Kosho Ryu and Kyusho Jitsu Principles, how do they work together?? Or do they even work together? Let us have a detailed look! First however I am going to mention i am creating a video course on this subject.
It is called Kosho Ryu Insights Advanced Pressure Point Principles and is part of the Kosho Core Concepts Series. And if you are new to the teachings of Kosho Ryu and Natural Laws join my FREE 5 Lesson Mini Course.
Kyusho Jitsu principles are amazing!
Kosho Ryu and Kyusho Jitsu Principles
At some point in time everyone who pays attention sees the connection between Kyusho Jitsu, the study of pressure points and the natural laws of Kosho Ryu. And when they see this they understand why Kyusho is so easy for me. Why is the knowledge is so deep! Because it is not me but the study itself.
And it took me 15 years to see that!
Kyusho Jitu prinicples are epic. But, the issues is application.Now I have a eBook called Kyusho Jitsu Theories to Street Application is which I dicuss this. And this is a great book because it shows my progress of learning. And this may help you on your journey too! This is why I leave my old content available.
But back tot he purpose of this message. Kyusho is practiced like any WAZA with the opponent basically standing still allowing the strikes. Below is an old Kyusho demonstation I did. You will see what I mean.
Kosho Ryu and Kyusho Jitsu Principles
Now here I am applying many different principles. But, in real life will the attacker stand and allow me to do my thing? I know you realize that this is not real. Like so much of what we "see" in thee world today. And you may be able to move just find and deal with the attack. But, what are you depending on to do so?
The average martial artist, and a vast majority while thinking pressure points are great, do not see how you can strike them live. But I have, why? Because I follow the natural laws of motion which opens up the body for attack. I cover this all in great deals in Pressure Points of Kosho Ryu.
Kosho Ryu and Kyusho Jitsu Principles in Conclusion

But that is simply striking pressure points. How do you counter strike and apply the principles LIVE? How to coneect Kosho Ryu and Kyusho Jitsu Principles?
That is what this new course called Kosho Ryu Insights: Advanced Pressure Point Principles is about.
This is going to cover many principles, but not the Yin/Yang principle because that needs it own course. Check these courses out! They are now in full production and will release long before the expected dates. Act now and save too! Follow the links for all the information.
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Pressure Points of Kosho Shorei Ryu
Advanced Kosho Core Concepts
Understanding the street applications for Pressure Point striking and the 5 Element Hand of Kyusho/Kosho and its application!

Kosho Ryu Core Concepts
The Ultimate Kosho Ryu Video Course Series
Natural Laws
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