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3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points. How to take the legs

Crippling Leg Pressure Points

Today, we will discuss the Top 3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points for self defense you need to know! There is an old saying, that when in doubt, attack the legs! 

But what is the most effective way?

3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points

The bigger, the attacker, the most fragile the legs. Therefore, knowing the Crippling Leg Pressure Points is a must!

Legs do a lot of work, as I am sure you realize. But when someone is BIG, they work beyond what they should. Today, there is an epidemic of obesity in the world. Especially in men. 

But that does not stop them from wanting to fight, or be a criminal! And you must understand your attacker, and what his weaknesses are. That is part of the study of the science of pressure point self-defense.

Crippling Leg Pressure Points - Let's Attack the Knees.

Crippling Leg Pressure Points

This is the usual train of thought in the martial arts. And yes, the knees are a weak area, especially on heavy people.

There is a cluster of 4 pressure points around the knees that make great targets! I discuss these in DEPTH in the Novice Kyusho Jitsu Home Study Course!

But today we will bypass the knees and go for PAIN. 

Crippling Leg Pressure Points

Let begin with the first of 3 leg pressure points with GB-31!

3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points GB-31

1) Gall Bladder 31- This point is located, as you can see on the thigh, midway down on the Yang side. It is hit straight in like an arrow! The knee makes a GREAT weapon against it too! What happens? The leg will CRAMP. If you strike it hard enough when the leg cramps, the quadriceps will cramp so badly they will TEAR.

This pressure point is also often called the Charlie Horse Point. You can read a full article on the pressure point Gall Bladder 31 here.

You cannot walk, let alone continue to fight under these circumstances.  

2) Bladder 56 - As you can see from the diagram, this one of the leg pressure points that lies mid-calf. 

Here is Bladder 56 3 Crippling Leg Pressure Points

Striking this point, like GB-31, will cause an INTENSE calf cramp. I accidentally hit this point once too hard on my Uke, and he ended up with a muscle tear. I know you are getting the idea! The best weapon for this is the heal of your foot! If you have heave boots on, you will get an even better result. You can also use BL-57 or BL-58. But I have found BL-56 the most effective. 

If you can't walk….you can't fight. The power of Crippling Leg Pressure Points.

3) Spleen 11 - I have talked about SP-11 many times! Located mid upper thigh on the inside, this is perhaps the BEST of all leg points. I know people expect me to go with SP-6, which is a great point! Most of all, it is a setup point. 

But today, I want PAIN.

Because of where the point is located, it can cause a neurological knockout if your strike is hard enough. The attack is straight in like an arrow. The knee is a great weapon, and so is a front kick. If you want to know HOW it can cause a knockout, read 5 Best Knockout Pressure Points Here.

Spleen Meridian Leg

There is also an excellent possibly with a hard strike of cracking or breaking the femur bone in the upper leg. As I said before, this ends the altercation.  Here is a full article on SP-11 too! As you can see, how important it is to learn the Crippling Leg Pressure Points.

Crippling Leg Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

The legs are one of the very best places to attack in self-defense. And there are many more amazing pressure points other than these 3.

I chose these 3 because they work on 99% of the people I have tested on! Thank you for reading Crippling Leg Pressure Points!

Furthermore, they are not difficult to use! Therefore, the reason for me choosing these. If you would like to discover more pressure points on the legs, or other areas of the body, then you need to look at my new eBook Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy!

So what so you think? Do you have any other pressure points you prefer? Leave a comment below and let me know about them. [Click Here to Comment]

This new book covers every pressure point on the body, all 361 of them. Plus extraordinary pressure points and other special points.  You can read about one of the most deadly pressure points on the body, ST-09, by clicking the button below.

If you would like to learn more about Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, then follow this LINK NOW. And this book covers everything about Crippling Leg Pressure Points.

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason
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