Learning Kyusho Jitsu is almost a calling. Once you begin to see the way things work you want more and more. I know once I attended my first Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar I was hooked.
I could not wait for the next opportunity to attend again! But sometimes the seminars are not what they are supposed to be! And that can be an issue.
A Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar should be a learning experience! It should NOT be a venue for an instructor to book his next seminar! Yes we all hope that happens! But it does not happen as a result of putting on a demonstration, it comes from taking curious people and turning them into students!
Over the years I have traveled and taught many seminars. No where near as many as some of the high profile names. But with time I will get there! However the one difference I have heard time and time again is that I "really teach" the stuff! And this is very true! My focus is leaving students with things that can use afterwards. Not just showing them how good I am, but how good they can be!
Benefits of a Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar

For the school owner, the person hosting the seminar there must be a BIG benefit in doing so! I know one instructor in the USA who hosted a seminar with a very famous martial artists, and out of respect I will not say who as he has passed on, but it cost him students. The reason? A massive ego walking in the door of his Dojo, and a HUGE price tag causing disappointed students. That cannot happen!
The school owner or host is putting money on the line to do this! Yes he or she is looking for some financial gain, and this should happen. The event naturally needs to be well promoted!
But when the presenter does the job correctly, giving a real learning experience the host benefits even more!
Why is that? The excitement caused by the Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar motivates students to come to class and train harder! This was how i build a school in Canada of so many adult Black Belts who stay and don't quit!
Back in 2018 I did a seminar in Brasov Romania called the RMATC or Romanian Martial Art Training Camp. This was a small intimate group of students from all over the world. Below is an excerpt from that Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar.
Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar in Conclusion

I cannot of stress the benefits of a Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar when it is actually a teaching experience and not a show!
Right now I am going to give you a chance to get a copy of that exclusive seminar I presented back in July 2018.
Here is a link where you can get a 4 video set of RAW footage from this 3 day seminar! Follow the link below and learn more! Thank you for reading Kyusho Pressure Point Seminar.
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