Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!

All Life is Precious. What is the path to peace?

* All Life is Precious

All Life is Precious. I had a man from Australia contact me recently. He wanted to know if it was possible to kill someone with pressure points. And he told me that he believed that the police were murdering protesters using pressure points.

Now, that does not surprise me at all. I wish it did surprise me. I told him while possible, it was highly improbable because of the training required. 

Then he told me there were many trained in acupuncture and acupressure. 

Well that certainly is a game changer. Myself I believe these "people" need to be arrested, tried, convicted and executed for conspiracy to commit genocide, and remediated murder. I think we have seen enough genocide in the last 2 years with experimental medicine for profit and the enabling of serious mental illness to last all of eternity. All Life is Precious!

All Life is Precious

All life is precious because with life there is hope. Until, of course that life chooses not to be.

I am also believe it is a responsibility of ALL martial artists to learn and train in protect life. Not to take it, unless there is no other option. That mean self control. And I do not see much of this in the world today. The focus today in martial arts is to WIN a trophy. Show the world you are a great fighter, or Kata performer. Do you really think that matters? I did it all, and in my mind it was pointless. Also I was in about 70 to 80 tournaments. I had a lot of trophies. They are in a landfill somewhere now.

Martial Artist need to learn first, and train. Because learning never ends. Then once learned share this knowledge. Teaching to "do no harm" which today is not the way of the world. Rather the focus is often teaching to kill. Yes, that has value, but never when it is the object rather than a last resort. An epic failure in training. 

All Life is Precious

I teach the "art of escape" and Pressure Points. Because this education, if perused in earnest does not led to violence, but peace. Why? Violence is a low energy/frequency event. Even if for a trophy, it is still violence. And violence is always the result of FEAR. Learning the things I have focused on all my adult life leads to bravery. Because you know what you can do, are not intimated, and therefore can escape harm, thus doing no harm. Unless there is no choice. We must remember all Life is Precious!

Today we are at war, not a war of bombs, but a war of right vs wrong, good vs evil and waged through lies and propaganda. Violence is now considered virtue. And I mean real violence, not the virtue signally my feelings are hurt BS. Innocent people are being murder, and not the way CNN says, but by those who support companies like CNN. But I regress. 

All Life is Precious

I believe I am supposed to teach what I have spent a lifetime learning. And my problem is I have always been too cheap. Because I hope being low in price compared to others would drive sales. But there is no truth to this. in reality people do not value such things. Yet I continue. I have dozens of books and video courses, including as a small sample the ones below.

1) Introduction to Kosho Ryu
2) The Complete Guide to Kyusho Jitsu from A to Z.

Plus a new book called the 12 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu. For all of those who read about the products, perhaps only 1% take action. I am not sure how to increase that. 

In Conclusion

All Life is Precious CONCLUSION

I believe true, dedicated study in the martial arts can change the world. Because increasing the teachings, when based on values leads to men and women of peace.

It also can dispel fear. So are you really training and learning? Or are you spinning your wheels making excuses? 

Only you know the answer to this question. Thank you for reading "All Life is Precious." If you have any question please use the form below.


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* 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

24 Hour Diurnal Cycle of Kyusho Jitsu

Understanding the Body Clock

All NEW Kyusho Jitsu eBook!

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Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
Kyusho Jitsu World News Blog!