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Painful Arm Pressure Points for Effective and Disabling Self Defense

Most Painful Arm Pressure Points

What are the Top 3 MOST Painful Arm Pressure Points? The arms are critical in self defense because this is what the attacker brings forward first! Therefore, a solid understanding of the most effective and painful Pressure Points of the arms is a must!

When I say effective pressure points I am referring to the ones that work on the MAJORITY of people tested. When I say โ€œpainfulโ€ I am referring to a result from pain that does not allow the fight to continue. Nothing in self defense can be guaranteed. There are no guarantees in life.

Painful Arm Pressure Points - LI-10

Painful Arm Pressure Points

This is an outstanding pressure point, located on the upper part of the forearm near the elbow. This is a STRIKE point; however, you can also โ€œpressโ€ on it, but I, personally, do not recommend that in a self defense situation. 

This Pressure Point is struck straight through like an arrow.  Note the โ€œthrough!โ€ You hit this point HARD, striking through towards the ground.  There is no โ€œlight touchโ€ for pressure points. Always remember light is for training and therefore not hurting your partner. The streets are DIFFERENT!

When this point is hit hard, there is intense pain, and the hand will open slowly as the pain shoots towards it. The entire arm will go numb from the elbow to the hand. Any weapon will be DROPPED. The effect can last 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how hard and clean the hit is. But always assume a short recovery time. 

Develop your skill with all these 3 Painful Arm Pressure Points.

Reference - Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy


One of the most popular and easiest to access pressure points on the body, LI-10. Located 2 cun below LI-11, on the radial aspect of the radius, in the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles.

This pressure point can have a massive effect on the body. A strike straight down and through will paralyze the arm, and in some cases can potentially stop the heart.

Striking upward causes a shock wave to rise the arm into the upper body. Will cause knock out if struck hard enough. When used with ST-09 has the potential for being a deathblow!

This pressure point will affect the entire Large Intestine Meridian, especially around the arm, neck and face, hence the fact that ST 9 works really well with this pressure point. Again, when struck slightly upwards, the lower body will lose Chi and cause nausea. I have personally seen instances of diarrhea that can last for many days of untreated. Here is an article on Pressure Point LI-10 with additional information. The first of my Painful Arm Pressure Points list.

Painful Arm Pressure Points - LU-06

LU-06 Painful Arm Pressure Points

This is another very effective pressure point located on the inside of the arm halfway between the elbow and hand on the thumb side.  This point, located mid-radial bone, works on everyone I have ever tried it one. This is why it is such an effective pressure point.

Striking all pressure points and getting a good results means you need to be using 2 Way Action. Below is a short video demonstrating both Lung 6 and 2 Way action. 

Also note, the tighter the grip, the more painful the result! There is also something else very interesting about this pressure point. If the attacker has any chronic lung issues, striking this point will cause them to cough. Therefore, telling you more about them and potential attack points. Learn these Painful Arm Pressure Points!

Reference - Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy


This Pressure Point is located on the palmar aspect of the forearm, on the line joining LU 9 to LU 5, 7 cun above LU 9. The point is in the brachioradialis muscle, in the lateral margin at the upper extremity of the pronator teres muscle and the medial margin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and longus muscles.

When struck hard, the arm will immediately begin to go numb down towards the hand. The hand will also open slowly if the fist was closed. The tighter the fist is held, the more pain associated with the strike.

Chest pain is also common. Striking too hard, too often, can also cause severe breathing distress which can lead to death. This Pressure Point like LU-05 can also be used for Lung resuscitation. And other excellent and very Painful Arm Pressure Points.

Painful Arm Pressure Points - TW-11

TW-11 Painful Arm Pressure Points

This is the last of the 3 most effective pressure points of the arms, and it is one of my favorites. This point also works on everyone I have ever tried it on! I also had the occasion many, many years ago to use it in self defense. This was an incident in 2007 in Caracas, Venezuela at the airport. The result was a fleeing attacker with a dislocation of the elbow.

Now, this pressure point is located just above the elbow joint at the tendon.  The best result will come when the hand is twisted, so the palm is in the same direction as the elbow, exposing the point more clearly. However, a hard strike will compensate for the hand position. Striking or rubbing this point will cause the elbow to release, making dislocation easy. When it comes to Painful Arm Pressure Points, this one is a king.

Reference - Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy


Located 1 cun above TW-10. This pressure point weakens the elbow joint itself, making it effortless to break or dislocate the elbow. Basically, stimulation releases the joint.

This is an excellent point to stimulate in any self defense techniques in which the arm is straight. This is one of my personal favorite pressure points. Here is an article with additional information on Pressure Point TW-11.

Painful Arm Pressure Points in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

There are literally a hundred pressure points on the body that can cause intense pain when attacked. And these Painful Arm Pressure Points are significant to learn.

However, not all are very accessible, which in self defense is a BIG consideration. This is why I chose these 3 to begin with. 

Do you have any pressure points on the arms you really like to use? Thank you for reading Painful Arm Pressure Points!

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* Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy

Fully Understanding Pressure Points

The path to success is a deep understanding of what you are doing. In this case it is the understanding of as many pressure points, where they are and how they work as is possible. With 361 Pressure Points on the body. Plus extra points, this is a daunting task at best!

This is why I created the book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, which I reference from above! Below is a look at one other, and one of the most important pressure points on the body for self defense. This is ST-09 [Stomach].

If you would like to learn more about Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy, the Gray's Anatomy of Kyusho Jitsu please click here.

* Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Advanced Kosho Core Concepts

Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

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Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day. Keep learning.

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason
Kosho Ryu Enterprises SLR, Romania
WhatsApp: +40 747 899 183

GM Art Mason
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