall we?

  1. It makes your techniques more effective! How does it do this? When you study Kyusho Jitsu you begin to look at how the body works, and therefore the best ways to affect the body. The neurological systems controls how everything works. Therefore attacking nerves is a MUST!
  2. Size stops mattering! When I was young and Bruce Lee was still alive people spoke about in martial arts size does not matter. In today's martial arts competition oriented world size matters a LOT! That is because this knowledge of pressure points has been lost.
  3. Ageless. When you study Kyusho Jitsu it also helps to compensate for aging! This one I know very well! Age and injury eventually take advantage of us all! Even Chuck Norris
  4. Expands your understanding of your root art. Kyusho Jitsu will also help to expand your understanding of the root art you study! There is no wasted movement in any martial art system. But if can seem like there is. That is because knowledge gets lost over time. Therefore to study Kyusho Jitsu helps to bring this back!
  5. Understanding Kata. There is magic locked inside your Kata! But on the surface it is often overlooked. The study of Kyusho Jitsu will help you to unlock the secrets in your Kata? Why is this important? It is because when you see these things, your brain then accepts and internalizes the movement. Therefore making them, or versions of them accessible during a stressful self defense situation. Here are some other benefits of Kata training as well. 
Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

In Conclusion

Honestly these 5 reasons to study Kyusho Jitsu are JUST the BEGINNING. These are martial art related benefits to the study.

And this is where most people start! But there are many, many more reason's

I wrote an article called Kyusho Jitsu Training benefits a while back that goes into the other reason for the study of Kyusho Jitsu.

You can read that here. Are you a Kyusho student? Tell us about your study and who you are with here in the comments.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* World Budo Alliance

World Budo Alliance is Back!

Together we can UNITE the
Martial Arts World!

Free Membership and Dojo Listing!

Ready to Study Kyusho Jitsu?

So are you ready to study in depth the science of pressure point self defense? There is a lot of information on the internet, but honestly a lot of it is very superficial and inaccurate too. However I believe in teaching the "real thing!" Not a watered down, incomplete version.

Kyusho Jitsu Mini Course

Most of all you can begin for FREE! How does that sound?

Follow the LINK below and you can chose from our 3 FREE Kyusho Jitsu Courses. Yes that is right! Not 1 but 3 different courses in the science of pressure points self defense called Kyusho Jitsu!

We also respect your privacy. Follow this link to see how!

* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

You can also comment below my picture! And do not miss this post of the Kyusho 5 Element Hand!

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason

3 Most Painful Pressure Points for Devastating Results

3 Most Painful Pressure Points

What are the 3 Most Painful Pressure Points on the human body? There are many different pressure points that when stimulated correctly can cause vast amounts of pain!

Learning and understanding the Painful Pressure Points is an important part of the science of pressure point self defense.

So let's take a look at 3 or my favorite "pressure points that hurt."  When understood correctly PAIN is a great deterrent in a low to medium self defense situation.

There are certainly many, many more and you can download a report with more below! But this will get you started working with the 3 most Painful Pressure Points.

Painful Pressure Points - Triple Warmer 17

Painful Pressure Points - Triple Warmer Meridian

The first of the 3 Most Painful Points on the body is TW-17. This is a great point which I am personally very fond of!!

It causes intense pain on about 90 percent of the people I have worked with. Those are pretty good odds too!

Located behind the ear posterior to the lobule of the ear, in the depression between the mandible and mastoid process

One of the most painful and potentially deadly pressure points. Easy to press in and seal with the finger, but difficult to strike. However, once a solid strike is made the result is devastating. 

As a control pressure point it is very effective! Once hit there is a potential for a separation between the spinal column and skull resulting in permanent paralysis and possible death. A jaw dislocation is also possible using proper angle and direction.

Striking this point can cause a knockout however this not recommended in Dojo training due to the serious potential consequences. This is the 1st of the 3 most Painful Pressure Points on the body.

Below is a video of using TW-17 along with the "Mental" nerve.

Pressure Points that hurt alot! - Governing Vessel 26

Pressure Points of the head

This is another massively most painful pressure points on the human body, which is rub pressure point primarily. However you can use as an example and hammer-fist on it and hit in and down. 

GV-26 is located on the inside of the upper lip, at the junction of the frenulum and the upper gum. It is attacked by pressing in and down on the upper lip, with a 2-Way Action.

A vibrating side to side motion works best! Small motion while pressing in HARD.

This is a great point to use if someone gets on top of you. They will not stay there long if you attack this point! It can also be struck down which can cause a knockout.

Here is an article if you wish to read more about GV-26. This is the 2nd of the 3 most Painful Pressure Points. 

Painful Pressure Points - Large Intestine 18

Large Intestine 18

Next in the 3 most Painful Pressure Points is LI-18, which is a wonderful strike point. When hit correctly with 2 Way Action, and straight across to the other side will cause crippling pain.

If the strike is of sufficient force a knockout can also occur. But no matter how hard the strike extreme neck pain will occur. 

A solid strike to Pressure Point Large Intestine 18 on one side will cause the person to drop down to their knees in pain.

The pain is very slow to dissipate, which allows time for escape in a self defense situation.  

A simple inward knife hand or "ridge" hand will accomplish this very well. And because of the close proximity to ST-09 it is also possible to cause a drop in blood pressure. 

Holding / supporting the neck on the opposite side with your other hand will also intensify the effect. LI-18 can also cause respiratory issues in anyone who has any kind of chronic breathing issues! You can read more about  LI-18 HERE.

Below is another video example using LI-18

In Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

This is only 3 of the many, many most painful pressure points on the human body!

Are there some you find to be more PAINFUL than the ones I am listing here? Yes!

If you would like the 10 Most Painful Pressure Points follow this LINK NOW!

For a detailed explanation on the reasons that pressure point cause pain take a look at my article on what makes pressure points painful linked here.

Have a Kyusho Question? Ask here!!

Ask you question here.

* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

* 36 Dim Mak Vital Points

36 Dim Mak Vital Points Video Course

Discover the Secret Vital Points

Of the fabled "Touch of Death."

Kosho Street Strategies

Kosho Street Strategies

In True Self Defense

Natural Laws of Self Defense
Specialized Training for Violent Times

Today I believe that self education is one of the most important things anyone can do for a better life. We live in very strange times. In truth we are seeing the Fall of West. And what those who wish to control the people fear most us educated, not indoctrinated people.

Martial Artist should be leading this change with continuous and never ending learning. Reading this article is a great step towards doing this. And you are never to old to learn more! 

Do NOT believe that lie that age is restrictive! Keeping the brain active is what leads to great health and longevity!

And please use the Red Bell below to subscribe to NEW articles.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!