Kyusho One Inch Punch. Devastating knowledge Bruce Lee Didn’t Tell

* Kyusho One Inch Punch

Kyusho One Inch Punch: One of the great martial arts demonstration is Bruce Lee’s One Inch Punch.  It was never intended as a combat or self defense move, just to show that size did not matter when it came to power.  The funny thing is, the man who asked George Dillman to investigate pressure points, used some of the pressure point principles in what we can also refer to as the Kyusho One Inch Punch.

Now the haters are going to scream foul, but this is what they do best. So upset them more I will and as always just ignore them! 

Kyusho One Inch Punch

Bruce spent a long time perfecting this technique. He actually had a machine he devised to help build up wrist strength to do this! But, a novice Kyusho practitioner with a little training can also get a GREAT result! How does it work? 

Bruce has a very big style to the demonstration which is cool, but he is actually using a striking action with this technique called grasping. This type of striking action is used against the water element. Now Bruce also strikes to the center-line of the body, which is also best attacked with a grasping striking action.  So do this with your Uki, grasping and striking in a downward  motion with 2 Way Action and you will get a result the first time out!

Below is a video from many years ago I had forgotten about talking and show how Kyusho Jitsu and the Principles of Kyusho Jitsu are linked to the One Inch Punch

Now I mean absolutely no disrespect to Bruce Lee and his art, or those who train in this system today. However Bruce had a way of seeing things in other arts and then incorporating them into what he did if he saw value.

Kyusho One Inch Punch in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Now I question when Bruce began to demonstrate the Bruce Lee One Inch Punch, or as I refer to it the Kyusho One Inch Punch if he had combat in mind.

However I can see a great application for this in a closed quarters situation and therefore believe that to pursue this knowledge more is essential and worthwhile.

Thank you for reading about the Kyusho One Inch Punch.

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