Complete Kyusho Education. The very best way to learn Kyusho Jitsu is like I did, with a live teacher in a classroom.
However there are not many opportunities I am aware of. I am not even sure if my teacher Grand Master Steve Stewart is still holding these classes.
And I have no plans to return to teaching this way myself. I am also no longer interest in teaching seminars except for my own RMATC. However there are no sceduled events coming.
Complete Kyusho Education. So if physical learning is not possible for most that leave us online. And online can be a challenge too. Not everyone is good at learning via video. I have over the years offered many different video course options. The most popular is the Kyusho Home Study Course. It first come out in 2009 and went from DVD format to online download. And the course is massive. However I am considering retiring this course in the New Year. I think it has run its course, no pun intended.
Complete Kyusho Education
That leaves the written word. And that can also be problematic. I recently released a book called the Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z. And I actually do cover everything Kyusho Jitsu in this book. Alone it is an outstanding learning tool. You can with training do very very well with just this book. And it has been mildly popular. Far from my best selling book Kyusho Pressure Point Anatomy however.
Personally I think perhaps a combination of the 2? But I am really not sure. Statistically if 100 people show interest in Kyusho Jitsu only about 5 act on the interest. And of those 5 only 1 really does anything about it. So, how do you motivate people to train?
Complete Kyusho Education
I tried another method also. Also, I created full Kyusho Instructor Training Courses, which offered my full support and help to get people trained, and certified to teach Kyusho in the Dojo. And while sales were OK with this idea. The only places I am aware are offering classes is Spain and Malaysia. And the most important was that I was not looking for a share of teaching revenue either. Take the courses, do the study, teach people and succeed in spreading the word! But I get all the usual excuses. "That won't work where I live." Which is why they work for someone else.
Complete Kyusho Education. What is the Best Method? What do you think? Am I missing something? Logically might think it was economic, however price point seems to not matter. Lower prices have often hurt sales in fact. And FREE does not work either. That success rate is well below 1%.
Complete Kyusho Education - In Conclusion
Complete Kyusho Education? I am thinking maybe considering the times my book called Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z is what I will focus on. It is available right now in English and Spanish. Perhaps more languages is the best root?
Or are traditional martial arts dying in lue of the sport craze? Many things to ponder over the coming months.
While Kyusho Jitsu is an intellectual pursuit you still must do the training. Without the training there will be no result. And it must be the correct training for the streets also. Sport and street are 2 different worlds, not matter how much people wish otherwise.
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