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The Secrets to Kyusho Jitsu – Self Defense Mind Control

* Self Defense Mind Control

The idea of something like Kyusho Jitsu - Self Defense Mind Control scares many people. As soon as you say mind control, peoples thoughts automatically go to evil.

And that is understandable, especially in our extremely manipulative world today. However, once understood, this idea can save your life!

I have been in the martial arts now for 33 years today. 

Much of that time has been into research, not just the study of physical movement. Why? Because I knew I wanted to someday run my Dojo from the moment I began my training. Just like I knew I wanted a high ranking Black Belt. And I also knew there was much more to self defense than just physical techniques too. 

Self Defense Mind Control - What is it?

Mind control is the ability to control thinking. This can be of yourself or controlling someone else's thought and behaviors. 

Often referred to as “Brainwashing” (AKA mind control, menticide, coercive persuasion, thought control, thought reform, and re-education) is the concept that the human mind can be altered or controlled by certain psychological techniques.

Self Defense Mind Control

Brainwashing is said to reduce its subject’s ability to think critically or independently, to allow the introduction of new, unwanted thoughts and ideas into the subject’s mind, as well as to change his or her attitudes, values, and beliefs.

Self Defense Mind Control

These kinds of behaviors are typically used by the attacker take the form of intimidation, creating fear, and also confusion, which can be referred to as “Gaslighting.” Now, like all things in life, there are both good and bad applications for such techniques. The Yin & Yang of the situation, so to speak. 

I think the negative implications are very evident, especially when looking at society today. But, these tables can be successfully turned around and used to our advantage as defenders. This is truly the “Art of War” in action!

Self Defense Mind Control for Good

Kyusho Jitsu - Self Defense Mind Control

I have been accused of mind control when it comes to No Touch Knockouts, and even ST-5 knockouts by all those who are either not intelligent enough to learn Kyusho Jitsu, or too egotistical / lazy to do it.

This makes me laugh! Why?  

Image how good at mind control, or mass hypnosis, as had been said, I would have to be! Yet, they don’t believe I can knock someone out at ST-5?  But enough of limited thinkers!

What is the real meaning? Being able to add the understanding of how people think to your self defense repertoire.  And then, when needed, influence change to either buy time or end the conflict outright!

To be honest, it has gotten me out of plenty of bad situations in my life! The ultimate in self  defense is not having to use it! The MIND is the number one self defense weapon! 

Self Defense Mind Control - Understanding Thinking

* Self Defense Mind Control

Self Defense Mind Control: The truth is, when comes to thinking, the majority of people do not. They blindly follow their programming and emotions to find desired outcomes. 

And the majority of the time, this does not work out so well.

Now this is an older post with a MAJOR rewrite because I have learned a lot since I first wrote it.

You must develop full control of your thinking in all circumstances.

Self Defense Mind Control, is a must understand. 

Self Defense Mind Control in Conclusion

Kyusho Jitsu - Self Defense Mind Control CONCLUSION

A large part of this article somehow got deleted. Hmmm, kind of makes you think, doesn't it? Or at least I hope it does. People today have lost the art of asking questions, and demanding truthful answers.

The failed Western Culture today considers lies to be virtuous. 

And their lies are so ridiculous only a fool would believe them. Critical Thinking is a MUST in the 21st Century. Advanced training is seeing similarities and connecting dots. Thank you for reading Self Defense Mind Control.

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Thank you for your time, and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Vă mulțumesc pentru timpul acordat și o zi minunată. Continua sa inveti. 

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183 

GM Art Mason
Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!