Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!

Why Kosho Ryu? What are the reasons for the passion?

* Why Kosho Ryu?

Why Kosho Ryu? What are the reasons for the passion? In this article I will explain the reasons for my change of focus. Please note I am NOT abandoning Kyusho Jitsu.

That being said however I have covered everything! The last 10 years especially I have been so focused on it I have been able to do this. Remember this is what I do for a living. 

So why Kosho Ryu? What are the reasons for the passion? Because learning is for a lifetime, not a short time.

Why Kosho Ryu

First I must address I have been involved with Kosho Ryu study longer than Kyusho Jitsu. And thus this is not something new for me. My root art is Kul Sul Hapkido. However after 16 years of study there was just nothing left. Really there was nothing left to learn aside from a new Kata each years after about 10 years.  This was the main reason I left my teacher and opened up my own Dojo called Art Mason's Peaceful Warriors Martial Arts Institute. And I am very happy I did this. Almost immediately upon opening we began the journey of learning. 

The first part of our expansion of learning was with Grand Master Mark Shuey and Cane Masters. Because of this, and the joining of the World Budo Alliance I met Shidoshi Richard Buchan in late 2000 and began my Kosho Ryu journey. So in late 2000 we setup our first seminar with Shidoshi Buchan. From there it expanded and became a monthly study. Travelling to Toronto, or him coming to Windsor. I have lost contact with Shidoshi over the years. But thus is life.

However it influenced everything we did. And the study, and it is a study, is endless. Kosho Shorei Ryu us a COMPLETE martial art. This means there is always more to learn. And because of this it is a way of life also!  I study everyday and learn something new each day. Plus I can train this very easily in real life. Even in these strange days we are living today. 

Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido

Kosho Ryu had such a heavy influence on what we did on the floor that I ended up founding my own system. This is called Hon Sang Mu Sa Hapkido. And KOSHO was heavy influence. Yes I taught Kyusho, but as a separate entity for the most part to my Black Belts.  The name Hon Sang Mu Sa has 2 meanings, the 1st is "ancient spiritual warrior," however the second is "old pine tree" which is a reference to Kosho founder Kosho Busatsu. He by legend sat under a pine tree and became enlightened about martial arts movement and self defense. 

Therefore what the true name of the art is Kosho Shorei Ryu Hapkido.  And this is what will be taught at my Wolf's Den Dojo in Romania.

I recall very well one Friday night sitting in Shidoshi's home with my son Curt and 2 of Shidoshi's senior students talking. One of them asked me, "what martial art do you study?" I replied "Hapkido." He then stated, "no your martial art is Kosho Ryu, your style is Hapkido." This never left me. And this was in 2001. In 2006 I founded and renames the hybrid art of Hon Sang mu Sa Hapkido. 

Kosho Core Concepts

Therefore as part of my change of focus I am putting together a series of 12 courses called the Kosho Core Concepts Series for anyone who wishes to bring the study of the Octagon, the Natural Laws of Kosho Ryu to what they are currently doing. And if you study pressure points from me this fits right in! 

Here is a short video from the Kosho Atemi Waza Course on Tuite

As I have view the Kyusho Jitsu out in the wild for the last 7 years especially I have seen many have problems getting clean knockouts and making different pressure points work. This is not a Kyusho problem but a training problem. And Kosho is the cure. 

In Conclusion


Over the years I have been teaching the basic Octagon Principles to Kyusho Jitsu students who wanted to learn why I have been so effective.

However today I have changed the direction and will teach ALL that I am learning about Kosho. And my teacher is Hanshi Juchnik. Right now this is via distant, but soon I will be working more directly.

I hope you consider joining me on this journey. And the Kosho Core Concepts Series is where to begin! Below I also have a FREE training video to get you started.


If you have any questions please use the form below to ask!

Ask you question here.

* Kosho Core Concepts Series

Kosho Core Concepts Series

Learn the Foundations, Theories and Concepts Of Kosho Shorei Ryu

Natural Laws of Self Defense

* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

How to Properly learn Kyusho Jitsu?

Thank you for taking time to read this article. And I hope you will join me on this journey! And consider subscribing to new article notifications on the blog with the RED BELL. Never miss a new article!

Have a great day!

Yours in the arts,
Grand Master Art Mason

GM Art Mason
Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!