Martial Arts Everyone Quits: This is a truth in the martial arts world as told to me by one of my many, many mentors. When is comes to martial arts training eventually everyone quits. Now he was not referring to death. His reference is something in life, some event that takes people off their path.
Back in 2020 we had a crime committed against humanity that changed the world forever. And the number of people who fell off the martial path is shocking. I have heard 100 different excuses as to why there was a problem. And in the words of my first instructor Philip Hollohan "losers always have excuses."
The school my boys and I founded in 2000, the Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute, is still in existence today. But of the several thousand people I taught over the years only 2 or 3 are still around today. One has completely left the systems and we have lost contact, but that is all good. At least he is still training. Do you think they were looking for an excuse?
Martial Arts Everyone Quits
"Martial Arts Everyone Quits." I stopped teaching my root art directly in 2017. I had a small school in Brasov I was teaching at. But I did not want to do the Dojo thing any longer. It is a lot of work. I had other ambitions in the arts.
This is why we have the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance today. Most of all, even with changes I never stopped training! It does take different forms as we grow older, but the benefits remain! I no longer put my feet over my head. in Martial Arts Everyone Quits, but I have not!
But why did people stop in early 2020? Did you ever see bodies in the streets? During other "plagues" this was always the case. Homeless people, and there are about 30,000 in Toronto are all alive and well. This should lead to a lot of questions. But if you are not training in earnest you do not get the benefits. One is to question everything. Because real martial artist is not about a trophy but connecting Body - Mind and Spirit.
Martial Arts Everyone Quits
The history of martial arts around the world teaches someone! MARTIAL ARTS COME FROM TIMES OF REPRESSION AND GENOCIDE. So why today are so many no longer training? Is the western culture really this weak and pathetic? I do understand that many commercial Dojo's were destroyed by government tyranny, but why does this stop you?
That is a rhetorical question.
Martial Arts Everyone Quits - Great Words of Inspiration
Back in 1990 I had been training for 6 years. I was running a school in South Windsor for my instructor when a family tragedy struck. I needed to take a few days off to deal with things. He called me into the Dojo after I finished teaching one night.
We talked about the problem and he told me to take some time off as my family needed me. He was correct. Others were set to cover my classes. We sat outside in the back of his van talking about things. He opened the cooler and handed me a beer. (Which in the backwards, pathetic province of Ontario is crime, however in Romania it is not a crime and they do not have the alcohol abuse Ontario does). (Alcohol out of residence)
He said to me, "Boy no matter what happens is life no one can take this (martial arts) away from you." I still hear these words 31 years later.
Martial Arts Everyone Quits in Conclusion

I have again began a new path of martial art training. This path began in 2000 and now I have once again picked up the trial.
That is the study of the Natural Laws of Kosho Shorei Ryu. And I will be bring this to my followers and students.
Thank you for reading this article called Martial Arts Everyone Quits.
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