Cycle of Creation. What makes this so powerful? This is an article I have been thinking about writing a long time. But the information is complex and from a Kyusho Jitsu / Pressure Point standpoint will not necessarily yield fast results. However from a Dim Mak point of view the information on Cycle of Creation is very, very useful.
I have written other articles that concern the topic of the 5 Element Theory and I strongly suggest you read them. One in particular is the Cycle of Destruction.
First I will start with where the idea of using acupuncture points in a martial art came from. Without going crazy on history it was a martial artist who was a doctor of acupuncture who wondered if these pressure points could be used destructively. This is how Dim Mak, the mother of Kyusho Jitsu was born.
The idea behind Traditional Chines Medicine TCM is that all illness is a result of an imbalance in the body. And when you restore balance to the body it will naturally heal itself. This is how I have personally view my own, and my families health since the early 1990's. The result has been outstanding health, and no illness. TCM is about restoring health through balance, were western medicine is about keeping you sick to make more profits. This is done via suppressing symptoms to make someone feel better versus fixing the root cause. All you need to do is watch TV in the Western Culture to see this truth. "see your doctor about our drug dejour, side effects up to and including death."
Creating Imbalance - Cycle of Creation
The idea of using the cycle of destruction in Kyusho is to weaken an element to make it easier to manipulate, or cause pain. And this is very effective. So how can the Cycle of Creation be used? First lets look at an example of illness.
Now I am NOT a doctor of TCM so this is just an example. Let's suppose that the illness a person has is the result of excess fire in the meridians. This as an example could cause an issue in the lungs. So in Kyusho we might add water to the fire to deplete it and cause lung issues. However you could also add wood to the fire to increase it. This is cycle of creation as wood creates fire.
Yes this is a complex idea! And that is why I make reference to Dim Mak more than Kyusho Jitsu when it comes to this principle.
Let's look at another example.
Again, I caution this is an over simplification! Let's suppose you wish to cause a delayed death in someone. And of course we are talking about Dim Mak skills. You are aware they have Heart issues and therefore you wish to cause a heart problem, but without striking perhaps Pressure Point HT-01 to get the results. You could weaken the Heart Meridian, or the Pericardium Meridian by attacking with water, the Cycle of Destruction. Or you could add wood to the fire via Gall Bladder or the Liver Meridian.
However you could also increase Earth to increase Wood to Increase Fire. As you can see this is very complex.
Cycle of Creation In Conclusion

It is well beyond any article to teach the usage of the Cycle of Creation. It begins with an understanding the 5 Element Theory and the Power of Yin Yang. In true study of the martial arts and especially systems like Dim Mak and Kyusho Jitsu, do require an understanding of healing as well as destruction.
All illness and there is no exception is the result of the body trying to regain balance. Once balance is restored health is restored also. This requires no special chemicals that have horrible side effects, only some common sense about diet, exercise and meditation to keep the mind calm. Again this is over simplification. But it is worth the study. From both a health standpoint as well as a martial arts standpoint. I have a book called the Tao of Health and Longevity that you might find helpful.
Thank you for reading this article on the Cycle of Creation.
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