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Chi Development – Martial Arts. Training for a Balanced Life.

Chi Development - Martial Arts

Chi Development - Martial Arts has for some reason always be a bit controversial. One reason is that we as a culture have become very nihilistic. Today, people to put their faith in politics instead of ethics and morals. And politicians do not possess ethics or morals, history proves this. However, “martial artists” and their journey should. 

But, not always….

I watch as martial artists often times attack and ridicule other styles, arts, and Dojo in an egotistical battle of needing to be right. Why is this? Because a core principle has been lost. And that is Chi Development, and it is linked to martial arts.

The Words of Bruce Lee

Chi Development - Martial Arts : It is funny, as we allegedly “progress” I see more and more attacks on the memory of Bruce Lee. This is by men who wish to show their knowledge, or in my opinion, how pathetic they are, by attacking Lee, and the things he taught, well, what a sad world! There is even a website dedicated to attacking Lee! 

“All knowledge is self-knowledge.”

In my thought, the above is one of Lee's best, if not his best quotes. And it exemplifies martial arts training. The training of Body, Mind, and Spirit. Spirit is Chi Development. Now in this article on Chi Development & Martial Arts I am not going to explain what Chi is. You can learn that from one of my previous articles on the subject. The article is called Kyusho Jitsu Chi Development.

Chi Development - Martial Arts

Chi Energy Development

Today, the primary focus in martial arts training is the physical. And while the physical is important, it is really only about 10% of what matters.

Mental and Spiritual are for the most part ignored. 

Why do I say this? Because today the focus is on creating a body to show off and winning trophies under dangerous conditions with the potential of life altering head injuries.

Their idea of mental preparation is chest pounding and promotion.

This is a disservice to the martial arts industry. Chi development for most martial artists is left for them to explore on their own. And much of the information out there is, well, pretty bad.

Chi Development - Martial Arts - Who I am to comment?

There are people who will ask that question. And I am happy to answer it! I was fortunate enough to be trained by a Korean woman, who was a Chi Master, having spent her adult life totally in pursuit of this knowledge. She was a close friend of my first martial arts teacher's wife.

And we worked together from late 1989 to mid-1996. I cannot even guess at the number of hours. Typically, 30 or so per week, much of the time.  The things I learned, did and saw in that time have shaped me into the person I am today.

Chi Development - Martial Arts - What she Taught

Thought the lost art of meditation, she taught me many things. I will give you a bullet point short list below.

  • Real Buddhist-based mediation to open energy channels
  • How to feel and follow the Chi in the body for better health
  • Pain control
  • Using chi to make important decisions
  • calming the mind and letting things roll off you like water on a duck's back
  • And much, much more!

Today, the meditation done in the self-help world does very little to compare to the “real thing.” But most importantly, chi-based meditation teaches use to hear and understand the body, to connect with it, and also, at the same time, connect to the universal intelligent known as God or the infinite.

Chi Development - Martial Arts in Conclusion

Chi Development - Martial Arts CONCLUSION

Chi Development - Martial Arts training is something we need to bring back together.

I have been teaching Chi Development for years as it is based in Kyusho Jitsu / Dim Mak training.

But that is not what Master Che, my Chi Master, taught me. 

Recently, I had an email from a man training in some of our Chi Development techniques. He asked me if he could overtrain. Based on what I have been teaching,, the answer is yes.

Unless you follow my Chi Master's path, then the answer is never. This is what made me decide to for the very first time teach the things my Chi Master taught me. And the new course is called Chi Lessons of the Grand Master. Thank you for reading Chi Development - Martial Arts.

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* Chi Lessons of the Grand Master

Chi Lessons of the Grand Master

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Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason
  • Philip Welch says:

    great read Sir and so true, chi training is not taught by most and understood by even less.
    the inner development is lacking with many schools and teachers.
    I love the chi training in your course and with what you have taught me.

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