I ​Love Kyusho Jitsu. What are the reasons for my Passion?

I Love Kyusho Jitsu

Why do I Love Kyusho Jitsu?  In a nutshell, because the learning just never stops! When I first began the Kyusho Jitsu journey back in the early 2000's I did not expect just how involved I would become in the study. And after about 16 years I am still learning new things!

I love Kyusho Jitsu - The Novice Study

Novice study was for me a big challenge. I had been out of school forever, and as a teenager I hated memory work! But I really did want to learn this so very badly. The things I saw Kyusho masters do was to me astounding. Plus in my first introduction to Kyusho I learned things that I could take home and apply to my root art of Hapkido immediately. The science of pressure point self defense was for me a "calling." I Love Kyusho Jitsu!

The Novice Kyusho Principles were pretty straight forward, things like Attack Using the Cycle of Destruction made sense right away because I could make it work. It was very exciting to do! Other things like the 24 Hour Diurnal Cycle were more challenging because like I said I hated memory work! Plus at first I only had a superficial understanding, so I resisted it some. Today is different, I know it is one of the most important parts of the study!

That first year of Kyusho Jitsu, working my way towards my Black Belt was exciting. It cost me a lot of time and money too. I estimate I spent about $1500 with classes, travel and grading fees. But it was worth it! After the first year was finished I signed into the advanced program and my oldest son Curt joined the novice course.

I love Kyusho Jitsu - My Passion Grew

Over the years my passion grew and grew. Looking for ways to integrate it all into my root art. I decided I wanted to become an instructor and pursued certification in the system. I began to teach study groups and do seminars.  Today the passion continues to grow.

The Vegas Nerve

FYI - Benefits of Study

Today we face many different factors in our environment that affect our health negatively. As an example Alzheimer's Disease is on the rise globally. One of the causes of this is "aluminum." Today due to Geoengineering, which is FACT not FICTION and admitted by world governments is a major cause. 

Which is usual as no government has ever done anything right! However the good news is that "intellectual study" like Kyusho Jitsu can help with early onset of this terrible disease! Therefore not only is the study of the science of pressure point self defense important in self defense. It can also contribute to your brain health! I hope you can see all study, all learning is important! Build your passion! Love Kyusho Jitsu!

Below is information on how you can start to learn Kyusho FREE! 

I Love Kyusho Jitsu in Conclusion

Kyusho Article CONCLUSION

Perhaps you are like me? Success in Kyusho Jitsu is like anything else it takes time, money and dedication.

Plus getting good Kyusho information is a challenge. There is lots out there, but it lacks organization and support for optimum learning.

My mandate at the Kyusho Jitsu World Alliance is to tear down as many barriers to entry and success as possible. Check out the links below and see if the science of pressure point self defense is for you! 

July 25th 2021 - Today I have to add my passion grows. I have been because of different projects this year, like the Encyclopedia of Kyusho, learned many, many new things! I encourage everyone interested in the science of pressure points to dig in, work hard, the benefits are great!

Thank you for reading this article I Love Kyusho Jitsu. And I really do I Love Kyusho Jitsu! I hope you feel the same. Passion is very important in life.

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* Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide from A to Z

Complete Kyusho Jitsu Learning Guide

Kyusho Learning From A to Z

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