Do you have a Self Defense Strategy? Or are you working out of anger and ego? This is a very important topic and questions today as we go day by day in the Dystopia of 2021.
this it seems to me that many very talented and wise martial artists, and martial arts Master have lost their path. And I say this because of serious mistakes being made in Self Defense Strategy that 10 years ago would not have happened.
Self Defense Strategy - Victory of WWII
There is an opinion today that the USA entering WWII was the reason for the Allies victory. While this was an important contributing factor it is not the reason. The real reason for Allies victory over the Nazi was because England manage to decode Nazi communications and therefore KNEW WHAT they were planning, and where they would strike.
And if this had not happened the world would be a very different place! And we are heaed that way once again!
Therefore today the world faces many very serious issues. The western culture is in serious threat of falling to communism because of extreme views, extreme corruption and the manipulation of people with serious mental illness. And as of this writing Canada certainly has! Violence is condoned by the media and the extreme left as long as it fits their agenda.
Self Defense Strategy - Be WILLING to lose small battles
And I see today a massive fight and battle of MASKS. Thus I watch as much time and energy is wasted on this front! In a battle for the United States of America do you send all your troupes to Parma Ohio? Of course NOT! You strategically choose your battles.
There are much more important battles to be fought and won! And masks is the least of our worries at this time.
But, in case you do not see it, this was a successful divide and conquer tactic. And has been used wisely by the enemy today with great results! Thus right now this ground is worthless in the grand scheme of things.
Self Defense Strategy - Never Show Your Cards!
Hence, I look on Facebook as people do such foolish things! I was invited to a group called "Questioning Covid." And everyone has a right to question this! But what I found was simply sad. Organization of activities to storm places of business refusing to wear a mask.
Seriously? Do you not see the bigger picture? And here they are telling the powers that be exactly who they are, where they live, what they will do next and thinking this was a good idea!
What happened? So showing their lack of strategy, which is really Self Defense Strategy the group was infiltrated by Antifa shills and rendered useless. Therefore more ground lost! When you give up your right to privacy, you give up your security. And Facebook is the LAST PLACE on EARTH to plan a resistance!
Self Defense Strategy
Most of all victory can only come when a strategy is made and then proper tactics are imposed. And the problem is people want an easy victory! But this is no longer possible. You must do the work!
And all communications of resistance today must be ENCRYPTED and NOT on Social Media! Do not ever talk about WHO you will vote for in the coming election!! Give them NOTHING! Your ego is causing you to make BAD mistakes. Serious mistakes! Calm down and THINK!
You can find people of a like mind on social media, then immediately take communications to encrypted email, or a truly end to end encrypted instant messenger like Signal. DO NOT USE WHATSAPP! It is owned by Facebook and therefore corrupted! Do not use gmail or any other email of its type. I have a private server, but you can use Proton mail which is perfect what what is going on!
This mean work! But victory is never easy!
Self Defense Strategy in Conclusion

Put your egos aside! We are at war for our freedoms today. And most are not prepared. Victory requires a new paradigm. I do not have many answers for what is happening today. But I can tell you that this needs to be approached with a COLD unemotional mind.
"Revenge is a dish best served cold." Khan Noonia Singh
That quote is true in this situation and so is "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind. Thank you for reading this article on Self Defense Strategy.

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